• Title/Summary/Keyword: 원격탐사 자료처리(remote sensing data processing)

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A Water Quality Management System at Mokhyun Stream Watershed Using GIS and RS (GIS와 RS를 이용한 목현천 수질관리 정보체계)

  • Lee, In Soo;Lee, Kyoo Seock
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a Water Quality Management System(WQMS), which calculates pollutant discharge and forecasts water quality with a water pollution model. Operational water quality management requires not only controlling pollutants but acquiring and managing exact information. A GIS software, ArcView 3.1 was used to enter or edit geographic data and attribute data, and Avenue Script was used to customize the user interface. PCI, a remote sensing software, was used to derive land cover classification from 20 m resolution SPOT data by image processing. WQMS has two subsystems, database subsystem and modelling subsystem. The database subsystem consisted of watershed data from digital maps, remote sensing data, government reports, census data and so on. The modelling subsystem consisted of NSPLM(NonStorm Pollutant Load Model) and SPLM(Storm Pollutant Load Model). It calculates the amount of pollutant and predicts water quality. These two subsystems were connected through a graphic display module. This system has been calibrated for and applied to Mokhyun Stream watershed.

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Comparative Analysis of NDWI and Soil Moisture Map Using Sentinel-1 SAR and KOMPSAT-3 Images (KOMPSAT-3와 Sentinel-1 SAR 영상을 적용한 토양 수분도와 NDWI 결과 비교 분석)

  • Lee, Jihyun;Kim, Kwangseob;Lee, Kiwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_4
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    • pp.1935-1943
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    • 2022
  • The development and application of a high-resolution soil moisture mapping method using satellite imagery has been considered one of the major research themes in remote sensing. In this study, soil moisture mapping in the test area of Jeju Island was performed. The soil moisture was calculated with optical images using linearly adjusted Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) polarization images and incident angle. SAR Backscatter data, Analysis Ready Data (ARD) provided by Google Earth Engine (GEE), was used. In the soil moisture processing process, the optical image was applied to normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) by surface reflectance of KOMPSAT-3 satellite images and the land cover map of Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). When the SAR image and the optical images are fused, the reliability of the soil moisture product can be improved. To validate the soil moisture mapping product, a comparative analysis was conducted with normalized difference water index (NDWI) products by the KOMPSAT-3 image and those of the Landsat-8 satellite. As a result, it was shown that the soil moisture map and NDWI of the study area were slightly negative correlated, whereas NDWI using the KOMPSAT-3 images and the Landsat-8 satellite showed a highly correlated trend. Finally, it will be possible to produce precise soil moisture using KOMPSAT optical images and KOMPSAT SAR images without other external remotely sensed images, if the soil moisture calculation algorithm used in this study is further developed for the KOMPSAT-5 image.

Development of Korea Ocean Satellite Center (KOSC): System Design on Reception, Processing and Distribution of Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) Data (해양위성센터 구축: 통신해양기상위성 해색센서(GOCI) 자료의 수신, 처리, 배포 시스템 설계)

  • Yang, Chan-Su;Cho, Seong-Ick;Han, Hee-Jeong;Yoon, Sok;Kwak, Ki-Yong;Yhn, Yu-Whan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2007
  • In KORDI (Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute), the KOSC (Korea Ocean Satellite Center) construction project is being prepared for acquisition, processing and distribution of sensor data via L-band from GOCI (Geostationary Ocean Color Imager) instrument which is loaded on COMS (Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite); it will be launched in 2008. Ansan (the headquarter of KORDI) has been selected for the location of KOSC between 5 proposed sites, because it has the best condition to receive radio wave. The data acquisition system is classified into antenna and RF. Antenna is designed to be $\phi$ 9m cassegrain antenna which has 19.35 G/T$(dB/^{\circ}K)$ at 1.67GHz. RF module is divided into LNA (low noise amplifier) and down converter, those are designed to send only horizontal polarization to modem. The existing building is re-designed and arranged for the KOSC operation concept; computing room, board of electricity, data processing room, operation room. Hardware and network facilities have been designed to adapt for efficiency of each functions. The distribution system which is one of the most important systems will be constructed mainly on the internet. and it is also being considered constructing outer data distribution system as a web hosting service for offering received data to user less than an hour.

Introduction to Image Pro-processing Subsystem of Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) (정지궤도 해색탑재체(GOCI) 전처리시스템)

  • Seo, Seok-Bae;Lim, Hyun-Su;Ahn, Sang-Il
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2010
  • This paper introduces Geostationary Ocean Color Imager, IMage Pre-processing Subsystem (GOCI IMPS) of Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS), and describes its functions, development states, and operational concepts. The primary and backup systems of GOCI IMPS have been installed in Korea Ocean Satellite Center (KOSC) and Satellite Operation Center (SOC) and the system are the prelaunch test phase after completing all required tests. It is expected that the GOCI data observed continuously over the Korea Peninsular in the geostationary orbit will be usefully utilized in marine environment research fields such as sea surface temperature changes or marine ecosystems.

Application of Satellite Data on Geomorphological Study of the Tidal Flats near Kum River Estuary (위성자료의 한국 금강 하구부근 조간대 지형 연구에 대한 응용)

  • 안충현;이용국;유흥룡;오재경
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1989
  • The objective of this study is to develop the application techniques, such as geometrical correction, image overlapping etc., of LANDSAT Thematic Mapper image data especially useful to the geomorphological study of tidal flats. The developed processing techniques were applied to the Kum river estuary. The results of this study are as follows. 1) According to the analysis of the distribution and topographical profiles of the tidal flats, the geomorphological characteristics of the study area seem to be different depending on their location. 2) Even though the geomorphological changes were not always observable on the satellite images, several areas of undoubtful short-term deposition could be detected on the analytical map-image which compares two different situations of tidal flats. 3) Even though a further ditailed study is necessary, the distribution and dispersal patterns of suspended materials and sea surface temperature distribution patterns due to tidal and other meteorological conditions were analyzed by LANDSAT TM channel 3 and 6.

Application of KOMPSAT-5 SAR Interferometry by using SNAP Software (SNAP 소프트웨어를 이용한 KOMPSAT-5 SAR 간섭기법 구현)

  • Lee, Hoonyol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.6_3
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    • pp.1215-1221
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    • 2017
  • SeNtinel's Application Platform (SNAP) is an open source software developed by the European Space Agency and consists of several toolboxes that process data from Sentinel satellite series, including SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) and optical satellites. Among them, S1TBX (Sentinel-1 ToolBoX)is mainly used to process Sentinel-1A/BSAR images and interferometric techniques. It provides flowchart processing method such as Graph Builder, and has convenient functions including automatic downloading of DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and image mosaicking. Therefore, if computer memory is sufficient, InSAR (Interferometric SAR) and DInSAR (Differential InSAR) perform smoothly and are widely used recently in the world through rapid upgrades. S1TBX also includes existing SAR data processing functions, and since version 5, the processing capability of KOMPSAT-5 has been added. This paper shows an example of processing the interference technique of KOMPSAT-5 SAR image using S1TBX of SNAP. In the open mine of Tavan Tolgoi in Mongolia, the difference between DEM obtained in KOMPSAT-5 in 2015 and SRTM 1sec DEM obtained in 2000 was analyzed. It was found that the maximum depth of 130 meters was excavated and the height of the accumulated ore is over 70 meters during 15 years. Tidal and topographic InSAR signals were observed in the glacier area near Jangbogo Antarctic Research Station, but SNAP was not able to treat it due to orbit error and DEM error. In addition, several DInSAR images were made in the Iraqi desert region, but many lines appearing in systematic errors were found on coherence images. Stacking for StaMPS application was not possible due to orbit error or program bug. It is expected that SNAP can resolve the problem owing to a surge in users and a very fast upgrade of the software.

Introduction of Acquisition System, Processing System and Distributing Service for Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) Data (정지궤도 해색탑재체(GOCI) 데이터의 수신.처리 시스템과 배포 서비스)

  • Yang, Chan-Su;Bae, Sang-Soo;Han, Hee-Jeong;Ahn, Yu-Hwan;Ryu, Joo-Hyung;Han, Tai-Hyun;Yoo, Hong-Rhyong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.263-275
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    • 2010
  • KOSC(Korea Ocean Satellite Center), the primary operational organization for GOCI(Geostationary Ocean Color Imager), was established in KORDI(Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute). For a stable distribution service of GOCI data, various systems were installed at KOSC as follows: GOCI Data Acquisition System, Image Pre-processing System, GOCI Data Processing System, GOCI Data Distribution System, Data Management System, Total Management & Control System and External Data Exchange System. KOSC distributes the GOCI data 8 times to user at 1-hour intervals during the daytime in near-real time according to the distribution policy. Finally, we introduce the KOSC website for users to search, request and download GOCI data.

Estimation of Simulated Radiances of the OSMI over the Oceans (대양에서의 OSMI 모의 복사량 산출)

  • 임효숙;김용승;이동한
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.227-238
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    • 1999
  • In advance of launch, simulated radiances of the Ocean Scanning Multispectral Imager (OSMI) will be very useful to guess the real imagery of OSMI and to prepare for data processing of OSMI. The data processing system for OSMI which is one of sensors aboard Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite (KOMPSAT) scheduled for launch in 1999 is developed based on the SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS). Simulation of radiances requires information on the spectral band, orbital and scanning characteristics of the OSMI and KOMPSAT spacecraft. This paper also describes a method to create simulated radiances of the OSMI over the oceans. Our method for constructing a simulated OSMI imagery is to propagate a KOMPSAT orbit over a field of Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) pigment concentrations and to use the values and atmospheric components for calculation of total radiances. A modified Brouwer-Lyddane model with drag was used for the realistic orbit prediction, the CZCS pigment concentrations were used to compute water-leaving radiances, and a variety of radiative transfer models were used to calculate atmospheric contributions to total radiances detected by OSMI. Imagery of the simulated OSMI radiances for 412, 443, 490, 555, 765, 865nm was obtained. As expected, water-leaving radiances were only a small fraction (below 10%) of total radiances and sun glint contaminations were observed near the solar declination. Therefore, atmospheric correction is critical in the calculation of pigment concentration from total radiances. Because the imagery near the sun's glitter pattern is virtually useless and must be discarded, more advanced data collection planning will be required to succeed in the mission of OSMI which is consistent monitoring of global oceans during three year mission lifetime.

An Implementation of the OTB Extension to Produce RapidEye Surface Reflectance and Its Accuracy Validation Experiment (RapidEye 영상정보의 지표반사도 생성을 위한 OTB Extension 개발과 정확도 검증 실험)

  • Kim, Kwangseob;Lee, Kiwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.5_1
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    • pp.485-496
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    • 2022
  • This study is for the software implementation to generate atmospheric and surface reflectance products from RapidEye satellite imagery. The software is an extension based on Orfeo Toolbox (OTB) and an open-source remote sensing software including calibration modules which use an absolute atmospheric correction algorithm. In order to verify the performance of the program, the accuracy of the product was validated by a test image on the Radiometric Calibration Network (RadCalNet) site. In addition, the accuracy of the surface reflectance product generated from the KOMPSAT-3A image, the surface reflectance of Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD) of the same site, and near acquisition date were compared with RapidEye-based one. At the same time, a comparative study was carried out with the processing results using QUick Atmospheric Correction (QUAC) and Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes (FLAASH) tool supported by a commercial tool for the same image. Similar to the KOMPSAT-3A-based surface reflectance product, the results obtained from RapidEye Extension showed accuracy of agreement level within 5%, compared with RadCalNet data. They also showed better accuracy in all band images than the results using QUAC or FLAASH tool. As the importance of the Red-Edge band in agriculture, forests, and the environment applications is being emphasized, it is expected that the utilization of the surface reflectance products of RapidEye images produced using this program will also increase.

Visualization of 3D Terrain Information on Smartphone using HTML5 WebGL (HTML5 WebGL을 이용한 스마트폰 3차원 지형정보 시각화)

  • Kim, Kwang-Seob;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.245-253
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    • 2012
  • The public and civilian demands regarding 3D geo-spatial information processing on mobile device including smartphone are increasing. But there are few actual implementations or application cases. This work is to present some results by a prototype implementation of 3D terrain information visualization function with satellite image and DEM using HTML5 WebGL, which is a web-based graphic library under the standardization process. This is a useful standard for cross-platform operation for 3D graphic rendering without other plug-in modules. As the results, in the different types of operating system or browser in a personal computer or a smartphone, it shows same rendering results, as long as they support HTML5 WebGL. As well;geo-metadata search and identification functions for data sets for 3D terrain visualization process are added in this implementation for the practical aspect.