• Title/Summary/Keyword: 운분포

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Determination of Optimum Bead Size by Calculating Effectiveness Factors in Cyclosporin A Fermentation by Immobilized Cells (Cyclosporin A 고정상 발효에서 효율인자의 계산을 통한 고정화 담체의 최적크기 결정)

  • 전계택;이태호장용근
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 1996
  • Based on fermentation data for cyclosporin A production, simple Monod kinetics was proposed for both immobilized and suspended cultures. Higher value of $\mu$mas and lower value of Km suggest better catalytic activity of the immobilized cells than the parallel suspended cells. Furthermore, lower Km value in the immobilized cell system indicates higher affinity of the immobilized cells for carbon substrate as compared with the suspended cells. For immobilized cell cultures, these parameters were also utilized for the estimation of effectiveness factor, an indicator for intraparticle mass transfer resistance. Based on simulation studies, optimum radius of celite beads was turned out $100 ~ 500{\mu}m$In this simulation work, we examined the influence of biosupport size and immobilized biomass density on diffusional resistance of substrate inside the bead matrix. In order to maintain uniformly distributed cell activities in biosupport, it was essential to determine optimum slze of particle, and then to estimate the most economic loaded biomass content.

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Organic Enrichment and Pollution in Surface Sediments from Jinhae and Geoje-Hansan Bays with Dense Oyster Farms (굴양식어장 밀집해역인 진해만과 거제-한산만의 퇴적물 내 유기물 분포특성)

  • Choi, Minkyu;Lee, In-Seok;Hwang, Dong-Woon;Kim, Hyung Chul;Yoon, Sang-Pil;Yun, Sera;Kim, Chung-Sook;Seo, In-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.777-787
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    • 2017
  • Organic enrichment and pollution was investigated in surface sediments from Jinhae Bay and Geoje-Hansan Bay of Korea, which contain the largest oyster farms in Korean coastal areas. Geochemical indicators (chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, ignition loss, and acid volatile sulfide) in sediments, ammonium and nitrate in pore water, and bioluminescence inhibition test for sediment extracts were analyzed. Temporal changes of organic enrichment were also investigated using sediment core samples from Geoje-Hansan Bay. The level of organic pollution in sediments from Jinhae Bay was significantly greater than that of sediments from Geoje-Hansan Bay. Compared with other sites, Jinhae Bay was one of the most polluted coastal areas of Korea. The levels of geochemical indicators in May were comparable to, or higher than, in August. Ammonium concentrations in pore water were two orders of magnitudes greater than the nitrate concentrations, suggesting that the bays are reducing environments. The concentrations of total organic carbon in core sediment samples from shellfish-farming areas increased significantly from 2000 to the present year, and it seems to be associated with increases in anthropogenic activities.

Sedimentary and Benthic Environment Characteristics in Macroalgal Habitats of the Intertidal Zone in Hampyeong Bay (함평만 조간대 해조류 분포지역의 퇴적 및 저서환경 특성)

  • Hwang, Dong-Woon;Koh, Byoung-Seol
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.694-703
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    • 2012
  • To understand the characteristics of sedimentary and benthic environments in habitats of naturally-occurring intertidal benthic macroalgae, various geochemical parameters of sediment (grain size, ignition loss [IL], chemical oxygen demand [COD], and acid volatile sulfur [AVS]) and pore water (temperature, salinity, pH, and nutrients) were measured in the southern intertidal zone of Hampyeong Bay at two month intervals from April to October 2009. Ecological characteristics including the distribution and biomass of benthic macroalgae were also investigated. Benthic macroalgae were distributed below 4 to 5 m depth from mean sea level near the lower portion of the intertidal zone where air exposure time is relatively short. The distribution area and biomass of benthic macroalgae gradually decreased during the study period. The surface sediments in the benthic algal region were mainly composed of finer sediments, such as slightly gravelly mud and mud. The temperature, salinity, pH, and nutrient concentrations (except dissolved inorganic nitrogen) in pore water did not differ in regions with and without benthic macroalgae, whereas the mean grain size and the concentrations of IL, COD, and AVS in sediments were much higher in regions harboring benthic macroalgae. The correlation between mean grain size and IL in sediments displayed two distinct gradients and the slope was much steeper in regions harboring benthic macroalgae, indicating that the content of organic matter in benthic algal region is not solely dependent on mean grain size. Our results indicate that the benthic macroalgae in the southern intertidal zone of Hampyeong Bay play an important role in the accumulation of organic matter in sediment.

이중 주파수(Dual Frequency)를 이용한 유도결합 플라즈마 소스의 방전 특성에 관한 연구

  • Kim, Tae-Hyeong;Kim, Gyeong-Nam;Mishra, Anurag;Jeong, Ho-Beom;Bae, Jeong-Un;Yeom, Geun-Yeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.02a
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    • pp.175-175
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    • 2012
  • 플라즈마를 이용하는 공정은 평판 디스플레이와 박막 트렌지스터, LCD 같은 반도체 산업에 널리 사용되고 있다. 최근 이와 같은 산업을 위한 공정은 마이크로 단위 이하에서 진행되고 있으며, 그 크기가 작아질수록 공정을 위한 비용은 증가하게 되었다. 따라서 제품의 대량생산 및 원가절감을 위해 웨이퍼의 대구경화가 진행되었고, 그런 대구경의 웨이퍼을 생산하기 위한 대면적 플라즈마 소스 개발 역시도 필요하게 되었다. 그리고 2014년에는 450 mm 크기의 웨이퍼가 사용될 것으로 예상되고 있다. 450 mm 대구경 웨이퍼용 유도결합플라자마 장치를 이용하여 플라즈마의 특성을 Langmuir probe를 사용하여 측정하였다. 플라즈마를 방전시키는 안테나의 형태는 spiral 형태의 안테나를 사용하였고, 이중주파수를 사용하기 위해 spiral 형태의 안테나를 두개로 나누어 안쪽의 안테나에는 2 Mhz를 바깥쪽의 안테나에는 13.56 Mhz를 인가하였다. 공정 압력은 10 mTorr로 유지하고 안쪽의 2 Mhz 안테나에는 100~800 W까지 변화시키고 바깥쪽의 13.56 Mhz 안테나에는 100~1,000 W까지 변화시켜 그 때의 플라즈마의 특성을 분석해 보았다. Langmuir probe를 이용하여 방전된 플라즈마를 관찰한 결과, 기판 위에서의 플라즈마 균일도가 4~23%가 되는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 13.56 Mhz의 인가되는 파워를 고정 시키고 2 Mhz만을 변화시켰을 경우 2 Mhz의 파워를 400 W까지 증가시켰을 때는 플라즈마의 밀도가 서서히 증가하였으나 400 W 이상에서는 밀도가 크게 증가하는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 하지만 플라즈마의 온도와 potential의 경우 밀도와는 반대로 2 Mhz에 인가되는 파워가 증가 될수록 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 위의 실험을 통해 우리는 전자에너지분포함수(EEDFs)를 얻을 수 있었고, 그 안에서 낮은 주파수(2 Mhz)를 이용하여 낮은 에너지를 가진 전자의 밀도를 조절할 수 있다는 것과 높은 주파수(13.56 Mhz)에 인가된 파워가 증가함에 따라 높은 에너지를 얻을 수 있다는 결과를 확인 할 수 있었다.

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Determination of Homocysteine, Methionine, Cysteine in Human Plasma with SPME/GC-MS (SPME/GC-MS를 이용한 혈액중의 호모시스테인, 메치오닌 및 시스테인의 분석)

  • Yoo, Eun-Ah;Kim, Jung-Soo;Myung, Seung-Woon
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.736-742
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the homocysteine (Hey), methionine (Met) and cysteine (Cys) using solid phase micro-extraction (SPME)/gas chromatography (GC)-mass spectrometry (MS) in human plasma and to correlate between the plasma concentration of homocysteine with coronary artery disease. The homocysteine, methionine and cysteine in blood can be used as biomarkers for the risk assessment of vascular disease. The plasma homocysteine level for the coronary artery disease patients was higher than general patients. The concentration ranges of the Hcy, Met and Cys for coronary artery disease patients were $18.47-33.38{\mu}mol/L$, $30.16-55.72{\mu}mol/L$ and $183.16-387.32{\mu}mol/L$, respectively. This method showed good sensitivity and convenience.

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An Experimental Study on the Damage of the Data Process Equipment When $CO_2$ is Discharged ($CO_2$ 소화설비 방사시 정보저장장치의 저온손상에 관한 연구)

  • 이수경;김종훈;김영진;최종운
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 1999
  • $CO_2$ extinguishing system is the most $\phi$pular among the gas extinguishing system. $CO_2$ is usually stored with liquified state. But, it gasifies at the tip of nozzle when $CO_2$ was released through the pipe and head. A ro$\alpha$n temperature is very low when $CO_2$ was released. So electrical instrument, magnetic storage equipment and memory semiconductor are electrically or physically injured by cooling effect in a few minutes. So, we intend to find out temperature profile and electrical damage in compartment area, and supply basic d data for research and making standards and code through the full scale experiment. As result of experiment on the damage due to cooling effect from $CO_2$ extinguishing system, i instantaneous discharging temperature. was $-82.5^{\circ}C$ in average. An average temp. in the compartment after discharging $CO_2$ was $-40^{\circ}C$.

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Distributions of Organic Matter and Trace Metals in Sediment around a Tidal-flat Oyster Crassostrea gigas Farming Area on the Taean Peninsula, Korea (태안반도 갯벌 참굴(Crassostrea gigas) 양식장 주변 퇴적물의 유기물 및 미량금속 분포)

  • Hwang, Dong-Woon;Lee, In-Seok;Choi, Minkyu;Choi, Hee-Gu
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.1014-1025
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    • 2014
  • We measured the concentrations of various geochemical parameters [grain size, ignition loss (IL), chemical oxygen demand (COD), acid volatile sulfide (AVS), and trace metals (Fe, Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr, Mn, As, Zn, and Hg)] in the surface sediments of two intertidal oyster Crassostrea gigas farming areas (Iwon and Mongsan tidal flats) on the Taean Peninsula, Korea, to evaluate the pollution level of organic matter and trace metals in sediment. The intertidal sediments in the study region comprise mostly sand with a mean grain size of 2.5-3.5 Ø. The concentrations of IL, COD, AVS, and trace metals in the sediment of two study regions were either similar or lower in oyster farming areas relative to non-farming areas, apparently due to biological uptake or physical and biological sediment reworking. Based on the results for the pollution evaluation of organic matter and trace metals derived from sediment quality guidelines, enrichment factor, and geoaccumulation index, our results suggest that the sediment in these two intertidal oyster farming regions is not polluted by organic matter and trace metals.

Distribution of Fecal Sterols and Nonylphenolic Compounds in Sediments from Busan Suyeong Estuary, Impacted by Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents (하수처리장 방류수역에서 분변계스테롤과 노닐페놀류의 분포 특성)

  • Baek, Seung-Hong;Yoon, Sera;Lee, In-Seok;Hwang, Dong-Woon;Choi, Minkyu
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.1006-1013
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    • 2014
  • Wastewater organic compounds, that is, nonylphenolic compounds (NPs) and fecal sterols, were measured in surface sediments from Busan Suyeong Estuary, where two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are located, to assess contamination from municipal effluents. The NPs analyzed were nonylphenol, and nonylphenol mono- and di-ethoxylates, all synthetic endocrine disruptors. The fecal sterols analyzed were coprostanol (COP), cholestanol, and epicoprostanol. Concentrations of NPs in the sediments ranged from 146 to 3,723 ng/g, and those of COP ranged from 366 to 13,018 ng/g. Their detection in all of the sediments analyzed indicates widespread pollution by municipal effluents. The highest concentrations of NPs and COP were detected at stations close to outfalls of WWTPs. Their levels in sediments are categorized in the higher range of those previously reported in Korean coastal areas. Moreover, in comparison with screening values of NPs in the Netherlands, Norway, and Canada, more than 50% of the sampling stations exceeded the guidelines. This indicates that the estuary may be adversely influenced by municipal effluents.

Community Composition and Distribution of Fish Species Collected by Bottom Trawl from the Middle of the Yellow Sea in Summer (2008-2014) (황해중앙부에서 저층트롤에 의해 어획된 하계의 어류 종조성 및 분포특성 (2008-2014))

  • Koh, Eun Hye;Joo, Hyeong Woon;Lee, Dong Woo;Cha, Hyung Kee;Choi, Jung Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.849-855
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    • 2016
  • The community composition and distribution of fish species in the middle of the Yellow Sea were investigated in summer from 2008 to 2014. A total of 72 demersal fish species from 46 families and 17 orders were collected. The most common species were Larimichthys polyactis, Engraulis japonicus, and Chaeturichthys hexane, which accounted for 72.0% of the total number of individuals while Liparis tanakai, Larimichthys polyactis, and Lophius litulon accounted for 67.8% of the total biomass. A cluster analysis based on the Bray-Curtis similarity revealed that the fish community fell into three groups, according to latitude. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and correlation analysis showed that variation in bottom water temperature could act as an indicator of variation in community structure and abundance of the dominant species. Characteristics of fish communities, such as the number of species, the total number of individuals ($/km^2$), and biomass ($/km^2$), were highly correlated with bottom water temperature and depth.

Neutron Activation Analysis of Cadmium Deposition in Hair and Animal Tissues (동물체모 및 장기 중 카드뮴의 방사화 분석)

  • Ryu, Yong-Wun;Lee, Kee-Ho
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 1990
  • Rats were ingested in drinking water 600mg/L of cadmium chloride solution during 3 months, then the distribution of Cd in major organs and hair were determined by neutron activation analysis. The results were as followings. 1. After administration for 24 hours using $^{115m}Cd$ as tracer, the distribution of blood was 0.03%, kidney 2.99% and liver 3.50% to determine with whole body counter. 2. Cd metal was rapidly excreted with kidney through blood and their accumulation appeared in liver and hair. 3. The comparative data to determine using neutron activation analysis. the content of cadmium of major organs in rats ingested of $CdCl_2$ during 3 month were shown to increase significantly both hair and liver. Above facts, hair samples were able to use as the diagnostic index to evaluate the accumulation of cadmium in liver.

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