• Title/Summary/Keyword: 온도분포특성

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Numerical Investigation on the Urea Melting Characteristics with Coolant and Electric Heaters (냉각수 및 전기 가열 방식에 따른 요소수 해동 특성에 관한 수치해석 연구)

  • Lee, Seung Yeop;Kim, Man Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2016
  • A Urea-SCR(Selective Catalytic Reactor) system, which converts nitrogen oxides into nitrogen and water in the presence of a reducing agent, creates a major exhaust gas aftertreatment system for NOx reduction among other compounds. With regard to vehicle applications, a urea solution was chosen based on its eutectic composition of a 32.5wt% urea-water solution. An important advantage of this eutectic composition is that its melting point of $-11.7^{\circ}C$ is sufficiently low to avoid solidification in cold environments. However, the storage tanks must be heated separately in case of low ambient temperature levels to ensure a sufficient amount of liquid is available during scheduled start ups. In this study, therefore, a numerical investigation of three-dimensional unsteady heating problems analyzed to understand the melting processes and heat transfer characteristics including liquid volume fraction, temperature distributions, and temperature profiles. The investigations were performed using Fluent 6.3 commercial software that modeled coolant and electric heater models based on a urea solution. It is shown that the melting performance with the electric heater is higher than a coolant heater and is more efficient.

저항용접 시뮬레이션을 이용한 가공전극 적용 용접 특성 평가

  • Lee, Sang-Min;Choi, Du-Youl;Park, Yeong-Do
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.97-97
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    • 2010
  • 최근 자동차에서 경량화의 방안으로써 높은 강성을 요구하는 고장력강 사용이 증대 되고 있다. 그러나 고장력강은 저항 점용접 시 일반 강에 비해 높은 전류를 요구하며 계면파단 및 expulsion 발생이 용이하기 때문에 가용 전류 구간이 좁은 특성을 가진다. 많은 연구자들이 hold time, tempering 등의 process를 이용하여 고장력강의 저항 점용접성을 개선하고자 하였으나 생산 공정라인에 적용하기는 어려운 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 용접 공정 변수의 변화에 따른 용접성과 전극 형상 변화을 통한 고장력강 점 용접성 향상에 대한 연구를 실시 하였다. 고장력강의 점 용접성 비교하기 위해 표준 전극(S1)과 인위적으로 가공한 전극(M1)을 사용하였으며, 실험에 사용된 판재는 두께 1.4mm의 DP590이며, 그 결과 표준전극(S1) 보다 가공 전극(M1)의 가용 전류 구간이 0.5kA 정도 넓은 것으로 확인 되었다. 두 전극을 사용한 점용접 시험편들의 인장전단강도를 비교 해보면 표준전극(S1)을 적용한 점용접 시 인장전단강도는 KS B 0850 기준에 만족하나 계면 파단이 발생 하였다. 가공 전극(M1)을 적용한 점용접 시 인장전단강도는 규격 기준에 만족하나 버튼 파단이 발생 하였다. 두 전극을 적용한 점용접부 형상 및 용접부 온도 분포에대해 저항점용접 시뮬레이션 프로그램(SORPAS)을 이용하여 실험 결과 값과 비교 분석하였고 파단모드의 변화에 대한 원인 분석을 도출 하였다.

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A Numerical Study on Flows in a Rotating Serpentine Passage (회전하는 ㄹ자형 관내의 유동에 관한 수치해석 연구)

  • 허남건;조원국;윤성영;윤성영;김광호
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1621-1632
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    • 1993
  • A numerical simulation is carried out on flows in a rotating serpentine flow passage, which models a cooling passage in a gas turbine blade, by using a 3-D FVM based TURBO-D program. When it is rotating, the flow field exhibits quite different aspects due to the effect of the Coriolis force. Especially the secondary flow field appearing in the cross-sectional area is very complex because of the combined effect of the Coriolis force and the centrifugal force in the curved area. Local Nusselt numbers are also obtained based on the Reynolds analogy and compared with the published experimental data showing a good agreement. The results of the present study can be applied to the design of cooling passages of a gas turbine blade.

Molecular Dynamics Study of [C10mim][Br] Aggregation (분자동역학을 이용한 [C10mim][Br] 의 응집에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Hong-Min;Lee, Joon-Sang
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.36 no.8
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    • pp.873-876
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    • 2012
  • Ionic liquids (ILs) existing in the liquid ion form under standard conditions show a unique properties. 1-10-Alkyl-3-methyl-imidazolium bromide ([C10mim][Br]) is one of the ILs that shows amphiphilic characteristics under specific conditions. This property enables it to function as a surfactant, and therefore, it finds applications in a wide range of areas. In this study, we tried to predict the behavior, especially the aggregation aspect, of [C10mim][Br] in an aqueous solution using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The canonical (NVT) ensemble was used to relax the system and trace the trajectory of atoms. Several case studies were simulated and the interaction among [C10mim]+, [Br]-, and water was analyzed using the radial distribution function of each atom. The density distribution function was also used for the structural analysis of the entire system. We used the Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS) code for the present MD simulations.

Preparation of Poly(vinyl butyral) by Precipitation Method and Its Characterization (침전법에 의한 폴리비닐부티랄의 제조 및 특성분석)

  • 서광원;김덕준
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.168-173
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    • 2002
  • Poly (vinyl butyral) (PVB) was synthesized by acetalization of poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) PVB was prepared in particulate forms in water, and chemical and physical properties of the products were characterized using various techniques. The prepared PVB had size distribution from 100 to 700 $\mu\textrm{m}$ with mean diameter of about 380 $\mu\textrm{m}$. The chemical structure of PVB was characterized using FT/IR and NMR, and the average degree of acetalization was determined to be 77% from the titration measurement. DSC data showed that the crystalline structure of PVA vanished as acetalization reaction proceeded to produce PVB, and the glass transition temperature emerged at about $70^{\circ}C$. TGA data showed that PVB was much more thermally stable than PVA, and showed no degradation up to $300^{\circ}C$. Solubility test showed that PVB was soluble in alcohols but Insoluble in water, being totally different from PVA.

Magnetic Properties of Hot Press and Die-Upset Nd-Fe-B-Co Magnets (Hot Press 및 Die-Upset 법에 의해 제조된 Nd-Fe-B-Co 자석의 자기적 특성)

  • Lee, K.S.;Kim, Y.S.;Suh, S.J.;Park, H.S.;Park, C.
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 1997
  • The effect of Co and annealing temperature on the magnetic properties, phase change and microstructure of melt-spun $(Nd_{14.73}Fe_{78.67}B_{6.60})_{100-x}Co_x$ (X=0, 1, 2, 3) ribbons has been studied. The Co containing ribbons were found to have higher coercivity ($_iH_c$) than the ribbons without Co. Intrinsic coercivity of 20.3 kOe has been obtained by addition of 2 at%Co. This effect by Co addition is also represented in the case of hot pressed and die-upseted magnets. The maximum intrinsic coercivities of hot press and die-upset $(Nd_{14.73}Fe_{78.67}B_{6.60})_{100- x}Co_x$ (X=0, 1, 2, 3) magnets are 16.9 kOe and 15.2 kOe when X=2.

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Experimental Study of Flow Characteristics with Swirl Number on Dump Combustor (모형 가스터빈 연소기에서 스월수에 따른 유동 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Park, Jae-Young;Han, Dong-Sik;Kim, Han-Seok;Song, Ju-Hun;Chang, Young-June;Jeon, Chung-Hwan
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.338-345
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    • 2011
  • The swirl flow applied for high efficiency and reduction of emission such as NOx, CO in a gas turbine engine makes recirculation zone by shear layer in the combustion chamber. This recirculation zone influences a decreasing flame temperature and flame length by burned gas recirculation. Also it is able to suppress from instability in lean-premixed flame. In this study, it was found that the swirl flow field was characterized as function of swirl number using PIV measurement in dump combustor. As increasing swirl number, a change of flow field was presented and recirculation zone was shifted in the nozzle exit direction. Also turbulent intensity and turbulent length scale in combustor were decreased in combustion. It has shown reduction of eddies scale with swirl number increasing.

The Texturization Properties of Textured Extrudate made by a Mixture of Rice Flour and Isolated Soybean Protein (쌀과 분리대두단백 혼합에 따른 조직화 특성)

  • Han, Ouk;Park, Yong-Ho;Lee, Sang-Hyo;Lee, Hyun-Yu;Min, Byong-Lyoung
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.780-787
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    • 1989
  • The texturization properties of extrudate from isolated soybean protein and rice flour by extrusion cooking were investigated. The addition of up to 30% rice flur to isolated soy proetin could give more tenderness to the texturized extrudate. As the rice flour content increased, die temperature, nitrogen solubility index, and integrity index were decreased slightly with lower chewiness and gumminess. The water content of final extrudate was increased as the addition of rice flour increased, while density was maintained without variation, and rehydration ratio was decreased. The distribution of pressure profile during extrusion were in the range of $15-100kg/cm^3$. As the addition of rice flour increased, scanning electron micrographs demonstrated the gelatinized surface structure of rice starch and the increased air cell size of the testurized extrudate.

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Performance Prediction of Liquid Rocket Thrust Chambers with Nonuniform Propellant Mixing (추진제의 비균일 혼합분포를 고려한 액체로켓 추력실의 성능 예측기법 개발)

  • 김성구;최환석;한영민;이광진
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.34 no.9
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 2006
  • In order to effectively reduce thermal loads on regenerative cooled walls, fuel cooling injectors and film cooling devices have often been employed. The present study has established a numerical methodology for prediction of performance and near-wall temperature distribution taking into account the nonuniform mixing due to these additional cooling devices. A correction procedure for main propulsive parameters has also been proposed based on comparison between prediction and experimental data. Under the computational framework of this study, the predicted results were in good agreement with hot-firing test data for a 30 tonf-class full-scale combustor at the design and off-design conditions. As a consequence, the present numerical method is expected to be useful for design and evaluation of regenerative cooled liquid rocket thrust chambers.

표고버섯 균사체 배양 및 그 추출물의 생리학적 특성

  • 이병우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Postharvest Science and Technology of Agricultural Products Conference
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    • 1994.07a
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    • pp.7-8
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    • 1994
  • 한국산 표고버섯 균사체를 액체배양하여 천연항암물질로 알려진 단백다당체를 추출한 후 그 물질의 특성에 대하여 검토하였다. 균사체의 최적 재양조건을 TGY배지로 조사한 바 온도 $25^{\circ}C$, 배양초기 pH4.0, 교반속도 300rpm, 균사배지 접종량을 10.0%로 하고 산소 통기량을 1.0volume of ait/volume of medium/mimute으로 하였을때 가장 양호한 조건이였으며, 대량생산 하기 위한 SCM배지에서 최적의 C/N비는 13.1오써 7일간 배양하였을때 18.8g/L의 균사령을 얻었으며, 이때 생산수율은 0.46으로 나타났다. 발효가 끝난 배양액에서 균사, 여액 그리고 배양액의 전체에서 단백다당체를 분리한 결과 각 분획에서 단백다당체가 각각 0.55%, 0.12%, 0.69%가 회수되어 배양액 전체에서 단백다당체를 추출하는 것이 바람직하며, 추출방법으로 열수추출, glass bead추출 및 cellulasa처리를 하여 단백다당체의 수율을 비교한 결과 0.25-0.5mm glass nead로 30분간 균사체를 분쇄한 다음 열수추출을 1시간을 하였을때 990mg/100ml의 단백다당체를 얻을 수 있었다. 고단백다당체를 1차 단백질 가수분해 효소로 분해하고, EDAE cellulose 및 Sepadex G-100 column chromatography로 정제한 후, TLC/FLD, ultracentrifugation한 결과 순수한 물질임을 알 수 있었다. 단백다당체의 항암효과 조사중 in vitro배양에서 $P_{388}$$L_{1210}$에 대한 단백다당체의 활성단위 1 unit는 1mg정도였으며, 인체의 장암세포인 HCT-48, HRT-18, HT-29 밀 간암세포인 Hep G2 대한 생육저해 단위는 각각 4.4, 3.6, 6.6, 2.6mg이었다. HCT-48과 Hep G2 세포의 크기 분포도는 대조군에 비하여 시간이 경과함에 따라, 그리고 단백다당체의 농도가 증가함에 따라 peak가 작은 size 쪽으로 이동하였다. 또, 단백다당체를 첨가 배양한 HCT-48과 Hep G2세포의 현미경 관찰에서 본래의 암세포 형태가 변형되고 크기가 감소하며 세포사이의 경계막이 흐트러지면서 세포수가 감소하고 사멸하였다. In vivo실험에서는 대조군보다 단백다당체를 첨가한 군에서 항체 형성능력이 대조군에 비하여 형질세포가 2배로 증가하였다. 단백다당체의 화학적 성분 분석에서 다당함량은 46.1%이면 구성다당류는 glucose, galactose, mannose, xylose로 구성되었고 단백질의 함량은 7.28%이며, 구성아미노산은 15종의 아미노산으로 되었다. 또 무기물은 Na, K, Zn, Ca등의 순으로 이루어 짐을 알 수 있었다.

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