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A Study on the quantitative measurement methods of MRTD and prediction of detection distance for Infrared surveillance equipments in military (군용 열영상장비 최소분해가능온도차의 정량적 측정 방법 및 탐지거리 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Yeong-Tak;Lim, Jae-Seong;Lee, Ji-Hyeok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.557-564
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of the thermal imaging observation device mounted on the K's tank in the Republic of Korea military is to convert infrared rays into visual information to provide information about the environment under conditions of restricted visibility. Among the various performance indicators of thermal observation devices, such as the view, magnification, resolution, MTF, NETD, and Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference (MRTD), the MRTD is the most important, because it can indicate both the spatial frequency and temperature resolvable. However, the standard method of measuring the MRTD in NATO contains many subjective factors. As the measurement result can vary depending on subjective factors such as the human eye, metal condition and measurement conditions, the MRTD obtained is not stable. In this study, these qualitative MRTD measurement systems are converted into quantitative indicators based on a gray scale using imaging processing. By converting the average of the gray scale differences of the black and white images into the MRTD, the mean values can be used to determine whether the performance requirements required by the defense specification are met. The (mean) value can also be used to discriminate between detection, recognition and identification and the detectable distance of the thermal equipment can be analyzed under various environmental conditions, such as altostratus, heavy rain and fog.

우주거리척도(Cosmic Distance Scale)로 사용되는 식쌍성 I. 알골형 식쌍성을 이용하여 측정한 거리

  • 홍경수;강영운
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.23-23
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    • 2003
  • 천체의 거리는 다양한안 방법을 사용하여 직접 혹 간접적으로 측정되어왔다. 특히 우주배경복사를 측정하는 인공위성 관측의 정밀도가 혁명적으로 향상됨에 따라 우주의 나이는 수 % 이내의 정밀도로 결정할 수 있는 수준으로 발전하였다. 우주의 규모가 구체적으로 정의되는 가운데 우주의 절대적인 크기를 제시하기 위하여 천체의 거리를 측정하는데 사용되는 표준등불로 세페이드 변광성 이외에 식쌍성이 새롭게 대두되었다. 이 논문에서는 식쌍성이 거리척도의 표준등불이 될 수 잇는지 검증하기 위하여 광도곡선과 시선속도곡선이 잘 알려진 알골형 쌍성 식쌍성 RY Aqr, RX Gem, RS Vul을 선정하여 거리를 산출하였다. 별을 선정한 기준은 2색 이상의 광도곡선이 발표되고, 이중 분광쌍성으로 시선속도곡선이 각 성분별로 잘 관측되어 발표되고, IUE 관측 자료가 있는 알골형 쌍성이다. 거리 산출과정에서 간접적으로 유추하여 얻는 인자를 줄이기 위하여, 광도곡선으로부터 별의 상대적인 크기를 구하고, 시선속도곡선으로부터 공전궤도의 장반경을 구하고, 별의 에너지 분포 곡선으로부터 별의 온도를 측정하였다. 위 3종류의 관측 결과를 종합하여 식쌍성의 물리적 인자와 거리를 구하였다. 이와 같은 방법으로 구한 거리는 히파크러스를 이용하여 관측한 시차와 비교하였다.

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Sea Surface Temperature Analysis for the Areas near Gwang-Yang Steel Mill using LANDSAT Thermal Data (Landsat 열적외선 위성자료를 이용한 광양제철소 주변 해역 해수표면온도 분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Min;Kim, Chang-Jae;Han, Soo-Hee;Heo, Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2011
  • Characteristics of sea surface temperature(SST) difference around Gwang-Yang steel Mill where can affect marine ecosystem in Gwang-Yang bay using 25 collected Landsat-7 ETM+ thermal infrared band data from 2000 to 2010. To analyze accuracy of SST from the Landsat-7 ETM+ thermal infrared image, satellite-induced SST was verfied by compared Yeo-Su tide station and Landsat thermal image. As a result, SST from Landsat-7 ETM+ is 1.22C lower than sea temperature from Yeo-Su tide station and correlation coefficient resulted in above 0.991 which means that correlation coefficient between Landsat image temperature and field sea temperature is relatively high. Five regions were selected to analyze sea surface temperature between near Gwang-Yang steel mill and the open sea and analyzed timeseries of sea surface temperature seasonally and regionally. Moreover, the additional analysis has been carried out by comparing the averaged temperatures of Gwang-Yang and Soon-Cheon bays using the dataset over a year.

Measurement of Transmission Spectrum with Metal-Coated Long-Period Fiber Grating Pair (금속으로 코팅된 장주기 광섬유격자 쌍의 투과 스펙트럼 측정)

  • 서용곤;김영재;송창인;이성진;백운출;이병하
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2000.08a
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    • pp.140-141
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    • 2000
  • 금속으로 코팅한 광섬유는 폴리머로 코팅한 광섬유에 비해 여러 가지 장점을 가지고 있다. 금속 코팅 광섬유는 열적, 화학적 안정성이 높고 고온에서 사용할 수 있으며 수분 침투에 강하고 높은 굽힘 강도를 가진다. 또 납땜을 할 수가 있어서 광섬유 소자 패키징에 있어서 매우 유리하다(1) . 장주기 광섬유 격자는 WDM 용 필터, 온도 및 변형도 센서, 광섬유 증폭기의 이득 평탄화 필터에 많은 유용성을 가지고 있다. 광섬유 격자를 소자로 사용하기 위해서는 재 코팅이 필수적인데 금속은 좋은 대안이 될 것이다. 금속을 재 코팅 재료로 사용하기 위해서는 금속 코팅이 격자에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구가 요구된다. 광섬유 격자 쌍은 단일 장주기 격자에 비해 분해능이 좋아 센서 및 필터 등에 유용하여 본 연구에서는 광섬유 격자쌍 위에 은을 코팅하여 투과 스펙트럼에 미치는 영향을 알아보았다. (중략)

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Heat Transfer on a Heated Flat Plate by an Impinging Round Jet Using Liquid Crystal (Liquid Crystal을 이용한 원형충돌분류의 전열특성 연구)

  • 오승묵;이상준
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.1566-1574
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    • 1992
  • Local heat transfer characteristics for a round air jet impinging normally on a heated flat plate were experimentally investigated. The problem parameters investigated were jet Reynolds number, Re=4000,10000, and 20000, and nozzle-to-plate spacing(L/D) of 2,6, and 10. The temperature variations on the flat uniform heat flux surface were mapped using a thermo-sensitive liquid crytal sheet. The isochromatic images corresponding to the characteristic temperature of liquid crystal were analyzed with the help of a digital image processing system. The local Nusselt number, Nu decreased rapidly in the impingement region and exhibited a similar profiles in the wall jet region independent of the nozzle-to-plate spacing L/D. In the case of large Reynolds number, heat transfer rate (Nu) was proportional to 0.5 power of the Reynolds number. For L/D=2, a secondary peak in the heat transfer rate was seen in the region of X/D=1.5~3 due to the transition from laminar to turbulent boundary layer.

Parameter Analysis of Platinum Silicide Rectifier Junctions acceding to measurement Temperature Variations (측정 온도 변화에 따른 백금실리사이드 정류성 접합의 파라미터 분석)

  • 장창덕;이용재
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 1998.05a
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    • pp.405-408
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, We analyzed the current-voltage characteristics with n-type silicon substrates concentration and temperature variations (Room temperature, 50C, 75C) in platinum silicide and silicon junction. Measurement electrical parameters are forward turn-on voltage, reverse breakdown voltage, barrier height, saturation current, ideality factor, dynamic resistance acceding to junction concentration of substrates and temperature variations. As a result, the forward turn-on voltage, reverse breakdown voltage, barrier height and dynamic resistance were decreased but saturation current and ideality factor were increased by substrates concentration variations. Reverse breakdown voltage and dynamic resistance were increased by temperature variations.

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Paleostress Measurements from Calcite Twin in the Jeongseon Limestone of the Joseon Supergroup (조선 누층군 정선 석회암내의 방해석 쌍정에 나타난 고응력장 연구)

  • 장보안;강성승
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 1998
  • Eighteen oriented samples from the Jeongsun limestone of the Joseon Supergroup are collected. The orientations of C-axis of calcite and e twin plane, the average thickness, numbers of twins and the widths of calcite grains in 10 samples are measured. Then, the twin strain, mean width, intensity of twin and relative magnitude and orientations of principal stresses are calculated using Calcite Strain Gauge program. Twin strain, mean width and intensitv rainge between 0.801%~10.927%, 0.43μm 2.03μm, and 33.5~113.4twim/mm, respectively. Metamorphic temperatures calculated from twin show below 70C, indicating that twins were developed within 2.3km depth. In five samples, two events with different orientations of principal stress produced calcite twins, while only one event produced calcite twins in five samples. The direction of the maximum stress is almost horizontal and the minimum is almost vertical, indicating that the stress regirne is identical with thrust fault. E-W and NW-SE are the most dominant directions of comressive stress and N-S and NE-SW directions are also shown. Comparision between paleostress orientations measured in the study and others indicates that the maximum horizontal stress oriented to E-W may represent the paleostress of period either from the Silurian to the Triassic or from the Silulian to the Permian. Paleostress oriented to NW-SE may be the major direction of stress during the Daeho orogeny.

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The Fabrication Characteristics of TFELD (박막형 전기장발광소자 제작 및 특성조사)

  • 곽민기;박연수;김형근;장경동;손상호;이상윤;이상걸
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1994.11a
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    • pp.81-82
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    • 1994
  • 히토류 불화물인 SmF3, PrF3, 및 TbF3를 ZnS 모체에 첨가한 박막 EL소자를 Fig.1과 같이 제작하고 발광중심의 농도변화, 열철, 증착시의 기판온도, 증착되는 막의 두께 등의 조건을 변화시켜서 각 조건에 의존하는 소자의 특성을 X-선회절분석과 분광 스펙트럼 분석으르 바탕으로 해석했다. 광학적 스펙트럼은 발광중심과 모체에 의존하며 기판온도의 변화는 발광층의 결정성 향상에 기여한다는 것을 알았다. 기판 온도의 변화에 의한 막의 결정성 향상과 열처리에 의한 발광중신의 모체내 열확산에 따른 재결정화나 비 방사성이완(non-radiative relaxation)을 일으키는 격자결함의 감소는 EL소자의 발광층내 전도전자에 영향을 미쳐 휘도와 효율의 개선이 이루어짐을 알았다. 소자의 발광층에 흐르는 전도전류와 이동전하량을 각각 Chen-Krupka회로와 Sawyer-Tower회로로 측정했다

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Optical Temperature Sensor Based on the Etched Planar Waveguide Bragg Grating Considering Linear Thermo-optic Effect (평면 광도파로 상의 식각 브래그 격자를 이용한 광온도 센서의 개발)

  • Kook-Chan Ahn;Sang-Mae Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2001
  • This paper demonstrates the development of optical temperature sensor based on the etched planar waveguide Bragg grating. Topics include design and fabrication of the etched planar waveguide Bragg grating, investigation of the grating reflection characteristics, and temperature measurement capabilities. The typical bandwidth and reflectivity of the surface etched grating has been ~0.2nm and ~7%, respectively, at a wavelength of ~1552nm. The temperature-induced wavelength change of the optical sensor is found to be slightly non-linear over ~200C temperature range. Theoretical models for the grating response of the sensor based on waveguide and plate deformation theories agree with experiments to within acceptable tolerance.

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Analysis of Measured Azimuth Error on Sensitivity Calibration Routine (Sensitivity Calibration 루틴 수행시 Tilt에 의한 방위각 측정 오차의 분석)

  • Woo, Kwang-Joon;Kang, Su-Min
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2011
  • The accuracy of MR sensor-based electronic compass is influenced by the temperature drift and DC offset of the MR sensor and the OP-amp, the magnetic distortion of nearby magnetic materials, and the compass tilt We design the 3-axis MR sensor and accelerometers-based electronic compass which is compensated by the set/reset pulse switching method on the temperature drift and DC offset, by the execution of hard-iron calibration routine on the magnetic distortion, and by the execution of the Euler rotational equation on the compass tilt. We qualitatively analyze the measured azimuth error on the execution of sensitivity calibration routine which is the normalization process on the different sensitivity of each MR sensor and the different gain of each op-amps. This compensation and analytic result make us design the one degree accuracy electronic compass.