• Title/Summary/Keyword: 운동 능력 평가

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The Effectiveness of Sensory Integrative Intervention: A Systematic Review (감각통합중재 효과에 관한 체계적 고찰)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 2009
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to provide evidence for the effectiveness of Sensory Integrative Intervention (SII) through a systematic review. Method : The systematic review was executed using MEDLINE/PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, OTSeeker. The key words for search was "effects of sensory integration", "sensory integration therapy", and "sensory integration intervention". 11 studies were used for data analysis, and the level of evidence were level I, leve lII and level IV. The substances of review were subject (population), method (intervention type), effect of the intervention, outcome parameter, and outcome measurement. Results : 1. The subjects of SII were autism spectrum disorders (30.7%), pervasive developmental disorder (15.4%) and preterm infants (15.4%). 2. Most frequently used method was the traditional intervention of J. Ayres (36.5%). The outcome parameters of SII were behavioral outcome (40.63%), motor performance outcome (28.13%), sensory-based outcome (25.0%), and academic outcome (6.35%). 3. The effects of SII were improvement of motor performance (66.7%), sensory-based (62.5%), and behavior problems (61.5%). In most studies, however, academic skill such as writing skill was not a positive outcome parameter in terms of effectiveness of SII. Conclusions : The results implied that the sensory integrative intervention is effective on motor performance, sensory-based and behavioral change, but not on the academic skill. It is suggested that the future research need to be done to examine whether and how the effect of sensory integration intervention can be long-lasting and contribute any academic skill and activities of daily living performance.

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Evaluation of Six Species Ciliates as a Live Food and Culture Environment for Euplotes sp. (먹이생물로써의 섬모충 6종의 평가와 Euplotes sp.의 배양 환경)

  • Yoo Jin Hyung;Hur Sung Bum
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.342-347
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    • 2002
  • Ciliates have the possibility of a new live food in marine finfish culture because of their wide range of body size, thin tell wall, show motility, and fast reproduction rate. In this research, six species of ciliates were isolated from south coast and salt pond in Korea. The fitness of these species as a live food was evaluated in terms of size, motility, suspensibility and cell density. As the result, Euplotes sp. (K-1) was found suitable to be a new live food which might substitute rotifers, Brachionus plintilis and B. rotundiformis in fish larvae culture. The modified $F{\emptyset}yn's$ Erdschreiberd media, MErds-2 with the addition of glycine, glucose and yeast extract increased six times higher growth rate of Euplotes sp. (K-1) than the basic F$\emptyset$yn's Erdschreiberd media. The optimum water temperature, pH and light intensity for this ciliates were $22.5^{\circ}C$, 8 and 2,000 lux, respectively, and its culture environmental range was relatively wide, On the other hand, this ciliate fed baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cererisiae grew up to 1,240 inds./mL with the inocula of 100 inds./mL within 7 days. The results of the study showed that Euplotes sp. (K-1) has a potential to be utilized as a new live food in fish larvae culture.

The Effect of a Virtual Reality Program on Static Balance Control and Fall Efficacy of Elderly People (가상현실 프로그램이 노인의 정적균형 조절과 낙상효능감에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Eun Ja;Hwang, Byong Yong;Kim, Mi Sun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1107-1116
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    • 2010
  • The elderly people with advancing years have many problems such as the decline of the proprioceptive, visual & vestibular function and muscle weakness. Furthermore the decrease of the reflex which influences the balance ability in sudden change of the movement could cause the falls. The difficulty of the balance caused by the fear releated to the fall aggravates the Falls Efficacy and causes a lot of the disability of the independent activities of daily living. The purpose of this study was the effect of a Virtual Reality Program on Static Balance control and Fall efficacy of Elderly people. 14 elderly people(subjects) who were ≥65years of age partiripated in this study and they were divided into VR(Virtual Reality) group(n=7) and Control group (n=7). VR group took the general physical therapy & IREX and only the general physical therapy was carried out in the control group. VR group of intervention was carried out for 30min. total 8times. They were evaluated by BIO-Rescue, Fall Efficacy Scale before and after treatment. The Static Balance control and Fall efficacy were assessed by Bio-Rescue & Falls Efficacy Scale. The analysis of the resulf was assessed by Wilcoxon signed test & Mann-Whitney U test. The result showed that the static balance of VR group with the open eyes was improved in a static balance test and range of the movement was increased in limited of stability. And Falls Efficacy was also efficacious. IREX was effective to static balance control and Falls Efficacy of the elderly When we think about these effects, various treatments and objective assessments using VR program will be needed for the elderly

The Effects of Convergent Stimulation on tDCS during Mirror Therapy to Improve the Muscle Strength and Gait Ability in Chronic Stroke Patients (만성 뇌졸중 환자에서 거울 치료 시 tDCS의 융합 자극이 다리근력 및 보행능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Seung-Tae;Kim, Kyung-Yoon
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the improvement of muscle strength and gait ability of paralyzed lower extremity through convergent stimulation of tDCS(transcranial direct current stimulation) during mirror therapy with resistance exercise in chronic stroke patients. 12 patients with stroke were randomly assigned and divided into groupI(n=6) and groupII(n=6). GroupI provided NDT(neurodevelopmental treatment) and mirror therapy with sham tDCS, and groupII provided NDT and mirror therapy with tDCS. Each convergent stimulation was conducted 5 times a week, 30 minutes per session for a total of 4 weeks. All evaluation was conducted before intervention and performed after 4 weeks. Lower extremity strength showed a significant improvement in groupII compared to groupI(p<.05), and in comparison between groups by variance, significant difference in the quadriceps(p<.01) and tibialis anterior(p<.01). Gait ability showed a significant improvement in both groupI(p<.05) and groupII(p<.05), and significant difference in comparison between groups by variance(p<.01). In conclusion, mirror therapy with tDCS convergent stimulation had a positive improvement effect on paralyzed lower extremity to strength and gait ability through the overlapping interaction.

A Literature Review of Parkinson's Disease Rating, Balance, Fall and Gait Scales (파킨슨 환자들의 질환등급, 균형, 낙상 및 보행능력 평가척도 고찰)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Mi-Young;Lim, Bee-Oh
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.441-451
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    • 2015
  • Objective : The purpose of the study was to investigate and compare the differences between Parkinson's disease rating, balance, fall and gait scales. Results : Parkinson's disease rating scales include the Hoehn-Yahr Scale and the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). The Hoehn-Yahr Scale can measure disease rates easily; however it is not sensitive enough to evaluate the disease's process and management. UPDRS's advantage is in it's higher inter-reliability score; however it is more complicated to use. Parkinson's balance scales are comprised of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC). BBS has the advantage in that it is cheaper to measure and simple in use. ABC's advantage is especially in it's ability to measure higher functional levels; however it is more difficult measure responses due to scores appearing in both extremes. The Fall Efficacy Scale (FES) and The Survey of Activities and Fear of Falling in the Elderly (SAFE) are Parkinson's fall scales. FES's leverage over SAFE is that it is simpler to measure; however it does not coincide with responses which proves disadvantageous in measuring balance loss in high-level Parkinson's patients. SAFE's advantage is in it's simpler use and ability to be utilized without encountering the fear of fall; however it's at a disadvantage in regards to its use with multilateral aspects providing insufficient inspection. Lastly, the Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) and the Functional Gait Assessment (FGA) are Parkinson's gait scales. DGI is advantageous in its ability to test gait ability when exposed to a variety of external environments; however it is disadvantageous in that it registers higher scores with activities. FGA's advantage is in it's dynamic balance test; however it at a disadvantage with those unable to walk. Conclusion : A researcher of Parkinson's patients must choose each scale while considering their positive and negative characteristics.

Development of Ergonomic Performance Enhanced Cycle Wear by Taping Therapy (테이핑 요법을 응용한 근력강화형 싸이클웨어의 개발)

  • Cho, Seong-Hun;Son, Seung-Yi;Koo, Young-Suk;Han, Nam-Ki;Hong, Sang-Gi;Kim, Hwan-Jik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers Conference
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    • 2012.03a
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    • pp.96-96
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    • 2012
  • 최근 주 5일제 근무 실행과 사회복지의 확산, 여가 선용에 대한 욕구와 더불어 건강증진에 대한 싸이클이 주목을 받고 있음. 싸이클웨어(Cycle Wear)에 요구되는 개발요소는 경기력 향상을 위한 기능적 요소와 패션성을 부여하는 심미적 요소로 크게 구분 가능하며 해외에서는 기능성과 패션성이 적절하게 조화를 이룬 제품을 계속 출시되고 있음. 본 연구에서는 운동 시 발생하는 열을 흡한속건 기능으로 효과적으로 발산하고 동절기에는 보온 기능을 갖는 세섬도 하이멀티 OY형 이형단면사 및 잠재권축사를 이용한 고신축 환편 및 경편물 개발하고, 극한환경에서도 고견뢰도를 유지할 수 있는 섬유의 염색법 및 기능성 발현 가공법의 적용, 내마모성과 필링이 우수한 아라미드+나일론 복합가공사 신축직물 제직 및 염색가공 공정 개발을 통해 기능성을 발현할 수 있는 싸이클 웨어 원단을 개발하였음. 또한 종래 Compression Wear에만 적용하던 테이핑 요법을 응용한 근력강화형 싸이클웨어 패턴과 디자인 개발을 통해 다양한 형태의 근력강화형 싸이클웨어를 개발하였으며, 무산소파워, 유산소파워, 젖산분석, EMG 분석 및 에너지 대사분석 등의 운동능력 성능평가를 통해 테이핑 요법이 적용된 싸이클웨어의 근력강화 효과를 확인하였음. 이와 같이 개발된 싸이클웨어는 무산소파워, 유산소파워, EMG 분석에서 각각 근력강화 효과를 보였으며, 피로물질인 젖산의 경우는 발생의 정도가 낮게 나타났음. 또한 여성에 비해 남성의 근력강화 효과가 크게 나타나는 경향을 보였음.

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Study on the longevity mechanism of a company through analogy of human aging (인간 노화 유비를 통한 기업의 장수 메커니즘 연구)

  • Choi, Kyu-Jin;Lee, Kang-Sun;Cho, Dae-myeong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2020
  • This study summarized longevity factors of enterprises and presented longevity mechanism. By analogy of human aging and corporate longevity, the company's decline and longevity phenomenon were analyzed to derive corporate longevity mechanism, presented domestic and foreign longevity enterprises' cases study using above mechanism. The longevity mechanism first, as the human body restricts free radicals by dietary restrictions, companies also need continuous input efficiency. Second, as cognitive reserve by high thinking activities helps heath lifespan, companies can strengthen their profitability by continuous R&D. Third, as humans improve antioxidant functions by exercise, companies should develop risk management capabilities for environmental changes. This study can contribute to sustainable strategies for corporate managers, ultimately plan to suggest model of evaluation or diagnosis of corporate longevity.

A Study on the Hydraulic Characteristics in a Compound Channel (복단면(複斷面) 수로(水路)에서의 수리학적(水理學的) 특성(特性)에 관한 연구(研究))

  • Jeong, Dong Guk;Ahn, Soo Hahn
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 1986
  • Natural river channels usually have a deep section and one or two floodplains, which is called a compound channel. As the general method in the compound channel overestimates the discharge capacity, the momentum transfer due to interaction between the main channel flow and flow over its floodplain must be considered. Scale model experiments are performed for the rectangular main channel with an asymmetrical floodplain. Firstly, velocities are measured at various section grids. Secondary, boundary shear stresses are calculated from velocity distributions. Lastly, in order to determine the apparent shear force, the shear stress distributions are integrated along the wetted perimeter for the full cross-section and equated to the total weight force in the flow direction. The hydraulic characteristics in a compound channel are closely examined with the scales of length, velocity, boundary shear stress, and apparent shear force which are described with the various relationships.

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Analysis of Hydrodynamic Change around the Saemangeum Area Using a Particle Tracking Method (입자추적방법을 이용한 새만금 해역의 수리특성 변화 분석)

  • Suh, Seung-Won;Lee, Hwa-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.442-450
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    • 2011
  • A three dimensional random walk particle tracking method is applied to the Saemangeum area in order to find stepwise environmental changes according to long term construction. Flow regime around Mangyeong, Dongjin and Geum river estuary changed greatly due to dike construction. It is distinctive that reduction of Byeonsan area's flow field and stagnant change in the northern part of the inner reservoir. Similar characteristics are found through the tidal excursion analysis. By analysis of the vertical mixing structures according to density stratification based on temperature and salinity variation, a salt wedge and very strong stratification arises in the inner part of the reservoir after final closure, while it has been well mixed or partially mixed estuary during construction. Shrinking of horizontal dispersion and vertical mixing capability may cause adverse effect on water quality not only inner part but also outer region of the Saemangeum reservoir.

A Study on Applicability of Turbulence Models for Unsteady Turbulent Flow with Temperature Variation (온도변화를 수반한 비정상 난류유동장에 대한 난류모델의 적용성에 관한 연구)

  • 유근종;전원대
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2002
  • The suitable turbulence model is found to be required in the course of establishing a proper analysis methodology for thermal stripping phenomena which are shown in strong temperature variation area such as reactors and propulsion devices. Three different turbulence models of $\kappa$-$\varepsilon$ model, modified $\kappa$-$\varepsilon$ model, and full Reynolds stress(FRS) model, are applied to analyze unsteady turbulent flows with temperature variation. Three test cases are selected for verification. These are vertical jet flows with water and sodium, and parallel jet flow with sodium. Analysis yields the conclusion that 3-D computation with FRS betters others. However, modified modeling is required to improve its heat transfer characteristic analysis. Further analysis is performed to find momentum variation effects on temperature distribution. It is found that the momentum increase results increase of fluid mixing and magnitude of temperature variation.