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Effects of Antimicrobial and Cytotoxicity of Undaria pinnatifida Sporophyll Fractions (미역귀 분획물의 항균 · 암세포 성장저지 효과)

  • Park, Soung-Young;Jung, Young-Hwa;Shin, Mi-Ok;Jung, Bok-Mi;Bae, Song-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.765-770
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    • 2005
  • In this study, we investigated antimicrobial and cytotoxicity effects of Undaria pinnatifida Sporophyll, which using methanol, dichloromethane and ethanol were extracted and fractionated into four different types: methanol (UPMM), hexane (UPMH), butanol (UPMB) and aqueous (UPMA). The antimicrobial activity was increased in proportion to its concentration by the paper disc method. Among the solvent fractions, UPMM and UPMB showed relatively strong antimicrobial activities in the order. Among various partition layers, the methanol partition layer (UPMM) was showed the strongest cytotoxic effects on all cancer cell lines. We also observed quinone reductase (QR) induced effects in all fraction layers of UP on HepG2 cells. The QR induced effects of UPMH on HepG2 cells at 320μg/mL concentration indicated 2.36 with a control value of 1.0.

Growth Inhibition Effects of Cancer Cell Lines by Gloiopeltis furcata Fractions in Vitro (불등가사리 분획물의 암세포 성장 억제 효과)

  • Park, Soung-Young;Jung, Bok-Mi;Choi, Yung-Hyun;Bae, Song-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.771-775
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    • 2005
  • The growth inhibitory effects on human cancer cell lines provide useful information regarding critical cellular targets. Reports on cytotoxicity of Gloiopeltis furcata (GF) to human cancer cell lines are conflicting. This study was performed to investigate the effects of cytotoxicity and quinone reductase activity of Gloiopeltis furcata on the human cancer cells. The four partition layers of methanol extracts (GFM) which are hexane (GFMH), methanol (GFMM), butanol (GFMB) and aquous (GFMA) were screened for their cytotoxic effects on HepG2, HeLa, MCF-7, HT-29, and normal liver cell lines. The GFMM showed the strongest growth inhibition effect on all cell lines we used. the GFMM showed the highest induction activity of quinone reductase on HepG2 cells among the other partition layers.

Induction of Spontaneous Neutrophil Apoptosis by 4-O-Methyl-Ascochlorin, A Prenyl Phenol Compound (프레닐 페놀계 항생제인 4-O-methyl-ascochlorin에 의한 호중구 세포사멸의 유도)

  • Son Dong-Aoon;Lee Sun-Young;Lee Min-Jung;Park Joo-In;Hong Young-Seob;Lee Yong-Hwan;Chang Young-Chae;Kwak Jong-Young
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 2006
  • Neutrophils are short-lived leukocytes that play a vital role in immune responses to bacteria, yeast, and fungi. This study was performed to investigate the effect of 4-O-methyl-ascochlorin (MAC), an anti-tumor, antibiotic, and anti-fungal prenyl-phenol compound on the spontaneous apoptosis of human neutrophils. MAC time- and dose-dependently accelerated the spontaneous apoptosis of human neutrophils. The effect of MAC on neutrophil apoptosis was blocked by pre-treatment of the neutrophils with specific inhibitors of pancaspase (zVAD-fmk), caspase-8 (zIETD-fmk), or caspase-3 (zDEVD-fmk). The cleavage of procaspase-8 and procaspase-3 was increased by MAC. Mitochondrial permeability, which was measured by the retention of DiOC6(3), was dose-de-pendently increased by MAC but the change of mitochondrial permeability was not blocked by pretreatment of neutrophils with zIETD-fmk. These results suggest that MAC induces neutrophil apoptosis by caspase-8-dependent but mitochondria-independent manner.

Catalytic CVD-Kinetics of Pyrolytic Carbon and SiC on the Stainless Steel Stent (Stainless Steel Stent에 Pyrolytic Carbon과 SiC의 촉매적 CVD-Kinetic연구)

  • 이보성;이무용
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.30-33
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    • 2000
  • 최근 국내에서도 관 동맥 질환 환자의 수가 급증하고 있으며, 관 동맥 질환의 치료 방법인 관 동맥 성형 술은 관 동맥 stent의 도입에 의하여 보편화되어 국내에서 년간 5000개 이상의 stent가 시술되고 있다. 그러나 stent는 고가(1,200천원/개)로 전량 수입에 의존하고 있으며, 시술 후 사망까지 이를 수 있는 혈전에 의한 급성 페쇠와 재 협착이 문제점이다. 이를 위한 한가지 방법이 생체 적합성이 뛰어난 복합 stent의 개발인데 SiC나 Carbon을 coating한 stent는 시술 후 혈전 형성을 억제하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 특히 가장 순수한 Pyrolytic carbon은 hemocompatibility가 탁월하고 기밀 성이기 때문에 본 연구에서 그의 CVB-Kinetics를 연구코저 하는 것이다. methane으로부터 pyrolytic carbon의 CVD는 온도에 따라서 다양한 구조를 가지며 따라서 그의 mechanism도 다양하다는 것은 잘 알려져 있다. 더구나 광간(균질)반응과 표면(불균질)반응의 정량적 관계에 따라서도 다르다는 것도 확인되었다. 그러나 stainless steel 316L로 만든 stent는 12 - 15 %의 Ni과 2%의 Mo을 함유해서 금속성을 잃지 않는 저온(600℃)에서도 pyrolytic carbon의 속매적 CVD가 가능함을 그리고 SiC의 코팅에 적합한 buffer layer 역할을 함을 확인하였다. 그리하여 본 연구는 반응기 설계에 필요한 저온 촉매적 pyrolytic carbon의 CVD-kinetics의 연구결로 그의 mechanism과 함께 rate law 식을 유도, 확인하였으며 600℃, 90kPa에서 P/sub ch4//P/sub H2/=5:1과 체류시간 1.8 sec가 최적임을 발견하였다. 이때 석출속도 11.2 g-mol/g-cat.h 혹은 두께속도로 73 nm/sec를 나타내었다.메타놀-물 (1 : 1) 유출액에서 (0.80μg) 검출되었다. 하면 morey eel내장에서 얻은 독물질도 DEAE-셀루로즈에서 ST-1 과 ST-2로 나누어지며, 이 ST-1의 TLC, HPLC 및 알루미나 컬럼상의 거동이 파랑비늘돔에서 얻은 ST-1의 그것과 같으므로 scaritoxin으로 보고한 ST-1은 ciguatoxin의 형태인 less polar cigutoxin (LPCTX) 으로 생각된다.에서 각각 대조구의 57, 413 및 315% 증진되었다. 거품의 열안정성은 15분 whipping시, pH 4.0(대조구, 30.2%) 및 5.0(대조구, 23.7%)에서 각각 038.0057.0이었고 pH 7.0(대조구, 39.6%) 및 8.0(대조구, 43.6%)에서 각각 059.436.658.4이었으며 sodium alginate 첨가시가 가장 양호하였다. 전체적으로 보아 거품안정성이 높은 것은 열안정성도 높은 경향이며, 표면장력이 낮으면 거품형성능이 높아지고, 비점도가 높으면 거품안정성 및 열안정성이 높아지는 경향이 있었다.protocol.eractions between application agents that are developed using different languages. Dynamic agent invocation is accomplished by Java Native Interface(JNI) that links two heterogeneous methods, and by KQML language interface that facilitates the communications between heterogeneous agents. This scheme of dyna

Quantitative Deterioration Assessment and Microclimatic Analysis of the Gyeongju Seokbinggo (Ice-storing Stone Warehouse), Korea (경주석빙고의 정량적 훼손도 평가와 미기후환경 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Lee, Chan-Hee;Lee, Myeong-Seong
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2009
  • The Gyeongju Seokbinggo (Treasure No. 66) is an ice-storing stone warehouse, consisting mainly of alkaligranite which shows milky white color and medium-grained textures with drusy cavities. As results of deterioration assessment, the deterioration rates were determined as crack (12.5%), disjoining (6.7%), breaking-out (25.1%), exfoliation (20.9%), efflorescence (6.5%), brown discoloration (9.8%), darkgray discoloration (2.0%) and biological discoloration (36.5%). Comprehensive physical deterioration rate and discoloration rate were calculated as 43.7% and 68.7%, respectively, that indicates the Seokbinggo has been severely weathered. Indoor relative humidity was above 90% except in winter season. Indoor microclimate was hardly fluctuating although indoor microclimate was dependent on the outdoor climate. The main cause of deterioration was high relative humidity and a long time of wetness due to penetration of rain, underground water and condensation. It was identified that the water brought out biological discoloration, dissolution of minerals, structural movement and efflorescence, and the dust from the ground soil in front of the entrance accelerated brown and dark gray discoloration on the stone surface.

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Study on Manufacture & Performance of Mixed Soaping & Softening Agent (일액형 복합 소핑유연제의 제조 및 성능 고찰)

  • Lee, In-Yeol;Lee, Jung-Ho;Hwang, Chang-Soon;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers Conference
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.48-48
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    • 2011
  • 국내 염색가공업에 종사하는 중소기업은 약 1,700여개 업체로써, 평균 50억/년 매출을 하고 있으며, 생산의 대부분을 임가공에만 의존하고 있는 실정이다. 이들 염색가공업체들은 섬유제품의 품질 향상 등을 위해 전처리, 염색, 가공이라는 섬유습식공정을 행하게 되는데 그 공정이 따로 분리되어 있어 임가공 업체 입장에서는 시간과 비용 차원에서 비효율적인 면이 존재하여 왔다. 따라서 공정합리화, 원가합리화를 위해 따로 분리되어 있는 위 공정을 통합하려는 시도를 많이 했지만 전처리/염색 공정의 통합에서 일부 성과가 있었을 뿐 효과면에서는 아직 미흡한 실정이다. 또한 가공이란 공정은 그사용 약제의 특수성에 따라 기존 Padding-Drying-Curing이라는 3 step process를 반드시 필요로 하고 있기 때문에 가공 공정의 통합은 시도조차 이루어지지 않고 있는 것이 현실이다. 따라서 염색공정과 가공공정의 통합을 시도하기 위해서는 관련 약제 개발이 출발이라 할 수 있으며 그 첫 대상은 염색 공정의 소핑과 가공공정의 유연처리를 동시에 행할 수 있는 소핑유연제로 선정하려 한다. 즉 셀룰로오스계 섬유의 반응성 염색 후 소핑 공정에서 일액형 소핑유연제, 한가지 제품만을 간편하게 사용해도 소핑효과와 유연효과를 동시에 얻어 후속 유연처리 공정을 생략할 수 있는 것이다. 그렇게 되면 시간적으로나 비용적으로 큰 절감 효과를 가져와 임가공 업체의 부담을 덜어 줄 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 공정 통합을 통해 배출되는 폐수의 양도 상당량 감소시킬 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 본 연구 결과, 폴리옥시에틸렌 트리데실 에테르 타입의 계면활성제와 개질된 디메틸폴리실록산 계열의 실리콘 오일, 그리고 이들의 상용성을 확보하기 위한 특수 용제 및 첨가제를 최적의 비율로 배합하여 안정한 일액형 복합 소핑유연제를 제조할 수 있었다. 제조된 소핑유연제는 유백색 반투명 액상의 외관을 가지며 pH(10%solution)는 7±1, 고형분은 13.5±0.5이었다. 이 소핑유연제의 성능 평가결과, 소핑력은 기존의 소핑제와 동등 수준으로 세탁견뢰도 4급이상의 성능을 보였고, 유연성 면에서도 기존의 유연제와 동등 수준으로 평가되었다. 이로써 기존의 분리된 소핑 공정과 유연공정을 개발된 제품을 이용하여 통합할 수 있어 염색현장의 비용절감, 공정단축의 효과를 기대할 수 있게 되었다.

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Characterization of the Immune Regulation Function of Fibroblastic Reticular Cells Originating from Lymph Node Stroma (림프절 스트로마 유래 fibroblastic reticular cell의 면역조절 기능에 대한 특성 규명)

  • Lee, Jong-Hwan
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.789-795
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    • 2016
  • A lymph node (LN) is one of the secondary lymphoid organs. An LN consists of a complicated 3 dimensional frame structure and several stromal cells. Fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC) are distributed in the T zone for interaction with T cells. FRC secrete homing chemokines such as CCL19 and CCL21. Moreover, FRC play a pivotal role in the production of extracellular matrix (ECM) into LN for ECM reorganization against pathogen infections. However, not much is known about the involvement of the immune reaction of FRC. The present report is for the characterization of FRC on immune response. For this, FRC were positioned in several infected situations such as co-culture with macrophage, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and TNFα stimulation. When a co-culture between FRC and macrophage was performed, a morphological change in FRC was observed, and empty space between FRCs was created by this change. The soluble ICAM-1 protein level was up-regulated by co-culturing with Raw264.7 and the treatment of the ROCK inhibitor Y27632. The activity of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) was up-regulated by LPS onto FRC. Furthermore, the inflammatory cytokine TNFα regulated the expression of ECM in FRC by a gene chip assay. Collectively, it suggests that FRC are involved in immune reactions.

Effect of Ascorbic Acid Supplementation on Hepatic Microsomal and Mitochondrial Cytochrome P450 System in Diabetic Rats (비타민 C의 보강이 당뇨쥐의 간 소포체와 미토콘드리아의 Cytochrome P450계에 미치는 영향)

  • 정연재;임은영;김해리
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.682-688
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    • 1997
  • This study was performed to investigate whether ascorbic acid can modulate the induction of CYP2E1 and prevent the lipid peroxidation which may cause diabetic chronic complication. Diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin to 5-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats(150~170g). Normal and diabetic group was randomly divided into three groups each; Control(CON, no supplementation), SUP1 (50mg/d ascorbate supplementation) and SUP2(250mg/d ascorbate supplementation). Ascobic acid was prepared daily by dissolving in drinking water and supplied for 4 weeks. There was no difference in hepatic microsomal and mitochondrial P450 contents between normal and diabetes. Hepatic microsomal N-nitrosodimethylamine(NDMA) demethylase activity, which repre-sents contents of CYP2E1, was elevated in diabetes, but not significantly. The NDMA demethylase activity of diabetic SUP2 group was significantly lower activity than that of the diabetic CON group. However, no difference in hepatic mitochondrial NDMA demethylase activity was observed between the diabetes and the normal group. The result suggests that the induction of CYP2E1 in diabetes can be alleviated by ascorbic acid supplementation at the dose of 50mg1d. In addition, ascorbic acid supplementation showed dose-dependent reduction of hepatic microsomal TBARS contents in diabetic rats.

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Forced Flow Dryout Heat Flux in Heat Generating Debris Bed (열을 발생하는 Debris층에서의 강제대류 Dryout 열유속)

  • Cha, Jong-Hee;Chung, Moon-Ki
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 1986
  • The purpose of this study is to obtain the experimental data of the forced flow dryout heat flux in a heat generating debris bed which simulates the degraded nuclear reactor core after severe accident. An experimental investigation has been conducted of dryout heat flux in an inductively heated bed of steel particles with upward forced flow rising coolant circulation system under atmospheric pressure. The present observations were mainly focused on the effects of coolant mass flux, particle size, bed height, and coolant subcooling on the dryout heat flux The data were obtained when carbon steel particles in the size distribution 1.5, 2.5, 3.0 and 4.0 mm were placed in a 55 mm ID Pyrex glass column and inductively heated by passing radio frequency current through a multiturn work coil encircling the column. Distilled water was supplied with variation of mass flux from 0 to 3.5 kg/cm2 s as a coolant in the tests, while the bed height was selected as 55 mm and 110 mm. Inlet temperature of coolant varied by 20C and 80C. The principal results of the tests are: (1) Dryout heat flux increases with increase of upward forcing mass flux and particle size; (2) The dryout heat flux at the zero mass flux obviously depends on the Particle size as Previous studies; (3) The forced flow dryout heat flux in the shallow bed is somewhat higher than that in the deep bed,

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Electroantennogram Responses of Spodoptera frugiperda Males (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Sex Pheromone Compounds (열대거세미나방 성페로몬 성분에 대한 수컷의 촉각 반응)

  • Cho, Jum Rae;Kim, Jeong Hwan;Seo, Bo Yoon;Seo, Meeja;Lee, Gwan Seok
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.363-367
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to investigate the EAG (electroantennogram) response of Spodoptera frugiperda male to sex pheromone compounds and whether or not S. frugiperda male adults would undergo double mating. The EAG response of S. frugiperda male adult to Z9-14:Ac increased in a dose-dependent as the dose increased. Among the 7 sex pheromone components investigated, male EAG recording was the highest to Z9-14:Ac. The EAG response of S. frugiperda male adult to the mixed sex pheromone component was greater than that to the single component. Male adults of S. frugiperda were capable of double mating under laboratory condition, and the secondary mating rate increased to 72.2% compared to the 58.3% of primary mating rate. The EAG response of mated S. frugiperda male adult was not different from that of unmated S. frugiperda male. In the net house test with sex pheromone lure, mated male adults were not captured during the test period. Also, strangely, unmated male adults were not captured even in a trap equipped with virgin female adults, although the antennae of mated male adult were responded to the sex pheromone component in the laboratory. Probably, it is thought that the mated male adults may not have been caught in the trap be due to flight ability which has been decreased after mating. The field attractiveness of S. frugiperda male adults to sex pheromones remains to be further elucidated.