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The Effects of Saururus chinensis Baill Extract Administration on the Blood Glucose, Electrolyte and Lipid Metabolism in STZ-Induced Hyperglycemic Rats (Streptozotocin 유도 당뇨성 흰쥐의 혈당, 전해질 및 지질대사에 삼백초 추출액이 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Han-Soo
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.911-918
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of the feeding physiological activity substance in Saururus chinensis Baill extract on the improvement of the blood glucose, electrolyte (Na, K, CI) concentration and lipid metabolism in the serum of streptozotocin (STZ, 55 mg/kg B.W., I.P. injection)-induced hyperglycemic rats fed the experimental diets for 5 weeks. Concentrations of blood glucose, total cholesterol, atherosclerotic index, LDL, LDL-cholesterol, free cholesterol, cholesteryl ester ratio, triglyceride (TG) and phospholipid (PL) in serum were significantly higher in the hyperglycemic group (group NSW), STZ (I.P.)+Saururus chinensis Baill leaf 3.5 g% extract group (group NSSL) and STZ (I.P.)+Saururus chinensis Baill root 3.5 g% extract group (group NSSR) than those in the control group (group Normal, basal diet+water). But the concentrations of blood glucose, total cholesterol, atherosclerotic index, LDL, LDL-cholesterol, free cholesterol, cholesteryl ester ratio, TG and PL in serum were remarkably lower in the groups NSSL and NSSR than those in the NSW, whereas the ratio of HDL-cholesterol concentration to total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol concentration in the groups NSSL and NSSR were significantly higher than in the group NSW. Electrolyte and creatinine concentrations in serum were significantly lower in the groups NSSL and NSSR than those in the group NSW. The activities of aminotransferase (AST, ALT), creatine phosphokinase (CPK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in serum were remarkably lower in the groups NSSL and NSSR than in the hyperglycemic group NSW. However, no significance was found in the comperative effect of the groups NSSL and NSSR. From the above results, it was suggested that Saururus chinensis Baill was effective in the improvement of the blood glucose, electrolyte, glucide and lipid metabolism in serum of STZ-induced hyperglycemic rats.

Effect of Ginseng Saponin on LDL Receptor Biosynthesis (인삼사포닌의 저밀도지질단백질(LDL)수용체에 미치는 영향)

  • Joo Chung No;Lee Hee Bong;Lee Yong Woo;Kang In Chul
    • Proceedings of the Ginseng society Conference
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    • 1988.08a
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 1988
  • Cholesterol a component of all eucaryotic plasma membranes. is essential for the growth and viability of cells in higher organisms. However. too much cholesterol can be lethal because of atherosclerosis resulting from the deposition of cholesterol ester plaques. It was attempted in this study to understand the preventive effect of ginseng saponin. one of the major components of the roots of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer. against hypercholesterolemia induced by high cholesterol diet. 125ILDL was injected intravenously to rabbits and rats. which were fed a high cholesterol diet with and/or without ginseng saponin for 12 days. The disappearance of the radioactivity occurred faster in the test group than the control. The effect of saponin fraction from Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer and the purified ginsenosilks. Rb1,Rb2,ReandRg1, on LDL receptor biosynthesis in high cholesterol fed rat has been investigated. Analysis of LDL receptors from various organs such as liver. kidney. adrenal cortex and testis showed that the population of LDL receptors of test group significantly higher than that of the control. It was also found that liver homogenate containing ginsenosides (103104%) stimulated the biosynthesis of bile acid form cholesterol. From the above results. it seemed that ginsenosides lower the cholesterol level by stimulating cholesterol metabolism. which result in the suppression of the inhibitory action of cholesterol on LDL receptor biosynthesis.

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Effects and Molecular Mechanisms of Eupatorium chinensis var. simplicifolium Extract on Abnormal Proliferation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells (등골나물추출물의 혈관 평활근 세포의 비정상 증식에 대한 억제 효과 및 분자기작)

  • Kim, Min-Jeong;Kim, Jihee;Lee, Jin-Ho;Kim, Minah;Woo, Keunjung;Kim, Han Sung;Kim, Tack-Joong
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.787-795
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    • 2021
  • Eupatorium chinensis var. simplicifolium (EUC) has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Young sprouts of EUC have been used as food for a long time, and the whole EUC plant has been used as an herbal remedy in oriental medicine. Arteriosclerosis, or chronic inflammation in arterial vessels, is a cardiovascular disease and is involved in various disorders. Cardiovascular diseases such as restenosis and neuropathic hyperplasia are mainly caused by abnormal growth and movement due to multiple growth factors in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a mitogen released from damaged vessel walls and is involved in the proliferation and migration of VSMCs. To determine the effects of EUC on the abnormal proliferation and migration of VSMCs, the present study investigated intracellular signaling pathways in PDGF-BB-induced VSMCs treated with and without EUC. Pretreating PDGF-BB-induced VSMCs with EUC tended to effectively decrease cell proliferation and migration. Subsequently, the intracellular growth-related signaling pathways of AKT, phospholipase C gamma (PLC-γ), and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) were investigated using western blotting to confirm inhibited phosphorylation. Furthermore, flow cytometry data showed that EUC blocked the cell cycle of VSMCs. These results suggest that EUC can inhibit the proliferation and migration of VSMCs by controlling the cell cycle and growth factor receptors. Furthermore, this indicates that EUC can be used as a preventative against cardiovascular disease resulting from abnormal proliferation and migration of VSMCs.

The Effects of Functional Tea (Mori Folium, Lycii Fructus, Chrysanthemi Flos, Zizyphi Fructus, Sesamum Semen, Raphani Semen) Supplement with Medical Nutrition Therapy on the Blood Lipid Levels and Antioxidant Status in Subjects with Hyperlipidemia (고지혈증 환자에서 의학영양치료와 병행하여 섭취한 기능성차(상엽, 구기자, 국화, 대추, 참깨, 나복자)의 혈중 지질 농도 저하 및 항산화 효과)

  • Lim, Hyun-Jung;Cho, Kum-Ho;Choue, Ryowon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.42-56
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    • 2005
  • Hyperlipidemia is one of the risk factors for coronary artery disease. Despite of epidemiological evidence that tea consumption is associated with the reduced risk of coronary heart disease, experimental studies designed to show that drinking tea affects blood lipid concentration or oxidative stress have been unsuccessful. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether functional tea (three servings/day) supplement with medical nutrition therapy (MNT) lead to a beneficial outcomes in mildly hyperlipidemic adults. From February to October, 2003, the 43 hyperlipidemic (23 men, 20 women) subjects (total cholesterol200 mg/dL or triglyceride150 mg/dL) admitted to K Medical Center were studied. Subjects were randomly divided into 3 groups; placebo tea (PT), half dose of functional tea (HFT), full dose of functional tea (FFT). During 12 weeks of study period, the subjects were given placebo or functional tea daily with MNT. Anthropometric measurements, blood chemical analysis including lipid levels, total superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) levels, and dietary assessment were carried out at the beginning and end of experiment. The effects of functional tea were compared with the placebo in randomized clinical trial study. The placebo was prepared to match with the functional tea in color and taste. After the 12 weeks of MNT, the subjects had regular and balanced meal pattern. Consumption of foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat, salty foods, fried foods, and instant foods decreased significantly in all three groups (p<0.05). Intake of energy and cholesterol also decreased (p<0.05). Drinking three servings per day (390 mL/day) of functional tea significantly reduced the levels of blood triglyceride (HFT, 42.5%; FFT, 29.4%), total cholesterol (HFT, 8.5%; FFT, 13.7%), and atherogenic index (HFT, 14.6%; FFT, 21.7%). Whereas no changes were found in the LDL-, HDL-cholesterollevels, and LDL/HDL ratio. Plasma homocysteine (Hcy) concentration decreased significantly (p<0.05) in functional tea groups (HFT, 14.9%; FFT, 14.1%). SOD increased significantly (p<0.05) in HFT (8.3%). GSH-Px increased significantly (p<0.05) in FFT (12.8%). In conclusion, the MNT improved the dietary habits, in addition, functional tea supplement decreased blood lipid levels and Hcy, and increased SOD and GSH-Px levels. These results indicate that functional tea consumption may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease via improving blood lipid levels and antioxidant status.

The Effects of Gastrodiae Rhizoma Powder on Plasma Lipid Profiles in the Elderly with Cardiovascular Disease (천마분말 복용이 심혈관계 질환 노인들의 혈중 지질 양상 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Kyung-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.858-868
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effects of Gastrodiae Rhizoma powder on plasma lipid profiles in elderly volunteers with hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes or heart disease. 32 elderly people, 11 males and 21 females aged 6077 years, were given Gastrodiae Rhizoma powder 15 g twice daily for 6 months. We investigated the antheropometric data, general characteristics and dietary habit by using questionnaires. Fasting blood samples were collected from the subjects before and after this 6 months intervention study. Blood pressure, glucose, hemoglobin and lipid levels of plasma, atherogenic index (AI) and cardiac risk factors (CRF, LHR, HTR) were determined before and after consumption of Gastrodiae Rhizoma powder. The mean body mass index (BMI) of the male and female subjects were 22.4 and 23.6, respectively. The percent of ideal body weight (PIBW) of males and females were 105.6% and 122.3%, respectively. The subjects had decreased intake frequency of fish and meat in their dietary habit. After consumption of Gastrodiae Rhizoma powder, there were no significant differences in blood pressure; however, the blood glucose significantly decreased with Gastrodiae Rhizoma intake in the males. In the subjects, the levels of plasma total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL-cholesterol were decreased by the consumption of Gastrodiae Rhizoma powder; while the levels of plasma LDL-cholesterol was significantly decreased in female. Blood pressure and biochemical assessment (blood glucose, hemoglobin, triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL and HDL-cholesterol) of the subjects were within the normal range. It was found that AI, CRF and LHR were significantly decreased by Gastrodiae Rhizoma intake. The present results indicate that dietary supplementation of Gastrodiae Rhizoma improved lipid metabolism and cardiac risk factor in cardiovascular disease.

The effects of proliferation and differentiation on adipocyte 3T3-L1 by prescriptions and herbs of Taeyang-In and Taeum-In (태양인(太陽人), 태음인(太陰人)의 처방(處方)과 약재(藥材)가 지방세포(脂肪細胞)(3T3-L1)의 증식(增殖)·분화억제(分化抑制)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Su-beom;Kho, Byung-hee;Song, Il-byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.533-564
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    • 1998
  • In order to know the effect of proliferation and differentiation on edipocyte 3T3-L1 by prescriptions and herbs, Taeyangin(太陽人)'s Okapijangcheok-tang(五加皮壯脊湯) Mihudeungsikjangtang Acanthopanacis Cortex(五加皮) Phragmitis Rhizoma(蘆根) and Taeumin(太陰人)'s Taeumjowi-tang(太陰調胃湯) Cheongsimyonja-tang(淸心蓮子湯) Cheongpaesagan-tang(淸肺瀉肝湯) Galkeunbupyong-tang(葛根浮萍湯) Coicis Semen(薏苡仁) Rhei Undulati Rhizoma(大黃) Mori Cortex(桑白皮) Ulmi Cortex(楡根白皮) Holotrichia Vermiculus Kalopanaxii Cortex(海桐皮) Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) Imperatae Rhizoma(白茅根), were used and had some effects. 1. The proliferation effect of edipocyte 1) At the Taeyangin(太陽人)'s prescriptions and herbs, Okapijangcheok-tang(五加皮壯脊湯) Mihudeungsikjang-tang Acanthopanacis Cortex(五加皮) have a control effect at the boiling water-extract and ethyl alcohol-extract. Phragmitis Rhizoma(蘆根) have a control effect at the ethyl alcohol-extract. 2) At the Taeyangin(太陽人)'s prescriptions and herbs, Taeumjowi-tang(太陰調胃湯) Cheongsimyonja-tang(淸心蓮子湯) Cheongpaesagan-tang(淸肺瀉肝湯) Galkeunbupyong-tang(葛根浮萍湯) have a control effect at the boiling water-extract and ethyl alcohol-extract. Coicis Semen(薏苡仁) Rhei Undulati Rhizoma(大黃) Morl Cortex(桑白皮) Ulmi Cortex(楡根白皮) Kalopanaxii Cortex(海桐皮) · Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) of the boiling water-extract, Holotrichia Vermiculus Kalopanaxii Cortex(海桐皮) of ethyl alcohol-extract have a control effect on edipocytes. Rhei Undulati Rhizoma(大黃) Ulmi Cortex(楡根白皮) Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) of high-density have a cyto-toxicity. 2. The differentiation effect of edipocyte 1) At the Taeyangin(太陽人)'s prescriptions and herbs during the natural differentiation, Phragmitis Rhizoma(蘆根) of the boiling water-extract, Okapijangchek-tang(五加皮壯脊湯) Acanthopanacis Cortex(五加皮) of the ethyl alcohol-extract have a cyto-toxicity on the first-differentiation. 2) At the Taeumin(太陰人)'s prescriptions and herbs during the natural differentiation, Ulmi Cortex (楡根白皮) Kalopanaxii Cortex(海桐皮) of the boiling water-extract have a cyto-toxicity on the first-differentiation. Cheongsimyonja-tang(淸心蓮子湯) Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) of ethyl alcohol-extract have a control effect on the redifferentiation. 3) At the Taeyangin(太陽人)'s prescriptions and herbs on the first-differentiation during the induced differentiation, Acanthopanacis Cortex(五加皮) of ethyl alcohol-extract has a control effect. Okapijangchek-tang(五加皮壯脊湯) Acanthopanacis Cortex(五加皮) Phragmitis Rhizoma(蘆根) of the boiling water-extract have a cyto-toxicity. 4) At the Taeumin(太陰人)'s prescriptions and herbs on the first-differentiation during the induced differentiation, Coicis Semen(薏苡仁) Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) Imperatae Rhizoma(白茅根) of the boiling water-extract and Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) of the ethyl alcohol-extract have a control effect. Kalopanaxii Cortex(海桐皮) of the boiling water-extract and the ethyl alcohol-extract has a cyto-toxicity. Considering this result, the Taeyangin(太陽人) Taeumin(太陰人)'s prescriptions and herbs have a control effect on edipocytes during the proliferation. Acanthopanacis Cortex(五加皮), Coicis Semen(薏苡仁) Ephedrae Herba(麻黃) Imperatae Rhizoma(白茅根) have a control effect on edipocytes during the induced differentiation. In the future, for treating a obesity need a vivo assay and hope this study to help to know the mechanisms of obesity.

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The Diagnostic Yield and Complications of Percutaneous Needle Aspiration Biopsy for the Intrathoracic Lesions (경피적 폐생검의 진단성적 및 합병증)

  • Jang, Seung Hun;Kim, Cheal Hyeon;Koh, Won Jung;Yoo, Chul-Gyu;Kim, Young Whan;Han, Sung Koo;Shim, Young-Soo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.916-924
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    • 1996
  • Bacground : Percutaneous needle aspiration biopsy (PCNA) is one of the most frequently used diagnostic methcxJs for intrathoracic lesions. Previous studies have reponed wide range of diagnostic yield from 28 to 98%. However, diagnostic yield has been increased by accumulation of experience, improvement of needle and the image guiding systems. We analysed the results of PCNA performed for one year to evaluate the diagnostic yield, the rate and severity of complications and factors affecting the diagnostic yield. Method : 287 PCNAs undergone in 236 patients from January, 1994 to December, 1994 were analysed retrospectively. The intrathoracic lesions was targeted and aspirated with 21 - 23 G Chiba needle under fluoroscopic guiding system. Occasionally, 19 - 20 G Biopsy gun was used for core tissue specimen. The specimen was requested for microbiologic, cytologic and histopathologic examination in the case of obtained core tissue. Diagnostic yields and complication rate of benign and malignant lesions were ca1culaled based on patients' chans. The comparison for the diagnostic yields according to size and shape of the lesions was analysed with chi square test (p<0.05). Results : There are 19.9% of consolidative lesion and 80.1% of nodular or mass lesion, and the lesion is located at the right upper lobe in 26.3% of cases, the right middle lobe in 6.4%, the right lower lobe 21.2%, the left upper lobe in 16.8%, the left lower lobe in 10.6%, and mediastinum in 1.3%. The lesion distributed over 2 lobes is as many as 17.4% of cases. There are 74 patients with benign lesions, 142 patients with malignant lesions in final diagnosis and confirmative diagnosis was not made in 22 patients despite of all available diagnostic methods. 2 patients have lung cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis concomittantly. Experience with 236 patients showed that PCNA can diagnose benign lesions in 62.2% (42 patients) of patients with such lesions and malignant lesions in 82.4% (117 patients) of patients. For the patients in whom the first PCNA failed to make diagnosis, the procedure was repeated and the cumulative diagnostic yield was increased as 44.6%, 60.8%, 62.2% in benign lesions and as 73.4%, 81.7%, 82.4% in malignant lesions through serial PCNA. Thoracotomy was performed in 9 patients with benign lesions and in 43 patients with malignant lesions. PCNA and thoracotomy showed the same pathologic result in 44.4% (4 patients) of benign lesions and 58.1% (25 patients) of malignant lesions. Thoracotomy confirmed 4 patients with malignat lesions against benign result of PCNA and 2 patients with benign lesions against malignant result of PCNA. There are 1.0% (3 cases) of hemoptysis, 19.2% (55 cases) of blood tinged sputum, 12.5% (36 cases) of pneumothorax and 1.0% (3 cases) of fever through 287 times of PCNA. Hemoptysis and blood tinged sputum didn't need therapy. 8 cases of pneumothorax needed insertion of classical chest tube or pig-tail catheter. Fever subsided within 48 hours in all cases. There was no difference between size and shape of lesion with diagnostic yield. Conclusion: PCNA shows relatively high diagnostic yield and mild degree complications but the accuracy of histologic diagnosis has to be improved.

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Surgical Treatment of Pulmonary Aspergillosis (III) (폐 국균증의 외과적 치료(제 3보))

  • 정성철;김우식;배윤숙;유환국;정승혁;이정호;김병열
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.7
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    • pp.497-503
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    • 2003
  • Pulmonary aspergillosis usually results from the colonization of the existing lung lesions by chronic pulmonary diseases, such as tuberculosis. Most cases of pulmonary aspergilloma have been treated surgically for many years because it is a potentially life-threatening disease causing massive hemoptysis. Here we reviewed our results from the last 10 years. Material and Method: We reviewed 31 cases surgically treated from Aug. 1992 to Jul. 2002. retrospectively. This investigation is designed to illustrate the peak age incidence, sex ratio, chief complaints, preoperative study, anatomic location of operative site, postoperative pathologic finding and postoperative complications. Result: The peak age Incidence laid in the 3rd and 4th decade of 20 cases (64.5%). The most common complaint was hemoptysis in 27 cases (87.1%). The 31 cases had a history of treatment with anti-tuberculous drugs under impression of pulmonary tuberculosis. The 19 cases (61.3%) showed the so-called “Air-meniscus sign” on the preoperative chest X-ray. In the 31 cases (100%) on the chest computed tomography. as a preoperative diagnostic modality, positivity was shown in 37.9%, 83.3% was shown on the fungus culture of sputum for Aspergillus, serum immunodiffusion test for A. fumigatus, respectively. The anatomical location of aspergilloma was mainly in the upper lobe in 19 cases (61.3%) and the majority of cases were managed by lobectomy. The postoperative pathologic findings showed that 31 cases (100%) were combined with tuberculosis. The postoperative complications include empyema, prolonged air leakage, remained dead space, postoperative bleeding and these numbers of cases is 3 cases (9.7%), 2 cases (6.45%), 2 cases (6.45%), 1 case (3.23%), respectively. one case was died postoperatively due to massive beeding, and asphyxia. Conclusion: Compared with the previous study, there is no significant difference in results. Preoperative chest computed tomography and immunodiffusion test were more commonly available and showed high positivity. Operations often became technically difficult because of pleural space obliteration, indurated hilar structures, and poor expansion of the remaining lung, which were more prominent in the patients with complex aspergillosis. In such cases, medical treatments and interventional procedures like bronchial artery embolization are preferred. However, cavernostomy is also recommanded with few additional morbidity because of its relatively less invassiveness. Early surgical intervention is the recommended management for patients with simple aspergilloma considering the Row surgical mortality and morbidity in recent days.

Development of 166Ho-Stent for the Treatment of Esophageal Cancer (식도암 치료용 166Ho-Stent 개발)

  • Park, Kyung-Bae;Kim, Young-Mi;Kim, Kyung-Hwa;Shin, Byung-Chul;Park, Woong-Woo;Han, Kwang-Hee;Chung, Young-Ju;Choi, Sang-Mu;Lee, Jong-Doo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.62-73
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    • 2000
  • Purpose: Esophageal cancer patients have a difficulty in the intake of meals through the blocked esophageal lumen, which is caused by an ingrowth of cancer cells and largely influences on the prognosis. It is reported that esophageal cancer has a very low survival rate due to the lack of nourishment and immunity as the result of this. In this study a new radioactive stent, which prevents tumor ingrowth and restenosis by additional radiation treatment, has been developed. Materials and Methods: Using HANARO research reactor, the radioactive stent assembly (166Ho-SA) was prepared by covering the metallic stent with a radioactive sleeve by means of a post-irradiation and pre-irradiation methods. Results: Scanning electron microscopy and autoradiography exhibited that the distribution of 165/166Ho(NO3) compounds in polyurethane matrix was homogeneous. A geometrical model of the esophagus considering its structural properties, was developed for the computer simulation of energy deposition to the esophageal wall. The dose distributions of 166Ho-stent were calculated by means of the EGS4 code system. The sources are considered to be distributed uniformly on the surface in the form of a cylinder with a diameter of 20 mm and length of 40 mm. As an animal experiment, when radioactive stent developed in this study was inserted into the esophagus of a Mongrel dog, tissue destruction and widening of the esophageal lumen were observed. Conclusion: We have developed a new radioactive stent comprising of a radioactive tubular sleeve covering the metallic stent, which emits homogeneous radiation. If it is inserted into the blocked or narrowed lumen, it can lead to local destruction of the tumor due to irradiation effect with dilatation resulting from self-expansion of the metallic property. Accordingly, it is expected that restenosis esophageal lumen by the continuous ingrowth and infiltration of cancer after insertion of our radioactive stent will be decreased remarkably.

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Enhancing the Effects of Zerumbone on THP-1 Cell Activation (단핵구세포주의 활성에 미치는 Zerumbone의 영향)

  • Lee, Min Ho;Kim, Sa Hyun;Ryu, Sung Ryul;Lee, Pyeongjae;Moon, Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2017
  • Zerumbone is a major component of the essential oil from Zingiber zerumbet Smith, which is a kind of wild ginger. In addition, various biological functions, such as liver protection, pain relief, atherosclerosis, and antimicrobial activity have been reported. It is also known to be effective in the proliferation of immune cells and the expression of cytokines. In this study, we investigated the effects of zerumbone on monocyte activation. First, it was confirmed that the proliferation of THP-1 cells was increased by zerumbone. The strongest increase in THP-1 proliferation after lipopolysaccharide treatment was observed at 5μM zerumbone treatment, and the increase of cell proliferation without lipopolysaccharide was the highest at 10μM. Conversely, when treated with 50μM zerumbone, a rapid decrease of proliferation was observed regardless of the presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The phosphorylation of signaling protein, Erk, induced by LPS was also increased by zerumbone. The strongest increase in phosphorylation was observed when treated with 50μM of zerumbone with reduced proliferation. The activity of transcription factor NFκB was not significantly altered by zerumbone alone, but increased when treated with lipopolysaccharide. Furthermore, the transcription of the inflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-8, which are regulated by NFκB, is also increased by zerumbone. These results suggest that zerumbone can enhance the proliferation and activity of monocytes. Furthermore, it is believed that zerumbone can enhance rthe immune responses through increased monocyte activity in bacterial infections with LPS, thereby helping to treat effective bacteria.