• 제목/요약/키워드: 유충 영기수

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Turfgrass Insect Pests and Natural Enemies in Golf Courses (골프장 잔디 해충과 천적의 종류)

  • 추호렬;이동운;이상명;이태우;최우근;정영기;성영탁
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 2000
  • - Turfgrass insect pests and natura.l enemies for biological control were investigated to develop pest management effectively in golf courses at several golf clubs. Twenty eight insect pest species of 10 families in 6 orders were collected from golf courses. The zoysiagrass mite, Eriophyes zoysiae and root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita were also collected from zoysiagrass. White grubs of several scarab beetles and cutworms (Agrotis spp.) damaged seriously at most surveyed golf clubs. In addition, bluegrass webworm (Crambus sp.), Japanese lawngrass cutworm (Spodoptera depravata), scale insects, Tipula sp., and ants (Camponitus japonicus, Formica japonica, and Lasins japonicus) damaged turfgrasses directly or indirectly in golf courses. The entomopathogenic nematodes, Heterorhabditis spp., Steinernema glaseri, and S. longicaudum, entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae, and milky disease, Paenibacil/us popil/iae were isolated from white grubs or turfgrass soil as microbial control agents. Besides, dipteran predators, Cophinopoda chinensis, Philonicus albiceps, and Promachus yesonicus and hymenopteran parasitoid, Tiphia sp. were also collected. The P. yesonicus was the most active in golf courses. The root-knot nematode, M. incognita was found from Zoysia japonica, Z. matrella. and Cynodon dactylon.

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Mulberry leaf yield and optimal amount of silkworms rearing in different mulberry cultivars for mulberry fruit production (오디 생산용 뽕나무 품종별 뽕잎 생산량 및 적정 누에 사육량)

  • Lim, Ju Rak;Moon, Hyung Cheol;Kwon, Suk Ju;Kim, Dong Wan;Kwak, Dong Ok
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.82-86
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to develop the silkworm rearing technique in unused mulberry leaves after harvesting mulberry fruit. The growth of Gwasang No. 2 and Suhyang was very good compared to control cultivar Chungil in leaves size and new branch growth, but new branch and leaves of Daeshim was similar or small to control cultivar Chungil. The number of leaves of Gwasang No. 2 and Suhyang was lower than Chungil, but weight of leaves per tree was heavyer than Chungil. Mulberry leaf yield was Gwasang No. 2 521 kg/10a, Suhyang 189 kg/10a, Daeshim 73 kg/10a, Chungil 1,095 kg/10a. Content of mineral element of all three mulberry cultivars leaf for mulberry fruit production was higher than Chungil in N, P, K, Ca etc. Feeding quantity of silkworm of Gwasang No. 2 and Suhyang was much more than Chungil. Feeding quantity was highest at Suhyang in 96 kg/box. Growth duration of silkworm larvae was not different in all four mulberry culivars but weight of silkworms (5th instar 3rd day) was heavy at Gwasang No. 2 (2.07 g/head) and Suhyang (2.11 g/head) compared to control cultivar Chungil (1.92 g/head). Mortality of silkworms was 14.6% (Gwasang No. 2), 13.3% (Suhyang), 13.9% (Daesim), 12.6% (Chungil) and than higher at elder instar stage. The production amount of silkworm (5th instar 3rd day) was 35.4 kg/box (Gwasang No. 2), 36.6 kg/box (Suhyang), 35.0 kg/box (Daeshim), 33.6 kg/ box (Chungil). Amount of possible rearing silkworms was estimated 3.4box/10 a (Gwasang No. 2), 1.3box/10a (Suhyang), 0.5box/10a (Daeshim), 8.7box/10a (Chungil).

Ecology and Chemical Control of Caliroa carinata (Hymenoptera : Tenthredinidae) (남포잎벌의 생태(生太)와 방제(防除)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Chul-Su;Park, Ji-Doo;Park, Young-Seuk;Lee, Sang-Gil;Shin, Sang-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.5
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    • pp.685-690
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    • 2000
  • Caliroa carinata (Zombori) has heavily damaged the forests of Quercus mongolica in Sangju, Kyongbuk, Korea since 1996. However, information on the ecology and control of this pest was badly scarce. Thus we tried to study the ecology and chemical control of the sawfly through this study. Caliroa carinata is one generation per year. The adult sawflies emerged from June 8 to July 5 with peak at June 18. A female adult laid 11 eggs in rows on the backside of a leaf along the midribs and larger veins. Larvae have six instars, and the developmental period required to complete the larval stage was 19 days and 17 days at temperatures of $20^{\circ}C$ and $25^{\circ}C$, respectively. Each larval stage required 2-4 days to complete the development. The sawfly mostly preferred Quercus mongolica and Q. dentata, while avoiding Q. variabilis. Such insecticides as Tebufenozide, Flufenoxuron, Etofenprox, and Fenitrothion were sprayed on host plant leaves infected with test larvae in order to study the mortality. After 3 days of insecticide treatments, the mortalities were thoroughly examined. All insecticides showed higher than 95% of mortalities. Control values were also higher than 93%. The optimal season of insecticide application for pest control was estimated from late June to early July.

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In situ posture of anterior body of Metagonimus yokogawai in experimentally infected dog (개의 실험적 요꼬가와흡충증에서 충체의 자세)

  • 장영기;강신영
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 1985
  • The in situ posture of anterior body of Metagonimus yokogawai was observed in experimental metagonimiasis of dog. The metacercariae were collected from naturally infected sweetfish by peptic digestion; a total of 8 dogs was orally infected with 10,000 metacercariae respectively. Two dogs were killed on 3 days, 9 days, 4 weeks and 10 weeks after the infection. The postures of worms in histological section of small intestine and of whole worms collected from the fixed intestinal mucosa were examined by light and scanning electron microscope. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The recovery rates of worms were 42.6% on 3 days, 55.0% on 9 days, 33.2% on 4 weeks and 9. 8% on 10 weeks after the infection respectively. 2. In histological sections of small intestine, most of worms were found at intervillous spaces as ovoid sections of posterior body. However, many worms, especially in 3 day-old worms, revealed protruded anterior body in glandular lumens of crypt. Some sections of anterior body were bifurcated or sacculated. 3. The worms collected from fixed intestinal mucosa under dissecting microscope exhibited a variety of postures. Many worms showed flat shapes with a concavity or curvatures. However, in many worms, the anterior body made a single or multiple protrusions. 4. By SEM observation of protruded anterior body, a longitudinal groove was found. 5. The frequency of worms with protruded anterior body decreased in 9 days, 4 weeks and 10 weeks than in 3 day-old worms. The above findings indicated that the anterior body of juvenile and adult M. yokogawai protruded to lumens of glandular crypt by folding their lateral portions to make a reversible tubelike structure. Frequent multiple protrusions were considered to be made to adapt the microniche of glandular crypts of dog intestine.

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A Study on the Statistical Characteristics of Precipitation & Temperature Data of Four Cities and the Statistical Criterion of Climate Change (우리나라 4개 도시의 강수량과 기온자료의 통계적 특성과 기후변화의 통계적 기준에 관한 연구)

  • 이상훈;장영기
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.180-188
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    • 1991
  • 기후변화를 나타내는 연구 결과들은 기온이나 강수량을 대상으로 하여 두 기간 평균치의 비교, 5년 이동평균치의 圖示, 회귀분석 등의 방법들을 사용하여 발표되지만 대부분의 경우 밑바탕이 되는 모집단의 통계적 특성을 엄격히 검토하지 않는 정성적인 분석인 경우가 많다. 서울, 부산, 인천, 목포 등 4개 지점의 80년 동안의 연강수량과 연평균기온자료를 분석한 결과 기온은 정규분포를 나타내므로 전통적인 t-검정과 회귀분석을 적용할 수 있다. t-검정 결과 두 기간(1920 $sim$ 1949, 1961 ~ 1990)은 연평균기온에서 0.3$^{\circ}$C에서 $0.8^{\circ}$C의 의의있는 차이를 보였다. 최근 30년의 연평균기온자료를 회귀분석한 결과 1년에 $0.02^{\circ}$C의 증가경향을 나타내었다. 연강수량은 정적인 왜곡도를 보이므로 정규분포를 가정하는 母數的 통계분석을 적용해서는 안되며 비모수적 통계분석법을 적용해야 한다. 연강수량의 분석에는 t-검정에 상응하는 Mann-Whitney 검정을 적용해 본 결과 두 기간(1920 ~ 1949, 1961 ~ 1990)의 평균은 통계적으로 의의있는 차이가 없었다. 회귀분석에 상응하는 Mann's 검정과 이 연구에서 새로이 제안된 Median Slope Change Estimator를 적용해 본 결과 역시 통계적으로 의의있는 변화가 없었다. Median Slope Change Estimator는 비모수적 통계치로서 회귀분석의 기울기에 해당하는 연변화를 나타낼 수 있는데 분석하려는 자료의 정규분포성을 요구하지 않으며 異常點(outlier) 영향에 덜 민감하다는 장점이 있으므로 주목하여 연구할 만한 가치가 있다.^{\circ}$~40$^{\circ}$ 구간에서는 ${\sigma}_c$와 I$_{sa}$, 40$^{\circ}$~90$^{\circ}$ 구간에서는 ${\sigma}_c$와 I$_{sd}$가 각각 양호한 상관관계를 보여준다. 또한 상관비(K=${\sigma}_c$/I$_s$)는 약 13정도로서 일반적으로 적용되는 비, 24와 상당한 차이가 있다. 이러한 현상은 호상편마암의 구조적 및 역학적 이방성 특성으로 인한 결과라고 판단된다. 한편 맥암류에서 K가 약 23정도로서 일반적인 비 24에 상당히 접근한다. 따라서, 이방성 구조가 뚜렷한 암석에서 상관비 24는 항상 적용할 수는 없으며 일축압축강도시험과 병행 실시하여 적용하는 것이 바람직하다.다. 한편, 감작감염후 77일과 도전감염후 7일의 시점에 있어서 sRBC에 대한 면역능에 미치는 영향은 전자의 양상과 비슷하였는데 대조에 비하여 지연형 과민반응과 로제트 형성능이 현저하게 저하되었다. 이 시점에 있어서의 유충회수율은 대조가 10.5% 이었는데 비하여 8.3%이었다.e also compared for the cases of Kim et al, which again gives promising agreement.면적 306~453$\textrm{cm}^2$, 유색계의 경우 수당면적 340~453$\textrm{cm}^2$ 일 때 경제능력을 제대로 발휘할 수 있고 경제성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 첨가구가 높은 경향이 있었다8.4%. 79.7% 그리고 80.2%였다.

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Insecticidal Activities and Synergism of Bistrifluron Against EPN-Resistant Strain of Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) (EPN 저항성 배추좀나방에 대한 IGR계 약제 Bistrifluron의 살충활성과 세 가지 협력제에 의한 살충활성 증진 효과)

  • Joo, You-Lee;Yang, Jeong-Oh;Yoon, Chang-Mann;Kim, Gil-Hah
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2009
  • EPN-resistant diamondback moth were tested the developmental characteristics, longevity, fecundity and synergistic effect with synergists when treated with the bistrifluron, an inhibitor of chitin synthesis. Inhibition rate of egg hatch was below at the recommended concentration (50 ppm) to the EPN-resistant strain than EPN-non selected strain, however, mortality within 24hr after hatching was showed as 50-60%. They did not show the difference between two strains. Mortality of larval instars were showed effective to two strains with no difference. Inhibition rate of emergence did not show any effect when treated with pupae. Moreover, they did not affect to the longevity and fecundity. When bistrifluron was treated at 50 ppm to the adult, however, longevity and fecundity was decreased with no difference between two strains. Bistrifluron to the EPN-resistant strain showed synergistic effect as high as 137.7 and 73.1 folds with synergist such as PBO (microsomal oxidase inhibitor) and polyoxin B (chitin synthetase inhibitor), respectively.

Simultaneous Production System of Silkworm Dongchunghacho and Male Pupae Using Both Parent Sex-limited Larval Marking Variety (한성반문잠품종을 이용한 누에동충하초 및 숫번데기의 동시 생산체계)

  • Ji, Sang-Duk;Kim, Nam-Suk;Kang, Pil-Don;Sung, Gyoo-Byung;Hong, In-Pyo;Ryu, Kang Sun;Kim, Young-Ki;Nam, Sung-Hee;Kim, Mi-Ja;Kim, Kee-Young
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to confirm the mass production of male pupae and sex-limited larval marking variety as a host for synnemata production of Isaria tenupes in RDA(Rural Development Administration). Silkworm pupation, infection rate and synnemate formation of I.tenuipes were examined. Among the silkworm varieties tested, male Hansaengjam showed the highest pupation rate at 98.7%. I. tenuipes infection rate of larvae of newly-exuviated 5th instar silkworm was 83.7 ~ 90.4% in the spring rearing season and 91.7 ~ 96.6% in the autumn rearing season. Synnemata production of I. tenuipes was execellent in female Yangwonjam with an incidence rate of 99.5% followed by male Yangwonjam(99.5%) and Baegokjam(99.4%) in the spring and autumn rearing season. Synnemata living weight ranged from 0.93 ~ 1.25 g in the spring rearing season. The female Hansaengjam had the heaviest synnemata weight(1.25 g). Synnemata dry weight ranged from 0.27 ~ 0.35 g in the spring rearing season. The female Yangwonjam had the heaviest synnemata weight(0.35 g).

The Occurrence of Rice Leaf-folder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera : Crambidae) in Suwon and its Responses to Insecticides (혹명나방 개체군의 수원지역 발생 패턴 및 몇가지 약제에 대한 반응)

  • Park, Hong-Hyun;Cho, Jum-Rae;Park, Chang-Gyu;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Goh, Hyun-Gwan;Lee, Sang-Guei
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents the occurrence and damage characteristics of the rice leaf-folder populations in the paddy fields of Dangsu-dong, Suwon from 2004 to 2007, and also reports the insecticide response of rice leaf-folder populations, which were collected from 2005 to 2006 in Korea and Vietnam. Laboratory measurements of the head capsule width and body length data enabled the identification of the rice leaf-folder larva stages collected in the field. The rice leaf-folder population in Suwon from 2004 to 2007 has a clear pattern consisting of two different group: the low and high density years. During the low density years (2004 and 2006), only one adult peak was noted in late August, with the damaged-hill percent less than 10% in late July, and the damaged-leaf percent around 2% in September. In contrast, during the high density years (2005 and 2007), two adult peaks were noted in early August and mid-September, with the damaged-hill percent was around 30% in late July, and the damaged-leaf percent 15 to 30% in September, which was beyond the economic injury level of rice leaf-folder. High correlations existed between the occurrence of rice leaf-folder in late July and early August and damages to rice during September. Based on these results, we suggest that the information on the rice leaf-folder population monitored by the adult density or damaged-hill percent in late July and early August would be very useful for predicting the damages later in the season for aiding in decision-making for timely control. In addition, the regional populations of rice leaf-folder showed the similar responses to the insecticides tested: high susceptibility to IGRs (tebufenozide and methoxyfenozide) and organophosphates (chlorpyrifos-methyl, pyridaphenthion), but relatively low to cartap.