• Title/Summary/Keyword: 우주공간

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우주용 추진기관 고공 성능시험

  • 박성준;최용규
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 1994.11a
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1994
  • 우주공간의 압력은 일반적으로 지구로부터의 고도와 대수 관계에 있으며 위성이 비행하는 궤도는 $10^{-6}$-$10^{-11}$torr의 초진공 상태에 가깝고 고도 수십 km까지는 희박기체의 압력으로 볼 수 있으나 그 이상의 고도에서는 기체 분자가 거의 이온이 되어 대단히 고속의 이온 흐름 상태를 유지하고 있다. 우주용 추진기관 개발에 있어서 이와 같은 초고진공에 해당하는 압력을 구현하지 않으면 않되는 시험 이외에도 비교적 고도가 낮은 공간의 SIMULATION에도 중요한 분야이다.

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CMASS galaxy sample and the ontological status of cosmological principle

  • Kim, Yigon;Park, Chan-Gyung;Noh, Hyerim;Hwang, Jai-chan
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.49.2-49.2
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    • 2020
  • SDSS-III BOSS DR12 은하적색이동 탐사 자료 중 CMASS 표본을 사용하여 물질 분포에 대한 균일성 테스트를 수행하였다. 균일성의 비교 기준으로는 (i) 완전한 무작위 분포, (ii) Horizon Run 3 N-체 수치실험에서 얻은 헤일로 목록, 그리고 (iii) 물질 요동의 파워 스펙트럼과 로그정규분포를 가정해 얻은 모의 은하 목록을 사용하였다. 현재 관측된 영역에서 통계적으로 의미가 있는 가장 큰 규모인 300h-1Mpc까지 조사한 결과, 우리는 관측된 물질 분포가 무작위 분포와 비교하여 전혀 균일하지 않지만 우주론으로부터 구한 나머지 두 목록과는 부합함을 보였다. 우주의 균일 등방성을 제시하는 우주론 원리는 우주론의 이론적 전개에서 물질의 분포가 아닌 공간곡률에 적용된다. 지금 우주모형에서는 이 원리에서 벗어난 공간곡률의 정도가 충분히 작으므로 우주론 원리를 우주론에 적용하는 데 문제가 없다. 하지만 우리는 물질 분포가 균일 등방성에서 벗어난 정도가 상당함을 보였으며, 따라서 우주론 원리가 이론적 모형에 성공적으로 적용되지만 실제로 관측된 은하 분포에는 존재하지 않는다는 기존의 결론을 새로운 자료를 이용해 강화하였다.

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Legal implications of missile test moratorium by the North Korea (북한의 미사일발사 실험 유예조치의 법적 의의)

  • Shin, Hong-Kyun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.105-123
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    • 2007
  • The launching of the Taepo-dong 1 on 31 August 1998 by the North Korea was the first case where the diplomatic protests was made against the flight, the purpose of which, the launching State claimed, consisted in space exploration and use. It is the principle regarding the freedom of space exploration and use, as included in the international treaty, that is relevant in applying the various rules and in defining the legal status of the flight. Its legal status, however, was not actually taken into account, as political negotiations leading to the test moratorium has been successful until present day in freezing the political crisis. This implies that the rules of the law lack the validity and logic sufficient in dictating the conduct of the States. This case shows that, in effect, it is not the rule but the politics that is to govern the status of the flight.

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Legal implications of missile test moratorium by the North Korea (북한의 미사일발사 실험 유예조치의 법적 의의)

  • Shin, Hong-Kyun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • no.spc
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    • pp.87-104
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    • 2007
  • The launching of the Taepo-dong 1 on 31 August 1998 by the North Korea was the first case where the diplomatic protests was made against the flight, the purpose of which, the launching State claimed, consisted in space exploration and use. It is the principle regarding the freedom of space exploration and use, as included in the international treaty, that is relevant in applying the various rules and in defining the legal status of the flight. Its legal status, however, was not actually taken into account, as political negotiations leading to the test moratorium has been successful until present day in freezing the political crisis. This implies that the rules of the law lack the validity and logic sufficient in dictating the conduct of the States. This case shows that, in effect, it is not the rule but the politics that is to govern the status of the flight.

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Mission-Oriented Conceptional Design of the Cube Satellite CNU Laser Unity Bus (CLUB) for Ground-Space Laser Research (지상-우주 레이저 연구를 위한 큐브위성 CLUB(CNU Laser Unity Bus)의 임무 중심 개념설계)

  • Seok-Min Song;Ho Sub Song;Chae-Ryeong Kim;Young-In Kang;Yang-Ha Ju;Mansoo Choi;Hyung-Chul Lim;Yu Yi
    • Journal of Space Technology and Applications
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.48-61
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we introduce the concept of the cube satellite Chungnam National University Laser Unity Bus (CLUB), which can provide an integrated infrastructure for various ground-space laser applications. With the advent of the new space era, the rapid expansion of space utilization has begun to reveal the limitations of conventional radio frequencies. As space missions diversify, lasers are garnering attention as a viable alternative. Between ground and space, lasers are applied in various fields including satellite laser ranging (SLR), laser weapons, and laser communication. However, laser used between the ground and space are significantly influenced by the Earth's atmosphere. Consequently, understanding the atmospheric effects on laser propagation is crucial. In particular, atmospheric turbulence, which refracts and distorts laser beams, intensifies closer to the Earth's surface, exerting a greater impact on the uplink than on the downlink. While downlink verification is facilitated by ground detection, verifying the uplink poses challenges due to the necessity of space-based detection. In response to these challenges, we propose the idea of cube satellite as a means to enhance understanding and verification of laser propagation in the uplink. Additionally, we present the results of conceptual design by analyzing requirements, focusing on mission design of the CLUB cube satellite, following the stages of systems engineering for systematic cube satellite development.

Development Trends of Life Support System for the Manned Space Exploration (유인 우주탐사용 생명유지시스템 개발 동향)

  • Lee, Jongwon;Kim, Younkyu;Lee, Joohee
    • Journal of Space Technology and Applications
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.85-103
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    • 2021
  • Environmental Control & Life Support System (ECLSS) technology is essential for humans to live safely in space other than on Earth and celestial bodies (ex, Moon, Mars etc.) in our solar system. Life support systems generally consist of Air Management System (AMS), Water Recovery System (WRS), and Waste Management System (WMS), and it can enable humans to breathe and live in enclosed dwellings in outer space. First, this paper described the development trends of life support systems that have been developed under the leadership of NASA. In addition, we introduced the current development status of life support system in operation on the International Space Station (ISS) and prospected the development trends in Korea.

우주 태양전지 개발 현황 및 전망

  • 송현선;임지후;윤재성
    • Bulletin of the Korea Photovoltaic Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2023
  • 우주 태양전지는 인공위성, 우주 탐사선, 극초저온 환경 등 우주 공간에서의 에너지 공급을 위한 중요한 분야이다. 최근 SpaceX와 같이 민간 우주 개척 분야에서 혁신이 이루어지고 있어 앞으로 우주 태양전지의 용도는 무궁무진할 것으로 기대된다. 또한, 민간 우주 개척 분야 외에도, 국가 간 우주 산업 협력, 인공위성 운용, SBSP(Space Based Solar Power), 우주 정거장의 에너지 공급 등 다양한 우주 분야에서 우주 태양전지의 수요가 계속해서 증가할 것으로 예상한다. 이에 본 고에서는 우주 태양전지 기술 개발 현황과 한계 그리고 추후 기술 개발이 필요한 부분에 대해 논하고자 한다.

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The Definition of Outer Space and the Air/Outer Space Boundary Question (우주의 법적 지위와 경계획정 문제)

  • Lee, Young-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.427-468
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    • 2015
  • To date, we have considered the theoretical views, the standpoint of states and the discourse within the international community such as the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space(COPUOS) regarding the Air/Outer Space Boundary Question which is one of the first issues of UN COPUOS established in line with marking the starting point of Outer Space Area. As above mentioned, discussions in the United Nations and among scholars of within each state regarding the delimitation issue often saw a division between those in favor of a functional approach (the functionalists) and those seeking the delineation of a boundary (the spatialists). The spatialists emphasize that the boundary between air and outer space should be delimited because the status of outer space is a type of public domain from which sovereign jurisdiction is excluded, as stated in Article 2 of Outer Space Treaty. On the contrary art. I of Chicago Convention is evidence of the acknowledgement of sovereignty over airspace existing as an international customary law, has the binding force of which exists independently of the Convention. The functionalists, backed initially by the major space powers, which viewed any boundary demarcation as possibly restricting their access to space, whether for peaceful or non-military purposes, considered it insufficient or inadequate to delimit a boundary of outer space without obvious scientific and technological evidences. Last more than 50 years there were large development in the exploration and use of outer space. But a large number states including those taking the view of a functionalist have taken on a negative attitude. As the element of location is a decisive factor for the choice of the legal regime to be applied, a purely functional approach to the regulation of activities in the space above the Earth does not offer a solution. It seems therefore to welcome the arrival of clear evidence of a growing recognition of and national practices concerning a spatial approach to the problem is gaining support both by a large number of States as well as by publicists. The search for a solution to the problem of demarcating the two different legal regimes governing the space above Earth has undoubtedly been facilitated and a number of countries including Russia have already advocated the acceptance of the lowest perigee boundary of outer space at a height of 100km. As a matter of fact the lowest perigee where space objects are still able to continue in their orbiting around the earth has already been imposed as a natural criterion for the delimitation of outer space. This delimitation of outer space has also been evidenced by the constant practice of a large number of States and their tacit consent to space activities accomplished so far at this distance and beyond it. Of course there are still numerous opposing views on the delineation of a outer space boundary by space powers like U.S.A., England, France and so on. Therefore, first of all to solve the legal issues faced by the international community in outer space activities like delimitation problem, there needs a positive and peaceful will of international cooperation. From this viewpoint, President John F. Kennedy once described the rationale behind the outer space activities in his famous "Moon speech" given at Rice University in 1962. He called upon Americans and all mankind to strive for peaceful cooperation and coexistence in our future outer space activities. And Kennedy explained, "There is no strife, ${\ldots}$ nor any international conflict in outer space as yet. But its hazards are hostile to us all: Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation may never come again." This speech seems to even present us in the contemporary era with ample suggestions for further peaceful cooperation in outer space activities including the delimitation of outer space.