• Title/Summary/Keyword: 위험속도 맵

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Journal Bearing Design Retrofit for Process Large Motor-Generator - Part II : Rotordynamics Analysis (프로세스 대형 모터-발전기의 저어널 베어링 설계 개선 - Part II : 로터다이나믹스 해석)

  • Lee, An Sung
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.265-271
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    • 2012
  • In the preceding Part I study, for improving the unbalance response vibration of a large PRT motor-generator rotor fundamentally by design, a series of design analyses were carried out for bearing improvement by retrofitting from original plain partial journal bearings, applied for operation at a rated speed of 1,800 rpm, to final tilting pad journal bearings. To satisfy evenly key basic lubrication performances such as the minimum lift-off speed and maximum oil-film temperature, a design solution of 5-pad tilting pad journal bearings and maximizing the direct stiffness by about two times has been achieved. In this Part II study, a detailed rotordynamic analysis of the large PRT motor-generator rotor-bearing system will be performed, applying both the original plain partial journal bearings and the retrofitted tilting pad journal bearings, to confirm the effect of rotordynamic vibration improvement after retrofitting. The results show that the rotor unbalance response vibrations with the tilting pad journal bearings are greatly reduced by as much as about one ninth of those with the plain partial journal bearings. In addition, for the tilting pad journal bearings there exist no critical speed up to the rated speed and just one instance of a concerned critical speed around the rated speed, whereas for the plain partial journal bearings there exist one instance of a critical speed up to the rated speed and two instances of concerned critical speeds around the rated speed.

Dynamic Programming Algorithm Path-finding for Applying Game (게임 적용을 위한 Dynamic Programming 알고리즘 길찾기)

  • Lee, Se-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.4 s.36
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2005
  • In order to move NPC's to target location at game maps, various algorithm including A* has been used. The most frequently used algorithm among them is A* with fast finding speed. But A* has the following problems. The first problem is that at randomly changing map, it is necessary to calculate all things again whenever there are any changes. And when calculation is wrong, it is not possible to search for target. The second problem is that it is difficult to move avoiding dangerous locations damaging NPC such as an obstruction. Although it is possible to avoid moving to locations with high weight by giving weight to dangerous factors. it is difficult to control in case NPC moves nearby dangerous factors. In order to solve such problems, in this thesis, the researcher applied Dynamic Programming to path-finding algorithm. As the result of its application, the researcher could confirm that the programming was suitable for changes at the map with random change and NPC's avoided the factors being dangerous to them far away. In addition. when compared to A*, there were good results.

  • PDF

Development of technology in estimating of high-risk driver's behavior (고위험군 운전자의 운행행태 판단기술 개발)

  • Jin, Ju-Hyun;Yoo, Bong-Seok;Lee, Wook-Soo;Kim, Gyu-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.531-538
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    • 2016
  • Driving behaviors such as speeding and illegal u-turn which violate traffic rules are main causes of car accidents, and they can lead to serious accidents. Bus drivers are less aware of dangers of illegal u-turn, and infrastructures such as traffic enforcement equipment and watchmen are deficient. This research aims to develop technology for estimating driving behaviors based on map-matching in order to prevent illegal u-turns. For this research, 23,782 of u-turn permit data and 146,000 of speed limit data are collected nationwide, and an estimation algorithm is built with these data. Then, an application based on android is developed, and finally, tests are conducted to assess the accuracy in data computations and GPS data map-matching, and to extrapolate driving behavior. As a result of the tests, the accuracy results in the map-matching is 86% and the assessment of driving behavior is 83%, while the display of the data output yielded 100% accuracy. Additional research should focus on improvement in accuracy through the development of a robust monitoring system, and study of service scenarios for technology application.

A basic study on the hazard of hydrogen feul cell vehicles in road tunnels (도로터널에서 수소차 위험에 관한 기초적 연구)

  • Ryu, Ji-Oh;Lee, Hu-Young
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 2021
  • Hydrogen is a next-generation energy source, and according to the roadmap for activating the hydrogen economy, it is expected that industries to stably produce, store, and transport of hydrogen as well as the supply of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will be made rapidly. Accordingly, safety measures for accidents of hydrogen vehicles in confined spaces such as tunnels are required. In this study, as part of a study to ensure the safety of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in road tunnels, a basic investigation and research on the risk of fire and explosion due to gas leakage and hydrogen tank rupture among various hazards caused by hydrogen fuel cell vehicle accidents in tunnels was conducted. The following results were obtained. In the event of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle accidents, the gas release rate depends on the orifice diameter of TPRD, and when the gas is ignited, the maximum heat release rate reaches 3.22~51.36 MW (orifice diameter: 1~4 mm) depending on the orifice diameter but the duration times are short. Therefore, it was analyzed that there was little increase in risk due to fire. As the overpressure of the gas explosion was calculated by the equivalent TNT method, in the case of yield of VCE of 0.2 is applied, the safety threshold distance is analyzed to be about 35 m, and number of the equivalent fatalities are conservatively predicted to reach tens of people.