• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유무형문화재

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동해지역의 관광자원

  • 홍충렬
    • Proceedings of the Speleological Society Conference
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    • 1995.08a
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    • pp.88-88
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    • 1995
  • I. 서론 II. 관광자원의 분류 1. 자연관광자원 : 산악 호수 하천 계곡 산림 온천 지형 자연현상등 2. 문화관광자원 : 고고적유적 유무형문화재 향토예술제 박물관 등 3. 사회관광자원 : 풍속 행사 예술 종교 음악 사회형태 스포층 등 4. 산업관광자원 : 공업단지 백화점 전람회 사회공공시설 농업 상업 등 5. 위락관광자원 : 수영장 레저타운 카지노 승마장 놀이시설 등(중략)

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Research on Digital Restoration of Culture Archetype (문화원형의 디지털복원)

  • Lee, Chang-Soon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2010
  • Recently, digitizing technologies for conservation and restoration of tangible intangible cultural properties are coming into spotlight. Because cultural properties are easy to be lost and damaged over the years, After construction of cultural assets database we can reconstruct the cultural asset making use of the reverse engineering when needed, and implement digital contents such as computer graphics, 3D virtural realization, hologram, etc. So in this paper, we scrutinize visual and technical factors occurring in different types of digital restoration of cultural properties, and present problems and improvements, and try to research technological prowess and visual mechanism.

Design of the System Framework for Intangible Cultural Property 4D Recording Methods based on Gyro Sensor (Focusing on Sewing Hand Movement) (자이로센서 기반 무형문화유산 4D 기록 방법 시스템 프레임워크 설계(바느질 손동작 중심으로))

  • Kim, Ki-Hong;Yu, Jeong-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2020.07a
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    • pp.415-417
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    • 2020
  • 무형문화유산의 전수 방식은 장인과 이수자의 직접적인 교육으로만 이루어져 왔으며 또한 전수는 긴 시간 동안 이루어지고 전수 방식을 따로 기록하는 경우가 드물며 동작이나 구전으로만 전해지기 때문에 표준화된 전수는 이루어질 수 없었다. 현재 국제 유네스코와 국내문화재청에서는 유무형문화재에 대한 전수와 기록의 중요성을 알고 다양한 디지털 기록을 진행하고 있다. 하지만 4차 산업혁명 시대에 무형유산 기록화 기술은 보유자의 기 예능 장인 공법을 기록하는 부분으로 영상기록 및 사진기록 도서 음원 등 아직까지 기존 아날로그 기술 방법으로 기록이 이루어지고 있으며 최근 5G 상용화와 함께 디지털 4차 산업 혁명시대와 발맞춰 무형유산 정보관리 기관에서도 무형유산 ICT 기반 기술 지원을 활성화되고 있는 시점에서 본 연구는 오랜 시간 동안 숙련도 높은 기술공법으로 한국 전통문화의 맥을 이어가고 있는 무형문화재 장인들의 기술 중에서 손을 사용하는 바느질 중심으로 자이로센서 기반으로 정확한 손동작 정보를 획득하고 기록할 수 있는 시스템 설계 및 연구개발을 통하여 ICT 기반 장인 공법 4D 기록화 기술을 제시하고자 한다. 이와 같은 기술로 무형문화유산의 새로운 4D 기록 방법으로 정확하게 기록하고 보존하여 무형문화유산 전승과 교육을 할 수 있고 문화유산의 유형에 맞는 교육·산업·홍보 등 다양한 사용 목적에 맞는 형태로 폭넓게 사용될 수 있다.

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A Study on the Pan-Jang in the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 판장(板墻)에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Jun-young;Kim, Young-mo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.68-83
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    • 2016
  • Pan-jang(板墻) has become the lost facility, and the examples of its original form can be found no more due to its variable material characteristics. In order to study panjang as a lost facility, the following are needed: - To bring to light its usage and examples. - To investigate its components and structure. Panjang refers to the wall made of wooden plate and is classified as a special wall according to its material characteristics. In addition, Chinese mokyeongbyuk(木影壁) and Japanese panbyeong(板?) are similar to Korean panjang in terms of the materials, but there are clear differences in their structures. Panjang was also transformed into various types according to their materials or forms. As the wooden elements of panjang, sinbang(信防), pillars, do-ri(道里), jungbang(中枋), inbang(引枋), parn(板), dae(帶), choyeop(草葉), bangyeon(方椽), gaeparn(蓋板), pyeonggodae(平高臺), and yeonharm(椽檻) were selectively used, and they are similar, in particular, to the components of ilgakmoon(一角門). The stylobate of panjang is largely classified into three according to the kinds and structures of the wooden elements; and its frame into two according to whether sanginbang(上引枋) is used or not. The materials for the roof area include planks(蓋板) and tiles and have the distinct structural differences according to each material.

Archaeometric Significant and Manufacturing Characteristics of Comb-Pattern Pottery from the Daejuk-ri Shell Midden, Seosan, Korea (서산 대죽리 패총 출토 빗살무늬토기의 제작특성과 고고과학적 의미)

  • AN Deogim;LEE Chan Hee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.138-164
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    • 2022
  • The Neolithic shell midden in Daejuk-ri, Seosan, is distributed on the gentle slope of a low hill close to the west coast. The bedrock of the area consists mainly of schist with various mafic minerals, but shows a partial gneiss pattern. The site consists of loamy topsoil and clay loam subsoil, and the degree of siallization is relatively low. Although the pottery excavated from the shell midden shares mostly similar features, a variety of shapes and patterns coexist. The surface colors, thickness and physical properties are slightly different. The pottery can be subdivided into three types (IA, IB and II) according to the composition of the body clay, the temper and the existence of a black core. Types IA and IB are colorless mineral pottery with a non-black or black core respectively. TypeII is colored mineral pottery with a non-black core. Type I pottery also contains non-plastic colored minerals, but type II contains a large amount of biotite, chlorite, talc, amphibole, diopside and tremolite, which include a large amount of Mg and Fe. The studied pottery contains a small amount of organic matter. Considering the grain size and relatively poor sorting and roundness of the non-plastic particles, the pottery appears to be made by adding coarse non-plastic tempers for special purposes to the untreated weathered soil around the site. The three types of pottery seem to have been incompletely fired in general. While type IB has the lowest degree of oxidation, typeII shows the highest degree of redness and oxidation. It can be interpreted that these differences depend on the firing temperature and the ratio of non-plastic particles. Through a synthesis of the minerals, geochemical data and thermal history, it can be determined that the firing temperature ranged from 600 to 700℃. The pottery types of the Daejuk-ri Shell Midden have slightly different production conditions, mineral compositions, and physical properties, but have undergone similar production processes with basically the same clay materials. The clay is almost identical to the composition of the bedrock and weathered soil distributed in the Daejuk-ri area. Currently, there is an industrial complex in the area, so it is difficult to confirm the soil and geological distribution of the site. However, it is highly probable that the area around the site was self-sufficient for the clay and tempers required for the production of the Neolithic pottery. Therefore, it can be interpreted that the group that left the shell midden in Daejuk-ri lived near the site, visited the site for the purpose of collecting and processing shellfish, and discarded the broken pottery along with shells.

Investigation on the Correlation of Cremation and Buddism in United Shilla-Era Focusing on Religious Acts of Building Temples and Stupas (통일신라시대의 화장과 불교와의 상호관련성에 대한 고찰 조사(造寺)·조탑(造塔)신앙과의 관련성을 중심으로)

  • Cha, Soon Chul
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.57-78
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    • 2008
  • According to the previous studies about Shilla's cremate grave, in the process of importing the cremate grave, there has been correlation with Chinese Buddhism, and there have been a lot of mentions about the change of the grave, Yinwha(Stamp) patterns and its existence, and about the characteristics of the vessels to contain the bones. The cremate grave is categorized into two-parts type and mono-type, depending on the dead person. The cremate graves that are in local areas such as Wang-Gyeong, show difference in types. The typical vessel to contain the bones, called "Yeongyeol Gori Yoogaeho" is again proved to have existed from A.D 8c. ~ A.D 9c., judging from the Yinwha pattern stamp's existence. Yet, the Yeongyeol Gori Yoogaeho from 9th century used the patternless pottery, also seen from the Won-wha 10 yeon-myeong cremate grave. Due to the prosperity of Buddhism, when the "Mukuchonggwang Taranikyong(Sutra)", translated into Han language in 704 at Dang, was imported into Shilla, the funeral ceremonies of Shilla people changed from making cremate graves with vessels or scattering the bones in oceans, into building stupas in temples with hopes and wishes to bring oneself and family's fortune and the next life of the dead. As a result, the meaning of "Grave" disappeared for the cremate graves, and rather the ceremony changed into scattering bones and wishing fortunes for the dead person. In other words, the ancestor-worship ceremony which was focused on the tomb changed into commemorating the ancestors and wishing individual fortunes by the religious assembly in temples and the building process of stupas. In conclusion, this social change was the cause of the extinction of stone chamber with tunnel entrance and the tombs such as cremate grave.

A City Desirable for Living, A Sustainable Community - Sustainable Development and Housing Viewed through Urban Hanok Residential Areas and Hanyangdoseong Neighborhood Village in Seoul - (살고 싶은 도시, 지속가능한 공동체 - 한옥주거지와 성곽마을을 통해 본 지속가능한 개발과 주거 -)

  • Kim, Young Soo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.240-255
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    • 2016
  • In many cities in the East and West during the modern period, historical resources were perceived as obstacles to urban development and were treated as deficiencies calling for development. Korea underwent a process of drastic urbanization and industrialization almost unprecedented in modern history. In this process of turmoil, cities expanded rapidly and went through a series of changes. City development followed a repeated cycle in which resources were concentrated in the city area, which, in turn, led to further development. However, such method of development is reaching its limits. In order to make a city desirable for living, it is crucial to make an effort to build a sustainable city environment where life and history coexist harmoniously. It is now time to consider how to carry forth sustainable development in the city where the past, present, and future coexist. If so, how will the future of our cities look and the form of housing change? To answer this question, we examined Urban Hanok Residential Areas and Hanyangdoseong neighborhood village, which went through rapid changes in the modern period. The Hanok, which was a commonplace sight in the past, has been perceived as an underdeveloped form of housing, easily targeted for redevelopment only a few years ago; so was the case with Hanyangdoseong neighborhood village. Yet now these are being revalued as sustainable housing areas able to coexist with the history of the city. That is, through restoration, their potential of contributing to the history and identity of the city is gaining recognition. In this regard, it holds great implications for us to look at the changes that traditional Korean housing areas and castle villages have undergone.

A study on the utilization of drones and aerial photographs for searching ruins with a focus on topographic analysis (유적탐색을 위한 드론과 항공사진의 활용방안 연구)

  • Heo, Ui-Haeng;Lee, Wal-Yeong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.22-37
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    • 2018
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have attracted considerable attention both at home and abroad. The UAV is equipped with a camera that shoots images, which is advantageous for access to areas where archaeological investigations are not possible. Moreover, it is possible to acquire three-dimensional spatial image information by modeling the terrain through aerial photographing, and it is possible to specify the interpretation of the terrain of the survey area. In addition, if we understand the change of the terrain through comparison with past aerial photographs, it will be very helpful to grasp the existence of the ruins. The terrain modeling for searching these remains can be divided into two parts. First, we acquire the aerial photographs of the current terrain using the drone. Then, using image registration and post-processing, we complete the image-joining and terrain-modeling using past aerial photographs. The completed modeled terrain can be used to derive several analytical results. In the present terrain modeling, terrain analysis such as DSM, DTM, and altitude analysis can be performed to roughly grasp the characteristics of the change in the form, quality, and micro-topography. Past terrain modeling of aerial photographs allows us to understand the shape of landforms and micro-topography in wetlands. When verified with actual findings and overlapping data on the modelling of each terrain, it is believed that changes in hill shapes and buried Microform can be identified as helpful when used in low-flying applications. Thus, modeling data using aerial photographs is useful for identifying the reasons for the inability to carry out archaeological surveys, the existence of terrain and ruins in a wide area, and to discuss the preservation process of the ruins. Furthermore, it is possible to provide various themes, such as cadastral maps and land use maps, through comparison of past and present topographical data. However, it is certain that it will function as a new investigation methodology for the exploration of ruins in order to discover archaeological cultural properties.

The Characteristics of Illness Behavior in Patients with Somatization (신체화에 따른 질병행동의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Ji-Young;Yum, Tae-Ho;Oh, Dong-Jae;Cho, Seong-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.176-184
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    • 1997
  • Abnormal illness behavior in patients with somatoform disorders were known formed by their traditional disease concepts and somatization-prone socio-cultural factors. The authors evaluated the characteristics of abnormal illness behavior in patients with somatoform disorders(who had somatization) by using abnormal illness behavior questionnaire. Methods : 29 somatoform disorders(SD) and 57 disease controls were compared by clinical characteristics, severity of pain, state anxiety(by Spielberger's State & Trait Anxiety Inventory), depression(by Beck's Depression Inventory) and level of psychosocial stess(by DSM-III-R). The illness behavior was measured by illness Behavior Questionnaire(IBQ). Results SD group had longer period of somatic symptoms with less severity in pain. The degree of anxiety and depression were higher in SB compared with controls. However, the degree of psychosocial stress was almost same between both groups. In IBQ, SD showed higher scores in general hypochondriasis, disease conviction, and affective disturbance subscales compared to control group. Conclusion: High disease conviction and hypochondriacal nature revealed by IBQ seemed to be a role in making somatization by way of somatic focusing and hypervigilance. And those tended to lead patients visit hospital frequently and report various somatic complaints. Evaluating abnormal illness behavior in somatoform disorders would be not only helpful in understanding the natures of somatoform disorders but also useful differentiating SD with other psychiatric conditions.

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