• Title/Summary/Keyword: 위성영상특성

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Analysis of Relationships between Features Extracted from SAR Data and Land-cover Classes (SAR 자료에서 추출한 특징들과 토지 피복 항목 사이의 연관성 분석)

  • Park, No-Wook;Chi, Kwang-Hoon;Lee, Hoon-Yol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.257-272
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    • 2007
  • This paper analyzed relationships between various features from SAR data with multiple acquisition dates and mode (frequency, polarization and incidence angles), and land-cover classes. Two typical types of features were extracted by considering acquisition conditions of currently available SAR data. First, coherence, temporal variability and principal component transform-based features were extracted from multi-temporal and single mode SAR data. C-band ERS-1/2, ENVISAT ASAR and Radarsat-1, and L-band JERS-1 SAR data were used for those features and different characteristics of different SAR sensor data were discussed in terms of land-cover discrimination capability. Overall, tandem coherence showed the best discrimination capability among various features. Long-term coherence from C-band SAR data provided a useful information on the discrimination of urban areas from other classes. Paddy fields showed the highest temporal variability values in all SAR sensor data. Features from principal component transform contained particular information relevant to specific land-cover class. As features for multiple mode SAR data acquired at similar dates, polarization ratio and multi-channel variability were also considered. VH/VV polarization ratio was a useful feature for the discrimination of forest and dry fields in which the distributions of coherence and temporal variability were significantly overlapped. It would be expected that the case study results could be useful information on improvement of classification accuracy in land-cover classification with SAR data, provided that the main findings of this paper would be confirmed by extensive case studies based on multi-temporal SAR data with various modes and ground-based SAR experiments.

Assessment of Photochemical Reflectance Index Measured at Different Spatial Scales Utilizing Leaf Reflectometer, Field Hyper-Spectrometer, and Multi-spectral Camera with UAV (드론 장착 다중분광 카메라, 소형 필드 초분광계, 휴대용 잎 반사계로부터 관측된 서로 다른 공간규모의 광화학반사지수 평가)

  • Ryu, Jae-Hyun;Oh, Dohyeok;Jang, Seon Woong;Jeong, Hoejeong;Moon, Kyung Hwan;Cho, Jaeil
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_1
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    • pp.1055-1066
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    • 2018
  • Vegetation indices on the basis of optical characteristics of vegetation can represent various conditions such as canopy biomass and physiological activity. Those have been mostly developed with the large-scaled applications of multi-band optical sensors on-board satellites. However, the sensitivity of vegetation indices for detecting vegetation features will be different depending on the spatial scales. Therefore, in this study, the investigation of photochemical reflectance index (PRI), known as one of useful vegetation indices for detecting photosynthetic ability and vegetation stress, under the three spatial scales was conducted using multi-spectral camera installed in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV),field spectrometer, and leaf reflectometer. In the leaf scale, diurnal PRI had minimum values at different local-time according to the compass direction of leaf face. It meant that each leaf in some moment had the different degree of light use efficiency (LUE). In early growth stage of crop, $PRI_{leaf}$ was higher than $PRI_{stands}$ and $PRI_{canopy}$ because the leaf scale is completely not governed by the vegetation cover fraction.In the stands and canopy scales, PRI showed a large spatial variability unlike normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). However, the bias for the relationship between $PRI_{stands}$ and $PRI_{canopy}$ is lower than that in $NDVI_{stands}$ and $NDVI_{canopy}$. Our results will help to understand and utilize PRIs observed at different spatial scales.

Assessment of Stand-alone Utilization of Sentinel-1 SAR for High Resolution Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Machine Learning (기계학습 기반 고해상도 토양수분 복원을 위한 Sentinel-1 SAR의 자립형 활용성 평가)

  • Jeong, Jaehwan;Cho, Seongkeun;Jeon, Hyunho;Lee, Seulchan;Choi, Minha
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.5_1
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    • pp.571-585
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    • 2022
  • As the threat of natural disasters such as droughts, floods, forest fires, and landslides increases due to climate change, social demand for high-resolution soil moisture retrieval, such as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), is also increasing. However, the domestic environment has a high proportion of mountainous topography, making it challenging to retrieve soil moisture from SAR data. This study evaluated the usability of Sentinel-1 SAR, which is applied with the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique, to retrieve soil moisture. It was confirmed that the backscattering coefficient obtained from Sentinel-1 significantly correlated with soil moisture behavior, and the possibility of stand-alone use to correct vegetation effects without using auxiliary data observed from other satellites or observatories. However, there was a large difference in the characteristics of each site and topographic group. In particular, when the model learned on the mountain and at flat land cross-applied, the soil moisture could not be properly simulated. In addition, when the number of learning points was increased to solve this problem, the soil moisture retrieval model was smoothed. As a result, the overall correlation coefficient of all sites improved, but errors at individual sites gradually increased. Therefore, systematic research must be conducted in order to widely apply high-resolution SAR soil moisture data. It is expected that it can be effectively used in various fields if the scope of learning sites and application targets are specifically limited.

A Study on the Improvement of Collection, Management and Sharing of Maritime Traffic Information (해상교통정보의 수집, 관리 및 공유 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Gil-Ho;Song, Chae-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.515-524
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    • 2022
  • To effectively collect, manage, and share the maritime traffic information, it is necessary to identify the technology trends concerning this particular information and analyze its current status and problems. Therefore, this study observes the domestic and foreign technology trends involving maritime traffic information while analyzing and summarizing the current status and problems in collecting, managing, and sharing it. According to the data analysis, the problems in the collecting stage are difficulties in collecting visual information from long-distance radars, CCTVs, and cameras in areas outside the LTE network coverage. Notably, this explains the challenges in detecting smuggling ships entering the territorial waters through the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the early stage. The problems in the management stage include difficult reductions and expansions of maritime traffic information caused by the lack of flexibility in storage spaces mostly constructed by the maritime transportation system. Additionally, it is challenging to deal with system failure with system redundancy and backup as a countermeasure. Furthermore, the problems in the sharing stage show that it is difficult to share information with external operating organizations since the internal network is mainly used to share maritime transportation information. If at all through the government cloud via platforms such as LRIT and SASS, it often fails to effectively provide various S/W applications that help use maritime big data. Therefore, it is suggested that collecting equipment such as unmanned aerial vehicles and satellites should be constructed to expand collecting areas in the collecting stage. In the management and sharing stages, the introduction and construction of private clouds are suggested, considering the operational administration and information disclosure of each maritime transportation system. Through these efforts, an enhancement of the expertise and security of clouds is expected.

Applications of "High Definition Digital Climate Maps" in Restructuring of Korean Agriculture (한국농업의 구조조정과 전자기후도의 역할)

  • Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2007
  • The use of information on natural resources is indispensable to most agricultural activities to avoid disasters, to improve input efficiency, and to increase lam income. Most information is prepared and managed at a spatial scale called the "Hydrologic Unit" (HU), which means watershed or small river basin, because virtually every environmental problem can be handled best within a single HU. South Korea consists of 840 such watersheds and, while other watershed-specific information is routinely managed by government organizations, there are none responsible for agricultural weather and climate. A joint research team of Kyung Hee University and the Agriculture, forestry and Fisheries Information Service has begun a 4-year project funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and forestry to establish a watershed-specific agricultural weather information service based on "high definition" digital climate maps (HD-DCMs) utilizing the state of the art geospatial climatological technology. For example, a daily minimum temperature model simulating the thermodynamic nature of cold air with the aid of raster GIS and microwave temperature profiling will quantify effects of cold air drainage on local temperature. By using these techniques and 30-year (1971-2000) synoptic observations, gridded climate data including temperature, solar irradiance, and precipitation will be prepared for each watershed at a 30m spacing. Together with the climatological normals, there will be 3-hourly near-real time meterological mapping using the Korea Meteorological Administration's digital forecasting products which are prepared at a 5 km by 5 km resolution. Resulting HD-DCM database and operational technology will be transferred to local governments, and they will be responsible for routine operations and applications in their region. This paper describes the project in detail and demonstrates some of the interim results.

Effect of Red-edge Band to Estimate Leaf Area Index in Close Canopy Forest (울폐산림의 엽면적지수 추정을 위한 적색경계 밴드의 효과)

  • Lee, Hwa-Seon;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_1
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    • pp.571-585
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    • 2017
  • The number of spaceborne optical sensors including red-edge band has been increasing since red-edge band is known to be effective to enhance the information content on biophysical characteristics of vegetation. Considering that the Agriculture and Forestry Satellite is planning to carry an imaging sensor having red-edge band, we tried to analyze the current status and potential of red-edge band. As a case study, we analyzed the effect of using red-edge band and tried to find the optimum band width and wavelength region of the red-edge band to estimate leaf area index (LAI) of very dense tree canopy. Field spectral measurements were conducted from April to October over two tree species (white oak and pitch pine) having high LAI. Using the spectral measurement data, total 355 red-edge bands reflectance were simulated by varying five band width (10 nm, 20 nm, 30 nm, 40 nm, 50 nm) and 71 central wavelength. Two red-edge based spectral indices(NDRE, CIRE) were derived using the simulated red-edge band and compared with the LAI of two tree species. Both NDRE and CIRE showed higher correlation coefficients with the LAI than NDVI. This would be an alternative to overcome the limitation of the NDVI saturation problem that NDVI has not been effective to estimate LAI over very dense canopy situation. There was no significant difference among five band widths of red-edge band in relation to LAI. The highest correlation coefficients were obtained at the red-edge band of center wavelength near the 720 nm for the white oak and 710 nm for the pitch pine. To select the optimum band width and wavelength region of the red-edge band, further studies are necessary to examine the relationship with other biophysical variables, such as chlorophyll, nitrogen, water content, and biomass.

The Characteristics Asian Dust Observed in Japan Deflecting the Korean Peninsula (2010. 5. 22.-5. 25.) (한반도를 돌아 일본에서 관측된 황사의 특징 (2010년 5월 22일-5월 25일))

  • Ahn, Bo-Young;Chun, Young-Sin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.388-401
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    • 2011
  • Asian dust was observed a total of 66 times in the springtime during the period from 2002 to 2010, with 26 cases in March, 23 cases in April and 17 cases in May. This study investigates a Asian dust episode that occurred during the period from 22 to 25 May 2010, based on synoptic weather patterns, wind vector at 850 hPa, relative humidity at 1000 hPa, Jet streams and wind vector at 300 hPa, PM10 concentration in Korea and satellite imagery. In this case, Asian dust originated on 22 May along the rear of a developing low pressure system in Mongolia. The Asian dust was then transported southeastward and bypassed the Korea peninsula from 23 to 24 May, before reaching Japan on 25 May. Jet streams on 24 May bypassed the Korean peninsula and induced the development of a surface low pressure centered over the peninsula. The resulting air flow was critical to the trajectory of the Asian dust, which likewise bypassed the Korean peninsula. 72-hour backward trajectory data reveal that the Shandong Peninsula and the East China Sea were the points of origin for the air flows that swept through the Japanese sites where Asian dust was observable to the naked eay. The Asian dust pathway is ascertained by horizontal distribution of the Asian dust of RGB imagery from MODIS satellites which captured the Asian dust moving over the Shandong Peninsula, the East China Sea, and northwest of the Kyushu region in Japan. Since the synoptic pattern and the transport way of the Asian dust case are far from typical ones, which Asian dust forecasting technique has long been based on, this study can be good example of exceptional Asian dust pattern and it will be used for more accurate Asian dust forecasting.

A Comparative Study on Mapping and Filtering Radii of Local Climate Zone in Changwon city using WUDAPT Protocol (WUDAPT 절차를 활용한 창원시의 국지기후대 제작과 필터링 반경에 따른 비교 연구)

  • Tae-Gyeong KIM;Kyung-Hun PARK;Bong-Geun SONG;Seoung-Hyeon KIM;Da-Eun JEONG;Geon-Ung PARK
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.78-95
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    • 2024
  • For the establishment and comparison of environmental plans across various domains, considering climate change and urban issues, it is crucial to build spatial data at the regional scale classified with consistent criteria. This study mapping the Local Climate Zone (LCZ) of Changwon City, where active climate and environmental research is being conducted, using the protocol suggested by the World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT). Additionally, to address the fragmentation issue where some grids are classified with different climate characteristics despite being in regions with homogeneous climate traits, a filtering technique was applied, and the LCZ classification characteristics were compared according to the filtering radius. Using satellite images, ground reference data, and the supervised classification machine learning technique Random Forest, classification maps without filtering and with filtering radii of 1, 2, and 3 were produced, and their accuracies were compared. Furthermore, to compare the LCZ classification characteristics according to building types in urban areas, an urban form index used in GIS-based classification methodology was created and compared with the ranges suggested in previous studies. As a result, the overall accuracy was highest when the filtering radius was 1. When comparing the urban form index, the differences between LCZ types were minimal, and most satisfied the ranges of previous studies. However, the study identified a limitation in reflecting the height information of buildings, and it is believed that adding data to complement this would yield results with higher accuracy. The findings of this study can be used as reference material for creating fundamental spatial data for environmental research related to urban climates in South Korea.

Analysis of the Geological Structure of the Hwasan Caldera Using Potential Data (포텐셜 자료해석을 통한 화산칼데라 구조 해석)

  • Park, Gye-Soon;Yoo, Hee-Young;Yang, Jun-Mo;Lee, Heui-Soon;Kwon, Byung-Doo;Eom, Joo-Young;Kim, Dong-O;Park, Chan-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • A geophysical mapping was performed for Hwasan caldera which is located in Euisung Sub-basin of the southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula. In order to overcome the limitation of the previous studies, remote sensing technic was used and dense potential data were obtained and analyzed. First, we analyzed geological lineament for target area using geological map, digital elevation model (DEM) data and satellite imagery. The results were greatly consistent with the previous studies, and showed that N-S and NW-SE direction are the most dominant one in target area. Second, based on the lineament analysis, highly dense gravity data were acquired in Euisung Sub-basin and an integrated interpretation considering air-born magnetic data was made to investigate the regional structure of the target area. The results of power spectrum analysis for the acquired potential data revealed that the subsurface of Euisung Sub-basin have two density discontinuities at about 1 km and 3-5 km depth. A 1 km depth discontinuity is thought as the depth of pyroclastic sedimentary rocks or igneous rocks which were intruded at the ring vent of Hwasan caldera, while a 3-5 km depth discontinuity seems to be associated with the depth of the basin basement. In addition, three-dimensional gravity inversion for the total area of Euisung Sub-basin was carried out, and the inversion results indicated two followings; 1) Cretaceous Palgongsan granite and Bulguksa intrusion rocks, which are located in southeastern part and northeastern part of Euisung Sub-basin, show two major low density anomalies, 2) pyroclastic rocks around Hwasan caldera also have lower density when compared with those of neighborhood regions and are extended to 1.5 km depth. However, a poor vertical resolution of potential survey makes it difficult to accurately delineate the detailed structure caldera which has a vertically developed characteristic in general. To overcome this limitation, integrated analysis was carried out using the magnetotelluric data on the corresponding area with potential data and we could obtain more reasonable geologic structure.

Analysis of Surface Urban Heat Island and Land Surface Temperature Using Deep Learning Based Local Climate Zone Classification: A Case Study of Suwon and Daegu, Korea (딥러닝 기반 Local Climate Zone 분류체계를 이용한 지표면온도와 도시열섬 분석: 수원시와 대구광역시를 대상으로)

  • Lee, Yeonsu;Lee, Siwoo;Im, Jungho;Yoo, Cheolhee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_3
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    • pp.1447-1460
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    • 2021
  • Urbanization increases the amount of impervious surface and artificial heat emission, resulting in urban heat island (UHI) effect. Local climate zones (LCZ) are a classification scheme for urban areas considering urban land cover characteristics and the geometry and structure of buildings, which can be used for analyzing urban heat island effect in detail. This study aimed to examine the UHI effect by urban structure in Suwon and Daegu using the LCZ scheme. First, the LCZ maps were generated using Landsat 8 images and convolutional neural network (CNN) deep learning over the two cities. Then, Surface UHI (SUHI), which indicates the land surface temperature (LST) difference between urban and rural areas, was analyzed by LCZ class. The results showed that the overall accuracies of the CNN models for LCZ classification were relatively high 87.9% and 81.7% for Suwon and Daegu, respectively. In general, Daegu had higher LST for all LCZ classes than Suwon. For both cities, LST tended to increase with increasing building density with relatively low building height. For both cities, the intensity of SUHI was very high in summer regardless of LCZ classes and was also relatively high except for a few classes in spring and fall. In winter the SUHI intensity was low, resulting in negative values for many LCZ classes. This implies that UHI is very strong in summer, and some urban areas often are colder than rural areas in winter. The research findings demonstrated the applicability of the LCZ data for SUHI analysis and can provide a basis for establishing timely strategies to respond urban on-going climate change over urban areas.