• 제목/요약/키워드: 육군사관학교

검색결과 224건 처리시간 0.028초

전술 무선 네트워크에서 무인전투체계를 위한 인증 프로토콜 (Authentication Protocol for Unmanned Combat Systems in Tactical Wireless Networks)

  • 이종관;이민우
    • 한국정보통신학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보통신학회 2019년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.298-299
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    • 2019
  • 본 논문에서 장거리 통신이 항상 보장될 수 없는 전술 무선 네트워크 환경에서 무인전투체계들간의 안정한 상호 인증 프로토콜을 제안한다. 제안하는 프로토콜은 임의로 선택된 데이터의 해시 충돌을 이용하여 인증코드를 생성한다. 인증요청자는 이를 인증자의 공개키로 암호화여 전송한다. 인증요청자와 인증자가 정당한 인증코드를 상호 공유함으로써 인증을 수행한다. 다양한 공격 시나리오를 대상으로 제안하는 기법의 안전성을 분석한다.

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세계의 강우운동에너지 특성 연구 (A Comparative Study of Rainfall Kinetic Energy in the World)

  • 이준학;정진석;허준행
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2016년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.295-295
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    • 2016
  • 호우사상의 특성은 기후별, 국가별, 지역별, 계절별로 차이가 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 강우운동 에너지는 호우사상 특성 중에 하나로서 강우강도와 강우운동에너지의 관계로 규명할 수 있다. 전세계 학자들이 자국의 호우사상을 분석하여 유도한 강우운동에너지식이 보고되고 있음에도 불구하고, 지난 40여 년 동안 전세계적으로 유독 미국의 호우사상으로부터 유도된 강우운동에너지식이 범용성을 가지고 사용되어 왔다. 본 연구는 강우운동에너지에 대한 연구로서 최근까지 학계에 보고된 강우운동에너지식을 수집하여 기후에 따른 해당 지역의 강우운동에너지 특성을 분석하였다. 본 연구는 강우운동에너지식이 유도된 방법과 호우사상에 초점을 맞추었으며, 이를 바탕으로 한국과 유사한 기후에서 유도된 강우운동에너지식과 한국의 강우운동에너지식을 비교 분석하였다.

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협대역 다중홉 전투무선망에서 기회적 데이터 중계 기법 (Opportunistic Data Relay Scheme for Narrowband Multihop Combat Radio Networks)

  • 이종관
    • 한국군사과학기술학회지
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we propose an opportunistic data relay scheme in narrowband multihop combat radio networks. Narrowband networks have physical restrictions on high-speed transmission. Furthermore, the topology changes dynamically due to the jamming of the enemy, signal interference between friendly forces, and movement of network entities. Therefore, the traditional relay scheme that collects topology information and calculates a relay path before transmission is unsuitable for such networks. Our proposed scheme does not collect topology information and transmits data opportunistically. The scheme can cause unnecessary data relaying that is not related to data delivery to the destination node. However, for small networks, the effect of increasing network throughput by not gathering topology information is much greater than the effect of reducing throughput by unnecessary data relays. We demonstrate the performance superiority of the proposed scheme through simulation in the worst case of network topology.

미국 예외주의의 변주: 영화 <라이언 일병 구하기>와 <위 워 솔저스> (Variation of American Exceptionalism: Saving Private Ryan and We Were Soldiers)

  • 진성한
    • 미국학
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    • 제44권1호
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    • pp.155-182
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    • 2021
  • This study explores how American war films modify or reenact American exceptionalism depending on political and social situations in the United States. To this end, it analyzes the two war films, Saving Private Ryan and We Were Soldiers that were released before and after the 9/11 attacks as a critical juncture in the twenty first century, respectively. While the former conducts a partial modification on American exceptionalism in order to restore the national identity and moral authority of the United States lost ever since the Vietnam War, the latter demonstrates a complete reenactment of American exceptionalism in accordance with the foreign policy of the Bush administration and neoconservatism. It concludes with the illumination that the examination of American war films within the framework of American exceptionalism is efficacious in understanding from a broad perspective how American exceptionalism is utilized depending on political and social situations in the United States.

"압축성 plasma내의 sheath로 쌓인 원주형 도체에 의한 파의 분산" (Scattering by a perfectly conducting circular cylinder with a sheath immersed in a compressible plasma)

  • Oh, Myung
    • 대한전자공학회논문지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1977
  • 압축성 plasma내에서 sheath로 둘러쌓인 원주형도체에 의한 전자파의 산란에 관하여 해석적인 방법으로 조사하였다. 전자파가 입사하는 경우에 대하여 total scattering cross section과 back scattering cross section을 구하였으며 computer로 계산한 수치결과를 graph로 제시하였다.

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온돌 난방에서의 지면을 통한 열손실 (Analysis of Ground Heat Loss in Ondol Heating Systems)

  • 조성환;김관호
    • 대한설비공학회지:설비저널
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.160-166
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    • 1978
  • 온돌 난방계통에서 지면을 통한 열손실을 수학적으로 등각사상과 변수변환방법을 사용하여 해석하였다. 2차원 및 3차원 해석 결과를 얻었다. 난방되는 주택은 직사각형이라고 가정하였다. 그림 2를 사용하여 평균 지면 열손실을 구할 수 있다. 열 특성치가 열 손실에 미치는 효과에 대하여 설명되었다. 열손실을 구하는 수치적 보기를 주었다.

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서울지방의 표준기상데이터에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Standard Weather Data for Seoul)

  • 김두천
    • 대한설비공학회지:설비저널
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 1985
  • Standard weather data for Seoul has been developed for use in computer calculations for energy requirements, and the 8760 sequential hourly values for seven weather elements have been placed in magnetic tape and cards. Applying the method determining average month, developed by Japanese Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers, the standard year data have been selected from the monthly average values for three weather elements during the 10year period of 1971 through 1980. The followings are obtained. 1. The Test Reference Year, consisting of 12 months chosen from different calendar years, has been determined, and TRY tape which contains seven weather elements has been prepared. 2. The Typical Weather Year, which means a year close to the average value, is the year of 1978 during the above 10 year period. 3. During the period, Winter Season needs the maximum heating load is from Dec. 1976 to Mar. 1977 and Summer Season needs the maximum cool ins load is from Jun. to Sep, 1978.

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비틀림 테이프에 의한 이중관형 열교환기의 성능에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Performance of a Shell Tube Heat- Exchanger with Twisted Tape)

  • 김두천;김철한
    • 대한설비공학회지:설비저널
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1982
  • Friction losses and heat transfer characteristics were studied experimentally for fully developed tubulent flow in tubes with twisted tape swirl generators. Data were obtained for pitch- to-diameter ratios from 8.10 to 25.71 with water under forced convection cool ins conditions. The experimental results of this and that of previous swirl flow investigation by Smithberg and Landis were compared. Nusselt number and friction data are combined in a constant pumping power comparision for swirl and straight flow, which indicates that improvement of 2.0 times in the best performance can be obtained with twisted tape-insert tube. A twisted tape-insert tube is recommended in the case of low temperature difference in heat-exchanger.

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냉동사이클의 최적 설계조건 (Oplimum Design Conditions for a Basic Refrigeration Cycle)

  • 조성환
    • 대한설비공학회지:설비저널
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.356-361
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    • 1986
  • An optimum design condition for a basic refrigeration cycle is defined as the condition which minimizes the total cost of heat exchanges (condenser and evaporator) and compressor for the refrigeration effect. Thermodynamic properties of ammonia (R717) are approximated by rational functions in order to obtain the optimum condition for a basic refrigeration cycle. Optimum condition depends on the heat capacity rates (mass flow rate times specific heat) of cooling water and brine used in condenser and evaporator. The difference between the cooling water temperature and condensation temperature at the optimum condition increases as the heat capacity rates and the coat of heat exchangers relative to the cost of compressor increase. Numerical examples of optimum conditions are obtained when the condensation temperature is $30^{\circ}C$ and the evaporator temperature is $-10^{\circ}C$.

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질화처리강의 열물성치측정 (Measurement of the Thermal Physical Properties of Nitrided Steels)

  • 손병진;이관수;이흥주;김성근;김호준
    • 대한설비공학회지:설비저널
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 1985
  • The thermophysical property values were determined and compared with each other according to the tine of surface treatment. The diffusivity values were obtained by the flash method, and the specific heat values were measured by the differential scanning density. The thermal conductivity values were calculated from the values of the thermal diffusivity, specific heat, and density. The nitrided steels were the structural carbon steels, carbon tool steels, alloy tool steels, and high speed tool steels.

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