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A Fuzzy AHP based Decision making Model for ground operations (지상작전수립을 위한 Fuzzy-AHP 기반의 의사결정 모델 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Kyun;Kim, Ki-Ang;Na, Hong-Bum;Park, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 2008
  • The ROK army has equipped ATCIS (Army Tactical Control Information System) for the Corps echelon to visualize the battlefield and reduce the reaction time. Due to the information&surveillance equipment, uncertainty and variance of the battlefield have been decreased. However decision making for the ground operations has not changed as it depends on knowledge of the commander and staffs. The War game process to select and assess the best CoA (Course of Action) also depends on the pros and cons due to the limitation of time and capability. For the balanced development between intangible and tangible military strength, a new decision making process which is quantitative and useful for the military is needed. In this study, we suggest a Fuzzy-AHP based decision making model to improve troop leading procedure which is useful to evaluate and reflect intangible characteristics of the battlefield.

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Maturation Induction in vitm of Rana dybowskii Oocyte by Lantlianum Ion (Lanthanum 이온에 의한 북방산개구리(Rana dybowskii) 여포난자의 성숙유도)

  • 유영란;임욱빈;권혁방
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.188-195
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    • 1991
  • The effect of lanthanum ion (La3 +), which is associated with the mobilization of internal calcium, on the regulation of oocyte maturation was investigated with Rana dybowskii follicles. Follicular oocytes matured (germinal vesicle breakdown, GVBD) dose dependently when they were exposed to La3+ (O.O1-1.O mM) and the maturation occurred in 9-12 hours after the la3+(0.33 mM) stimulation. lanthanum also accelerated the onset of maturation of the lollicular oocytes exhibiting spontaneous maturation. Three hours of exposure to La3+ was enough to induce the maturation. The La3 + -induced maturation was not associated with progesterone production by follicle cells, and the maturation was inhibited by forskolin (9 μ M), and cyclobeximide (0.01 - 1.0 - μg/2 ml) in the medium. The La3+ and hormone stimulated maturation showed the same patterns of protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation during the maturation. The data suggest that the oocyte maturation by La3+ stimulation is very similar to that by progesterone. Thus, it seems that internal mobilization of Ca2+ plays a key role in the initiation of oocyte maturation in amphibia.

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Production of Bioplastics from Activated Sludge in a Mixed Culture (혼합배양계에서 활성오니를 이용한 생분해성플라스틱 생산 연구)

  • Cho, Jae-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2001
  • A process for the production of bioplastics from wastewater with an open microbial culture was developed and evaluated. The process consists of a selection reactor to select bacteria in feast/famine regime and an accumulation reactor to produce PHA using selected bacteria. Polyhydroxyalkanoate(PHAs) accumulating bacteria could be efficiently grown in a sequencing batch reactor(SBR) without any growth limitation. For the high production of PHA limitation such as oxygen and nutrients seemed to be needed. Accumulation experiments were performed to evaluate the level of accumulation of PHA. Limited aeration had no effect, but nutrients limitation showed high accumulation. Bacteria which were selected in the SBR could accumulate PHA till 60% of cellular dry weight in accumulation experiments under nitrogen limitation. PHA accumulation rate decreased with increasing PHA content in the cells. Clearly, PHA accumulation rate has a strong correlation with the PHA content of the cells.

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Water Treatment Effect of Bamboo Fiber on the Mechanical Properties, Impact Strength, and Heat Deflection Temperature of Bamboo Fiber/PLA Biocomposites (대나무섬유/PLA 바이오복합재료의 기계적 특성, 충격강도 및 열변형온도에 미치는 대나무섬유 수처리의 영향)

  • Cho, Yong Bum;Cho, Donghwan
    • Journal of Adhesion and Interface
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.96-103
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    • 2016
  • In this work, pellets consisting of cellulose-based natural fiber bamboo and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) was prepared by extrusion process and then bamboo fiber/PLA biocomposites with various fiber contents were produced by injection molding process. The water treatment effect of bamboo fibers on the flexural, tensile, and impact properties and heat deflection temperature of the biocomposites were investigated. The thermal stability of bamboo and the flexural properties, tensile modulus, and impact strength depended on the presence and absence of water treatment as well as on the fiber content, whereas the heat deflection temperature are influenced mainly by water treatment. The increase of the mechanical and impact properties of biocomposites is ascribed to the improvement of the interfacial adhesion between the bamboo fibers and the PLA matrix by the water treatment. The result suggests that the pre-treatment of natural fibers by using water, which is environment-friendly and labor-friendly, may contribute to enhancing the performance of biocomposites.

A Comparison Study on the Parcel Transport Service Model-using High-Speed Passenger/Freight Mixed Train (여객/화물 고속복합열차를 이용한 소화물 운송 서비스 모델 비교연구)

  • Yum, ByongSoo;Ha, Ohkeun;Lee, Jinsun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.471-480
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    • 2015
  • Reliance on road transport in domestic logistics can lead to intensified congestion and greenhouse gas emissions due to the rise in oil prices, any increase in logistics costs can have a high social cost. The government policy on Low Carbon Green Growth is seeking to take advantage of the railway system. However, existing railway transport logistics systems, for reasons such as low speed, low track capacity constraints, and the impossibility of implementing a Door to Door system, make it difficult to activate a railway logistics program. As a result of this study, a national R&D project to develop a High-Speed Passenger/Baggage Mixed Train(Hy-SoBex) utilizing the rail capacity constraints to overcome the difficulties of linking an air cargo and freight railway logistics system, we propose a variety of service models and select the optimal service model.

Antioxidative Effect of S-allylmercaptocysteine Derived from Aged Garlic on Oxidation of Human Low Density Lipoprotein (숙성 마늘 유래 S-allylmercaptocysteine의 human low density lipoprotein (LDL)에 대한 항산화 효과)

  • Yang, Seung Taek
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.1712-1717
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    • 2012
  • Oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) plays an important role in the development and progression of atherosclerotic disease. In this study, human LDL was isolated and oxidized using CuSO4 in the presence or absence of S-allylmercaptocysteine. Oxidative modification of the LDL fraction was monitored by both the appearance of thiobarbituric acid substances (TBARS), an increase in electrophoretic mobility, and conjugated diene formation. The addition of S-allylmercaptocysteine reduced lipid peroxide formation, indicating it to be an effective antioxidant. The inhibition of LDL oxidation by 520μg/ml S-allylmercaptocysteine occurred in a dose-dependent manner, as assessed by the TBARS assay. S-allylmercaptocysteine at 20μg/ml almost completely inhibited the Cu2+ induced increases in electrophoretic mobility of LDL and almost completely inhibited conjugated diene formation. A more potent antioxidative activity was observed for S-allylmercaptocysteine than for either Vitamin C or dα-tocopherol. Thus, S-allylmercaptocysteine aid in preventing the development and progression of atherosclerotic disease.

A Study on the relationship between the patterns of internet utilization and the internet addiction (중학생의 인터넷 사용행태와 인터넷 중독증과의 관계)

  • Ahn, Young-Joon;Kim, Ja-Ok;Moon, Kyung-Rye
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.1083-1091
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    • 2013
  • Internet addiction is a social problem occurring by overuse of internet. And internet addiction is associated with pathologic personality but clinic study about Internet addiction disorder is lack. This study was designed to evaluate the relationship between internet addiction and pattern of internet utilization. We conducted a questionnaire survey on 1,984 middle school students in Gwang -Ju. We questioned about internet addiction, general characteristics, pattern of internet utilization. 11.8% of total number were internet addiction. Sex, religion, duration, time, place, obscene sites, most frequent using service is associated with internet addiction. Family number, occupation of parents, using internet in home, use of parents isn't associated with internet addiction. We show interest in general characteristics and pattern of internet utilization about internet addiction. So we council youths about internet problem in accordance with this study results. Then internet addiction and other psychologic problem are decreased.

Relationship between declining oil use and electrification (탈석유화와 전기화의 관계 분석)

  • Choi, Hyo-Yeon;Kim, Sun-Young;Yoo, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.119-124
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    • 2014
  • After the oil crisis in 1970s, many countries have tried to reduce oil dependency. Especially, in Korea, rapid declining oil consumption has speedily brought to electrification and a surge in electricity demand. This paper attempts to estimate the relationship between declining oil use and electrification in Korea using OECD panel data covering from 1985 to 2011. To this end, random effect model and fixed effect model are employed. The increase in the ratio of energy oil to total energy consumption by 10%p leads to reduce the electricity demand by about 15%. This result can be useful information to cope with the recent crisis of electric power. In addition, industrial sector is ranked in forth the ratio of industrial electricity use to total electricity use according to the result of comparative analysis of electricity consumption by use in OECD countries. Therefore, industrial sector should be treated as the main target of demand-side management policies for electricity.

Laboratory Study for the Identification of Parameters affecting the Penetration Behavior of Spilled crude oil in a Coastal Sandy Beach (해양에서 유출된 기름의 해변 토양 침투거동에 미치는 영향인자 규명 실험)

  • Cheong Jo, Cheong
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2003
  • Understanding the penetration behavior of the spilled oil is very important to remove itself and to minimize its impact on intertidal biological communities by earlier treatment of the oil. The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of wave and tidal actions on the penetration of spilled oil and to evaluate main factors of oil penetration using a sandy-beach model. Infiltration processes into the sediments showed significant difference between seawater and crude oil. Seawater was infiltrated by both wave action and tidal fluctuation into the sediments in sandy beach. However, spilled crude oil penetrated into the sediments only by falling tides and not by wave action, and the first tide is most important for the penetration of stranded oil. Over 70% of bulk fraction in penetrated crude oil was concentrated to the top 2 cm sediment-layer when spilled oil volume was 1 L/m2. Moreover, the penetration of stranded oil into the sandy beach sediments was strongly correlated with the oil viscosity affected by temperature.

레이저 유기 형광법을 이용한 자기장이 인가된 유도결합플라즈마의 전기장 특성 연구

  • Song, Jae-Hyeon;Kim, Hyeok;Jeong, Jae-Cheol;Hwang, Gi-Ung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2010.02a
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    • pp.474-474
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    • 2010
  • 현재 반도체시장의 확장으로 인해서 기존의 300mm 웨이퍼에서 450mm의 웨이퍼를 사용하는 공정으로 변화하는 추세이다. 450mm 웨이퍼로 대면적 화되면서 기존 300mm 공정 때보다 훨씬 효율적인 플라즈마 소스 즉, 고밀도이고, 고균등화(high uniformity) 플라즈마 소스를 필요로 한다. 본 논문에서는 고밀도 플라즈마 소스인 유도 결합형 플라즈마(Inductively Coupled Plasma ; ICP)에 축 방향의 약한 자기장을 인가시킨 자화된 유도결합형 플라즈마(Magnetized Inductively Coupled Plasma : MICP)[1]를 제안하여 기존 ICP와의 차이점을 살펴보았다. 실험 방법으로 레이저 유기 형광법(Laser Induced Fluorescence : LIF)[2]을 이용하여 플라즈마 쉬스(Sheath) 내의 전기장을 외부 자기장의 변화에 따라 높이별로 측정하고 그 결과로부터 쉬스의 전기적 특성을 살펴보았다. 플라즈마의 특성상 탐침이나 전극에 전압을 인가하면 그 주위로 디바이 차폐(Debye Shielding)현상이 일어나서 플라즈마 왜곡이 일어난다. 그렇기에 플라즈마, 특히 플라즈마 쉬스의 특성을 파악하기 위해서 레이저라는 기술을 사용하였다. 레이저는 고가의 장비이고 그 사용에 많은 경험지식(know-how)를 필요로 하지만 플라즈마를 왜곡시키지 않고, 플라즈마의 밀도, 온도, 전기장 등 많은 상수(parameter)들을 얻어 낼 수 있다. 또한 3차원적으로 높은 분해능을 가지고 있는 장점이 있다. 강한 전기장이 있는 곳에서 입자들의 고에너지 준위가 전기장의 세기에 비례하여 분리되는 Stark effect[3] 이론을 이용하여 플라즈마 쉬스내의 전기장을 측정하였다. 실험은 헬륨가스 700mTorr 압력에서 이루어졌다. 기판의 파워를 50W에서 300W까지 변화시키면서 기판에 생기는 쉬스의 전기장의 변화를 살펴보았고, 자기장을 인가한 후 동일한 실험을 하여 자기장의 유무에 따른 플라즈마 쉬스의 전기장 변화를 살펴보았다. 실험결과 플라즈마 쉬스의 전기장의 변화는 기판의 파워와 플라즈마 밀도에 크게 의존함을 알았다. 기판의 파워가 커질수록 쉬스의 전기장은 커지고, 기판에 생기는 Self Bias Voltage역시 음의 방향으로 커짐을 확인 하였다. 또한 자기장을 걸어주었을 경우 쉬스의 두께가 얇아짐으로써 플라즈마의 밀도가 증가했음을 확인 할 수 있었다.

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