• Title/Summary/Keyword: 위기개입모델

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Study on the Multilevel Effects of Integrated Crisis Intervention Model for the Prevention of Elderly Suicide: Focusing on Suicidal Ideation and Depression (노인자살예방을 위한 통합적 위기개입모델 다층효과 연구: 자살생각·우울을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Eun Joo;Yook, Sung Pil
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.173-200
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    • 2017
  • This study is designed to verify the actual effect on the prevention of the elderly suicide of the integrated crisis intervention service which has been widely provided across all local communities in Gyeonggi-province focusing on the integrated crisis intervention model developed for the prevention of elderly suicide. The integrated crisis intervention model for the local communities and its manual were developed for the prevention of elderly suicide by integrating the crisis intervention theory which contains local community's integrated system approach and the stress vulnerability theory. For the analysis of the effect, the geriatric depression and suicidal ideation scale was adopted and the data was collected as follows; The data was collected from 258 people in the first preliminary test. Then, it was collected from the secondary test of 184 people after the integrated crisis intervention service was performed for 6 months. The third collection of data was made from 124 people after 2 or 3 years later using the backward tracing method. As for the analysis, the researcher used the R Statistics computing to conduct the test equating, and the vertical scaling between measuring points. Then, the researcher conducted descriptive statistics analysis and univariate analysis of variance, and performed multi-level modeling analysis using Bayesian estimation. As a result of the study, it was found out that the integrated crisis intervention model which has been developed for the elderly suicide prevention has a statistically significant effect on the reduction of elderly suicide in terms of elderly depression and suicide ideation in the follow-up measurement after the implementation of crisis intervention rather than in the first preliminary scores. The integrated crisis intervention model for the prevention of elderly suicide was found to be effective to the extent of 0.56 for the reduction of depression and 0.39 for the reduction of suicidal ideation. However, it was found out in the backward tracing test conducted 2-3 years after the first crisis intervention that the improved values returned to its original state, thus showing that the effect of the intervention is not maintained for long. Multilevel analysis was conducted to find out the factors such as the service type(professional counseling, medication, peer counseling), characteristics of the client (sex, age), the characteristics of the counselor(age, career, major) and the interaction between the characteristics of the counselor and intervention which affect depression and suicidal ideation. It was found that only medication can significantly reduce suicidal ideation and that if the counselor's major is counseling, it significantly further reduces suicidal ideation by interacting with professional counseling. Furthermore, as the characteristics of the suicide prevention experts are found to regulate the intervention effect on elderly suicide prevention in applying integrated crisis intervention model, the primary consideration should be given to the counseling ability of these experts.

출발 1999 전망과 회고-경제학

  • Kim, Gyun
    • The Korean Publising Journal, Monthly
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    • s.249
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    • pp.9-9
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    • 1999
  • 올해의 경제학계 활동은 지난해와 크게 다르지 않을 것이다. 현 경제위기에 대한 이론적 논의가 깊어질 것이고 정책문제에 대한 현실개입과 새로운 경제모델에 대한 청사진 제시를 위한 노력도 게속될 것이다.

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Why Central Banks Intervene? (왜 중앙은행은 개입하는가?)

  • Ko, Jong-Moon
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.273-298
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    • 1995
  • 1960년대, 각국의 환율이 미국의 달러화에 연동(pegging)된 고정환율제도를 근간으로 하는 브레튼우즈(Bretton Woods)체제하에서 각국의 중앙은행은 환율을 일정한 범위 내로 유지하기 위한 정책수단으로 외환시장개입을 적극 활용하였다. 1973년 브레튼우즈체제하의 고정환율제도가 붕괴되고 변동환율제도가 채택된 이후에도 각국의 외환시장개입정책은 계속되었다. 1980년대에 레이건 행정부의 재정팽창정책과 미연방준비은행의 긴축통화정책으로 금리의 지속적인 상승과 미달러화의 큰폭의 절상이 이루어 졌다. 이에 국제무역의 위기를 우려한 미국, 독일, 프랑스, 영국, 일본 등 선진 5개국(Group-5, G5)은 1985년 9월 22일 미 달러화의 절하를 위해 외환시장에 공동으로 개입할 것을 주내용으로 한 플라자합의(Plaza Agreement)를 발표하였다. 그후에도 1987년 2월 23일 열린 루브르협정(Louvre Accord, G-6 Communique)에서 환율을 현수준으로 유지시키기 위한 목표환율대(Target zone)를 설정하고 외환시장개입을 통해 이를 유지하기로 합의한 바 있다. 이후의 구미각국은 환율의 관리를 위하여 국가가 공동으로 외환시장에 개입하곤 했다. 본 논문은 1987년 루브르협정 이후 미국, 독일 및 일본의 중앙은행의 외환시장 개입 정책이 소기의 목적을 달성했는지의 여부를 규명해 보고자 한다. 즉, Federal Reserve, Bundesbank 및 Bank of Japan의 외환시장개입이 현물환율시장(spot market)에서 각각의 변동성을 감소 시켰는지의 여부를 독일의 마르크화 및 일본의 엔화를 중심으로 규명해 보고자 한다. 1981년 루브르협정이후, 미국, 독일 및 일본의 중앙은행은 미국 달러화에 대한 마르크 및 엔화의 환율을 안정시키기 위해 꾸준히 외환시장에 개입해 왔다. 외환시장의 개입유형은 크게 태화외환시장개입(non-sterilized intervention)과 불태화외환시장개입(sterilized intervention)으로 구분할 수 있는데, 전자는 외환당국이 민간부문과 외화채권을 거래함으로써 본원통화의 크기가 변하는 개입형태를 의미하는 반면에 후자는 외환당국의 순외화자산의 크기변화가 본원통화의 변화를 초래하지 않는 경우이다. 즉, 불태화외환시장개입은 순외화자산의 증감이 순국내자산의 증감과 반비례해서 이루어지기 때문에 본원통화의 크기에는 변함이 없다. 외환시장개입이란 외환당국이 은행간 시장에서 민간시잔 참가자들과 행하는 적극적인 외환거래를 의미한다. 반면, 넓은 의미에서의 외환시장개입에는 수동적 외환시장개입이라고 불리는 고객거래가 포함된다. 후자의 거래는 국내통화 및 외화표시 자산의 상대적 공급규모를 변화시킨다는 의미에서 전통적외환시장개입과 동일한 효과를 갖기 때문에 광의의 외환시장 개입으로 분류된다. 외환시장의 개입목적은 크게 세 가지로 분류할 수 있다. 첫째, 환율의 안정적 운영이다. 환율수준이 자유롭게 변화되는 변동환율제도하에서 환율의 지나친 변동으로 인한 실물경제로의 부정적인 영향을 최소화하기 위해서 환율의 지나친 변동으로 인한 실물경제로의 부정적인 영향을 최소화하기 위해서 환율의 안정을 정책 목표로 설정하는 경우와 고정환율제도하에서 환율을 일정수준으로 유지시키기 위해서 외환당국이 외환시장에 개입하는 경우가 여기에 해당된다고 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 환율수준의 균형수준으로의 조정이다. 이때 야기될 수 있는 문제점으로는 환율균형 수준을 어떻게 정의, 추정할 것이냐 하는 점과 목표환율정책이 다른 정책목표와 상충될 수 있다는 점이다. 셋째, 외환당국이 공적외환보유액이나 구성을 변화시킬 목적으로 외환시장에 개입하는 경우이다. 이때의 외환시장개입은 현재의 환율수준이 개입으로 인하여 과도하게 이탈하는 문제가 발생하지 않을 것을 전제로 한다. 본고에서는 현물환율에 영향을 미치는 요소로 미국, 독일 및 일본의 중앙은행의 개입효과, 요일효과, 통화의 공급량(M1), 무역적자의 폭, 산업의 생산량, 생산가격지수(PPI), 소비자물가지수(CPI), 실업률, 옵션의 내재적 변동성 등을 고려한다. 환율의 변동성을 추정하는 식은 GARCH 모델이 사용된다. 본 추정모델은 Dominguez(1993)의 확장이다. Dominguez (1993)의 논문은 GARCH 모델을 써서 미국, 독일 및 일본의 중앙은행의 시장개입효과를 분석했으나, 거시변수를 고려대상에서 제외시켰다. 본 논문은 위의 방법에 거시변수를 삽입하고 모델을 변형시켜서 더 확실한 시장개입효과와 거시변수효과를 밝혔다. 또한 옵션의 내제적 변동성을 구하는 과정에서 American option model을 사용하는 대신, Bourtha & Courtadon (1987)등이 밝힌 바와 같이 American style option이라 할지라도, European Model을 쓰면 더욱더 간편하고, 예측력도 American Model에 뒤지지 않음을 이용하여, European Model을 써서 내재적 변동성을 구한 다음 이것을 독립변수로 이용하였다. 본 모델의 추정 결과는 3국의 시장개입정책이 현물환율과 옵션의 내재적 변동성을 증가시켜서 Louvre 협정이후 각국은 시장개입의 목적을 달성하지 못한 것으로 나타났다.

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Problems in Psychological Debriefing and Suggestions for Best Practice (심리적 경험보고(debriefing)의 문제점들과 올바른 적용을 위한 제언)

  • Seung-yeon Lee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.63-89
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    • 2007
  • This study introduces major models of psychological debriefing that has been utilized as an early psychological intervention after traumatic incidents and examines the controversy on the effects of psychological debriefing. It is difficult to make consistent conclusions regarding its effects based on the previous research data. Therefore, this study examines the major issues related to psychological debriefing and suggests the important points for best practice in crisis situations.

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Homeland Security Management: A Critical Review of Civil Protection Mechanism in Korea (국가안전관리: 한국의 시민보호(위기재난관리) 체계에 관한 비판적 고찰)

  • Kim, Hak-Kyong
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.26
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    • pp.121-144
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    • 2011
  • The Framework Act on the Management of Disasters and Safety 2004(FAMDS) currently underpins Korean civil protection system, and under this FAMDS, Korean civil protection establishes a three-tiered government structure for dealing with crises and disasters: central government, provincial & metropolitan government, and local government tiers. In particular, the concept of Integrated Emergency Management(IEM) emphasizes that emergency response organizations should work and act together to respond to crises and disasters effectively, based on the coordination and cooperation model, not the command and control model. In tune with this trend, civil protection matters are, first, dealt with by local responders at the local level without direct involvement of central or federal government in the UK or USA. In other words, central government intervention is usually implemented in the UK and the USA, only when the scale or complexity of a civil protection issue is so vast, and thus requires a degree of central government coordination and support, resting on the severity and impact of the event. In contrast, it appears that civil protection mechanism in Korea has adopted a rigid centralized system within the command and control model, and for this reason, central government can easily interfere with regional or local command and control arrangements; there is a high level of central government decision-making remote from a local area. The principle of subsidiarity tends to be ignored. Under these circumstances, it is questionable whether such top-down arrangements of civil protection in Korea can manage uncertainty, unfamiliarity and unexpectedness in the age of Risk Society and Post-modern society, where interactive complexity is increasingly growing. In this context, the study argues that Korean civil protection system should move towards the decentralized model, based on coordination and cooperation between responding organizations, loosening the command and control structure, as with the UK or the USA emergency management arrangements. For this argument, the study basically explores mechanisms of civil protection arrangements in Korea under current legislation, and then finally attempts to make theoretical suggestions for the future of the Korean civil protection system.

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The Relationship Between the Parenting Stress and Psychological Well-Being of A Mother Having A Child with Autism (자폐성 장애아동 어머니의 양육스트레스와 심리적 안녕감 관계 연구)

  • Park, Ae-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.225-247
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    • 2012
  • This study aims at exploring an effective way for social welfare in order to promote psychological well-being of a mother having a child with autism. To achieve this purpose, this study examined the related factors of parenting stress, family functioning, social support, and redefinition of family affecting psychological well-being of a mother having a child with austin by way of applying the Double ABCX model. A survey was conducted with a sample of 207 mothers having a child with autism in Daegu. Results from the survey are as follows: First, there were significant impacts of parenting stress on social support, family functioning, the redefinition of family on crisis situation, and psychological well-being. Second, family functioning and social support had no significant effect on mothers' psychological well-being, while the redefinition of family on crisis situation had significant influences on the psychological well-being of mothers having a child with autism. Third, it turned out that family functioning, social support, and the redefinition of family on crisis situation played a mediating role between parenting stress and psychological well-being. Based on these results, this study suggests that family functioning should be strengthened for promoting psychological well-being of mothers having a child with autism. We should construct and provide social supports in multilateral aspects and help mothers having a child with autism positively recognize stressful situations and improve their capacities to overcome them as well.

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Corona 19 Crisis and Data-State: Korean Data-State and Health Crisis Governance (코로나19 위기와 데이터 국가: 한국의 데이터 국가와 보건위기 거버넌스)

  • Jang, Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Legislative Studies
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.125-159
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    • 2020
  • Amid global pandemic of covid-19, Korean government's response has drawn wide attention among social scientists as well as medical studies. The role of Korean state and civil society has attracted particular attention among others. Yet, this paper criticizes extant studies on Korean case which focus on the extensive intervention of the strong state and subjective attitude of Korean citizens in coping with covid-19. The concept of the strong state lacks social scientific specification and subjective citizens do not match with Korean realities. This article argues that Korean state's capacity in collecting and mobilizing digital data may offer better understanding for the successful responses to the pandemic. First, Korean state is the ultimate coordinator in collecting, analyzing and applying big data about the expansion of covid-19 with its huge network of dataveillance. Also, such role has been largely based upon relevant legal framework and well prepared manuals and cooperation with civic actors and companies. In other words, Korean digital dataveillance had demonstrated its transparency and cooperative governance. Second, such dataveillance capacity has deep roots in the long-term development of Korean state's big data management. Korean state has evolved about thirty years while enhancing digital data network within governments, companies and private sectors. Third, the relationship between Korean state's dataveillance and civil society can be characterized as a state centered push model. This model demonstrates highly effective governmental responses to covid-19 crisis but fall short of building social consensus in balancing individual freedom, human rights and effective containment policies. It means communitarian solidarity among citizens has not been a major factor in Korea's successful response yet.

A Study on the Legal Liabilities of Contractor as a Delay in the Product Delivery on the Offshore Plant Construction Contract (해양플랜트공사계약상 제조물인도지연에 따른 당사자의 법적 책임에 관한 고찰)

  • Jin, Ho-Hyun
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.115-144
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    • 2017
  • The impact of the global financial crisis, which began in the United States in 2007, had a major impact on the domestic shipping and shipbuilding industries. In this regard, the domestic shipyard has established an order-taking strategy in several ways as an alternative to lowering the amount of construction of commercial vessels due to deterioration of the shipping industry, and selected industrial sector was the offshore plant sector. However, the domestic shipyard has under performed the offshore plant in order to just increase sales and secure work without any risk analysis for EPC contracts. As a result, the shipyard has been charged more than the initial contract price with the offshore plant contractor, or the shipyard has become a legal issue requiring payment of liquidated damages due to delays in delivery of the product. The main legal disputes are caused by the thorough risk analysis and the inexperience of process control that can occur during offshore plant construction. and In particular, there is no sufficient review of the unequivocal provisions in the contract as an element of risk management. There is no human resource to review these contractual clauses. Therefore, this study identifies the existence of specific risks that could lead to delays in offshore plant construction, and examined the existence of any unequivocal clauses in contracts for offshore plant construction. and also discussed how the toxic clause applies to the actual parties and how the concrete risk factors in the construction contracts are transferred and expressed by referring to the interviews with the project manager of the domestic shipyard and the previous research. As a result, This paper examined the legal liability of the contracting parties regarding delayed delivery of the products due to the offshore plant construction contract. And to improve the domestic shipbuilding industry.

An Analysis on the Conditions for Successful Economic Sanctions on North Korea : Focusing on the Maritime Aspects of Economic Sanctions (대북경제제재의 효과성과 미래 발전 방향에 대한 고찰: 해상대북제재를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sang-Hoon
    • Strategy21
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    • s.46
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    • pp.239-276
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    • 2020
  • The failure of early economic sanctions aimed at hurting the overall economies of targeted states called for a more sophisticated design of economic sanctions. This paved way for the advent of 'smart sanctions,' which target the supporters of the regime instead of the public mass. Despite controversies over the effectiveness of economic sanctions as a coercive tool to change the behavior of a targeted state, the transformation from 'comprehensive sanctions' to 'smart sanctions' is gaining the status of a legitimate method to impose punishment on states that do not conform to international norms, the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction in this particular context of the paper. The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council proved that it can come to an accord on imposing economic sanctions over adopting resolutions on waging military war with targeted states. The North Korean nuclear issue has been the biggest security threat to countries in the region, even for China out of fear that further developments of nuclear weapons in North Korea might lead to a 'domino-effect,' leading to nuclear proliferation in the Northeast Asia region. Economic sanctions had been adopted by the UNSC as early as 2006 after the first North Korean nuclear test and has continually strengthened sanctions measures at each stage of North Korean weapons development. While dubious of the effectiveness of early sanctions on North Korea, recent sanctions that limit North Korea's exports of coal and imports of oil seem to have an impact on the regime, inducing Kim Jong-un to commit to peaceful talks since 2018. The purpose of this paper is to add a variable to the factors determining the success of economic sanctions on North Korea: preventing North Korea's evasion efforts by conducting illegal transshipments at sea. I first analyze the cause of recent success in the economic sanctions that led Kim Jong-un to engage in talks and add the maritime element to the argument. There are three conditions for the success of the sanctions regime, and they are: (1) smart sanctions, targeting commodities and support groups (elites) vital to regime survival., (2) China's faithful participation in the sanctions regime, and finally, (3) preventing North Korea's maritime evasion efforts.