• Title/Summary/Keyword: 웨어러블 디자인

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Study on Wearable Health Care Devices Function Using Quantified Self - Focusing on Cardio-cerebrovascular Disease - (수치화 된 자아를 활용한 헬스케어 웨어러블 디바이스 기능 분석 - 심뇌혈관 질환 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ye Rim;Jung, Jung Ho
    • Design Convergence Study
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2017
  • Cardio-cerebrovascular disease is one of the chronic diseases that often attack people in Korea, and in fact, it ranks second in terms of death rate. This disease can be prevented by improving lifestyle, usual health care is important. But, in Korea most of the prevention or management programs adopt passive methods like using guide books or giving lectures, so it is not very effective in preventing the disease. Presently, the smart health care market is being developed in Korea and overseas. As an example, quantified self is being spread through wearable devices which are intended to measure each individual's health conditions and quantify body data into numbers for bettering habits. Accordingly, this author will explore and discuss wearable health care devices so as to prevent and manage cardio-cerebrovascular disease in a more active way. First, this study has classified wearable health care devices presently commercialized or related with cardio-cerebrovascular disease into wrist, clothes, or attaching types by the way of their attachment and analyzed them. After that, summing that up, this author performed cross-tabulations with other ways of preventing cardio-cerebrovascular disease. This will contribute to improving one's health care behavior about disease more actively and also work as an active interdisciplinary mechanism in research dealing with how to prevent disease afterwards.

The detachable smart wearable device (탈부착 가능 스마트 웨어러블 디바이스 개발)

  • Kim, Bonam;Lee, Seong-Min;Lee, Soo-Uk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.845-847
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we develope a detachable wearable device consisting of two parts: main module and accessary module including battery. The main module can display any tracking information and alarms related to the smart phone. In addition, it has small sensors such as heart rate sensor, NFC, T-money, and GPS that can be selected by user's requirement. The accessary module includes battery. The suggested wearable device can also solve the problems faced with today's many other wearable devices: 1) limited battery life 2) the lack of compatibility and expandability due to run on internal components designed for smart phone 3) the design has always been a crucial factor in determining the success of main stream consumer wearable devices.

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An Explorative Research for Possibility of Digitalwear Based on Motion-detective Input Technology as Apparel Product and a Suggestion of the Design Prototypes (I) (동작인식형 (Motion-detective) 디지털웨어(Digital Wear)의 의류 상품화 가능성 탐색과 디자인 프로토타입 (Design Prototype)의 제안 (I))

  • 박희주;이주현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.366-372
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구는 제 1보와 2보로 구성되었으며, 본 연구의 목적은 1) 동작 인식형 입력기술에 기반한 디지털웨어(이하, DMDI로 약칭함)의 의류상품화 가능성을 탐색하고, 2) 소비자의 잠재적 수요에 기초하여 DMDI의 디자인을 개발하는 것이다. 제 1 보에서는 소비자의 DMDI 에 대한 잠재수요를 고찰하기 위하여, 디자인 에스노 그래피적 견지에 기초하여 개발된 심층면접 방식 및 범주분석 방식을 취하였다 그 분석 결과를 토대로 하여, DMDI를 위한 7가지의 가능성있는 애플리케이션 영역과 DMDI의 6가지 디자인 방향이 제안되었으며, 이를 토대로 디자인 프로토타입 개발을 위한 기본형 디자인을 제시하였다. 제 2보에서는 제 1보의 결과를 토대로 하여 DMDI의 디자인 프로토타입을 개발하였다. 본 학술발표는 제 1보의 내용을 중심으로 하여 DMDI에 대한 소비자 수요의 분석결과와 DMDI를 위한 기본형 디자인을 주요 내용으로 구성하였다.

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Correlation between Visual Sensibility and Vital Signal using Wearable based Electrocardiogram Sensing Clothes (웨어러블 기반의 심전도 측정 의복을 이용한 시각감성과 생체신호간의 상관관계)

  • Chung, Kyung-Yong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.496-503
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    • 2009
  • In the life environment changed with not only the material abundance but also the quality, it is the most crucial factor for the strategy of sensibility engineering to investigate vital signal according to the sensibility. In this perspective, it is necessary to design and merchandise the products in cope with each sensibility and needs as well as its functional aspects. In this paper, we proposed the correlation between the visual sensibility and the vital signal using the wearable based electrocardiogram sensing clothes. We measured the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal by wearing the electrocardiogram sensing clothes. The heart rate variability (HRV) is calculated form the acquired ECG signal by wearing the electrocardiogram sensing clothes. And the power spectrum analysis using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is evaluated the correlation between the visual sensibility and the vital signal. we plan to conduct empirical applications to verify the adequacy and the validity of the proposed method.

Developing Wearable Joystick Device Using Magnetic Sensor (자기장 센서를 이용한 웨어러블 조이스틱 장치의 개발)

  • Yeo, Hee-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.18-23
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    • 2021
  • There has been demand for many magnetic sensor applications, and to develop low-cost devices, it is critical to accurately understand the behavior of the magnetic field and the characteristics of magnetic sensors and target devices during initial development phase. The magnetic field has been known to have very complicated nonlinear data to calculate, so it has required expensive computing machines or research to accurately calculate the magnetic sensor values. However, this paper introduces a characteristic of a magnetic sensor called the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) and proposes simple and sufficient approaches to develop a wearable joystick device using a magnetic sensor. Particularly, this paper introduces the design factors for how to properly develop a low-cost wearable joystick device using magnetic sensors after carefully considering the mechanism of a real joystick and the characteristics of magnetic sensors. As a result, user test results are provided to show how users can operate this new wearable joystick device.

A Development of Design Prototype of Smart Clothing for Healthcare Based on Sensing Technology of Vital Signs (생체 신호 측정기술에 기반한 건강관리용 스마트 의류 디자인 프로토타입 개발)

  • Cho, Hyun-Yee;Lee, Joo-Hyeon;Lee, Chung-Keun;Lee, Myoung-Ho
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02b
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    • pp.227-232
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    • 2006
  • 스마트 의류의 발달은 pc 를 분산, 부착한 웨어러블 컴퓨터의 연구로부터 진행되어 왔으며, 1990 년대 후반 이후 착용자 감성을 고려해 더욱 편안하며, 의복과 유사한 외관을 디자인 하려는 노력이 전개되고 있다. 스마트 의류는 엔터테인먼트, 비즈니스, 스포츠, 의료 분야에 적용 등 다양한 애플리케이션으로 연구, 개발되고 있으며, 최근 들어서는 생체신호 센서를 이용한 건강관리용 스마트 의류의 연구가 주목 받고 있다. 건강에 대한 관심과 라이프 스타일의 변화, 고령화 사회의 예상으로 인해 건강복지에 대한 필요성이 증가하는 최근 트렌드를 볼 때, 건강 관리용의 스마트 의류의 수요는 증가될 것으로 예상된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 기본적인 생체신호 뿐 아니라 심장 질환, 호흡기 질환을 측정할 수 있는 건강 개념의 스마트 의류 디자인을 개발하였다. 이 스마트 의류는 기존의 의복의 형태와 착용감은 그대로 유지하면서 의복 착장 시 생체 신호를 전송, 모니터링 할 수 있도록 설계하였다. 개발된 의복은 심전도, 체온 센서로 구성되어 있으며, 이를 통해 심전도, 호흡량, 맥박, 체온 등의 생체신호를 얻을 수 있다. 디자인 프로토타입의 기기 위치 선정은 선행 연구에서 제시한 '착용성 향상을 위한 웨어러블 컴퓨터 디자인 지침' 을 기반으로 설계하여 착장 시 기기로 인한 이물감이 느껴지지 않도록 하였으며 또한, 기기의 하중을 최소화 하였다. 의복의 디자인은 센서의 안정된 부착과 활동성, 센서의 정확한 측정을 고려하여 표피의 면적 변화를 고찰하여 디자인하였다. 이 스마트 의류는 노인, 건강 이상자, 통원 치료자에게 평상시의 건강을 체크 함으로써 보다 원활한 치료의 가능으로 의료 복지에 기여할 것으로 예상되며, 디자인 프로토타입의 개발을 통하여 센서기반 스마트 의류의 가능성을 제시했다는 점에서 이 연구의 의의가 있다.

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An Explorative Study on the Features of Activity Trackers as IoT based Wearable Devices (사물인터넷 기반 웨어러블 디바이스인 활동량측정기의 특성에 대한 탐색연구)

  • Hong, Suk-Ki
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2015
  • IoT (Internet of Things) is recently burgeoning as business applications as well as ICT itself. Among the business applications of IoT, wearable devices are recognized as a leading area of customer devices. This research first identifies customer needs of activity trackers (fitness trackers), as one of representative wearable devices, and mapping the identified needs with the well-known marketing model of marketing mix (4 P's: Product, Price, Promotion, and Place). Survey was applied to university students for identifying current and potential needs for activity trackers. The needs were classified by 4 P's, and according to the results, different from other IT devices, activity trackers has more potential needs. Moreover, reliable distribution channels, offline and company owned shops were preferred, rather than online shopping mall by third parties. The results would provide some valuable implications to not only designers of activity trackers but also business management.

A Study on the Smart Jacket Design Based on the Concept of Wearable Technology (웨어러블 테크놀로지를 기반으로 한 스마트 재킷디자인 연구)

  • Kim, Yu-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.149-159
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    • 2007
  • With the help of the cooperative efforts made in the interdisciplinary studies among the different fields of computers, textiles and computer in the modem society based on knowledge-information, Smart Clothing, which is the combination of wearable Technology and clothing has been drawn. This study is to inspect the design of Smart school uniform, which if based on Wearable Technology, to meet the need for the PDG(Post Digital Generation) who want to require rapid and the convenient information. This study is aimed to quest for the direction of study in Wearable Technology through theoretical studies made in the field the Computer information communications Engineering, seminars in the field of Smart Textile and documentary study. In addition to them, this study is to search for the value for the school uniform in the PDG who are a group of potential consumers for the Smart Clothing, the environment in digitalized life and the need for the Wearable Technology. Based on this research, the concept of design reflecting the need for the characteristic and functions in the PDG was drawn and Design Prototype of Smart Jacket on the base of Wearable Technology was presented.

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