• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자연식생지도

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Properties of Wildbirds Habitat according to Biotope Types at Seom River and Wonju Stream (원주시 섬강, 원주천의 비오톱유형별 야생조류 서식특성 연구)

  • Noh, Tai-Hwan;Pi, Jae-Hwang;Choi, Jin-Woo;Lee, Kyong-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.676-689
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    • 2013
  • This study is to understand the current situation of Wonju Stream, which flows through Wonju, Kangwon-do, and Seom River, the national river located outside of Wonju, by investigating all river areas using biotope type. Also, this research looked into the relationship between biotope and appearance of wild birds by investigating the location of their appearance. Biotope groups are 'scale', 'shape', and 'landscape'. And, biotope types are 'moisture', 'physical environment', and 'existence of vegetation'. Biotope subtypes are 'river area', 'physical environment', 'vegetation type', and 'usage of land'. Seom River is classified as 21 different sections, and Wonju Stream is classified as 19 different sections. Wild birds are investigated on breeding season, which was January and May of 2008. By marking each bird's location of appearance, it figured out properties of biotope according to the location of bird's appearance. 31 species, 795 birds in spring were founded, and 49 species, 4,348 birds are founded in winter at Seom River area. Also, 34 species, 427 birds in spring, and 33 species, 3,442 birds are founded in winter at Wonju Stream area. In winter, 26 species, 547 birds, and in spring, 12 species, 72 birds at natural river with estuaries in confluence of Seom River area are founded. Also, 34 species, 1412 birds in winter, and 24 species, 341 birds in spring are founded at natural river with estuaries and wetland plants. This means that because agricultural rivers have wide river width, slow flow speed, and many different types of biotope, these rivers can be good habitats for wild birds. The precise investigations and classifications of biotope, which especially are hard for linear rivers, were done to understand the whole and current situation of rivers. Furthermore, the data that shows the locations of wild birds can basically be used for a recovery of biological habitats, a constructing of ecological streams, a river-maintenance, and an enhancement of biodiversity of Wonju. Also, because the types of biotope are altered by rain, a continuous monitoring for maintaining ecosystem of rivers are highly needed.

Farm Land Use Classification for the Planning of Planting of Eucalyptus Spp. at Mato Grosso do Sul of Brazil Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (브라질 Mato Grosso do Sul 주에서의 유칼리나무 식재계획(植栽計劃)을 위한 농장토지이용구분(農場土地利用區分)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 원격탐사기술(遠隔探査技術)과 지리정보(地理情報)시스템(GIS)의 적용(適用) -)

  • Woo, Jong-Choon;Nobrega, Ricardo Campos;Imana-Encinas, Jose
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.88 no.2
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 1999
  • This paper analyzed vegetation and land use classification, slope and permanent preservation and legal reserves on the farm Jangada and Jamaica-Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, using satellite image for assisting the planning of planting Eucalyptus spp. This part of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul represents an important geopolitcal area, since it is located on the borders of Bolivia and Paraguay. Also exportation of goods can be achieved through hydrovias extending to Buenos Aires, Argentina-through the Paraguay River. Also there are road and railroad connection which link the soutreastern part of Brazil to the Andean countries. The vegetation map from sheet SF 21-Campo Grande of the RADAMBRASIL Project was used as the basis for the preliminary interpretation of coverage, and complemented by a visit of the field. After the initial interpretation of the image, definition of classes of use and land occupation were made, and files of spectral signatures were created. On the farms Jamaica and Jangada Open Arboreal Savanna and Grass Savanna are the predominant physiognomies occupying 68% of total area. In spite of the results being satisfactory at the present moment, the development of this project should be revised and adjusted based on the evaluations already made, including a greater detailing of environmental components, principally with respect to soil and topography.

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An Analysis of a 100-Years-Old Map of the Heritage Trees in Jeju Island (제주도 노거수 자연유산의 100년 전과 현재 분석)

  • Song, Kuk-Man;Kim, Yang-Ji;Seo, Yeon-Ok;Choi, Hyung-Soon;Choi, Byoung-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.20-29
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to verify and reconstruct the record information for big old trees of Jeju on the basis of the precise map of Jeju island in 1918 which was produced 100 years ago. For the analysis of high altitude, coordinate system and georeferencing were performed by selecting representative points using ArcGIS. We extracted digitized information by using point extraction method and extracted attribute information based on legend type and relative size in map. Based on the map of the past 100 years ago, the present situation of the big old tree in Jeju was analyzed and their characteristics were analyzed. In addition, based on the information of the protected big old trees in present, we discussed the characteristics of past tree (1918), present tree (2019), and contribution of big old tree in Jeju landscape and vegetation. As a result, 1,013 individuals were distributed in Jeju Island 100 years ago. Even when it was intensive in the use of timber, the big old trees were protected, and contributed as a representative component of Jeju's unique landscape. The remaining distribution of Jeju's big old tree is 159 trees. As in the past, distribution has been confirmed around the lowlands, but declines in numbers are found throughout the island. The major factors for the decline of individuals are large-scale development projects such as reaching the limit of life, natural disturbance (typhoon, disease, pest, drought, etc.). However, it is presumed that a large number of individuals have played a leading role in shaping the current forests as contributing to important species sources in the restoration process of Jeju vegetation. However, it is presumed that a large number of individuals (405) have played a leading role in forming the present forest by contributing to the species pool in the restoration process of Jeju vegetation.

Design Strategies for Ecological Restoration Using System Dynamics - Focused on 2015 Miryang-si Jayeon Madang Development Project - (시스템 다이내믹스를 활용한 생태복원 설계 전략 - 2015 밀양시 자연마당 조성사업을 사례로 -)

  • Ham, Eun-Kyung;Song, Ki-Hwan;Chon, Jinhyung;Cho, Dong-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.86-97
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    • 2015
  • "The Jayeon Madang Development Project("JMDP")" is a project being promoted by the Ministry of Environment to create a cultural space and a natural rest area within the city. Abuksan, located at Abuksan in Gyeongsangnam-do Miryang-si Naeil-dong, has suffered a substantial amount of environmental degradation over time, so the need for ecological restoration made it a natural choice for the location of the JMDP's site. The purpose of this study is to examine ecological restoration design strategies used in Abuksan as part of the JMDP using system dynamics. The national archery center, hole, and arable land sites are key restoration areas in Abuksan that have faced with ecological problems. In this study, we identified the status of each site, determined key strategies being implemented, and designed based on the strategies implemented up to this point for solving problems associated with each sites through the use of causal loop diagrams. The results of the causal loop diagram analysis are as follows. The national archery center site was designed around strategies including planting green manure crops and introducing hugelkultur to reduce soil acidification and green network degradation. The hole site was designed as a constructed wetland based on the emergence of hygropreference vegetation, hydrated by rainwater collected at the bottom of hole, ecological and cultural benefits of such an environment. The arable land site restoration design was built around planting native vegetation on one part of the arable land site after soil quality improved and around restoration of grassland and a dry wetland on the other part of the site to reduce soil acidification, erosion, and green network degradation. This study is a significant attempt to apply principles of system dynamics to ecological restoration by providing the design strategies using comprehension of some problems in the ecosystem feedback loops, which has not been used before in general design processes for ecological restoration.

Evaluating Ecosystem Services and Carbon Sequestration in Urban Wetlands: A Case Study of the Gapcheon Wetland in Daejeon, South Korea (도심 습지의 생태계 서비스와 탄소 흡수 평가: 대전 갑천습지 사례 연구)

  • Hyemin Lee;Chan-Mi Choi;Jung-Hyun Yoo;Yong-Chan Cho;Young-Soo Han
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.5
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    • pp.633-645
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    • 2024
  • Ecosystem services are increasingly recognized for their role in mitigating climate change, particularly through carbon storage and biodiversity. Protecting wetland ecosystems, which are vulnerable to climate change, has become a priority for achieving carbon neutrality. In response, assessment techniques for evaluating wetland value and enhancing carbon sequestration are being developed. Notably, on June 5, 2023, the natural river section of Gapcheon in Daejeon was designated as South Korea's 31st inland national wetland protection area, marking it as the only urban wetland ecosystem in the country to receive such protection. This study evaluates the habitat quality and carbon storage capacity of the Gapcheon Wetland in Daejeon using the InVEST model. To ensure reliability, this study cross-referenced data from the Ministry of Environment's Ecological Zoning Map and the National Ecological Network Map. Additionally, field surveys were conducted to analyze the organic carbon content in the sediment of the Gapcheon Wetland, assessing the applicability of the InVEST model. The habitat quality assessment using InVEST revealed scores ranging from 0.4606 to 0.0787 across different points in the wetland. Soil analysis at 18 sites showed an average organic matter content of 4.28% and organic carbon content of 2.48%, consistent with similar studies on river wetlands. Since InVEST is based on land cover data, classifications may vary depending on the region and survey period. Therefore, to enhance reliability in assessing habitat quality and carbon storage, it is essential to consider factors such as vegetation, non-vegetation environments, and biodiversity. Moreover, the current lack of standardized input data for the InVEST model in South Korea, which relies on foreign research, underscores the need for developing national coefficients and data infrastructure.

The Suggestion for Classification of Biotope Type for Nationwide Application (전국적 적용을 위한 비오톱유형분류 제안)

  • Choi, Il-Ki;Oh, Choong-Hyeon;Lee, Eun-Heui
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.666-678
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    • 2008
  • The needs for drawing up of biotope map is rapidly spreaded over each local government recently in Korea, according as enhancing of interest about biotope, which is recognized to practical instrument for concretely being able to considering natural environment and ecosystem on all sorts of development plan. However, there are not yet the standard suggestion on biotope types and classification systems and biotope classification criteria. Therefore, each other methodologies are applied to each of local autonomies. First, under such critical mind the biotope types and classification systems were drafted by a review on biotope types, biotope classification systems, and biotope classification criteria of the preceded case studies until now at the inside and outside of the country. And then the purpose of this study is to derive biotope types and biotope classification systems applicable to the whole Korean region through continual feed back such as field surveys in selected representative areas and consultations. As a result of reviewing the case examples, first, the biotope classification systems were mixed two steps system with three steps system and those were composed mostly of the structure of two steps: large and small. Second, land-use, soil pavement ratio, green cover ratio, and vegetation usually were applied to the biotope classification criteria. This study suggests that the biotope classification system is consisted of four steps system: large(biotope class), medium(biotope group), small(biotope type) and detail(sub-biotope type), and the biotope types are classified into 13 types of large step, 45 types of medium step and 127 types of small step. However, this study suggests that the new biotope types on small step or detail step should be continually supplemented with the foundation of classification system proposed in this study because the biotope type classification should consider regional characteristics.

Analysis of the Surface Urban Heat Island Changes according to Urbanization in Sejong City Using Landsat Imagery (Landsat영상을 이용한 토지피복 변화에 따른 행정중심복합도시의 표면 열섬현상 변화분석)

  • Lee, Kyungil;Lim, Chul-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.225-236
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    • 2022
  • Urbanization due to population growth and regional development can cause various environmental problems, such as the urban heat island phenomenon. A planned city is considered an appropriate study site to analyze changes in urban climate caused by rapid urbanization in a short-term period. In this study, changes in land cover and surface heat island phenomenon were analyzed according to the development plan in Sejong City from 2013 to 2020 using Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor (OLI/TIRS) satellite imagery. The surface temperature was calculated in consideration of the thermal infrared band value provided by the satellite image and the emissivity, and based on this the surface heat island effect intensity and Urban Thermal Field Variance Index (UTFVI) change analysis were performed. The level-2 land cover map provided by the Ministry of Environment was used to confirm the change in land cover as the development progressed and the difference in the surface heat island intensity by each land cover. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the urbanized area increased by 15% and the vegetation decreased by more than 28%. Expansion and intensification of the heat island phenomenon due to urban development were observed, and it was confirmed that the ecological level of the area where the heat island phenomenon occurred was very low. Therefore, It can suggest the need for a policy to improve the residential environment according to the quantitative change of the thermal environment due to rapid urbanization.

Topographic Factors Computation in Island: A Comparison of Different Open Source GIS Programs (오픈소스 GIS 프로그램의 지형인자 계산 비교: 도서지역 경사도와 지형습윤지수 중심으로)

  • Lee, Bora;Lee, Ho-Sang;Lee, Gwang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.903-916
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    • 2021
  • An area's topography refers to the shape of the earth's surface, described by its elevation, slope, and aspect, among other features. The topographical conditions determine energy flowsthat move water and energy from higher to lower elevations, such as how much solar energy will be received and how much wind or rain will affect it. Another common factor, the topographic wetness index (TWI), is a calculation in digital elevation models of the tendency to accumulate water per slope and unit area, and is one of the most widely referenced hydrologic topographic factors, which helps explain the location of forest vegetation. Analyses of topographical factors can be calculated using a geographic information system (GIS) program based on digital elevation model (DEM) data. Recently, a large number of free open source software (FOSS) GIS programs are available and developed for researchers, industries, and governments. FOSS GIS programs provide opportunitiesfor flexible algorithms customized forspecific user needs. The majority of biodiversity in island areas exists at about 20% higher elevations than in land ecosystems, playing an important role in ecological processes and therefore of high ecological value. However, island areas are vulnerable to disturbances and damage, such as through climate change, environmental pollution, development, and human intervention, and lacks systematic investigation due to geographical limitations (e.g. remoteness; difficulty to access). More than 4,000 of Korea's islands are within a few hours of its coast, and 88% are uninhabited, with 52% of them forested. The forest ecosystems of islands have fewer encounters with human interaction than on land, and therefore most of the topographical conditions are formed naturally and affected more directly by weather conditions or the environment. Therefore, the analysis of forest topography in island areas can be done more precisely than on its land counterparts, and therefore has become a major focus of attention in Korea. This study is focused on calculating the performance of different topographical factors using FOSS GIS programs. The test area is the island forests in Korea's south and the DEM of the target area was processed with GRASS GIS and SAGA GIS. The final slopes and TWI maps were produced as comparisons of the differences between topographic factor calculations of each respective FOSS GIS program. Finally, the merits of each FOSS GIS program used to calculate the topographic factors is discussed.

Analysis on the Users′ Behaviors and Satisfaction on the Actual Conditions of Management in Chiri Mountain National Park (지리산국립공원의 이용자 행태분석과 관리실태에 대한 만족도 조사에 관한 연구)

  • 김광래;진희성;김세천
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 1988
  • The purpose of this thesis is to suggest objective basic data for park management proposal through the quantitative analysis of users' behaviors and satisfaction for the actual conditions of management in the Chiri Mountain National Park. For this users' behaviors and socio-economic characteristics have been cross-analyzed. Specifically, it attempts to investigate users' anticipate and degree of satisfaction applied Expectancy Theory by Likert attitude scale. Users'behaviors patterns of each site have been analyzed by the factor analysis algorithm, and each factor scores of sites have been clustered by the cluster method. And also user' satisfaction for the actual conditions of management have been analyzed by using the multiple regression. The major user groups were students and youth groups accompanied by their friends ranging from 3 to 10. The values of user'post occupancy-evaluation for such as rockwall climbing and praying on the mountain of each site showed higher than those of anticipated, but evaluation values of other activities were lower. The user'behaviors of each site have been analyzed five factors by factor analysis algorithm. By using the control method for the number of factors, T.V. has been obtained as 50.58%. The factor score of factor covering the behavior patterns of student and youth yield high EV. and C.V.. On the analysis of cluster using factor score, factor IV in Hwaomsa temple site and Ssanggyesa temple site, factor II, v in Jungsanri Valley site, factor, I, III in Bangmudong valley site and factor I. IV in Baemsagol vallry site showed very high values, respectively. According to the multiple regression analysis, the major variables related to the satisfaction for the actual conditions of vegetation and landscape managements were reservation of groundcover, recovery of artificial injury, the surroundings of camping and temple site. In the park facilities and operation, the major variables related to the satisfaction were conditions of management such amenity facilities as privy, sign board, junk yard, camping site, and guidance of excursion, campaign and preservation of nature.

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