• Title/Summary/Keyword: 은행 경쟁력

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발명하는 사람들-제52호

  • Han, Mi-Yeong
    • The Inventors News
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    • no.52
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2006
  • '2006 여성발명인걷기대회' 성황리에 마쳐/여성의 힘을 발명으로 승화하자/건강관리휴대폰 기술, 특허출원 급증/세계적 귄위 인명사전 '마르퀴즈 후즈후' 등재/고객 감동 주는 독특한 기능성 명함 등장/각 국의 상표 디자인 동향/현장 스케치/6백만불의 사나이 현실화 되다/핸드라이팅 전자펜 국내 최초 개발/특허법원이 지금 어떤 일이/중기청, 가짜 여성기업 골라 낸다/'여성 취업.창업정보 여기에 다 있어요'/중기청 여성기업.혁신형중기.재래시장 집중지원/'코리아나화장품 식물원' 개원/국민은행 '명품 여성통장' 대박/난방비 획기적 절감, '전기온풍기' 나와/3백50년 묵은 덧간장, $1\ell$ 5백만원에 팔려/한국기술거래소, 중소기업 기술 장터로 각광/순대, 기능성 음식으로 진화/해외 화제/역사 속의 발명품/하루 10분 발명교실/특허Q&A/함씨네토종콩식품 함정희 대표/중기청연구장비공동이용알선.중개계획/가짜 '메이드 인 코리아'중동지역서 판친다/아이디어 착상 및 발명 기법/여성의 사회참여 확대와 여성발명 확산/인공감미료를 만들어 낸 사람들/'중소기업청장 조찬간담회' 열려/휴면 특허율 66.8% 지식 경쟁력 걸림돌/발명가.의사 등 '이그노벨상' 수상/한국여성발명협회 '자문위원 위촉식' 갖다/한미영 회장, 간호용품아이디어대회 특강/발명인의 전당.특허고객서비스센터 오픈/여성발명인, 산재권 교육 참가 열의 높아져/생활 아이디어/11월 '지재권 및 여성발명 창의교실' 개최 안내/한국여성발명협회 회원사 발명품 가이드

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Daewoo Securities and Its Strategies for Obtaining the Top Position Through Effective Customer Management (효율적인 고객 관리를 통한 대우증권의 1등 전략 사례)

  • Lee, Moonkyu;Park, Heungsoo;Kwon, Ickhyun;Kim, Doyun;Kang, Sungho
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.233-255
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    • 2007
  • 본 사례는 외환위기 및 대우 그룹 해체로 인해 존폐의 위기에 처했던 대우증권이 선도업체 위상을 탈환하기까지의 재건 과정에서 실행했던 마케팅 전략 및 영업활동을 분석하고 있다. 이를 통해 경영위기를 효과적으로 극복하고 새롭게 도약하기 위해 활용 가능한 마케팅 및 영업 전략의 일례를 소개하고자 한다. 끝으로 대우증권의 향후 마케팅 과제와 관련된 토의 주제가 제시된다. 국내 증권업계 선두주자였던 대우증권은 1999년 '대우 사태'로 인해 한때 업계 5위까지 추락하고 1조 2,000억원의 적자를 기록하였으며 신용등급은 투자부적격 단계인 CCC+까지 하락하는 등 위기를 맞이하게 되었다. 대우증권이 회생과 재도약을 위해 채택한 마케팅 전략은 '선택과 집중'이었다. 즉, 최대 수익원이자 경쟁력이 있는 사업 분야인 위탁매매(brokerage)에 역량을 우선 집중하여 안정적으로 수익 기반을 다진 뒤 이를 바탕으로 IB(Investment Bank)와 자산 관리(Wealth Management) 등 여타 분야에서의 역량도 점진적으로 강화하는 전략이다. 전략의 실행 방향은 높은 효율성 확보 및 자원의 확충을 통해 시장 지배력과 수익성을 창출하는 것이었다. 전략적 공감대, 오프라인 영업 강화, 현장 및 고객 중시를 위한 기업 자원의 확충 배치를 바탕으로 영업 프로세스, 영업 인프라, 영업 관리, 고객 서비스, 영업 문화의 혁신을 실행한 결과, 대우증권은 증권명가의 옛 명성과 위치를 성공적으로 탈환하게 되었다. 대우증권은 2004년 위탁매매 영업 부문에서 1위 위상을 되찾은 이래 전 사업 분야에서 성장을 지속하였다. 2006년 증권업종 시가총액 1위를 회복하는 등 각종 경영지표는 큰 폭으로 개선되었고, 신용등급은 AA-로 상향 조정되었다. 나아가 자본시장통합법 시대에 걸맞는 선도 글로벌 투자은행으로서 진화한다는 계획을 추진하고 있다.

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Study on Market Prospects, Financing Challenges and Alternative Solutions in New Nuclear Power Projects (신규 원전의 시장전망 및 금융조달의 과제와 대안)

  • Lee, Jang-pyo
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2016
  • Although construction of any new nuclear power projects had not been launched since mid-1970s until recently in the USA, many new nuclear power plants have been constructed in many countries with the support of their governments mainly as part of their national energy security and electric source diversification policies. For many reasons, the nuclear power industry seemed to reclaim their renaissance from the beginning of this century and the investment in the nuclear power projects draw positive concern from the private financial sector. But the global financial crisis in 2008 and subsequent economic slow-down together with tighter bank credit regulations caused commercial banks, the main source of financing, to lose appetite for investing in new nuclear power projects. But the nuclear power economics shows that the nuclear power is viable in terms of the environmental benefit and long-term average cost compared to other power generation sources. Also doubt about nuclear power safety was much mitigated due to technology development and reinforced safety-related tests and monitoring. Therefore, the prospect for nuclear power market expansion remains positive although there are comparatively big differences among different scenarios. After Korea Electric Power Corp. won the UAE nuclear power project in December of 2009, the competition in nuclear power markets is undergoing huge changes. Competitors backed by the support of their own governments are now entering the market with many aggressive and innovative financing packages to win bids of new nuclear power projects. This report analyzed the nuclear power market prospects, competitive edges of nuclear power, risk management measures, and financing challenges and recommends alternative solutions to promote competitive edges in winning bids of new nuclear power projects.

Forecasting Korean CPI Inflation (우리나라 소비자물가상승률 예측)

  • Kang, Kyu Ho;Kim, Jungsung;Shin, Serim
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.1-42
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    • 2021
  • The outlook for Korea's consumer price inflation rate has a profound impact not only on the Bank of Korea's operation of the inflation target system but also on the overall economy, including the bond market and private consumption and investment. This study presents the prediction results of consumer price inflation in Korea for the next three years. To this end, first, model selection is performed based on the out-of-sample predictive power of autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) models, AR models, small-scale vector autoregressive (VAR) models, and large-scale VAR models. Since there are many potential predictors of inflation, a Bayesian variable selection technique was introduced for 12 macro variables, and a precise tuning process was performed to improve predictive power. In the case of the VAR model, the Minnesota prior distribution was applied to solve the dimensional curse problem. Looking at the results of long-term and short-term out-of-sample predictions for the last five years, the ADL model was generally superior to other competing models in both point and distribution prediction. As a result of forecasting through the combination of predictions from the above models, the inflation rate is expected to maintain the current level of around 2% until the second half of 2022, and is expected to drop to around 1% from the first half of 2023.

기업간(企業間) 분업(分業)의 효율성(效率性) 증진(增進)과 중견기업(中堅企業)의 역할(役割)

  • Kim, Ju-Hun
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.63-116
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    • 1996
  • 우리나라 제조업(製造業)의 수직적(垂直的) 구조(構造)는 선진공업국에 비하여 소(小) 영세기업(零細企業)의 비중이 월등히 높은 피라미드형의 형태를 보이며 80년대말 이후 소기업군의 확대는 더욱 두드러지고 있다. 이처럼 소기업의 비중이 높아진 것은 제조업체들이 가격경쟁력(價格競爭力)을 높이기 위하여 생산비용이 높게 드는 자체생산(自體生産)을 가능한 한 줄이고 임금(賃金)이 낮은 중소기업으로 생산공정을 이양해 왔기 때문이다. 소기업 비중이 높은 분업구조는 가격경쟁력이 중시되어 생산을 분업화해야 하는 경제체제에서는 높은 효율성(效率性)을 발휘한다고 평가할 수 있다. 90년대에 이르러 중소기업이 저가(低價)의 생산요소(生産要素)를 조달받기 어려운 경제여건이 조성되면서 중소기업의 경영불안이 높아지는 등 가격경쟁력을 유지하기 위한 생산분업체제(生産分業體制)는 한계(限界)에 도달한 것으로 보인다. 따라서 대기업과 중소기업간 분업도 기술(技術) 중심의 분업관계(分業關係)로 전환되어야 할 단계에 이르렀다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 종전과 같이 소기업(小企業)에 의존하는 분업구조(分業構造)로는 기술분업(技術分業)이 정착되기 어렵다. 왜냐하면 연구개발, 전문인력의 고용 등 기술개발과 관련된 기업활동에는 생산량에 관계없이 고정비용(固定費用)이 들어서 기술개발 비용과 위험을 분산시키려면 기업의 생산규모가 상당히 커져야 하기 때문이다. 이는 소기업 중심의 분업구조가 중견기업(中堅企業)중심의 구조로 개편(改編)되어야 함을 의미한다. 중견기업이 육성되려면 첫째, 대기업과 직거래하는 중소업체(中小業體)의 수(數)가 축소되어야 한다. 거래업체수의 과다는 기업규모를 영세하게 만드는 가장 직접적 요인이기 때문이다. 그러나 거래업체의 정리과정에서 기존업체들이 중소기업 보호여론을 등에 업고 반발할 수 있고, 대기업이 교섭력을 강화하기 위한 수단으로 악용할 수 있으므로 객관적이고 투명한 정리기준의 제시가 전제되어야 한다. 둘째, 대기업의 중소기업에 대한 대폭적 자본참여(資本參與)가 허용되어야 한다. 대기업의 자본참여는 중소기업 지배를 강화할 것으로 우려되어 현재는 극히 부분적으로 허용하고 있으나, 개방경제하에서는 대기업과 국내 중소기업간의 협력관계를 유지시키는 효과적 수단으로 작용하게 될 것이다. 셋째, 은행 등 금융자본(金融資本)의 중견기업에 대한 투자(投資) 활성화(活性化)가 필요하다. 금융자율화로 금융기관의 수익성이 강조되는 상태에서 금융자본이 거래업체의 주주(株主)로서 참여하면 경영정보를 손쉽게 파악할 수 있어 우량업체의 신속한 육성이 가능해질 수 있다.

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Activation of Korean Ship Finance through Study on Chinese Ship Finance Market (중국 선박금융 시장 연구를 통한 국내 선박금융 활성화)

  • Kim, Dae-Jin;Kim, Ju-Hyeoun
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to establish a method for activating Korean ship finance through an analysis on the development of Chinese ship finance market, which has grown rapidly in recent years. It focuses on its main institutions, laws and policies, strengths and weaknesses, market share, and development status. Because 80.7% of South Korea's economy depends upon foreign trade and 99.7% of the South Korea's traded volume is transported by ships, shipping has assumed an important role in Korean economy. However, since the global financial crisis, Korean shipping and shipbuilding industry has been facing difficulties and Hanjin, the biggest Korean shipping company, went bankrupt in 2017. One of the key aspects of the competitiveness of the shipping and shipbuilding industry is acquiring competitive shipping assets; therefore, stable and smooth supply of ship finance is crucial for the development of the shipping and shipbuilding industry. Given this background, the study analyzed how the Chinese ship finance market has grown rapidly in the past 30 years and identified the problems, strengths, and weaknesses of the Chinese ship finance. The analysis on the status of the Chinese ship finance market is expected to suggest a direction for establishing methods for activating the Korean ship finance market, which is facing scarcity of finance, even as the global ship finance market has remained depressed since the global financial crisis. Although this study focused exclusively on the Chinese market, future research can draw conclusions from a comparative analysis that includes the Japanese ship finance market; the conclusions obtained would contribute to the establishment of long-term policies and plans for Korean ship finance.

A Study on Determinants of IT Shared Services Adoption: Focus on Korean Financial Institutions (IT쉐어드서비스 도입에 관한 영향요인 연구: 국내 금융기관을 중심으로)

  • Keum, Chang-Keun;Yi, Seon-Gyu
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.21-45
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    • 2008
  • Over the years a lot of organizations or enterprises are spending the majority of their IT budgets on IT resources procurement and maintenance. IT resources are typically duplicated in each Region, Division, and/or Business Unit. The biggest sources of cost savings come directly from the reduction in maintenance cost and the elimination of duplicated resources. Global corporations are investing heavily in shared services implementations in order to stay competitive in an industry environment. A number of financial services firms have turned to IT shared services to reduce the level of IT asset and infrastructure redundancies. Recently, Korean financial services industry is moving to diversification(bank, securities, insurance, etc.) and consolidation(M&A, strategic alliance, etc.), and wants the elimination of duplicated IT resources. This research is intended to find out and demonstrate the factors having a significant effect on adoption of IT shared services center in finance services industry.

Analysis of the Influence of Domestic Open Banking Quality Factors on Intention to Use (국내 오픈뱅킹 품질요소가 사용자 이용의도에 미치는 영향분석)

  • Jung, Bo-chun;Hong, Suk-ki
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2021
  • The main channels of the financial industry are rapidly changing to mobile. In this environment, banks are focusing on information and communication technology to secure their competitiveness, and rapid innovation is being pursued especially in the payment settlement sector. In October 2019, Korea also introduced open banking services to accelerate the financial innovation, such as the open conversion of financial settlement networks and the expansion of the use of simple payments. In this paper, an empirical study was conducted on the effect of domestic open banking quality factors on usage intention. The service quality factors for open banking were classified into interface design, innovation, security, and data sharing, and the technology acceptance model (TAM) was used to verify whether it has a significant effect on perceived convenience, usefulness and intention to use. According to the analysis results, while innovation and security did not have a significant effect on convenience and usefulness, interface design and data sharing were found to have an effect on perceived convenience. The results would provide implications for some quality issues for companies seeking to introduce open banking services as well as for the related academic arena.

Structural Transformation of Exports in A Product Space Model: The Case of Daegu-Gyeongbuk Province, Korea (생산물공간 분석에 의한 대구경북 수출산업의 구조전환에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Byeong-Wan;Park, Jin-Ho
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.47-67
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    • 2017
  • This paper analyzes industries of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk province of the Republic of Korea using the product space model that was developed mid 2000s on the basis of a network analysis framework. The study examines the structure of the product space for the 421 export items at HS 4-digit level after grouping them into 4 categories; classics, emerging champions, marginals and the disappearing products. The results suggest a significant structural transformation in the product space for the local industries and the scope and magnitude of such transformation was rather large. We were also able to confirm that the structural transformation of the product space differs from industry to industry and from group to group. While the approach used is not without shortcomings, our findings also indicate that information extracted from the world merchandise trade by way of product space indicators can be quite useful in identifying structural transformation of industries.

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A study about the effects of online commerce on the local retail commercial area (온라인 거래의 증가가 지역 소매 상권에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kangbae
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.54-95
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze quantitatively and qualitatively the effects of the increase in online shopping and its effects on real-world commercial outlets. The empirical analysis of this study is based on the results of "Census on Establishments" and "Online Shopping Survey" that cover 15 years, from 2002 to 2016. According to the results of this study, the increase in the number of online transactions affects the decrease in the number of stores in the real-world retail sector. However, non-specialized large stores and chain convenience stores showed an increase in the number of stores. In addition, the number of F&B stores increased the most in line with the increase in online transactions. This is because the increase in online transactions and in internet users led to the use of more delivery applications and the introduction of popular places on blogs or through social media. Street-level rents for medium and large-sized locations increased. In other words, it is seen that the demand for differentiated real-world stores that provide a good user experience increases, even though online transactions also increase. These results suggest that real-world stores should provide good user experiences in their physical locations with a certain size and assortment of goods.