• Title/Summary/Keyword: 우주공간

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Precautionary Principle for the Protection of Space Environment against Solar Electromagnetic Storm (우주전파재난과 우주법상의 사전주의 원칙에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Hong-Kyun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.241-269
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    • 2011
  • Solar flare and storm may give an adverse effect upon electromagnetic environment around the Earth, so that various kinds of satellite cease to normally function. This kind of space storm disaster is characterized by the uncertainty about when and what size. Recently the UN has been paying attention to this plausible disaster. Particularly the COPUOS has taken the view that this disaster would threaten the sustainable space environment. The precautionary principle, rooted and excercised in the environment protection filed, has been adopted in the case of disaster with uncertainty. The reports and opinions given by the expert and representatives of the member States have stated that the precautionary principle should be adopted for the purpose of dealing with this disaster. On the other hand, it is advanced that the principle has been already included in the space law principle enshrined in the 1967 Space Treaty. The Treaty has adopted the freedom of navigation and use of the outer space for the interest of all States as the basic principles. Sustainable environment is necessary for implementing the principle. Therefore, the rules for the protection of sustainable space environment should be based upon the space law principle.

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항공우주산업에서의 소음진동기술 응용

  • 이수갑;정철웅
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.16-28
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    • 2004
  • 항공우주산업은 항공기나 우주비행체를 생산하는 모든 관련 산업으로 정의할 수 있다. 소음진동측면에서 보면 항공기는 운송수단의 하나로 사용되므로 소음 관련 규제 법률에 따라서 관련기술의 발전이 이루어져 왔다고 볼 수 있으나 우주비행체는 운행공간을 고려 할 때 소음진동기술이 작동효율성 (연소불안정성, 공진파괴 등)을 향상시키기 위한 기술로 사용되어 왔고 그 범위도 매우 제한되어 있다. 따라서 소음진동기술은 주로 항공기 분야에서 많은 응용을 구하고 있는 실정이다. (중략)

NORAD TLE 및 정밀 궤도정보를 이용한 운용위성-우주파편 간의 충돌 불확실성 해소 방안

  • Choe, Su-Jin;Jeong, Ok-Cheol;Kim, Hae-Dong;Jeong, Dae-Won;Kim, Hak-Jeong
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.40.3-41
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    • 2009
  • 인류가 위성을 발사하기 시작하면서 수많은 우주파편이 발생하게 되었고 이로 인하여 우주파편 환경은 날이 갈수록 심각해지고 있다. 우주공간을 비행하는 우주물체는 분쇄된 파편, 임무 관련 파편, rocket body 그리고 운용위성으로 구분된다. U.S. Space Surveillance Network에 따르면 10cm 이상 크기를 갖는 물체는 현재 13,000개가 넘는다고 알려지고 있고 질량만 해도 6,000톤이 넘는다. 이런 우주파편 환경으로 인하여 우주파편 간의 충돌, 우주파편과 운용위성 간의 충돌 또는 운용위성 간의 충돌에 대한 우려가 꾸준히 제기되어왔고, 불행하게도 2009년 2월 10일 Iridium 33과 Cosmos 2251 위성이 고도 790km 부근에서 충돌하여 1,300여개의 우주파편이 발생했다. 또한 2007년에 중국이 고도 860km 부근에서 750kg에 해당하는 자국의 위성(FY-1C)을 미사일로 격추시킴에 따라 2500여개의 우주파편이 발생하여 저궤도의 우주파편 환경을 더욱 심각하게 만들고 있다. 운용위성과 우주파편과의 충돌 가능성을 분석하기 위해서는 우주파편 및 위성의 궤도정보를 알아야 한다. 이를 위해서 NORAD(North American Aerospace Defense Command)에서 제공하는 TLE(Two Line Element)가 주로 이용된다. 하지만 관측 및 궤도 결정 특성상 수 km의 오차를 포함하므로 궤도정보의 공분산이 크다는 단점이 있으므로 충돌 분석을 수행하는데 있어 한계가 있다. 이 논문은 충돌분석 수행에 있어 TLE 정보만을 이용한 경우뿐만 아니라 정밀궤도와 TLE를 동시에 이용한 경우를 비교함으로써 충돌 불확실성의 해소방안을 제시할 계획이다.

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Terrestrial Magnetospheric Observations and Models in Korea (국내 우주환경 자료 보유 현황: 자기권)

  • Park, Kyung Sun;Min, Kyungguk;Division of Solar and Space Environment of KSSS,
    • Journal of Space Technology and Applications
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.178-198
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    • 2021
  • The Solar Space Environment Division of the Korean Society of Space Science (KSSS) has recently conducted a survey among the domestic researchers affiliated with academia, national research institutes, and for-profit institutes of how the data and models in their professional research field are produced, maintained, and utilized. The primary purpose of this survey is to increase the awareness and utilization of the space environment data and models as well as to promote constructive collaborations among the domestic and international researchers. The models and data surveyed are categorized into three sub-fields: the solar and interplanetary space, the (terrestrial) magnetosphere, and the ionosphere and upper atmosphere. The present paper reports the survey results in the "Magnetosphere" category. The survey shows that the domestically produced data in this category are far less than the data produced in other categories. This can be understood in part as follows: Magnetospheric research relies heavily on the in-situ observations but the development and operation of space-hardened satellites require a significant investment. Nevertheless, the recent publications show an increasing trend of research using the data from the ground stations and the recently launched domestic space missions. In the modeling front, there are first-principles physics models covering from the magnetospheric scale to the sub-ion scale and the models geared towards the space weather prediction. The detailed survey results can be accessed from the KSSS website (http://ksss.or.kr/).

The Significance of Registration Convention and its Future Challenges in Space Law (등록협약의 우주법상 의의와 미래과제에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Han-Taek
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.375-402
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    • 2020
  • The adoption and entering into force of the Registration Convention was another achievement in expanding and strengthening the corpus iuris spatialis. It was the fourth treaty negotiated by the member states of the UNCOPUOS and it elaborates further Articles 5 and 8 of the Outer Space Treaty(OST). The Registration Convention also complements and strengthens the Article 11 of the OST, which stipulates an obligation of state parties to inform the UN Secretary-General of the nature, conduct, locations, and results of their space activities in order to promote international cooperation. The prevailing purposes of the Registration Convention is the clarification of "jurisdiction and control" as a comprehensive concept mentioned in Article 5 8 of the OST. In addition to its overriding objective, the Registration Convention also contributes to the promotion and the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes. Establishing and maintaining a public register reduces the possibility of the existence of unidentified space objects and thereby lowers the risk such as, for example, putting the weapons of mass destruction secretly into orbit. And furthermore it could serve for a better space traffic management. The Registration Convention is a treaty established to implement Article 5 of OST for the rescue and return of astronaut in more detail. In this respect, if OST is a general law, the Registration Convention would be said to be in a special law. If two laws conflict the principle of lex specialis will be applied. Countries that have not joined the Registration Convention will have to follow the rules concerning the registration of paragraph 7 of the Declaration by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 1721 (X V I) in 1961. UN Resolution 1721 (XVI) is essentially non-binding, but appears to have evolved into the norm of customary international law requiring all States launching space objects into orbit or beyond to promptly provide information about their launchings for registration to the United Nations. However, the nature and scope of the information to be supplied is left to the discretion of the notifying State. The Registration Convention is a treaty created for compulsory registration of space objects by nations, but in reality it is a treaty that does not deviate from existing practice because it is based on voluntary registration. With the situation of dealing with new problems due to the commercialization and privatization of the space market, issues related to the definition of a 'space object', including matter of the registry state of new state that purchased space objects and space debris matter caused by the suspension of space objects launched by the registry state should be considered as matters when amendments, additional protocols or new Registration Convention are established. Also the question of registration of a flight vehicle in the commercial space market using a space vehicle traveling in a sub-orbital in a short time should be considered.


  • 송성희;이동훈;표유선
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 1999
  • Near-earth space is composed of plasmas which embed a number of plasma waves. Space plasmas consist of electrons and multi-ion that determine local wave propagation characteristics. In multi-ion plasmas, it is difficult to find out analytic solutions from the dispersion relation in general. In this work, we have developed a model with an arbitrary magnetic field and density as well as multi-ion plasmas. This model allows us to investigate how plasma waves behave when they propagate along realistic magnetic field lines, which are assumed by IGRF(International Geomagnetic Reference Field). The results are found to be useful for the analysis of the in situ observational data in space. For instance, if waves are assumed to propagate into the polar region, from the equatorial region, our model quantitatively show how polarization is altered along earth travel path.

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국립고흥청소년우주체험센터의 우주체험시설을 이용한 교육현황 및 계획

  • Gwon, Sun-Gil;Gwon, Hyeok-Do;Lee, Yong-Jeong;Hong, Seung-Su
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.87.1-87.1
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    • 2010
  • 국립고흥청소년우주체험센터는, 우리나라 청소년들에게 우주에서 벌어지는 제반 현상과 천체의 실상을 접하게 하고 또 그 현상과 천체 이면에 자리한 기본 원리를 체험과 실험을 통하여 스스로 터득하게 함으로써 저들을 우주시대를 이끌어갈 창조적 인재로 양성함을 목적으로, 2010년 7월 9일에 개원한 특성화 체험 국립 시설입니다. 우리나라 청소년들이 센터에 설치된 주요 우주체험장비 7종을 활용하여 우주왕복선과 우주정거장에서의 임무수행을 경험하며, 우주왕복선 지상통제센터 요원의 역할 및 우주선이나 항공기의 직접 조종도 체험 할수 있다. 또한 달의 저중력 상황을 체험해 볼 수 있다. 지름 15미터의 천체투영관이 12월 말에 완공될 예정이다. 하늘전망대에는 구경 14인치 광학망원경과 다수의 중소형 망원경들이 설치된다. 또한 우주인 기초체력단련훈련을 할 수 있는 야외 활동 공간을 확보하고 있다. 센터의 우주체험시설과 천문학 관련 시설들은 앞으로 청소년의 우주에 대한 관심을 유발하고 국민들의 과학에 대한 이해를 돕는데 크게 기여할 것으로 기대된다. 현재 4개의 과정으로 우주체험캠프 프로그램을 구성하여 운영하고 있다. 또한, 2009년 개정 지구과학 교육과정과 연계한 우주체험프로그램을 개발 중이다. 여기서는 본 센터의 우주체험시설물 소개와 이들을 활용한 체험활동과 교육 현황 및 계획을 소개하고자 한다.

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Exhibition Planning of Ongoing Astronomy : A New Approach to Science Exhibition Planning of Astronomy (20c 이후 천문학 연구성과로 전시 기획하기 : 천문분야 전시 기획의 새로운 접근)

  • Ahn, Insun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.45.3-45.3
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    • 2019
  • 아동 청소년을 대상으로 하는 대부분의 '우주'관련 도서들이 아직 현대 천문학을 적극적으로 다루지 못하고 있고, 과학관의 상설전시만으로는 천문우주 분야의 비약적인 발전상을 대중과 공유하는데 한계가 있는 것이 현실이다. IAU 창립 100주년을 맞이하는 시점에서 관람객의 시야를 넓혀주고, 내용에 대한 체험적 인지를 돕는 천문우주 기획전시의 필요성을 느끼고, 태양계로 국한되는 물리적 우주탐사를 넘어 은하와 우주 전체를 연구하는 현대 천문우주과학을 소재로 하고, 실제 연구방법들을 기반으로 한 체험요소를 연출에 담은 전시를 구상 중이다. 이번 기획전에서는 1900년대 이후 주요 연구성과들을 중심으로 인간의 우주에 대한 호기심과 탐구의 흐름에 따라 관람할 수 있도록 전개하되, 천문학자들이 우주를 연구하는 방법의 원리를 단순화한 체험 프로그램을 설계 운영하여 연구성과에 대한 주입식 정보 전달이 아니라 관람객이 주도적으로 과정부터 이해하여 결과를 인지하도록 하고자 한다. 또한 전시 공간을 주제별 연구실로 꾸미고, 실제 과학자들의 연구사적으로 의미 있거나 인간적인 에피소드를 소개하여 관람객들의 관심과 공감을 끌어내고자한다.

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Military Competition and Arms Control in Space (우주상 군비경쟁과 군비통제)

  • Shin, Dong-Chun;Cho, Hong-Je
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.203-237
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    • 2011
  • Since USSR successfully launched its satellite "Sputnik"in 1957, many countries including US and USSR began military use of space, and engaged in arms race in space, which is against spirit and ideals of peaceful use of space as common heritage of mankind stipulated in many treaties such as Outer Space Treaty. With worsening Cold War between East and Western Bloc, this military use of space and arms race in space has been intensifying. Regarding the ideals of peaceful use of space, it is interpreted that military use of space is possible unless it does not have the purpose of aggression. The military use of space may have diverse forms such as attacking satellites in space, or attacking from satellites, making use of present and future technologies available which should include the use of nuclear and kinetic/hyper-speed weapons, laser, particle beams, near explosion, disturbance weapons in different directions (i.e., surface to space, space to space, and space to surface). Arms control is being implemented by the efforts of many countries in different formalities including legislature of international treaties under the auspices of UNCOPUOS and prohibition of weapons of mass destruction. Taking outstanding examples aiming at arms control by international community, there are confidence building measures (CBM), strengthening implementation of existing treaties, partial ban of nuclear tests, countryand regional approach, comprehensive approach and measures having legally binding force. While U.S. has surpassed other countries concerned in the area of military useof space, it withdrew from OST in early 2000s, thereby raising concern of international community. It requires concerted efforts of cooperationand implementation by international society to make sure peace of mankind and environmental conservation through arms control in space. Observing de facto possession of nuclear weapons by North Korea following series of nuclear tests and launching satellites, and efforts of launching rockets by South Korea, it is strongly needed for both countries to take part in arms control efforts by international community.

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A Study on the increase of space debris from Chinese Anti-Satellite and breach of the Outer Space Treaty (자국위성(自國衛星)의 파괴(破壞)에 따른 우주잔해의 증가와 우주조약위반(宇宙條約違反) 여부에 관한 소고(小考) - 중국의 자국위성파괴와 관련하여 -)

  • Kim, Sun-Ihee
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.259-294
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    • 2013
  • After its experiment involving the exploding of a satellite in space in 2007, China proudly aired news on TV and ran articles in newspapers. However, the event was internationally criticized and drew widespread attention. Many countries denounced the explosion by pointing out that it could be part of the nation's plan to expand its military power to space or that it could pose a danger to the peaceful use of space. However, there is no talk of whether the experiment that produced a huge amount of space debris could have violated an international law, namely the Outer Space Treaty. Although space garbage has been said to be a serious problem, the amount is still on the increase. If we continue to launch new space launch vehicles into orbit at this rate, we will not be able to use it anytime soon like we do today. As the commercial use of space is likely to increase, the situation will certainly get worse. The international community is fully aware of the seriousness of the problem and working together to reduce the amount of space garbage. However, despite the fact that the United States and Soviet Union's ASAT(Anti-Satellite) programs have been implemented for a long time, there have been no complaints about them in terms of military expansion or breach of the Outer Space Treaty. Also, the recent Chinese test is largely viewed to be in accordance with international law. A lot of research has been undertaken with regard to the problem of space garbage. Now people's awareness of dangers being posed has been fully raised. Under the circumstances, the dismissing of China's satellite smashing, leaving a big mess in its wake, as nothing more than an experiment, is a red flag to, if not many, at least some people. By means of this thesis, I would like to review whether the Chinese test has violated an international space law. This thesis presents an overview of the issues surrounding the event and examines the possibility of violating the Outer Space Treaty, formally the Treaty on Principle Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. After the China test, the UN Scientific and Technical Subcommittee first adopted space debris mitigation guidelines, I'll introduce the content of the guidelines and discuss the characteristics of the guidelines and what can be done to address the issue.

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