• Title/Summary/Keyword: 용수 수요

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Research on the Methods and Proper Provisions for Rotational Irrigation (윤환관개방법과 적정시설 연구)

  • 유한열
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.2191-2205
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    • 1971
  • In this research, Nong-rim No. 6 was adopted as a test variety of rice. Rice seedlings were transplanted on June 14, 1970. Roots were settled into soil on June 20 and a total number of days irrigated of $21cm{\times}21cm$ and an area of $9.9m^2$ for a test plot were accepted, planting 70 stumps of rice in a test plot. The soil in test plots are classified by soil test as oam, and its chemical contents are as shown in Table 3. Irrigation water was secured by pumping from the Sudun stream that originates at the Suho reservoir. Accordingly, the qualities of irrigation. water are considered to be the same as those of water stored in the Suho reservoir. There were 54 days of intermittent rainfalls in total during the whole 110-day period of irrigation. As a result, it is likely that the growth of rice plants was influenced by rainfall at a comparatively great degree. In order to measure the amounts of water consumption, infiltrometers, measuring devices for the decreases of water depths and lycimeters were provided. As a result of measurements, an average daily rate of infiltration was observed to be 14mm/day. It is expected from this research that the effect of increased yield will be secured by supplying optimum amounts of water for irrigation on proper times, and that the amounts of water consumption for irrigation can be saved by applying suitable irrigation methods. The test results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Yields produced in the test plots of continuous irrigation are lower than those in the test plots of rotational irrigation, i.e., yields produced at the test plots irrigatied once in a period of 8 days are higher by 27% in average than those produced at test plots of continuous irrigation. 2. The amounts of irrigation water for test plots, which have a clay layer of 9cm in thickness and vynil diaphragm without holes, are saved by about 52% in comparison with ordinary test plots. 3. Ears are sprouted 5 days earlier at continuous irrigation plots as compared with other test plots. 4. It seems that there are growing stages of rice plants such as those of forming and sprouting of ears, in which the amounts of irrigation water are consumed more in comparison with the other stages. Therefore, it may be possible to increase of decrease the amount of irrigation water, according to the growing stage of rice plant, so as to save irrigation water.

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Measuring Benefits of Providing Water for Environmental Improvement in Yeongdok Ohsip River: Considering Protest Bids and Distance-Decay Function in the Application of CVM (영덕오십천 환경개선용수 공급의 경제적 편익측정: CVM 적용에 있어 저항응답의 처리와 거리소멸함수)

  • Eom, Young Sook
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.435-461
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    • 2015
  • Recently, Korean development Institute includes water for environmental improvement as an additional water demand category in water resources development project. In response to this change, this paper is to measure benefits of providing additional water in Yeondok Ohsip River by applying contingent valuation method. This study extended the conventional CVM design by incorporating distance variable into WTP function of dichotonomous choice responses and treated protest bids by estimating sample-selection models. The empirical analysis exhibited that more than 30% of respondents were categorized as protest bids and the mean of WTP from sample selection models were three times higher than that of the whole sample. In addition, the distance variable had significantly negative impact on sample WTP regardless of variables forms, and the geographical market area were more 400km, which implies that beneficiaries of water service would the households from the whole nation.

Analysis of Problems of Water Supply Capacity Determination in Water Resources Systems (수자원시스템의 용수공급량 결정방법의 문제점 분석)

  • Lee, Gwang-Man;Yi, Jaeeung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.331-342
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    • 2014
  • In water resources planning, to decide proper water supply capacity is a very important task. Once water supply system such as a dam is decided, it will affect whole range of water resources circumstances for a long time. Even though systematic approaches have been implemented since 1980, many problems are still prevail in reality. Especially some issues related to the reliability analysis method used in planning dams in Korea have been persistently brought up. This study is to diagnose problems on the reliability criterion in water supply capacity assessment of water resources systems and discuss a valid method. As a result, the estimates by the different analysis time intervals, in case of the temporal reliability, show no large difference, but there is a large difference when assessment time intervals are differently applied. The volumetric reliability accounts for 2~3% higher than that of the temporal reliability, and resiliency and vulnerability also show large differences by the analysis time intervals.

Characteristics of Water Quality and Biological Changes in the Onchun Stream -After the Flowing of the Nakdong River- (낙동강 유지용수 공급 후 온천천의 수질 및 생물변화 특성)

  • Park, Hong-Ki;Son, Jung-Won;Cho, Jin-Tack
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.1041-1045
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated the changes caused by diverting water applications at the riverhead of the Onchun Stream via the monitoring of several water quality and biological parameters between 10/09 and 10/10. The analysis indicated that the Onchun Stream distinctly decreased in terms of several water quality parameters, such as BOD, COD, TN, TP, and the concentration of heavy metals as compared to similar values in 2005, before the flowing of the Nakdong River. Especially, BOD showed the 2nd grade of water quality, with an average of 2.0 mg/l at all sites. The species number and standing crops of plankton and benthic macroinvertebrates in the Onchun Stream were also increased. Thus, it was concluded that diverting water from the Nakdong River to the Onchun Stream dramatically improved various environmental indices, such as water quality and biological changes.

A Research on the Development of a GIS-based Real-time Urban Water Management System (GIS기반 실시간 도시용수 관리시스템 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Hoon;Kim, Eui-Myoung;Lim, Yong-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.5290-5299
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    • 2011
  • The ultimate purpose of this research is to propose a method to improve water supply management efficiency. As an effort to solve this comprehensive problem, the purposes of this paper are summarized into the following two main subjects. One is the development of a series of demand forecasting models targeting for each theme of urban water such as residential, commercial, industrial water. The other is the suggestion on the development and utilization plan of a GIS-based information system where the developed models are incorporated. For these, a series of efforts were performed such as evaluating and choosing of the candidate field areas, selecting a proper sensor and an installation point for each theme. Installed are sensors, a wireless communication infrastructure, and a field data acquisition and management server. Developed are a protocol for the wireless communication and a real-time data monitoring system. Nextly, the urban water facility-related and other necessary data were handled to make those into a series of GIS-ready databases. Finally, a GIS-based management system was designed and a blueprint for the implementation is suggested.

Analysis of estuary reservoir water environment under future environmental changes (미래 환경 변화에 따른 하구담수호 물환경 분석)

  • Hyunji Lee;Seokhyeon Kim;Sinae Kim;Jihye Kim;Jihye Kwak;Moon Seong Kang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.461-461
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    • 2023
  • 하구담수호는 하구에 방조제를 축조하여 인공적으로 조성된 저수지로 배수갑문을 통해 적정수위를 유지하고 담수된 물은 농업용수, 공업 및 생활용수로 활용되고 있다. 최근 담수호 수질을 살펴보면 호소수 수질환경기준 IV등급을 상회하여 농업용수로 부적합한 것으로 나타났다. 하구담수호 수질은 간척농지와 담수호 유역내 농경지, 축사 등에서 배출되는 영양염류, 유사 등에 의해 오염되며, 이들은 경지의 경사, 토양, 강우 특성 등과 같이 다양한 인자들에 의하여 영향을 받는다. 도시화와 기후변화 등으로 인해 변화하는 환경에서 지속가능한 수자원 관리를 위해 하구담수호 물환경의 변화를 분석할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 간월호 유역을 대상으로 유역-호소 연계 모형을 이용하여 미래 기상, 토지이용, 용수수요량 등의 변화에 따른 담수호 물환경을 분석하였다. SSP(Shared Socioeconomic Pathways) 기후변화 시나리오를 활용하여 미래 기상을 적용하였으며 Markov Chain기법 및 FLUS (Future Land-Use Simulation model)모형을 통해 미래 토지이용을 구축하였다. 미래 환경 변화를 적용하여 HSPF-EFDC-WASP 모형을 구동하여 담수호의 수문, 수질 분석을 수행하였다. 이 연구의 결과는 미래의 환경 변화에 대응하기 위해 하구담수호를 관리하기 위한 효과적인 전략을 개발하는 데 활용될 것으로 사료된다.

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Determination of restricted water level of agricultural reservoir considering water use and flood control (농업용 저수지의 이·치수 기능을 고려한 홍수기 제한수위 설정)

  • Jihye Kim;Jihye Kwak;Moon Seong Kang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.332-332
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    • 2023
  • 농업용 저수지는 농촌유역의 홍수조절에 핵심적인 역할을 하지만 기본적인 기능은 이수 기능이기 때문에 농업용수 수량을 충분하게 확보하면서 동시에 홍수에도 대비할 수 있도록 저수지를 적절히 운영하는 것이 중요하다. 이에 농업용 저수지마다 홍수기 제한수위를 설정하여 홍수조절용량과 농업용수를 적절하게 확보하도록 하고 있으나, 현재 홍수기 제한수위는 저수지별 특성을 고려하지 않고 70% 정도의 저수율 기준이 일괄적으로 적용된 경우가 대부분이며 시기별 농업용수공급 특성을 고려하지 못한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 농업용 저수지의 이수안전도 및 치수안전도를 이용하여 이·치수 기능을 모두 고려한 홍수기 제한수위 설정 방안을 제시하였다. 홍수기 제한수위는 초기 (6/21~7/20), 중기 (7/21~8/20), 후기 (8/21~9/20)에 대해 각각 설정하였고, 오봉저수지와 묘곡저수지에 대해 1973~2022년의 기상자료를 이용하여 이·치수를 모의하였다. 관개기 최저저수량 및 이듬해 4월의 저수량을 기준으로 이수안전도를 산정하고, 재현기간 100년/200년/500년 홍수에 대해 저수지 운영을 모의하여 최고저수량을 기준으로 치수안전도를 산정하였다. 초기/중기/후기 제한수위 조합에 대한 이수안전도 및 치수안전도 값을 좌표공간에 점으로 도시하고 Pareto front를 도시하여 최적의 제한수위 범위를 도출하였다. 분석 결과, 오봉저수지의 이수안전도는 후기 제한수위에 의해 대부분 결정되며, 초기/중기 제한수위는 큰 영향을 주지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 묘곡저수지의 이수안전도는 초기 제한수위에 의해 크게 영향을 받으며, 그 영향이 이듬해까지 이어지는 것으로 나타났다. 이를 토대로 최적의 제한수위를 도출한 결과, 오봉저수지의 경우 초기 65%, 중기 65~80%, 후기 95% (유효저수량에 대한 비율)로 시기별 수문 운영이 필요한 것으로 나타났고, 묘곡저수지의 경우 초기 100%, 중기 95%, 후기 65~80%로 취수 구조물 또는 비상수문 설치를 통한 방류가 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 제시한 방법을 통해 저수지별 특성을 고려하여 홍수기 제한수위를 설정함으로써 효율적인 저수지 운영이 가능할 것으로 기대된다.

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Effect of Wildlife Access on Microbial Safety of Irrigation Water Used in the Cultivation of Chinese Cabbage in Goesan (야생동물 출입이 괴산 지역 배추 재배 농업용수의 미생물 안전성에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Bohyun;Lim, Sang-Jin;Park, Young-Chul;Hung, Nguyen Bao;Park, Daesoo;Kim, Won-Il;Jung, Gyu Seok;Ham, Hyeonheui;Kim, Hyun Ju;Ryu, Kyoungyul;Kim, Se-Ri
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.447-452
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    • 2018
  • Water is an important component in the production of fresh produce. It is mainly used for irrigation and application of pesticides and fertilizers. Several outbreaks cases related to fresh produce have been reported and water has been identified as the most likely source. On the other hand, wildlife has been identified as a possible source of the waterborne pathogens. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of wildlife access on irrigation water used in the cultivation of Chinese cabbage in Goesan. The frequency of wild animals access to upstream water source and the contamination level of bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Enterococci of irrigation water used in Chinese cabbage farm was examined. A total of 37 wildlife including the wild bear and water deer were observed in upstream of water source during the cultivation of Chinese cabbage. The result indicated the presence of hygienic indicator bacteria from the upstream where there is no human access. The contamination range of coliforms, E. coli, and Enterococcus spp. Detected in the irrigation water were 2.13~4.32 log MPN / 100 mL, 0.26~2.03 log MPN / 100 mL, and 1.43~3.49 log MPN / 100 mL, respectively. Due to low water temperatures, the contamination levels of coliform bacteria and E. coli in the irrigation water during harvesting time was lower compared to those recorded during transplanting of Chinese cabbage. However, no significant difference was detected in the number of Enterococci during the cultivation of Chinese cabbage. The results indicated the need to manage the microbial risk in irrigation water to enhance safety in cultivation of Chinese cabbage.

기획시리즈 - 조경수의 해충 - 자귀나무에 피해를 주는 해충 -

  • Choe, Gwang-Sik
    • Landscaping Tree
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    • s.111
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    • pp.21-23
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    • 2009
  • 자귀나무는 콩과에 속하며 우리 주변에서 훤히 관찰되는 나무로서 꽃, 잎, 열매 모두 관상 가치가 있다. 우리 고유수종인 본 나무는 수피는 한약재로도 사용되었고, 잎은 녹비로 사용하였으며 최근에는 조경수, 정원수, 가로수, 사방용수로 다양하게 사용되는 나무이다. 특히 꽃은 연분홍색의 공작새의 꼬리 같아 꽃피는 기간도 한 달간 지속되어 사람들의 사랑을 많이 받는 나무이다. 추위에는 비교적 약하지만 우리나라 전역의 공원 및 도시 주변의 조경수나 가로수로 적당한 수종이라 할 수 있다. 자귀나무는 비교적 병해충에 강한 수종으로 알려져 있으나 최근 몇몇 해충의 피해가 나타나 이들에 대한 생태 및 방제법을 간략하게 소개하고자 한다.

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Development of Strategies to Improve Water Quality of the Yeongsan River in Connection with Adaptation to Climate Change (기후변화의 적응과 연계한 영산강 수질개선대책 개발)

  • Yong Woon Lee;Won Mo Yang;Gwang Duck Song;Yong Uk Ryu;Hak Young Lee
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2023
  • Almost all of the water from agricultural dams located to the upper of the Yeongsan river is supplied as irrigation water for farmland and thus is not discharged to the main stream of the river. Also, most of the irrigation water does not return to the river after use, adding to the lack of flow in the main stream. As a result, the water quality and aquatic health of the river have become the poorest among the four major rivers in Korea. Therefore, in this study, several strategies for water quality improvement of the river were developed considering pollution reduction and flow rate increase, and their effect analysis was performed using a water quality model. The results of this study showed that the target water quality of the Yeongsan river could be achieved if flow increase strategies (FISs) are intensively pursued in parallel with pollution reduction. The reason is because the water quality of the river has been steadily improved through pollution reduction but this method is now nearing the limit. In addition, rainfall-related FISs such as dam construction and water distribution adjustment may be less effective or lost if a megadrought continues due to climate change and then rainfall does not occur for a long time. Therefore, in the future, if the application conditions for the FISs are similar, the seawater desalination facility, which is independent of rainfall, should be considered as the priority installation target among the FISs. The reason is that seawater desalination facilities can replace the water supply function of dams, which are difficult to newly build in Korea, and can be useful as a climate change adaptation facility by preventing water-related disasters in the event of a long-term megadrought.