• Title/Summary/Keyword: 원격측량

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Application of Terrestrial LiDAR for Displacement Detecting on Risk Slope (위험 경사면의 변위 검출을 위한 지상 라이다의 활용)

  • Lee, Keun-Wang;Park, Joon-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.323-328
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    • 2019
  • In order to construct 3D geospatial information about the terrain, current measurement using a total station, remote sensing, GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System) have been used. However, ground survey and GNSS survey have time and economic disadvantages because they have to be surveyed directly in the field. In case of using aerial photographs and satellite images, these methods have the disadvantage that it is difficult to obtain the three-dimensional shape of the terrain. The terrestrial LiDAR can acquire 3D information of X, Y, Z coordinate and shape obtained by scanning innumerable laser pulses at densely spaced intervals on the surface of the object to be observed at high density, and the processing can also be automated. In this study, terrestrial LiDAR was used to analyze slope displacement. Study area slopes were selected and data were acquired using LiDAR in 2016 and 2017. Data processing has been used to generate slope cross section and slope data, and the overlay analysis of the generated data identifies slope displacements within 0.1 m and suggests the possibility of using slope LiDAR on land to manage slopes. If periodic data acquisition and analysis is performed in the future, the method using the terrestrial lidar will contribute to effective risk slope management.

Utilization of UAV and GIS for Efficient Agricultural Area Survey (효율적인 농업면적 조사를 위한 무인항공기와 GIS의 활용)

  • Jeong, Woo-Chul;Kim, Sung-Bo
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.12
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    • pp.201-207
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the practicality of unmanned aerial vehicle photography information was identified. Therefore, a total of four consecutive surveys were conducted on the field-level survey areas among the areas subject to photography using unmanned aerial vehicles, and the changes in crop conditions were analyzed using pictures of unmanned aerial vehicles taken during each survey. It is appropriate to collect and utilize photographic information by directly taking pictures of the survey area according to the time of the on-site survey using unmanned aerial vehicles in the field layer, which is an area where many changes in topography, crop vegetation, and crop types are expected. And it turned out that it was appropriate to utilize satellite images in consideration of economic and efficient aspects in relatively unchanged rice paddies and facilities. If the survey area is well equipped with systems for crop cultivation, deep learning can be utilized in real time by utilizing libraries after obtaining photographic data for a certain area using unmanned aircraft in the future. Through this process, it is believed that it can be used to analyze the overall crop and shipment volume by identifying the crop status and surveying the quantity per unit area.

Field Phenotyping of Plant Height in Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) using UAV Imagery (드론 영상을 이용한 케나프(Hibiscus cannabinus L.) 작물 높이의 노지 표현형 분석)

  • Gyujin Jang;Jaeyoung Kim;Dongwook Kim;Yong Suk Chung;Hak-Jin Kim
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    • v.67 no.4
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    • pp.274-284
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    • 2022
  • To use kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) as a fiber and livestock feed, a high-yielding variety needs to be identified. For this, accurate phenotyping of plant height is required for this breeding purpose due to the strong relationship between plant height and yield. Plant height can be estimated using RGB images from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV-RGB) and photogrammetry based on Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithms. In kenaf, accurate measurement of height is limited because kenaf stems have high flexibility and its height is easily affected by wind, growing up to 3 ~ 4 m. Therefore, we aimed to identify a method suitable for the accurate estimation of plant height of kenaf and investigate the feasibility of using the UAV-RGB-derived plant height map. Height estimation derived from UAV-RGB was improved using multi-point calibration against the five different wooden structures with known heights (30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 cm). Using the proposed method, we analyzed the variation in temporal height of 23 kenaf cultivars. Our results demontrated that the actual and estimated heights were reliably comparable with the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.80 and a slope of 0.94. This method enabled the effective identification of cultivars with significantly different heights at each growth stages.

Improvement of 2-pass DInSAR-based DEM Generation Method from TanDEM-X bistatic SAR Images (TanDEM-X bistatic SAR 영상의 2-pass 위성영상레이더 차분간섭기법 기반 수치표고모델 생성 방법 개선)

  • Chae, Sung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_1
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    • pp.847-860
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    • 2020
  • The 2-pass DInSAR (Differential Interferometric SAR) processing steps for DEM generation consist of the co-registration of SAR image pair, interferogram generation, phase unwrapping, calculation of DEM errors, and geocoding, etc. It requires complicated steps, and the accuracy of data processing at each step affects the performance of the finally generated DEM. In this study, we developed an improved method for enhancing the performance of the DEM generation method based on the 2-pass DInSAR technique of TanDEM-X bistatic SAR images was developed. The developed DEM generation method is a method that can significantly reduce both the DEM error in the unwrapped phase image and that may occur during geocoding step. The performance analysis of the developed algorithm was performed by comparing the vertical accuracy (Root Mean Square Error, RMSE) between the existing method and the newly proposed method using the ground control point (GCP) generated from GPS survey. The vertical accuracy of the DInSAR-based DEM generated without correction for the unwrapped phase error and geocoding error is 39.617 m. However, the vertical accuracy of the DEM generated through the proposed method is 2.346 m. It was confirmed that the DEM accuracy was improved through the proposed correction method. Through the proposed 2-pass DInSAR-based DEM generation method, the SRTM DEM error observed by DInSAR was compensated for the SRTM 30 m DEM (vertical accuracy 5.567 m) used as a reference. Through this, it was possible to finally create a DEM with improved spatial resolution of about 5 times and vertical accuracy of about 2.4 times. In addition, the spatial resolution of the DEM generated through the proposed method was matched with the SRTM 30 m DEM and the TanDEM-X 90m DEM, and the vertical accuracy was compared. As a result, it was confirmed that the vertical accuracy was improved by about 1.7 and 1.6 times, respectively, and more accurate DEM generation was possible with the proposed method. If the method derived in this study is used to continuously update the DEM for regions with frequent morphological changes, it will be possible to update the DEM effectively in a short time at low cost.

Investigation of Measurement Feasibility of Large-size Wastes Based on Unmanned Aerial System (UAS 기반 대형 폐기물 발생량 측정 가능성 모색)

  • Son, Seung Woo;Yu, Jae Jin;Jeon, Hyung Jin;Lim, Seong Ha;Kang, Young Eun;Yoon, Jeong Ho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_3
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    • pp.809-820
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    • 2017
  • Efficient management of large-size wastes generated from disasters etc. is always in demand. Large-size wastes are closely connected to the environment, producing adverse effects on the air quality, water quality, living environment and so on. When large-size wastes are generated, we must be able to estimate the generated amount in order to transfer them to a temporary trans-shipment site, or to properly treat them. Currently, we estimate the amount of generated large-size wastes by using satellite images or unit measure for wastes; however, the accuracy of such estimations have been constantly questioned. Therefore, the present study was performed to establish three-dimensional spatial information based on UAS, to measure the amount of waste, and to evaluate the accuracy of the measurement. A measurement was made at a waste site by using UAS, and the X, Y, Z RMSE values of the three-dimensional spatial information were found to be 0.022 m, 0.023 m, and 0.14 m, all of which show relatively high accuracy. The amount of waste measured using these values was computed to be approximately $4,273,400m^3$. In addition, the amount of waste at the same site was measured by using Terrestrial LiDAR, which is used for the precise measurement of geographical features, cultural properties and the like. The resulting value was $4,274,188m^3$, which is not significantly different from the amount of waste computed by using UAS. Thus, the possibility of measuring the amount of waste using UAS was confirmed, and UAS-based measurement is believed to be useful for environmental control with respect to disaster wastes, large-size wastes, and the like.

Monitoring of a Time-series of Land Subsidence in Mexico City Using Space-based Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations (인공위성 영상레이더를 이용한 멕시코시티 시계열 지반침하 관측)

  • Ju, Jeongheon;Hong, Sang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.6_1
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    • pp.1657-1667
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    • 2021
  • Anthropogenic activities and natural processes have been causes of land subsidence which is sudden sinking or gradual settlement of the earth's solid surface. Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, is one of the most severe land subsidence areas which are resulted from excessive groundwater extraction. Because groundwater is the primary water resource occupies almost 70% of total water usage in the city. Traditional terrestrial observations like the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) or leveling survey have been preferred to measure land subsidence accurately. Although the GNSS observations have highly accurate information of the surfaces' displacement with a very high temporal resolution, it has often been limited due to its sparse spatial resolution and highly time-consuming and high cost. However, space-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry has been widely used as a powerful tool to monitor surfaces' displacement with high spatial resolution and high accuracy from mm to cm-scale, regardless of day-or-night and weather conditions. In this paper, advanced interferometric approaches have been applied to get a time-series of land subsidence of Mexico City using four-year-long twenty ALOS PALSAR L-band observations acquired from Feb-11, 2007 to Feb-22, 2011. We utilized persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) and small baseline subset (SBAS) techniques to suppress atmospheric artifacts and topography errors. The results show that the maximum subsidence rates of the PSI and SBAS method were -29.5 cm/year and -27.0 cm/year, respectively. In addition, we discuss the different subsidence rates where the study area is discriminated into three districts according to distinctive geotechnical characteristics. The significant subsidence rate occurred in the lacustrine sediments with higher compressibility than harder bedrock.