• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인공지능 확산

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Fire Detection using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Assisting People with Visual Impairments in an Emergency Situation (시각 장애인을 위한 영상 기반 심층 합성곱 신경망을 이용한 화재 감지기)

  • Kong, Borasy;Won, Insu;Kwon, Jangwoo
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.129-146
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    • 2017
  • In an event of an emergency, such as fire in a building, visually impaired and blind people are prone to exposed to a level of danger that is greater than that of normal people, for they cannot be aware of it quickly. Current fire detection methods such as smoke detector is very slow and unreliable because it usually uses chemical sensor based technology to detect fire particles. But by using vision sensor instead, fire can be proven to be detected much faster as we show in our experiments. Previous studies have applied various image processing and machine learning techniques to detect fire, but they usually don't work very well because these techniques require hand-crafted features that do not generalize well to various scenarios. But with the help of recent advancement in the field of deep learning, this research can be conducted to help solve this problem by using deep learning-based object detector that can detect fire using images from security camera. Deep learning based approach can learn features automatically so they can usually generalize well to various scenes. In order to ensure maximum capacity, we applied the latest technologies in the field of computer vision such as YOLO detector in order to solve this task. Considering the trade-off between recall vs. complexity, we introduced two convolutional neural networks with slightly different model's complexity to detect fire at different recall rate. Both models can detect fire at 99% average precision, but one model has 76% recall at 30 FPS while another has 61% recall at 50 FPS. We also compare our model memory consumption with each other and show our models robustness by testing on various real-world scenarios.

The Trend of Aviation Terrorism in the 4th Industrial Revolution Period and the Development Direction for Domestic Counter Terrorism of Aviation (제4차 산업혁명 시대의 항공 테러리즘 양상 및 국내 항공테러 대응체계 발전방향)

  • Hwang, Ho-Won;Kim, Seung-Woo
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.155-188
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    • 2017
  • On the one hand, the 4th Industrial Revolution provides a positive opportunity to build a new civilization paradigm for mankind. However, on the other hand, due to the 4th Industrial Revolution, artificial intelligence such as 'Goggle Alpha Go' revolutionized and even the human ability was replaced with a 'Silicon Chip' as the opportunity to communicate decreases, the existence of human beings is weakened. And there is a growing concern that the number of violent crimes, such as psychopath, which hunts humans as games, will increase. Moreover, recent international terrorism is being developed in a form similar to 'Psychopathic Violent-Crime' that indiscriminately attacks innocent people. So, the probability that terrorist organizations abuse the positive effects provided by the Fourth Industrial Revolution as means of terrorism is increasing. Therefore, the paradigm of aviation terrorism is expected to change in a way that attacks airport facilities and users rather than aircraft. Because airport facilities are crowded, and psychopathic terrorists are easily accessible. From this point of view, our counter terrorism system of aviation has many weak points in various aspects such as: (1) limitations of counter-terrorism center (2) inefficient on-site command and control system (3) separated organization for aviation security consultation (4) dispersed information collection function in government (5) vulnerable to cyber attack (6) lack of international cooperation network for aviation terrorism. Consequently, it is necessary to improve the domestic counter terrorism system of aviation so as to preemptively respond to the international terrorism. This study propose the following measures to improve the aviation security system by (1) create 'Aviation Special Judicial Police' (2) revise the anti-terrorism law and aviation security law (3) Strengthening the ability respond to terrorism in cyberspace (4) building an international cooperation network for aviation terrorism.

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An Analysis of the Dynamics between Media Coverage and Stock Market on Digital New Deal Policy: Focusing on Companies Related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (디지털 뉴딜 정책에 대한 언론 보도량과 주식 시장의 동태적 관계 분석: 4차산업혁명 관련 기업을 중심으로)

  • Sohn, Kwonsang;Kwon, Ohbyung
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.33-53
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    • 2021
  • In the crossroads of social change caused by the spread of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the prolonged COVID-19, the Korean government announced the Digital New Deal policy on July 14, 2020. The Digital New Deal policy's primary goal is to create new businesses by accelerating digital transformation in the public sector and industries around data, networks, and artificial intelligence technologies. However, in a rapidly changing social environment, information asymmetry of the future benefits of technology can cause differences in the public's ability to analyze the direction and effectiveness of policies, resulting in uncertainty about the practical effects of policies. On the other hand, the media leads the formation of discourse through communicators' role to disseminate government policies to the public and provides knowledge about specific issues through the news. In other words, as the media coverage of a particular policy increases, the issue concentration increases, which also affects public decision-making. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to verify the dynamic relationship between the media coverage and the stock market on the Korean government's digital New Deal policy using Granger causality, impulse response functions, and variance decomposition analysis. To this end, the daily stock turnover ratio, daily price-earnings ratio, and EWMA volatility of digital technology-based companies related to the digital new deal policy among KOSDAQ listed companies were set as variables. As a result, keyword search volume, daily stock turnover ratio, EWMA volatility have a bi-directional Granger causal relationship with media coverage. And an increase in media coverage has a high impact on keyword search volume on digital new deal policies. Also, the impulse response analysis on media coverage showed a sharp drop in EWMA volatility. The influence gradually increased over time and played a role in mitigating stock market volatility. Based on this study's findings, the amount of media coverage of digital new deals policy has a significant dynamic relationship with the stock market.

A Study on the Concept and User Perception of Smart Park - Focused on the IoT See Park Users in Daegu City - (스마트공원 개념 정립 및 공원 이용자 인식에 관한 연구 - 대구 IoT See 시범사업 공원 이용자를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyung-Sook;Min, Byoung-Wook;Yang, Tae-Jin;Eum, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Kwon;Lee, Ju-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2019
  • Our daily lives are changing at a rapid pace and the concept of smart city is spreading, as the information communication technologies apply to various fields. However, efforts to prepare for changes in society due to technological evolution are insufficient in the field of landscape architecture. The purposes of this study are to explore the concept of smart parks, to investigate how smart technology has been applied to parks, and to identify the users' perception and satisfaction on smart park services. To this end, we conducted literature review, focus group interviews with experts, and a questionnaire survey with 180 users of the IoT See pilot smart park in Daegu. Smart parks can, as a result, be defined as sustainable parks that improve users' experience in parks and solve social and environmental problems faced by utilizing various high technology. Smart technologies introduced at the park so far have been mostly focused on safety and environmental areas, including AI CCTV, smart street lamp, and fine dust warning devices. The results of survey showed that not many users were aware of the smart services the park provided due to the lack of public communication as well as the nature of maintenance-oriented smart services. The survey also found that AR services for the education of historic parks were the least utilized, while solar power benches and WiFi service were most preferred by the park users. In conclusion, smart technologies need to be integrated with diverse park contents more centered user needs, providing services to enhance safety and environmental management in order to develop user-oriented smart parks.

Contactless Data Society and Reterritorialization of the Archive (비접촉 데이터 사회와 아카이브 재영토화)

  • Jo, Min-ji
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.79
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    • pp.5-32
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    • 2024
  • The Korean government ranked 3rd among 193 UN member countries in the UN's 2022 e-Government Development Index. Korea, which has consistently been evaluated as a top country, can clearly be said to be a leading country in the world of e-government. The lubricant of e-government is data. Data itself is neither information nor a record, but it is a source of information and records and a resource of knowledge. Since administrative actions through electronic systems have become widespread, the production and technology of data-based records have naturally expanded and evolved. Technology may seem value-neutral, but in fact, technology itself reflects a specific worldview. The digital order of new technologies, armed with hyper-connectivity and super-intelligence, not only has a profound influence on traditional power structures, but also has an a similar influence on existing information and knowledge transmission media. Moreover, new technologies and media, including data-based generative artificial intelligence, are by far the hot topic. It can be seen that the all-round growth and spread of digital technology has led to the augmentation of human capabilities and the outsourcing of thinking. This also involves a variety of problems, ranging from deep fakes and other fake images, auto profiling, AI lies hallucination that creates them as if they were real, and copyright infringement of machine learning data. Moreover, radical connectivity capabilities enable the instantaneous sharing of vast amounts of data and rely on the technological unconscious to generate actions without awareness. Another irony of the digital world and online network, which is based on immaterial distribution and logical existence, is that access and contact can only be made through physical tools. Digital information is a logical object, but digital resources cannot be read or utilized without some type of device to relay it. In that respect, machines in today's technological society have gone beyond the level of simple assistance, and there are points at which it is difficult to say that the entry of machines into human society is a natural change pattern due to advanced technological development. This is because perspectives on machines will change over time. Important is the social and cultural implications of changes in the way records are produced as a result of communication and actions through machines. Even in the archive field, what problems will a data-based archive society face due to technological changes toward a hyper-intelligence and hyper-connected society, and who will prove the continuous activity of records and data and what will be the main drivers of media change? It is time to research whether this will happen. This study began with the need to recognize that archives are not only records that are the result of actions, but also data as strategic assets. Through this, author considered how to expand traditional boundaries and achieves reterritorialization in a data-driven society.