• Title/Summary/Keyword: 위성활용

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An Implementation of the OTB Extension to Produce RapidEye Surface Reflectance and Its Accuracy Validation Experiment (RapidEye 영상정보의 지표반사도 생성을 위한 OTB Extension 개발과 정확도 검증 실험)

  • Kim, Kwangseob;Lee, Kiwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.5_1
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    • pp.485-496
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    • 2022
  • This study is for the software implementation to generate atmospheric and surface reflectance products from RapidEye satellite imagery. The software is an extension based on Orfeo Toolbox (OTB) and an open-source remote sensing software including calibration modules which use an absolute atmospheric correction algorithm. In order to verify the performance of the program, the accuracy of the product was validated by a test image on the Radiometric Calibration Network (RadCalNet) site. In addition, the accuracy of the surface reflectance product generated from the KOMPSAT-3A image, the surface reflectance of Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD) of the same site, and near acquisition date were compared with RapidEye-based one. At the same time, a comparative study was carried out with the processing results using QUick Atmospheric Correction (QUAC) and Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes (FLAASH) tool supported by a commercial tool for the same image. Similar to the KOMPSAT-3A-based surface reflectance product, the results obtained from RapidEye Extension showed accuracy of agreement level within 5%, compared with RadCalNet data. They also showed better accuracy in all band images than the results using QUAC or FLAASH tool. As the importance of the Red-Edge band in agriculture, forests, and the environment applications is being emphasized, it is expected that the utilization of the surface reflectance products of RapidEye images produced using this program will also increase.

Application of convolutional autoencoder for spatiotemporal bias-correction of radar precipitation (CAE 알고리즘을 이용한 레이더 강우 보정 평가)

  • Jung, Sungho;Oh, Sungryul;Lee, Daeeop;Le, Xuan Hien;Lee, Giha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.7
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    • pp.453-462
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    • 2021
  • As the frequency of localized heavy rainfall has increased during recent years, the importance of high-resolution radar data has also increased. This study aims to correct the bias of Dual Polarization radar that still has a spatial and temporal bias. In many studies, various statistical techniques have been attempted to correct the bias of radar rainfall. In this study, the bias correction of the S-band Dual Polarization radar used in flood forecasting of ME was implemented by a Convolutional Autoencoder (CAE) algorithm, which is a type of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The CAE model was trained based on radar data sets that have a 10-min temporal resolution for the July 2017 flood event in Cheongju. The results showed that the newly developed CAE model provided improved simulation results in time and space by reducing the bias of raw radar rainfall. Therefore, the CAE model, which learns the spatial relationship between each adjacent grid, can be used for real-time updates of grid-based climate data generated by radar and satellites.

A Study on Building Object Change Detection using Spatial Information - Building DB based on Road Name Address - (기구축 공간정보를 활용한 건물객체 변화 탐지 연구 - 도로명주소건물DB 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Insu;Yeon, Sunghyun;Jeong, Hohyun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2022
  • The demand for information related to 3D spatial objects model in metaverse, smart cities, digital twins, autonomous vehicles, urban air mobility will be increased. 3D model construction for spatial objects is possible with various equipments such as satellite-, aerial-, ground platforms and technologies such as modeling, artificial intelligence, image matching. However, it is not easy to quickly detect and convert spatial objects that need updating. In this study, based on spatial information (features) and attributes, using matching elements such as address code, number of floors, building name, and area, the converged building DB and the detected building DB are constructed. Both to support above and to verify the suitability of object selection that needs to be updated, one system prototype was developed. When constructing the converged building DB, the convergence of spatial information and attributes was impossible or failed in some buildings, and the matching rate was low at about 80%. It is believed that this is due to omitting of attributes about many building objects, especially in the pilot test area. This system prototype will support the establishment of an efficient drone shooting plan for the rapid update of 3D spatial objects, thereby preventing duplication and unnecessary construction of spatial objects, thereby greatly contributing to object improvement and cost reduction.

Efficient method for acquirement of geospatial information using drone equipment in stream (드론을 이용한 하천공간정보 획득의 효율적 방안)

  • Lee, Jong-Seok;Kim, Si-Chul
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to verify the Drone utilization and the accuracy of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), Drone RGB (Photogrammetry) (D-RGB), and Drone LiDAR (D-LiDAR) surveying performance in the downstream reaches of the local stream. The results of the measurement of Ground Control Point (GCP) and Check Point (CP) coordinates confirmed the excellence. This study was carried out by comparing GNSS, D-RGB, and D-LiDAR with the values which the hydraulic characteristics calculated using HEC-RAS model. The accuracy of three survey methods was compared in the area of the study which is the ownership station, to 6 GCP and 3 CP were installed. The comparison results showed that the D-LiDAR survey was excellent. The 100-year frequency design flood discharge was applied in the channel sections of the small stream. As a result of D-RGB surveying 2.30 m and D-LiDAR 1.80 m in the average bed elevation, and D-RGB surveying 4.73 m and D-LiDAR 4.25 m in the average flood condition. It is recommended that the performance of D-LiDAR surveying is efficient method and useful as the surveying technique of the geospatial information using the drone equipment in stream channel.

The Analysis of Change Detection in Building Area Using CycleGAN-based Image Simulation (CycleGAN 기반 영상 모의를 적용한 건물지역 변화탐지 분석)

  • Jo, Su Min;Won, Taeyeon;Eo, Yang Dam;Lee, Seoungwoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.359-364
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    • 2022
  • The change detection in remote sensing results in errors due to the camera's optical factors, seasonal factors, and land cover characteristics. The inclination of the building in the image was simulated according to the camera angle using the Cycle Generative Adversarial Network method, and the simulated image was used to contribute to the improvement of change detection accuracy. Based on CycleGAN, the inclination of the building was similarly simulated to the building in the other image based on the image of one of the two periods, and the error of the original image and the inclination of the building was compared and analyzed. The experimental data were taken at different times at different angles, and Kompsat-3A high-resolution satellite images including urban areas with dense buildings were used. As a result of the experiment, the number of incorrect detection pixels per building in the two images for the building area in the image was shown to be reduced by approximately 7 times from 12,632 in the original image and 1,730 in the CycleGAN-based simulation image. Therefore, it was confirmed that the proposed method can reduce detection errors due to the inclination of the building.

Field Tests for Accuracy of GNSS-RTK Surveys by ISO 17123-8 Standard (ISO 17123-8 표준에 의한 GNSS-RTK 수신기 정확도 평가)

  • Lee, Hungkyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.333-342
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    • 2022
  • This paper has theoretically and practically reviewed the ISO (International Standard Organization) 17123-8 standard not only to raise the appropriateness for introducing performance criteria of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) surveying equipment based on RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) accuracy but also to derive its proper test procedure by introducing the international standard. Field experiments have been performed to appreciate the GNSS-RTK accuracy of five selected receivers via the full testing procedure of the ISO standard, which statistically compares the so-called experimental standard deviations with themselves and with the reference accuracy. A series of statistical tests have revealed that the RTK accuracy of the same class receivers is not identical, whereas that of the different classes can be equivalent. Such a result evidences the urgency of adopting an RTK accuracy-based specification of the GNSS equipment to the performance standard, currently referenced to the static observation technique only. It is believed that this transition helps the maximization of a new generation of cost-effective receivers to legal surveying applications. Finally, this study proposes the ISO full test, comparing an experimental standard deviation with its referenced value, for a potential field verification procedure of the new performance standard.

Comparison of Two Methodsto Estimate Urban Sensible Heat Flux by Using Satellite Images (위성 영상을 활용한 두 가지 현열 플럭스 추정 방법 간의 비교)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyuck;Lee, Dong-Kun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2022
  • In orderto understand the urban thermal conditions, many studies have been conducted to estimate the thermal fluxes. Currently sensible heat fluxes are estimated through various methods, but studies about comparing the differences between each method are very insufficient. Therefore, this study try to estimate the sensible heat flux of the same area by two representative estimation methods and compare their results to confirm the significance and limitation between methods. As a result of the study, the heat balance methods has a great advantage in terms of resolution but it can not consider the anthropogenic heat flux, so sensible heat flux can be underestimated in urban areas. When estimating based on physical equation, anthropogenic heat flux can be considered and the error is relatively small, it has a limitations in time and space resolutons. The two methods showed the largest difference in industiral areas where anthropogenic heat fluxes are high, with an average of 135 W/m2 and a maximum of 400 W/m2. On the other hand, the green and water have a very small difference with and average of 20 W/m2. The results between two methods show significant differences in urban areas, it is necessary to select a suitable method for each research purpose.

A study on the selection of evapotranspiration observatory representative location in Chuncheon Dam basin (증발산량 관측 대표위치 선정에 관한 연구: 춘천댐 유역을 중심으로)

  • Park, Jaegon;Kim, Kiyoung;Lee, Yongjun;Hwag-Bo, Jong Gu
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.11
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    • pp.979-989
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    • 2022
  • In hydrological surveys, observation through representative location is essential due to temporal and spatial limitations and constraints. Regarding the use of hydrological data and the accuracy of the data, there are still insufficient observatories to be used in a specific watershed. In addition, since there is virtually no standard for the location of the current evapotranspiration, this study proposes a method for determining the location of the evapotranspiration. To determining the location of evapotranspiration, a grid is selected in consideration of the operating range of the Flux Tower using the eddy covariance measurement method, which is mainly used to measure evapotranspiration. The grid of representative location was calculated using the factors affecting evapotranspiration and satellite data of evapotranspiration. The grid of representative location was classified as good, fair, and poor. As a result, the number of good grids calculated was 54. It is judged that the classification of the grid has been achieved regarding topography and land use as a characteristic that appeared in the classification of the grid. In particular, in the case of elevation or city area, there was a large deviation, and the calculated good grid was judged to be a group between the two distributions.

Development of Performance Indicators on Private Building Construction Sites using Supervisory Report (감리데이터 기반의 민간 건축현장 성과지표 개발)

  • Sung, Yookyung;Hur, Youn Kyoung;Lee, Seung Woo;Yoo, Wi Sung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2022
  • As performance measurement is important for systematic management, the key indicators for performance measurement have been consistently researched in the construction industry. However, there are only a few cases in which performance measurement is performed because it requires strenuous efforts to collect data for measurement. Unlike the public sector, which has been collecting project data through laws, the private sector has very little data to measure performance. In contrast, supervision work concerns important data necessary for the performance management on building construction sites in accordance with the Building Act. Therefore, in this study, we used the data from supervisory reports to measure the performance of private building projects. First, we derived 6 performance areas and 15 indicators through a few rounds of expert group discussions and 2 surveys. Then, we identified the performance indicators with high feasibility of data collection and computed their degree of significance via the analytic hierarchy process. It is expected that the performance indicators and their computational processes derived in this study can be used to systematically measure the performance and aid the speedy diagnosis of private building construction sites.

A Study on the Improvement of Collection, Management and Sharing of Maritime Traffic Information (해상교통정보의 수집, 관리 및 공유 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Gil-Ho;Song, Chae-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.515-524
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    • 2022
  • To effectively collect, manage, and share the maritime traffic information, it is necessary to identify the technology trends concerning this particular information and analyze its current status and problems. Therefore, this study observes the domestic and foreign technology trends involving maritime traffic information while analyzing and summarizing the current status and problems in collecting, managing, and sharing it. According to the data analysis, the problems in the collecting stage are difficulties in collecting visual information from long-distance radars, CCTVs, and cameras in areas outside the LTE network coverage. Notably, this explains the challenges in detecting smuggling ships entering the territorial waters through the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the early stage. The problems in the management stage include difficult reductions and expansions of maritime traffic information caused by the lack of flexibility in storage spaces mostly constructed by the maritime transportation system. Additionally, it is challenging to deal with system failure with system redundancy and backup as a countermeasure. Furthermore, the problems in the sharing stage show that it is difficult to share information with external operating organizations since the internal network is mainly used to share maritime transportation information. If at all through the government cloud via platforms such as LRIT and SASS, it often fails to effectively provide various S/W applications that help use maritime big data. Therefore, it is suggested that collecting equipment such as unmanned aerial vehicles and satellites should be constructed to expand collecting areas in the collecting stage. In the management and sharing stages, the introduction and construction of private clouds are suggested, considering the operational administration and information disclosure of each maritime transportation system. Through these efforts, an enhancement of the expertise and security of clouds is expected.