• Title/Summary/Keyword: 운행효율성

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Complement of the Interlocking Logic of ATS for Heterogenous Railway Signaling Systems (이종 철도신호시스템을 위한 기존 자동열차정지 연동로직의 보완)

  • Jeong, Rag-Gyo;Kim, Baek-Hyun;Kang, Seok-Won;Byun, Yeun-Sub;Park, Geon-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.702-708
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    • 2016
  • The railway signaling system has evolved to maximize its safety and maintainability based on the experiences in the construction and operation of railway systems. The newly developed systems was established to cope with the changes in an operating environment. In the process of a transition to the new system, both the existing ATS (Automatic Train Stop) and new ATP/ATO (Automatic Train Protection/Automatic Train Operation) systems are operating simultaneously in parallel. In this situation, modifications of the conditions of the interlocking diagram and logic are necessarily required on the existing ATS systems due to the frequent improvements in signaling equipment. This paper reports the enhancement of safety and operational efficiency of the system through an improvement of the security and the interlocking conditions of the existing ATS systems. The independent display of signals for each track was ensured to avoid giving the effect of On/Off signals for the selected track on the opposite side, and the security was improved by adjusting the position and interlocking conditions. In addition, the increased traffic density of railway systems was achieved by removing the unnecessary conditions and detailed signal display, which resulted in enhanced operational efficiency.

Development of an Apparatus for Vertical Transfer of a PRT Vehicle Operating on a Road Network (운행 중인 PRT 차량의 수직이송을 위한 장치 개발)

  • Kang, Seok-Won;Um, Ju-Hwan;Jeong, Rag-Gyo;Kim, Jong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.2604-2611
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    • 2013
  • The Personal Rapid Transit(PRT) system has been highly interested in future transportation developments due to its on-demand and optimized door-to-door transport capability. However, the major impediments to the commercialization of PRT are the high cost for construction of infrastructures as opposed to the small transport capacity and difficulty in defining the role of PRT in building a balanced transportation system. In this study, the vertical transfer device for the PRT vehicle is developed to provide more flexible and better compatible urban mobility services between means of transportation, which is expected to meet particular demands in a particular environment. This apparatus was initially designed based on the basis of vertical circulating conveyors with steel chains, which is frequently used in logistics. Its advantages are capable of the non-stop loading and reduced head-way time. Most importantly, it was intensified by the additional idea to ensure the stable and reliable transfer of the PRT vehicle fully loaded with passengers. The 1/10-scale prototype was successfully tested to demonstrate a fundamental mechanism of vertical transfer and identify unexpected user requirements prior to a real manufacturing process.

Simulation-based Evaluation of AGV Operation at Automated Container Terminal (시뮬레이션을 이용한 자동화 컨테이너 터미널의 AGV 운영평가)

  • Ha Tae-Young;Choi Yong-Seok;Kim Woo-Sun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.28 no.10 s.96
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    • pp.891-897
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    • 2004
  • This paper provided a simulation model for transport vehicles that carry container from the ship to yard block and vice versa at automated container terminal with a perpendicular yard layout. Usually, the efficiency of container terminal is evaluated by the productivity of container cranes at apron, and the stevedoring system for transport vehicles and yard cranes should be supported enough to improve productivity of container cranes. Especially, transport vehicle is very important factor in the productivity of container cranes and the performance of transport vehicles are changed according to the number and traveling type of vehicles. For these reason, a method that can estimate productivity of transport vehicle is required Finally, we developed the simulation model to analyze the productivity of transport vehicle and presented the productivity of container cranes for a varying operation of transport vehicles.

A Study on Introducing Autonomous Public Transportation On-demand Service in Real Time Using Delphi Method (델파이 기법을 활용한 실시간 수요대응 자율주행 대중교통서비스 도입 방안 연구)

  • Joung, Junyoung;Shim, Sangwoo;Kim, Minseok
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.183-196
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    • 2022
  • Public transportation accessibility has been evaluated through minimum level of service for public transportation. However it is evaluated based operators rather than users. This study analyzed the users' accessibility(first-mile, last-mile) to public transportation using altteul transport card data. As a result of user's accessibility of public transportation, rural areas was lower than that in the urban areas. This study calssified type 1 and 2 based average approach time, and average approach time of Type 1 and 2 were more than average approach time of total area. We propsed an efficient introduction of autonomous public transportation on-demand service using delphi survey. As a result of delphi survey, experts agreed on 9 items regarding function, service item, route operation, approach distance, route mileage, punctuality.

A Study on the Improvement of Railway Construction Schedule Using KTX Construction Case (경부고속철도 사례분석을 통한 철도건설공기 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Yeonjong;Chung, Byunghyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.662-669
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    • 2012
  • In 2004, KTX operated in Korea on the 5th in the world. But there are various factor on planed schedule delay of Big National Construction Project like Seoul-Busan High Speed Rail Project(Seoul-Busan HSR). For example, Often change of government policy, project management control problem of design and construction, conflict of interested party like environmental organization/resident are the main delay factors. The suggestions for improvement of the construction schedule through the Seoul-Busan HSR will help to make a new leap forward in rail construction.

Study on the construction and development of TAGO(Transport Advice on GOing anywhere)system (실시간 대중교통 종합 환승정보(TAGO) 구축 및 발전방향)

  • Moon, Hak-Yong;Byun, Sang-Chol;Ryu, Eun-Su;Han, Dae-Chol
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.1046-1047
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    • 2008
  • 실시간 대중교통 종합 환승정보(TAGO)시스템은 대중교통 이용자 중심의 서비스제공을 목적으로 교통 수단간 환승 정보를 제공하고 있다. TAGO는 항공, 철도, 버스(시외/시내/고속), 지하철 등 대중교통 뿐 아니라 자가용, 자전거 이용자의 환승을 고려한 정적/동적 운행정보, 소통 정보를 연계하여 통합하고, 네비게이션 서비스, 지역정보 서비스, 돌발 상황, 날씨 정보, 통계 정보를 인터넷 TAGO 홈페이지(www.tago.go,kr)와 환승 지점에서의 현장안내장비(Kiosk, PDP)를 통해 제공하고 있다. 현재 TAGO는 3차 사업이 진행 중이며 전국 단위 장거리 교통수단과 지역내 단거리 교통수단의 교통정보를 연계하여 효율적인 환승정보를 제공하여 대중교통 이용 활성화에 기여하고 있다. 미래의 TAGO 시스템은 유비쿼터스 시대의 신개념 교통정보 제공을 위한 확장성을 고려하여 서비스 범위를 확대하며, 다양한 매체를 통해 전국 어느곳에서든 출발지부터 목적지까지 교통수단의 선택, 경로안내, 환승정보, 지역정보 등을 제공할 계획이다.

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The Location Selection Analysis Of The Rotation Sensor For The Safe Driving (안전운전을 위한 회전 센서의 위치 선정 분석)

  • Jo, Sinyou;Oh, Hyeonju;Lee, Suji;Park, Taeho;Song, Yujin;Kim, Gabin;Lee, Jongkun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.216-219
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    • 2016
  • 차량 전 후방의 센서 감지 기법은 주행 중 차량 충돌을 예측하고 이를 운전자에게 알려줌으로써 사고를 예방하는 시스템이다. 안전운행을 위한 센서의 감지 기법과 센서 알고리즘에 대한 연구가 지속적으로 이루어지고 있으며 특히 센서 감지 효과가 매우 중요한 과제중의 하나이다. 본 연구는 이러한 센서 감지 효과에 관심을 가져 초음파 센서 회전을 이용한 센서 감지 정보 분석을 통하여 감지 효율성을 높이고자 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 초음파 센서 배치와 회전 실험의 결과를 통해 안전운전을 위한 센서의 배치와 회전정도를 제안한다.

A Study on Technical Characteristics of SOLAS AIS (SOLAS AIS의 기술적 특성 분석 연구)

  • 장동원;조평동
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.554-558
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we analysed the technical characteristics of a universal shipborne automatic identification system using self-organizing time division multiple access in the VHF marine mobile band. IMO's Marine Safety Committee approved revision of chapter V of the Safety of Life at Sea(SOLAS) Convention in 73rd meeting. According to this revision, AIS will become a nandatary carriage requirement by 01 July 2002. AIS is a broadcast system, operating in the VHF marine band. It is capable of sending infomation such as would be beneficial to the safety of navigation and the identification and monitoring of maritime traffic. It is absolutely necessary to analyse the related international and domestic specifications for the AIS implementation and installation.

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Forecasting Passenger Transport Demand Using Seasonal ARIMA Model - Focused on Joongang Line (계절 ARIMA 모형을 이용한 여객수송수요 예측: 중앙선을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Beom-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.307-312
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    • 2014
  • This study suggested the ARIMA model taking into consideration the seasonal characteristic factor as a method for efficiently forecasting passenger transport demand of the Joongang Line. The forecasting model was built including the demand for the central inland region tourist train (O-train, V-train), which was opened to traffic in April-, 2013 and run in order to reflect the recent demand for the tourism industry. By using the monthly time series data (103) from January-, 2005 to July-, 2013, the optimum model was selected. The forecasting results of passenger transport demand of the Joongang Line showed continuous increase. The developed model forecasts the short-term demand of the Joongang Line.

A Model Using IOT Based Railway Infrastructure Sensor Data for Recognition of Abnormal state (IOT기반 철도인프라 데이터를 활용한 이상상황 인식모델)

  • Jang, Gyu-JIn;Ahn, Tae-Ki;Kim, Young-Nam;Jung, Jae-Young
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.771-773
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    • 2018
  • 인공지능(AI), 사물인터넷(IoT)등의 4차 산업기술은 철도안전의 핵심수단으로 부상하고 있으며 차량, 위험관리, 운행관리, 보안관리 등의 점진적인 적용분야 확장을 통해 철도안전에 대한 신뢰성을 향상시킬 수 있는 방안에 대한 관심이 집중되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 IoT 기반의 다양한 철도인프라 데이터를 활용하여 열차주행상태에 영향을 줄 수 있는 이상상황 인식 모델 및 열차자율주행을 위한 제어기술에 필요한 정보로 인프라 상태를 제공하는 방식을 제안한다. 철도 인프라 상황인지에 필요한 데이터는 레일온도, 선로 지정물, 승객 수, 선로 적설량을 지정하였고, 제안 인식모델의 스게노 퍼지추론 방식을 적용한 후 철도차량 운전관련 취급규정 및 취급세척을 기반으로 퍼지규칙(Fuzzy Rule)을 15개 생성하였다. 인프라데이터셋을 활용하여 제안모델의 인식률 평가에 사용하였으며 인식률 결과는 약 86%의 정확성을 보였다. 퍼지추론 기반 방식의 철도인프라 이상상태 인식모델을 철도분야에 접목시킨다면 기존의 관제기반 방식보다 효율적인 철도인프라 상황인식이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.