• Title/Summary/Keyword: 재활능력

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Development of Comprehensive Oro-Facial Function Scale (포괄적 구강안면기능척도(Comprehensive Oro-Facial Function Scale; COFFS)의 개발)

  • Son, Yeong Soo;Min, Kyoung Chul;Woo, Hee-Soon
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.69-85
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    • 2022
  • Objective : This study aimed to develop a Comprehensive Oro-Facial Function Scale (COFFS) that can evaluate oro-facial function in patients with dysphagia. Methods : To verify the item composition and reliability of the COFFS, preliminary items were collected by selecting and analyzing four previous studies, and the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) was derived through a second survey of experts. Cronbach's 𝛼 was calculated for the internal validity of the evaluation items, and the test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability were calculated using the internal classification coefficients (ICC). Results : The content validity ratio of all items was 0.67; in the case of Cronbach's 𝛼 value for each domain, 0.849 for communication domain, -0.224 for the oro-facial structure and shape, 0.831 for the ability to perform orofacial movements, and 0.946 for mastication and swallowing function. The test-retest reliability was 0.974 and the inter-rater reliability was 0.937, showing high reliability. Conclusion : In this study, the evaluation tool of COFFS was finally selected from 34 items in four areas and developed on a 3-5 point scale according to the evaluation items. In future studies, additional research is needed to prove its validity through correlation with other evaluation tools that measure oro-facial function.

Characteristics of accurate token and all token diadochokinesis in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus (정상압 수두증 환자와 정상 노인의 조음교대운동 수행력 비교)

  • Seong Hee Yoon;Ki-Su Park;Kyunghun Kang;Janghyeok Yoon;Ji-Wan Ha
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2024
  • Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a condition wherein the cerebrospinal pressure in the brain is within the normal range, but the cerebrospinal fluid increases above the normal level, causing ventriculomegaly. In patients with NPH, the articulatory system exhibits reduced mobility and range, which may affect diadochokinesis (DDK) and speech intelligibility. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of DDK, including accurate-token DDK and all-token DDK including inaccurate tokens, in patients with NPH and healthy elderly adults (HE). We also examined the classification accuracy of DDK between the two groups. Finally, we investigated whether there was a correlation between speech intelligibility and DDKs in the NPH group. The results showed that NPH and HE groups differed significantly in both accurate-token DDK and all-token DDK, and their classification accuracy was relatively high. However, there was no correlation between speech intelligibility and DDK. The findings suggest that the DDK is a useful method for sensitively assessing speech motor performance in patients with NPH.

Neurocognitive Function Assessment of Traumatic Brain Injury (외상후 뇌손상의 신경인지기능 평가)

  • Oh, Byoung Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 1995
  • 외상후 뇌손상은 대표적이며, 가장 중요한 신경정신계 질환의 하나이다. 더욱이 외상후 뇌손상 환자들은 각종의 사고 및 산업재해 등으로 인해 그 수가 급증하고 있으며, 특히 인지기능의 장애로 인한 다양한 기질성 정신장애로 고통을 겪게 된다. 따라서 외상후 뇌손상은 손상의 시점에서부터 정확하고 올바른 평가는 물론 손상후의 경과 및 치료대책의 수립에 있어서 체계적이며 종합적인 신경인지기능의 평가는 필수적이다. 왜냐하면 신경인지기능평가는 뇌의 손상부위와 이와 관련된 기능장애 및 행동의 변화에 대한 객관적인 자료를 제시해 주기 때문이다. 신경인지기능 평가의 영역은 지각, 운동기능은 물론 주요인지기능인 기억, 언어, 실행 및 감정조절능력에 이르기까지 다양하며, 외상후 뇌손상환자들은 손상부위 및 정도에 따라 신경인지기능의 장애를 초래하게 된다. 대표적인 신경인지기능평가 도구로는 KWIS, Halstead-Reitan, Luria-Nebraska batteries, 특히 전두엽기능검사인 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)를 비롯하여, 현재는 PC/S Vienna Test System 및 Stim등의 각종 전산화 인지기능검사가 개발되어 임상에서 활발히 사용되고 있다. 즉 외상후 뇌손상환자를 위한 신경인지기능평가의 목적은 뇌손상과 관련된 신경인지기능장애를 정확히 평가하여, 환자 개개인에 적합한 인지재활치료 계획을 수립하는데 있다. 물론 여기에는 신경정신상태검사(neuropsychiatric mental status examination)를 통하여 외상 후 뇌손상의 경과 및 예후에 결정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있는 나이, 의식소실 및 외상후 기억 손상 시간의 정확한 측정은 물론 심리 사회 문화적인 상태와 두부외상전 환자의 지적수준 및 사회 적용기능이 함께 평가되어야 할 것이다.

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양이온성 전분의 특징에 따른 마이크로파티클 보류시스템의 변화

  • 이학래;황남선;고창헌
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.44-44
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    • 2001
  • 최근들어 환경보호, 자원절약 및 산업의 경제성 확립을 위하여 전세계적으로 자원의 재활 용에 대한 일반 대중의 관심이 고조되고 있으며, 이와 때를 같이하여 각종 재활용 촉진을 위한 법규와 제도가 강화되어가고 있다. 이러한 분위기는 제지산업 분야의 경우 재생펄프 의 사용량 증가로 나타나고 있다. 그 동안 고지를 주된 원료로 사용하던 신문지, 판지 및 라이너지 등의 지종은 고지 사용 비율을 점차 높혀가고 있으며 천연펄프를 주된 원료로 이용하던 고급 인쇄용지와 화장지 분야에도 재생펄프의 사용이 시도되거나 확대되고 있 다. 아울러 전 지종에 걸쳐서 고수율 펄프의 활용 증대를 통한 산림자원 보호 및 경제성 확립에도 많은 노력이 경주되고 있다. 이러한 고지 및 고수율 펄프의 이용 증가 추세는 단 순한 경제적 이유에서 뿐만이 아니라 갈수록 강화되고 있는 환경보전과 자원절감을 달성 하기 위해서 지속되리라고 판단된다. 재생펄프의 이용과 함께 날로 엄격해지는 폐수 배출 규제와 관련하여 제지 공정을 폐쇄 화 방안이 적극 검토되고 있거나 실제로 적용되고 있다. 이에 따라 초지계의 백수 조건이 악화되고 있으며 앞으로 이러한 추세는 심화될 것이 자명하다. 이러한 백수계의 오염은 각종 첨가제의 기능 저하를 유발시키므로 공정 폐쇄화에 대처할 수 있는 새로운 기능성 보류시스템의 개발이 선행되지 않는다면 보류되지 못한 첨가제 혹은 미세분이 초지계를 오염시키는 악순환이 거듭될 것이 자명하다. 따라서 고지 재활용 및 공정 폐쇄화에 적극적으로 대처하기 위해서는 변화되는 원료 및 용수 조건에 능동적으로 대처할 수 있는 새로운 기능성 보류시스템으로서 전분과 마이크 로파티클로 구성된 보류 시스템을 검토하였다. 특히 마이크로파티클 시스템의 구성요소의 하나인 양성전분의 개질에 따른 효과를 평가하기 위해서 다양한 종류의 양성전분을 준비 하고 그 사용에 따른 미세분 보류도, reversibility 등을 측정하였다. 특히 reversibility를 측정함으로써 제지공정상에서의 전단력에 의한 응집에 파괴이후의 재응집 능력을 평가하 였다.

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A Study on the Change of ADL in the Elderly Disability Women after the Self Rehabilitation Exercise at Bedside (신체 장애 여성노인들의 침상 재활운동 후 일상생활수행능력 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Min
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2011
  • The improving in physical activity of Disability elder is the most important and effective way of prevent and treatment. Especially, It improves ADL(Activities Daily of Living) by decreasing restrictive function and dependence. This study was researched on change by comparing before and after about ADL of Women elders who were instructed self rehabilitation exercise in bedside and have been take that. The whole subjects are 92 persons. Elders aged 65 to 69 are 32 persons. elders aged 70 to 74 are 22 persons 38 persons are over the age of 75. This study shows that the whole subjects have been improved ADL. especially, "Take a bath" in detail items of ADL comes to the most improvement rate. Next, "Sit to stand on the bed and transfer" comes to the second highest rate. According to findings upon the age group. "Take a bath" is also the highest improvement rate. Elders aged 60 to 65 show "Sit to stand on the bed and transfer" is the second highest rate of improvement" and elders aged 70 to 74 show that "control urine" is the second highest rate of improvement. and elders over the age of 75 shows that "sit to stand on the bed and transfer" is the second highest rate of improvement. This study have some problems on having possibilities of results because hospitalized persons have answered imperfect statement and being compare progressed for short term with rehabilitation exercise. so, There are some causes that is early to be generalized.

Effect of Long-term Care Utilization on Health Care Utilization of the Medicaid Elderly (국민기초생활보장수급자의 장기요양 서비스 이용 여부가 의료 이용에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Woon-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.6746-6755
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the effect of long-term care utilization on the health care utilization of Medicaid elderly. The subjects were 5,834 long-term care insurance with the level 1 Medicaid elders, who received either service or non-service. This study examined the impact of long-term care service on the probability of health care utilization and the costs of health care utilization. The total medical cost and inpatient day between 2009-2007 were significant factors affecting long-term care utilization (${\beta}=.29$, p< .001, ${\beta}=.33$, p< .001 ) and this variable explained 22.6% of the total medical cost and 22.4% of the inpatient day. The results showed that non-service in long-term care was associated with an increase in health care utilization. The current long-term care insurance system should place higher priority and more resource allocation on long-term care utilization to increase the efficiency of the insurance system.

A Study of patients with Head Injuries (뇌 손상 환자의 특성과 인지능력의 회복에 관한 연구)

  • 최스미
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.464-475
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    • 1992
  • Head Injuries due to traffic accidents are now the leading cause of death and long term disability in males between 30-50 years. Many patients with head injuries experience mild dysfunction of cognition without major neurosurgical problems, and this may interfere with successful rehabilitation. However, not many studies have been done to investigate the cognitive functioning following mild head injuries. The purpose of this study was to obtain injured patient's dermographic data including medical, neuropsychological and social data, and to investigate the cause of injury and alcohol use at the time of injury. This study focused on the recovery of cognitive function in patients with head injuries and used the Mini Mental State Examination(MMSE) score and its correlation with dermographic and social data. Data on 77 patients with minor head injuries who were admitted to the department of Neurosurgery in 3 and I hospital in Dae Jun from September 1991 to February 1992 were analyzed. The findings of this study are as follows ; 1) Out of the 77 cases reviewed in this study, 62 were male, 15 were female. 2) A higher incidence of injury was observed between 7:00 PM and 12:00 PM. 3) The most common cause of head injury in traffic accidents was pedestrian accidents, and the next most frequent cause was motorcycle accidents. 4) Thirteen of the 77 cases in this study were under the influence of alcohol at the time of injury, and they were all male. 5) The MMSE scores one month after injury and at discharge were significantly lower in patients with head injuries that included skull fractures than in patients without skull fractures, suggesting lower cognitive function in patients with skull fractures. 6) The level of consciousness at admission and three days after admission measured by the GCS for drivers under the influence of alcohol was lower than for sober drivers. The MMSE score was also lower for drunken drivers. 7) The MMSE score one month after the injury had a reciprocal relationship with the age of the patient. 8) The MMSE score one month after the injury and at discharge were highly correlated with the duration of unconsciousness. 9) The MMSE score one month after injury and at discharge were highly correlated with the GCS scores at admission, three days after admission, and one week after admission.

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멀티미디어 기술 기반 방송제작 체계

  • 김경수
    • Communications of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2002
  • 디지털 기술의 급속한 발전에 의한 디지털 방송의 도입은 방송환경에 커다란 변혁을 초래하고 있다. 기술의 발전은 방송, 통신, 컴퓨터를 융합시킨 새로운 미디어 서비스를 등장시키고 있으며, 이러한 미디어의 융합은 지금까지 독자적인 영역에서 발전하여 오던 각각의 미디어들이 가지고 있는 한계성 또는 단점을 상호보완적으로 개선함으로써 서비스 능력을 대폭적으로 향상시키는 방향으로 전개되고 있다. 이와같은 디지털 시대의 대변혁은 멀티미디어 서비스를 그 중심축으로 하고 있으며, 이른바 방송통신 융합시대의 경쟁력 있는 서비스를 도입하기 위한 미디어간, 국가간의 경계영역을 초월한 글로벌 경쟁체제가 급속히 진전되어 가고 있다. 이와 같은 미디어의 융합 현상에 따라 제작 환경도 새로운 디지털 방송 서비스를 효율적으로 지원하도록 전환되어야 한다. 디지털 방송의 특징인 고품질 및 다채널 시대를 맞아 방송 콘텐츠의 재활용도를 높이는 것은 매우 중요하며, 데이터 방송, 인터넷 방송 등 다양한 기능의 서비스를 도입하기 위해선 제작 체계의 개선이 뒷받침되어야 한다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 새로운 제작 환경에 대해서 살펴보고자 한다. 특히, 컴퓨터 기반의 제작 환경 구축에 핵심 요소인 넌리니어 편집시스템과 방송 콘텐츠를 효율적으로 관리하고 재활용할 수 있는 디지털 아카이브에 대해 소개하고자 한다. 테이프 대신 하드디스크를 기록 매체로 하는 넌리니어(non-linear) 시스템의 등장에 따라 방송 프로그램 제작에 대한 새로운 개념의 정립이 필요하게 되었으며, 이를 근간으로 하는 새로운 프로그램 제작환경, 즉 네트워크에 의해 컴퓨터와 데이터베이스를 연결하여 제작으로부터 송출가지 통합관리가 가능한 새로운 방송 프로그램 제작환경, 이른바 멀티미디어 제작환경을 구축하는 것이 디지털 방송 시대의 방송 사업자에게 가장 중요한 과제중의 하나가 되었다. 멀티미디어 제작환경을 구축함으로써 영상, 음성 및 다양한 부가 데이터를 포함하는 멀티미디어 프로그램을 편리하게 제작할 수 있으며, 데이터베이스로부터 필요한 영상 이미지를 자유롭게 합성, 조작하는 등, 매우 다양하고 편리한 제작기법을 활용할 수 있다. 또한 멀티미디어를 응용한 제작 분야로서 컴퓨터 그래픽스 기술은 방송의 사전제작에 커다란 기여를 하고 있으며, 이미 선거방송을 비롯한 여러가지 프로그램은 가상스튜디오와 가상캐릭터 기술을 활용하여 제작하고 있다. 방송사업자는 이러한 멀티미디어 제작시스템을 근간으로 영상검색, 영상 합성, 스크립트 편집, 가상현실 응용 등 고도의 제작 기법을 활용함으로써 사용자 친화성, 다이나믹한 표현, 실시간, 대화성을 특징으로 하는 다양한 멀티미디어 서비스를 시청자에게 제공할 수 있을 것이다.

Effect of the Virtual Reality Cognitive Rehabilitation Program on Cognition Ability and Activities of Daily Living in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (가상현실 인지재활 프로그램이 경도인지장애 환자의 인지능력과 일상생활동작에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Hyeok-Jun;Kim, Sang-Ryul;Kim, Jeong-Heon;Song, Dae-Heon;Yang, Ji-Eun;Chu, Mi-Ran;Lee, Hyun-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 2020
  • PURPOSE: This study investigated the effect of a head-mounted display (HMD) based virtual reality (VR) cognitive rehabilitation program on the cognitive ability and activities of daily living in patients with mild cognitive impairment. METHODS: This study enrolled 5 mild cognitive impairment patients at the G welfare center in Gwangju metropolitan city. Patients were examined using the MMSEDS (Mini mental state examination-dementia screening). The VR cognitive rehabilitation program was applied twice a week for four weeks. The functional independence measure (FIM) and Loewenstein occupational therapy cognitive assessment-geriatric population (LOTCA-G) were compared before and after applying the VR cognitive rehabilitation program. RESULTS: Subsequent of application of the VR cognitive rehabilitation program, significant increase was observed in the LOTCA-G score. The FIM score was also perceived to increase, after the intervention, but was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Application of the VR cognitive rehabilitation program as a therapy is effective in improving the visual perception, and upper extremity executive ability, especially orientation, thinking organization, attention, and concentration.

Effects of Using Aid in Enhancing Walking Ability After Rehabilitative Care in Patients With Spinal Cord Injury (재활 후 척수손상환자 보행능력의 양상과 보조 장구 사용 실태)

  • Shin, Young-Il;Lee, Hyoung-Soo
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.54-62
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to find the effects of using aid in enhancing walking ability inpatients with spinal cord injury who have received rehabilitative care. The study population consisted of 24 spinal cord injury patients referred to the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine in the National Rehabilitation Center (NRC). All subjects were ambulatory with or without an assistive devices. All of the participants were assessed on SCIM II, WISCI II, FIM, MBI, gait speed (m/s), and walking endurance (120 min/m). The data were analyzed using a paired t-test, a one-way ANOVA, and a Duncan test. The results revealed that TSCIM II and all of the items of SCIM II of the cervical ASIA D group patients were higher than those of the Thoracic ASIA A and C group patients (p<.05). The FIM, MBI, and WISCI II of the cervical ASIA D group patients were higher than those of the Thoracic ASIA C group patients (p>.05). The walking velocities of the lumbar ASIA C group patients were higher than those of Thoracic ASIA A group patients (p<.05). The walking endurance of the lumbar ASIA C group patients was higher than that of the thoracic ASIA C group patients (p<.05). The ASIA D group patients used bilateral standard canes or crutches, but none used AFO. The ASIA A and C group patients used bilateral standard walkers with KAFO for standing and walking. The findings suggest that injury level as well as the functionality of walking aids should be considered when formulating a rehabilitative plan for patients with spinal cord injury.

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