• Title/Summary/Keyword: 운동 정확도 측정

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Study on the Projectile Velocity Measurement Using Eddy Current Probe (와전류 탐촉자를 이용한 총구 탄속 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Jungoo;Son, Derac
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.83-86
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    • 2015
  • Nowadays the weapon systems are employed air bursting munition (ABM) as smart programmable 40 mm shells which have been developed in order to hit the target with programmed munition that can be air burst after a set distance in the battlefield. In order to improve the accuracy of such a bursting time, by measuring the speed of the munition from the barrel, weapon systems calculate the exact time of flight to the target and then the time information must be inputted to the munition. In this study, we introduce a device capable of detecting a shot at K4 40 mm automatic grenade. The shot is composed of a rotating copper band to convert linear motion into rotary motion when it passes through the barrel, the steel section is exert the effect of fragment and aluminum section to give fuze information. The aluminum section was used to detect munition using eddy current method. To measure muzzle velocity by means of non-contact method, two eddy current probes separated 10 cm was employed. Time interval between two eddy current probe detection times was used as muzzle velocity. The eddy current probe was fabricated U-shape Mn-Zn ferrite core with enamelled copper wire, and 200 kHz alternating current was used to detect inductance change. Measured muzzle velocity using the developed sensor was compared to the Doppler radar system. The difference was smaller than 1%.

Neurocognitive Function Assessment of Traumatic Brain Injury (외상후 뇌손상의 신경인지기능 평가)

  • Oh, Byoung Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 1995
  • 외상후 뇌손상은 대표적이며, 가장 중요한 신경정신계 질환의 하나이다. 더욱이 외상후 뇌손상 환자들은 각종의 사고 및 산업재해 등으로 인해 그 수가 급증하고 있으며, 특히 인지기능의 장애로 인한 다양한 기질성 정신장애로 고통을 겪게 된다. 따라서 외상후 뇌손상은 손상의 시점에서부터 정확하고 올바른 평가는 물론 손상후의 경과 및 치료대책의 수립에 있어서 체계적이며 종합적인 신경인지기능의 평가는 필수적이다. 왜냐하면 신경인지기능평가는 뇌의 손상부위와 이와 관련된 기능장애 및 행동의 변화에 대한 객관적인 자료를 제시해 주기 때문이다. 신경인지기능 평가의 영역은 지각, 운동기능은 물론 주요인지기능인 기억, 언어, 실행 및 감정조절능력에 이르기까지 다양하며, 외상후 뇌손상환자들은 손상부위 및 정도에 따라 신경인지기능의 장애를 초래하게 된다. 대표적인 신경인지기능평가 도구로는 KWIS, Halstead-Reitan, Luria-Nebraska batteries, 특히 전두엽기능검사인 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)를 비롯하여, 현재는 PC/S Vienna Test System 및 Stim등의 각종 전산화 인지기능검사가 개발되어 임상에서 활발히 사용되고 있다. 즉 외상후 뇌손상환자를 위한 신경인지기능평가의 목적은 뇌손상과 관련된 신경인지기능장애를 정확히 평가하여, 환자 개개인에 적합한 인지재활치료 계획을 수립하는데 있다. 물론 여기에는 신경정신상태검사(neuropsychiatric mental status examination)를 통하여 외상 후 뇌손상의 경과 및 예후에 결정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있는 나이, 의식소실 및 외상후 기억 손상 시간의 정확한 측정은 물론 심리 사회 문화적인 상태와 두부외상전 환자의 지적수준 및 사회 적용기능이 함께 평가되어야 할 것이다.

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Improvement of Transfer Alignment Performance for Airborne EOTS (항공용 전자광학추적장비의 전달정렬 성능 개선)

  • Kim, Minsoo;Lee, Dogeun;Jeong, Chiun;Jeong, Jihee
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 2022
  • An Electro-Optical Tracking System (EOTS) is an electric optical system with EO/IR cameras, laser sensors, and an IMU. The EOTS calculates coordinates of targets, using attitude and acceleration measured by the IMU. In particular for an armed aircraft, the performance of the weapon system depends on how quickly and accurately it acquires the target coordinates. The IMU should be operated after alignment is complete, to meet the coordinate accuracy required by the weapon system so the initial stabilization time of the IMU should be reduced, by quickly measuring the attitude and acceleration. Alignment is the process of determining the initial attitude by resolving the attitude error of the IMU, and the IMU of mission equipment such as an airborne EOTS, uses velocity matching based on the velocity from GPS/INS for aircraft navigation. In this paper, a method is presented to improve the transfer alignment performance of the airborne EOTS, by maneuvering aircraft and the mission equipment. First, the performance factor of the alignment was identified, as a heading error through the velocity matching model and simulation results. Then acceleration maneuvers and attitude changes were necessary, to correct the error. As a result of flight tests applied to an EOTS on a OOO aircraft system, the transfer alignment performance was improved as the duration time was decreased, by more than five times when the aircraft accelerated by more than 0.2g and the EOTS was moving until 6.7deg/s.

무심연삭공정의 진원도 형성해석

  • 주종남;김강
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.21-25
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    • 2001
  • 기계부품의 소형화 , 고속화, 그리고 저공해, 저소음이 요구되는 세계적인 추세에서 정밀가공기술은 기계 및 전자산 업에서 중요한 위치를 차지하게 되었다. 특히, 무심연삭공정(Centerless Grinding)은 높은 생산성과 정확한 치수 형성의 능력이 있어서 원통형상을 가공하는 중요한 생산공정으로 사용되어 왔다. 예컨대 VCR의 소형 축. Computer Disk Drive, 초소형 모터, 연료분사기등은 쎈터레스 연삭공정을 통하여 높은 정밀도를 얻고 있다. 하지만 이 공정의 특수성과 측정의 어려움으로 인하여 이러한 정밀형상의 형성과정은 아직도 잘 밝혀져있지 않다. 무심연연삭 공정에서는 부품이 기계에 고정되어 있지 않고 공작물 받침날 위에 올려져 있으며 조절바퀴와 연삭바퀴 사이에 눌려져 있다. 조절바퀴가 마찰력으로 공작물을 돌려주며 연삭바퀴에서 연삭가공이 일어나게 된다. 조절바퀴와 연삭바퀴사이의 거리는 기계 자체의 탄성변형으로 인하여 항시 변화하게 되며 이 거리의 변화가 공작물의 정밀형상 형성에 결정적인 영향을 미치게 된다. 본 연구에서는 무심연삭공정중 공작물과 받침날, 조절바퀴, 연삭바퀴의 상대운동을 기하학적으로 해석하였다. 특히 간섭조건을 사용하여 실제 공작물의 운동을 해석하여 순간 명목 절삭깊이를 구하였다. 또한 연삭 특성실험식을 이용하여 수직 연삭력을 구하고 연삭기의 탄성변형을 구하여 순간 실제 절삭깊이를 계산하였다. 그로부터 진원도형성에 관한 기본식을 유도하였다. 본 연구에서 유도된 진원도 형성 식을 이용하여 실험과 동일한 조건으로 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션을 수행하였다. 그리고 원형중의 어떤 이상형상, 즉, 홈또는 돌기는 반복되어서 다른 돌기 또는 홈을 형성 하게되며 그 반복주기는 공작물이 조절바퀴와 연삭바퀴위에 떠있는 각도에 따라 결점 됨을 확인하였다.'유창성' 에 그 목표를 두고 있는 점을 감안한다면, 시작단계부터 반드시 정확한 발음을 지녀야 하는 가의 문제도 생각해 볼 필요가 있다. 경우에 따라서는, 정확한 발음은 그 언어에 대한 숙련도가 점차 높아짐에 따라 이와 병행하여 이루어지는 경우도 흔히 경험하는 일이기 때문이다. 결국 초등영어 교육과정에도 명시되어 있듯이 '...영어에 대한 친숙함과 자신감을 심어주고, 영어에 대한 흥미와 관심을 지속적으로 유지시키는 것이 중요하기' 때문에 무엇보다 중요한 측면은 흥미와 관심을 유지시키는 지적인 학습활동보다는 정의적인 학습활동의 전개가 필요하다고 하겠다. 유리된 AA의 세포독설과 관련된 세포내의 역할에 대해 의문이 제기되었다., PCL에 SOD-1도 경미하게 나타났으나, 경련이 나타난 쥐에서는 KA만을 투여한 흰쥐와 구별되지 않았다. 이상의 APT의 항산화 효과는 KA로 인한 뇌세포 변성 개선에 중요한 인자로 작용할 것으로 사료되나, 보다 명확한 APT의 기전을 검색하고 직접 임상에 응응하기 위하여는 보다 다양한 실험 조건이 보완되어야 찰 것으로 생각된다. 항우울약들의 항혈소판작용은 PKC-기질인 41-43 kD와 20 kD의 인산화를 억제함에 기인되는 것으로 사료된다.다. 것으로 사료된다.다.바와 같이 MCl에서 작은 Dv 값을 갖는데, 이것은 CdCl$_{4}$$^{2-}$ 착이온을 형성하거나 ZnCl$_{4}$$^{2-}$ , ZnCl$_{3}$$^{-}$같은 이온과 MgCl$^{+}$, MgCl$_{2}$같은 이온종을 형성하기 때문인것 같다. 한편 어떠한 용리액에서던지 NH$_{4}$

A Model Test of IE and IR Method to Detect the Cavity Underneath the Concrete Structure (콘크리트 구조물 하부의 공동 탐지를 위한 충격반향(IE) 및 충격응답(IR) 기법의 모형 실험)

  • Noh, Myung-Gun;Oh, Seok-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • The impact echo and impulse response methods were applied to the safety inspection of concrete structure, which has the rear cavity. The concrete structure model used in this study was divided into four sections, pure concrete, concrete+cavity, reinforced concrete with iron bar, and reinforced concrete+cavity, respectively. Previous study performed by authors have showed a possibility of success to use these method for detection of the rear cavity of concrete structure. Therefore, we tried to get more enhanced result with IE and IR methods through this study. Especially, IE and IR methods are relatively accurate to map the point of measurement, which makes it possible to interpret the depth of the concrete bed and effect by rear cavity with confidence. Followings were revealed from the results; the IE method shows some small peak zones probably indicating the rear cavity in the frequency lower than the resonance frequency and the changes of mobility and dynamic stiffness in the IR method indicate the weak zones. The proposed methods can be used to delineate the weak zones of the concrete structure.

Characteristics of time-resolved optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) on Paleolithic paleosol quartz (구석기 고토양층 석영의 시간분해 광자극 냉광 특성 연구)

  • Hong, Duk-Geun;Kim, Ki-Bum;Kim, Myung-Jin
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we measured the time-resolved optically stimulated luminescence (TR-OSL) of Paleolithic paleosol quartz and evaluated its lifetime. Considering the lifetime dependence on the preheating applied after irradiation, the radiation exposure, and the optical pulse stimulation, we found that the optimum measurement condition for determining the lifetime of paleosol quartz was the optical pulse stimulation at a dwelling time of $250{\mu}s$, pulse width of $10{\mu}s$, and sweep number of 100,000, without preheating after 100 Gy of irradiation. Based on the dependence of the lifetime on the reading temperature, the thermal quenching activation energy ${\Delta}E$ and thermal assistance activation energy $E_a$ were evaluated as $0.60{\pm}0.14eV$ and $0.053{\pm}0.029eV$, respectively. These values were in good agreement with those reported in the literature. Therefore, we concluded that the resulting kinetic parameters for paleosol quartz are quite reliable.

A Design and Implementation of Daily Management Application Based on Smart Phone Sensor (스마트폰 센서 기반의 일상관리 어플리케이션 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Won Joo;Lee, Sang Won;Lee, Won Yong;Ryu, Yil Han;Kim, Sung Chan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2018.07a
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    • pp.155-156
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    • 2018
  • 본 논문에서는 위치와 스마트폰 센서를 활용하여 불규칙한 생활패턴을 가진 사람들을 위한 일상 관리 어플리케이션을 설계하고 구현한다. 이 어플리케이션의 기능은 하루단위의 원형시간표 자동 제작하는 기능, 수면시간 측정 기능, 만보기 기능, 미세먼지 측정 기능 및 일, 주, 월단위의 누적 데이터 표시 기능으로 크게 5가지로 구분할 수 있다. 하루 단위의 원형시간표 자동제작 기능은 사용자의 위치를 파악하여 시간대별 위치정보를 이용해 24시간의 원형시간표를 채워나가는 기능이다. 특정 위치를 직장이나 집과 같이 등록함으로서 업무와 이동 등을 구분하여 등록할 수 있도록 한다. 수면시간 측정 기능은 앞서 말한 집의 위치에서 가속센서를 통해 일정시간 움직임이 없는 경우, 수면시간으로 간주하고 수면 시작시간과 기상시간을 유추하는 기능이다. 만보기 기능은 스마트폰의 기본 가속센서를 이용하여 측정하는 기능으로 목표치를 지정할 수 있도록 한다. 미세먼지의 표시 기능은 공공API를 이용하여 가져옴으로써 사용자에게 정확한 미세먼지 수치와 단계를 나누어 위험정도를 보여주는 기능이다. 각 데이터들은 데이터베이스에 누적 기록되며 일, 주, 월 단위로 사용자가 볼 수 있도록 기능을 구성한다. 이 누적데이터를 통해 사용자들에게 불안정한 하루 생활패턴이나 운동량 등을 인지하도록 함으로써 자신의 일상을 되짚어보고 앞으로의 일상을 개선할 수 있도록 도와준다.

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Verification of accuracy detection of the cows estrus using biometric information measuring device (생체정보 측정장치를 활용한 젖소 발정탐지의 정확도 검증)

  • Yang, Ka-Young;Woo, Sae-Mee;Kwon, Kyeong-Seok;Choi, Hee-Chul;Jeon, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Jun-Yeob
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.652-657
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    • 2018
  • Breeding control in a farm is a very important factor affecting milk productivity. Breeding management is important for the early detection of estrus, and reliable, automatic, more accurate, and faster monitoring of the timing of dairy cows is essential for farmers. This study measured the accuracy of estrus using the estrus indications, changes in activities, rumination activities, ruminal temperature, and pH. The biomedical information device S1 used in this study provided an estrus notice using the rumen temperature, pH, cow activities, and number of drinking estimations, which were inserted in the rumen through the oral route. The S2 device was used in the estrus notice for the rumen activities and cow activities. The data collected on the instrument were collected at intervals of 2 hours per day at the reference days (RD: -7~-3, +7~+ 3) +2), 7 days before insemination, and 7 days after insemination. The activities of the S1 device used in this paper increased with increasing number of insemination days (-1: $12.5{\pm}1.03/day$; 0: $12.9{\pm}1.73/day$) compared to the reference day (RD: $10.2{\pm}1.0/day$). The activities of the S2 device was also found to increase from the reference day to the insemination day (0: $63.0{\pm}3.66$) compared to the reference day (RD: $40.3{\pm}2.68$). The number of daily drinks in S1 decreased from the reference day (RD: $5.9{\pm}0.89/day$) to before the insemination day (-2: $5.6{\pm}0.98$; -1: $5.7{\pm}0.96$); +2: $6.0{\pm}0.73$). The number of daily drinks on the insemination day (0: $6.3{\pm}0.86$; +2: $6.0{\pm}0.73$) was similar to the reference day. The number of daily rumination in S2 decreased from the reference day (RD: $493.8{\pm}10.92$) to the insemination day (-1: $390.2{\pm}13.36$; 0: $354.1{\pm}16.71$).

Investigation for Shoulder Kinematics Using Depth Sensor-Based Motion Analysis System (깊이 센서 기반 모션 분석 시스템을 사용한 어깨 운동학 조사)

  • Lee, Ingyu;Park, Jai Hyung;Son, Dong-Wook;Cho, Yongun;Ha, Sang Hoon;Kim, Eugene
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the motion of the shoulder joint dynamically through a depth sensor-based motion analysis system for the normal group and patients group with shoulder disease and to report the results along with a review of the relevant literature. Materials and Methods: Seventy subjects participated in the study and were categorized as follows: 30 subjects in the normal group and 40 subjects in the group of patients with shoulder disease. The patients with shoulder disease were subdivided into the following four disease groups: adhesive capsulitis, impingement syndrome, rotator cuff tear, and cuff tear arthropathy. Repeating abduction and adduction three times, the angle over time was measured using a depth sensor-based motion analysis system. The maximum abduction angle (θmax), the maximum abduction angular velocity (ωmax), the maximum adduction angular velocity (ωmin), and the abduction/adduction time ratio (tabd/tadd) were calculated. The above parameters in the 30 subjects in the normal group and 40 subjects in the patients group were compared. In addition, the 30 subjects in the normal group and each subgroup (10 patients each) according to the four disease groups, giving a total of five groups, were compared. Results: Compared to the normal group, the maximum abduction angle (θmax), the maximum abduction angular velocity (ωmax), and the maximum adduction angular velocity (ωmin) were lower, and abduction/adduction time ratio (tabd/tadd) was higher in the patients with shoulder disease. A comparison of the subdivided disease groups revealed a lower maximum abduction angle (θmax) and the maximum abduction angular velocity (ωmax) in the adhesive capsulitis and cuff tear arthropathy groups than the normal group. In addition, the abduction/adduction time ratio (tabd/tadd) was higher in the adhesive capsulitis group, rotator cuff tear group, and cuff tear arthropathy group than in the normal group. Conclusion: Through an evaluation of the shoulder joint using the depth sensor-based motion analysis system, it was possible to measure the range of motion, and the dynamic motion parameter, such as angular velocity. These results show that accurate evaluations of the function of the shoulder joint and an in-depth understanding of shoulder diseases are possible.

Predictions of VO2max Using Metabolical Responses in Submaximal Exercise and 1,200 m Running for Male, and the Validity of These Prediction Models (성인 남성의 최대하 운동시 대사반응 및 1,200 m 달리기 기록을 이용한 최대산소섭취량 추정식 개발 및 타당도)

  • Im, J.H.;Jeon, Y.J.;Jang, H.K.;Kim, H.J.;Kim, K.H.;Lee, B.K.
    • Exercise Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the prediction model of VO2max using submaximal metabolic responses from the Bruce protocol, HR responses at several stages and 1,200 m running record, and to compare and analyse the validity of these prediction models. The subjects were consisted of 255 male(133 male for 1,200 m running). They were participated maximal exercise testing with Bruce protocol, and the metabolic responses were measured in the end of the first(3 minute), second stage(6 minute), and 1,200 m running record. Measurement items were VO2(㎖/kg/min), VCO2(㎖/kg/min), VE(L/min), HR(bpm) of 3 and 6 minute, time to HR 150 bpm and 170 bpm, HR difference between Bruce protocol 6 and 3 minute, 1,200 m running record. Analyzing with all variables using enter method, the multiple R of total variable model was 0.642(p<.01), SEE was 4.38 ㎖/kg/min, CV was 10.8 %, but multicolinearity was appeared. The multiple R of 3 minutes model 1 and model 2 were 0.341 and 0.461, SEE was 6.05 and 5.72 ㎖/kg/min, CV was 14.9 and 14.1%, and multicolinearity did not appeared. The multiple R of 6 minutes model 1 and model 2 were 0.350 and 0.456, SEE was 6.03 and 5.74 ㎖/kg/min, CV was 14.9 and 14.2%, and multicolinearity did not appeared. The R of HR 170 and HR 170 model were 0.151 and 0.154, SEE were 6.36~6.37 ㎖/kg/min, CV were 15.7%. The R of 1,200 m running model was 0.444, SEE was 4.82 ㎖/kg/min, CV were 11.9%. In conclusion, with considering usefulness and convenience through the validity of these prediction models, the prediction model of VO2max recommended 6 and 3 minute model, and the validity of HR model and 1,200 m running model were moderately low.