• Title/Summary/Keyword: 우주전략

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Simulator Development for GEO (Geostationary Orbit)-Based Launch Vehicle Flight Trajectory Prediction System (정지궤도 기반 발사체 비행 궤적 추정시스템의 시뮬레이터 개발)

  • Myung, Hwan-Chun
    • Journal of Space Technology and Applications
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2022
  • The missile early-warning satellite systems have been developed and upgraded by some space-developed nations, under the inevitable trend that the space is more strongly considered as another battle field than before. As the key function of such a satellite-based early warning system, the prediction algorithm of the missile flight trajectory is studied in the paper. In particular, the evolution computation, receiving broad attention in the artificial intelligence area, is applied to the proposed prediction method so that the global optimum-like solution is found avoiding disadvantage of the previous non-linear optimization search tools. Moreover, using the prediction simulator of the launch vehicle flight trajectory which is newly developed in C# and Python, the paper verifies the performance and the feature of the proposed algorithm.

회원사 탐방-통신.정보.인간 융화의 한국통신

  • The Korea Society of Space Technology
    • Satellite Communications and Space Industry
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.102-105
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    • 1993
  • 회지 창간에 즈음하여, 우리 연구회의 특별회원사 탐방 대상으로 한국전기통사(약칭 : 한국통신)을 택하였다. "정보.통신.인간의 융화"를 기업이념으로 표방하고 있으며 직원 6만여명에 년간 매출액 5조원이 넘는 국민 기업 "한국전기통신공사"는 곧 주식개방을 목전에 두고 있다. 마침 이 거대조직의 살림을 꾸려나가야하고 정보화 사회의 중추에 해당하는 국가 기간통신망의 구축과 운용을 책임져야하는 사장직에 새로 부임한 조백제 사장과 진용옥 이사(경희대 전파공학과 교수)가 만나 새로운 경영에 임하는 자세와 포부및 정보사회에서의 한국통신의 역할과 경영전략 등에 대하여 대담을 진행한 바있다. 이 자리에서 조사장은 "경영사고의 민영화" "공생의 복지" "첨단 인재의 발굴" "전략적 정보통신 기술개발" 등을 새로운 경영 목표로 내세우고 있으며, 21세기 정보화시대의 주도적 역할을 담당하기 위한 구체적인 청사진과 포부를 역설한바 있다. 대담을 같이한 진용옥 이사는 당시 한국통신의 비상임 이사였으며 정보통신공학 전공이다. 우리연구회가 구성하여 수행한 위성통신법(안) 연구검토위원회 위원장직을 맡아 성공적으로 활동한 바 있고, 경희대학교 부설 정보시스템공학 연구소장직을 맡고 있으며 통신정책 연구에도 활발한 활동을 하고 있다.

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Analysis of Maritime-based Space Capabilities of Major Countries and Future Direction for South Korea (주요국의 해상기반 우주능력 분석 및 한국의 발전방향)

  • Cho, Taehwan;Lee, Soungsub
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.242-247
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    • 2021
  • Major countries in space field such as the United States, China and Russia have not only general ground-based space capabilities, but also maritime-based space capabilities. Maritime-based space systems include a maritime-based space surveillance system, a maritime-based space launch vehicle, and a maritime-based space information transmission system, and these maritime-based systems complement the ground-based space systems. Therefore, in this paper, we analyze the maritime-based space capabilities of major countries, and propose the future direction for south Korea's maritime-based space capabilities. The maritime-based space system is essential due to the geographical characteristics of south Korea, which has three sides of the ocean, and it is considered an one of important strategic element to become the seven major country in the space field.

Strategy for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea of the Aviation Workers (항공업무 종사자의 폐쇄성 수면무호흡증후군 평가 및 치료 전략)

  • Kim, Kyu-Sung;Kim, Young Hyo
    • Korean journal of aerospace and environmental medicine
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.19-22
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    • 2018
  • Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) can lead to severe complications if left untreated, and therefore should be adequately diagnosed and treated, especially in airline workers. The aviation medical examiner (AME) should induce the patient to cooperate for the diagnosis and treatment of OSAS, by notifying the subject that it does not cause disqualification of the air service and that it is a disease that can be sufficiently controlled and treated by various treatment options. AME should also warn about medical complications and the possibility of serious air accident risks when untreated, and encourage the subject to receive appropriate diagnosis and steady treatment such as continuous positive airway pressure and/or surgical treatment.