• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자동 백색 보정

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Single Tone Detection Algorithm for Improve on Auto White Balance of Mobile Phone Camera (모바일 폰 카메라의 자동백색보정 성능향상을 위한 단색영상 검출 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Kyung-Rin;Jang, Won-Woo;Kim, Joo-Hyun;Yang, Hoon-Gee;Kang, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.1292-1302
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we proposed Single Tone Detection Algorithm for prevent decoloration and color distortion of single tone image in auto white balance of mobile phone camera. Conventional auto white balance which accomplish very well using complex color images, but there are some problems if input images are single tone image or included large part of single tone. If input images are singlet one, or included large part of single tone, which cause decoloration or distorted color in output images. In this paper, we proposed single tone detection algorithm using color histogram data for solve decoloration or distorted color problems. If this algorithm is applied to auto white balance, it will be improvement in auto white balance.

Real-time Video Auto White Balance Algorithm Implementation for HD IP Network Camera based on DM36x (DM36x 기반 HD IP 네트워크 카메라를 위한 실시간 비디오 자동 백색 보정 알고리즘 구현)

  • Choi, Kwon-Seok;Chung, Sun-Tae;Kang, Ho-Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.18-21
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    • 2012
  • 자동 백색 보정은 디지털 비디오 프로세싱에서 매우 중요한 기능이며, IP 네트워크 카메라의 경우에도 필수적인 영상 전처리 과정이다. 본 논문은 TI 사의 비디오 프로세서인 DM36x을 이용하여 제작된 HD IP 네트워크 카메라에서의 실시간으로 동작할 수 있는 효과적인 비디오 자동 백색 보정 알고리즘을 구현한 결과를 기술한다. 구현한 자동 백색 보정 알고리즘은 매우 효과적인 것으로 알려진 그레이 컬러 포인트 기반 알고리즘을 DM36x의 AWB 엔진이 제공하는 기능을 이용하여 실시간으로 동작될 수 있도록 고쳐서 구현하였다.

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Simplification and Improvement of One Color Detector Structure for Automatic White Balancing (자동백색보정 기능에 사용되는 단색 영상 검출 구조의 간소화 및 성능 향상)

  • Ahn, Ho-Pil;Jang, Won-Woo;Kim, Joo-Hyun;Yang, Hoon-Gee;Kang, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose the simplified and improved system of One Color Detector to protect color distortion of simple color images in the processed of Auto White Balance (AWB). The proposed One Color Detector is based on Grayworld algorithm which controls color compensation except one color in simple image and widely applies for mobile phone camera because of high efficiency. This system can be suitable for diverse image size, and let user control the threshold in diverse size and environments compared with conventional system. Also the hardware size of the proposed system is reduced by 80% over that of the conventional one.

Implementation of color CCD Camera using DSP(GCB4101) (디지털 신호처리 칩(GCD4101)을 사용한 컬러 CCD 카메라 구현)

  • Kwon, O-Sang;Lee, Eung-Hyuk;Min, Hong-Ki;Chung, Jung-Seok;Hong, Seung-Hong
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 1999
  • The research and implementation was preformed on high-resolution CCTV camera with CCD exclusive DSP conventional analog signal processor CCTV camera has its limit on auto exposure(AE), auto white balance(AWB), back light compensation(BLC) processing, severe distortion and noise of image, manual control parameter setting, etc. In our study, to resolve the problems in conventional CCTV camera, we made it possible to control AE, AWB, BLC automatically by the use of the DSP, which are used exclusively in the CCD camera produced domestically, and the microcontroller. And we utilized the function of screen display of microcontroller for the user-friendly interface to control CCD camera. And the electronic variable resister(EVR) was used to avoid setting parameters manually in the level of manufacturing process. As the result, It became possible to control parameters of the camera by program. And the cost-down effect was accomplished by improving the reliability of parameter values and reducing the efforts in setting parameters.

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Analysis of the Characteristics for Quadrature Receivers Adopting an Auto-Calibration Method (자동 보정 기능을 가진 직교 위상 수신기의 특성 해석)

  • Kwon, Soon-Man;Kim, Seog-Joo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.100-106
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    • 2009
  • This paper deals with an estimation problem of the gain and phase imbalances between the in-phase and quadrature components in the quadrature receivers which are widely used in wireless communications. It is shown that the estimates derived from the suggested auto-calibration algorithm is asymptotically minimum-variance unbiased as a function of the sampling time. In order to show this characteristic, the probability density functions of the estimates for the gain and phase imbalances are derived first. Then the mean and variance functions are investigated analytically or numerically based on the density functions.

Novel Auto White Balance Algorithm Using Adaptive Color Sampling Based on $CIEL^*a^*b^*$ color space for Mobile Phone Camera ($CIEL^*a^*b^*$ 색 공간에서 적응적 컬러 샘플링을 이용한 Mobile Phone 카메라용 자동화이트 밸런스 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Kyung-Rin;Son, Kyoung-Soo;Ha, Joo-Young;Kim, Sang-Choon;Kang, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.1356-1362
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    • 2008
  • In this paper. we propose a novel auto white balance algorithm which is one of the representative functions on cameras. White balance is the process of removing unrealistic color casts, which will make the captured white objects appear white. For white balance, we employ $CIEL^*a^*b^*$ color space which is the most complete color model available and is conventionally used to describe all the colors visible to the human eye and estimate the color difference on white objects with distribution of the image which is called the reference white estimation. For accuracy, we form groups or sets of pixels that are altered by the light sources and other elements. Moreover, Standard group is decided by judgment of specific-case images with the information of groups. Then, the reference white estimation is performed by the color sampling which is to choose all the accumulated pixels contained within the standard group. The color gain for image compensation by considering the color saturation is also computed. the proposed algorithm provides a significant performance.

Bare-Hand Tracking Based on Automatic Color Calibration in Front Projection Environment (정면 투영 환경에서의 자동 칼라 보정에 의한 손 영역 추적 알고리즘)

  • Koh, Jane;Nam, Yang-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.07b
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    • pp.766-768
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    • 2005
  • 최근 대형 디스플레이 및 웨어러블 컴퓨터의 등장과 함께 키보드와 마우스를 사용하는 일반 데스크탑 환경에서 벗어난 컴퓨터와의 자연스러운 상호 작용 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 스크린 정면에 놓인 프로젝터가 스크린과 그 위에 놓인 사용자의 손 위에 화면을 투영할 때 PC 카메라로 입력된 프레임 속에서 손의 영역을 인식하여 컴퓨터와 상호작용하게 하고자 한다. 이 경우에 투영된 빛이 사용자의 손 위에도 합쳐짐으로 인하여 피부의 고유색이 사라진다. 또한, 투영되는 화면이 사용자와 컴퓨터의 상호 작용에 따라 추정할 수 없이 변함에 따른 적응적 인식 방법이 필요하다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 손을 인식하기에 앞서 스크린에 투영될 원본 이미지에 대해 칼라 보정을 수행하여 추정되는 카메라 입력 프레임을 생성한다. 이를 위해 우선 백색 영상을 투영하여 프레임 내의 자기 오차 맵을 생성한 후 R,G,B 채널 별로 원본 값에 대한 카메라 반응 값들을 룩업 테이블에 저장한다. 이를 통해 원본 이미지에 대해 칼라보정을 수행하고, 생성된 카메라 추정 프레임과 실제 카메라로 입력된 프레임 간 자기 성분을 비교하여 손 영역을 검출한다. 실험 결과, 주변의 조명 상태나 프로젝터 및 카메라의 위치에 관계없이 안정적인 인식 결과를 보였다.

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Flesh Tone Balance Algorithm for AWB of Facial Pictures (인물 사진을 위한 자동 톤 균형 알고리즘)

  • Bae, Tae-Wuk;Lee, Sung-Hak;Lee, Jung-Wook;Sohng, Kyu-Ik
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.11C
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    • pp.1040-1048
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes an auto flesh tone balance algorithm for the picture that is taken for people. General white balance algorithms bring neutral region into focus. But, other objects can be basis if its spectral reflectance is known. In this paper the basis for white balance is human face. For experiment, first, transfer characteristic of image sensor is analyzed and camera output RGB on average face chromaticity under standard illumination is calculated. Second, Output rate for the image is adjusted to make RGB rate for the face photo area taken under unknown illumination RGB rate that is already calculated. Input tri-stimulus XYZ can be calculated from camera output RGB by camera transfer matrix. And input tri-stimulus XYZ is transformed to standard color space (sRGB) using sRGB transfer matrix. For display, RGB data is encoded as eight-bit data after gamma correction. Algorithm is applied to average face color that is light skin color of Macbeth color chart and average color of various face colors that are actually measured.