• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자동 기준점 추출

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Automatic Segmentation of the Prostate in MR Images using Image Intensity and Gradient Information (영상의 밝기값과 기울기 정보를 이용한 MR영상에서 전립선 자동분할)

  • Jang, Yj-Jin;Jo, Hyun-Hee;Hong, Helen
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.695-699
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose an automatic prostate segmentation technique using image intensity and gradient information. Our method is composed of four steps. First, rays at regular intervals are generated. To minimize the effect of noise, the start and end positions of the ray are calculated. Second, the profiles on each ray are sorted based on the gradient. And priorities are applied to the sorted gradient in the profile. Third, boundary points are extracted by using gradient priority and intensity distribution. Finally, to reduce the error, the extracted boundary points are corrected by using B-spline interpolation. For accuracy evaluation, the average distance differences and overlapping region ratio between results of manual and automatic segmentations are calculated. As the experimental results, the average distance difference error and standard deviation were 1.09mm $\pm0.20mm$. And the overlapping region ratio was 92%.

An Experimental Approach of Keyword Extraction in Korean-Chinese Text (국한문 혼용 텍스트 색인어 추출기법 연구 『시사총보』를 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Yoo Kyung;Ban, Jae-yu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study is to develop a technique for keyword extraction in Korean-Chinese text in the modern period. We considered a Korean morphological analyzer and a particle in classical Chinese as a possible method for this study. We applied our method to the journal "Sisachongbo," employing proper-noun dictionaries and a list of stop words to extract index terms. The results show that our system achieved better performance than a Chinese morphological analyzer in terms of recall and precision. This study is the first research to develop an automatic indexing system in the traditional Korean-Chinese mixed text.

RPC Correction of KOMPSAT-3A Satellite Image through Automatic Matching Point Extraction Using Unmanned AerialVehicle Imagery (무인항공기 영상 활용 자동 정합점 추출을 통한 KOMPSAT-3A 위성영상의 RPC 보정)

  • Park, Jueon;Kim, Taeheon;Lee, Changhui;Han, Youkyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1135-1147
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    • 2021
  • In order to geometrically correct high-resolution satellite imagery, the sensor modeling process that restores the geometric relationship between the satellite sensor and the ground surface at the image acquisition time is required. In general, high-resolution satellites provide RPC (Rational Polynomial Coefficient) information, but the vendor-provided RPC includes geometric distortion caused by the position and orientation of the satellite sensor. GCP (Ground Control Point) is generally used to correct the RPC errors. The representative method of acquiring GCP is field survey to obtain accurate ground coordinates. However, it is difficult to find the GCP in the satellite image due to the quality of the image, land cover change, relief displacement, etc. By using image maps acquired from various sensors as reference data, it is possible to automate the collection of GCP through the image matching algorithm. In this study, the RPC of KOMPSAT-3A satellite image was corrected through the extracted matching point using the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehichle) imagery. We propose a pre-porocessing method for the extraction of matching points between the UAV imagery and KOMPSAT-3A satellite image. To this end, the characteristics of matching points extracted by independently applying the SURF (Speeded-Up Robust Features) and the phase correlation, which are representative feature-based matching method and area-based matching method, respectively, were compared. The RPC adjustment parameters were calculated using the matching points extracted through each algorithm. In order to verify the performance and usability of the proposed method, it was compared with the GCP-based RPC correction result. The GCP-based method showed an improvement of correction accuracy by 2.14 pixels for the sample and 5.43 pixelsfor the line compared to the vendor-provided RPC. In the proposed method using SURF and phase correlation methods, the accuracy of sample was improved by 0.83 pixels and 1.49 pixels, and that of line wasimproved by 4.81 pixels and 5.19 pixels, respectively, compared to the vendor-provided RPC. Through the experimental results, the proposed method using the UAV imagery presented the possibility as an alternative to the GCP-based method for the RPC correction.

A Fingerprint Identification System using Large Database (대용량 DB를 사용한 지문인식 시스템)

  • Cha, Jeong-Hee;Seo, Jeong-Man
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.4 s.36
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose a new automatic fingerprint identification system that identifies individuals in large databases. The algorithm consists of three steps; preprocessing, classification, and matching, in the classification. we present a new classification technique based on the statistical approach for directional image distribution. In matching, we also describe improved minutiae candidate pair extraction algorithm that is faster and more accurate than existing algorithm. In matching stage, we extract fingerprint minutiaes from its thinned image for accuracy, and introduce matching process using minutiae linking information. Introduction of linking information into the minutiae matching process is a simple but accurate way, which solves the problem of reference minutiae pair selection in comparison stage of two fingerprints quickly. This algorithm is invariant to translation and rotation of fingerprint. The proposed system was tested on 1000 fingerprint images from the semiconductor chip style scanner. Experimental results reveal false acceptance rate is decreased and genuine acceptance rate is increased than existing method.

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A new method for automatic areal feature matching based on shape similarity using CRITIC method (CRITIC 방법을 이용한 형상유사도 기반의 면 객체 자동매칭 방법)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Huh, Yong;Kim, Doe-Sung;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we proposed the method automatically to match areal feature based on similarity using spatial information. For this, we extracted candidate matching pairs intersected between two different spatial datasets, and then measured a shape similarity, which is calculated by an weight sum method of each matching criterion automatically derived from CRITIC method. In this time, matching pairs were selected when similarity is more than a threshold determined by outliers detection of adjusted boxplot from training data. After applying this method to two distinct spatial datasets: a digital topographic map and street-name address base map, we conformed that buildings were matched, that shape is similar and a large area is overlaid in visual evaluation, and F-Measure is highly 0.932 in statistical evaluation.

Automatic Identification of the OMR Answer Marking Using Smart Phone (스마트폰을 이용한 OMR 답안 마킹 자동 인식)

  • Noh, Duck-Soo;Kim, Jin-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.694-701
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    • 2016
  • The smart phone application to provide auto identification and answer explanation of multiple choice answer for each OMR answer item in the test paper different from ordinary OMR test by using smart phone is very useful in terms of a self learning and a smart learning. In this paper, smart phone application of OMR mark identification for each question item in test paper is proposed. QR code for each OMR answer is provided for the encrypted correct answer and the reference location of multiple choice answer rectangle location. The OMR answer region is extracted and the marked answer is identified in each question of test paper, in order to compare between the marking answer and the correct answer. Experimental result of smart phone application of the proposed algorithm for the OMR answer images with various size and direction shows excellent recognition performance.

Automatic Extraction of River Levee Slope Using MMS Point Cloud Data (MMS 포인트 클라우드를 활용한 하천제방 경사도 자동 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Cheolhwan;Lee, Jisang;Choi, Wonjun;Kim, Wondae;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_3
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    • pp.1425-1434
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    • 2021
  • Continuous and periodic data acquisition must be preceded to maintain and manage the river facilities effectively. Adapting the existing general facilities methods, which include river surveying methods such as terrestrial laser scanners, total stations, and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), has limitation in terms of its costs, manpower, and times to acquire spatial information since the river facilities are distributed across the wide and long area. On the other hand, the Mobile Mapping System (MMS) has comparative advantage in acquiring the data of river facilities since it constructs three-dimensional spatial information while moving. By using the MMS, 184,646,009 points could be attained for Anyang stream with a length of 4 kilometers only in 20 minutes. Levee points were divided at intervals of 10 meters so that about 378 levee cross sections were generated. In addition, the waterside maximum and average slope could be automatically calculated by separating slope plane form levee point cloud, and the accuracy of RMSE was confirmed by comparing with manually calculated slope. The reference slope was calculated manually by plotting point cloud of levee slope plane and selecting two points that use location information when calculating the slope. Also, as a result of comparing the water side slope with slope standard in basic river plan for Anyang stream, it is confirmed that inspecting the river facilities with the MMS point cloud is highly recommended than the existing river survey.

Analysis of Optimal Resolution and Number of GCP Chips for Precision Sensor Modeling Efficiency in Satellite Images (농림위성영상 정밀센서모델링 효율성 재고를 위한 최적의 해상도 및 지상기준점 칩 개수 분석)

  • Choi, Hyeon-Gyeong;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1445-1462
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    • 2022
  • Compact Advanced Satellite 500-4 (CAS500-4), which is scheduled to be launched in 2025, is a mid-resolution satellite with a 5 m resolution developed for wide-area agriculture and forest observation. To utilize satellite images, it is important to establish a precision sensor model and establish accurate geometric information. Previous research reported that a precision sensor model could be automatically established through the process of matching ground control point (GCP) chips and satellite images. Therefore, to improve the geometric accuracy of satellite images, it is necessary to improve the GCP chip matching performance. This paper proposes an improved GCP chip matching scheme for improved precision sensor modeling of mid-resolution satellite images. When using high-resolution GCP chips for matching against mid-resolution satellite images, there are two major issues: handling the resolution difference between GCP chips and satellite images and finding the optimal quantity of GCP chips. To solve these issues, this study compared and analyzed chip matching performances according to various satellite image upsampling factors and various number of chips. RapidEye images with a resolution of 5m were used as mid-resolution satellite images. GCP chips were prepared from aerial orthographic images with a resolution of 0.25 m and satellite orthogonal images with a resolution of 0.5 m. Accuracy analysis was performed using manually extracted reference points. Experiment results show that upsampling factor of two and three significantly improved sensor model accuracy. They also show that the accuracy was maintained with reduced number of GCP chips of around 100. The results of the study confirmed the possibility of applying high-resolution GCP chips for automated precision sensor modeling of mid-resolution satellite images with improved accuracy. It is expected that the results of this study can be used to establish a precise sensor model for CAS500-4.

A Method to Improve Matching Success Rate between KOMPSAT-3A Imagery and Aerial Ortho-Images (KOMPSAT-3A 영상과 항공정사영상의 영상정합 성공률 향상 방법)

  • Shin, Jung-Il;Yoon, Wan-Sang;Park, Hyeong-Jun;Oh, Kwan-Young;Kim, Tae-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_1
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    • pp.893-903
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    • 2018
  • The necessity of automatic precise georeferencing is increasing with the increase applications of high-resolution satellite imagery. One of the methods for collecting ground control points (GCPs) for precise georeferencing is to use chip images obtained by extracting a subset of an image map such as an ortho-aerial image, and can be automated using an image matching technique. In this case, the importance of the image matching success rate is increased due to the limitation of the number of the chip images for the known reference points such as the unified control point. This study aims to propose a method to improve the success rate of image matching between KOMPSAT-3A images and GCP chip images from aerial ortho-images. We performed the image matching with 7 cases of band pair using KOMPSAT-3A panchromatic (PAN), multispectral (MS), pansharpened (PS) imagery and GCP chip images, then compared matching success rates. As a result, about 10-30% of success rate is increased to about 40-50% when using PS imagery by using PAN and MS imagery. Therefore, using PS imagery for image matching of KOMPSAT-3A images and aerial ortho-images would be helpful to improve the matching success rate.

Application of GIS to Select Viewpoints for Landscape Analysis (경관분석 조망점 선정을 위한 GIS의 적용방안)

  • Kang, Tae-Hyun;Leem, Youn-Taik;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 2013
  • The concern on environmental quality makes the landscape analysis more important than before ever. For the landscape analysis, selection of viewpoint is one of most important stage. Because of its subjectiveness, the conventional viewpoint selection method often missed some viewpoints of importance. The purpose of this study is to develop a viewpoint selection method for landscape analysis using GIS data and techniques. During the viewpoint selection process, spatial and attribute data from several GIS systems were hired. Query and overlay methods were mainly adapted for analysis to find out meaningful viewpoints. The 3D simulation analysis on DEM(Digital Elevation Model) was used for every selected viewpoint to examine wether the view target is screened out or not. Application study at a sample site showed some omissions of good viewpoints without any screening. It also exhibited the possibility to reduce time and cost for the viewpoint selection process of landscape analysis. For the progress of applicability, GIS data analysis process have to be improved and more modules such as automatic screening analysis system on selected viewpoint have to be developed.