• Title/Summary/Keyword: 영구기록

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Automation and Common Utilization Plans of Job and Organization Analysis of Producing Institutions (생산기관 직제분석 자동화 및 공통 활용 방안)

  • Kang, Yoona;Park, Tae-yeon;Kim, Hyunjin;Oh, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.81-99
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    • 2021
  • Job and organization analysis of producing institutes is a task that identifies the history of transition and major business functions for various record-producing institutions and must be performed in common within the archives, and many workers must jointly refer to the relevant knowledge. However, in the field, a limited number of people in charge are individually performing by manual work, and the results are not shared. Therefore, this study aims to reduce the work burden of workers through the automation of the job and organization analysis process and build basic resources that can be commonly used by the archives. This study subdivided the task of job and organization analysis into manual, semi-automation, and automation parts by performing FGI with the practitioner of the archive and suggested ways to realize it. In addition, we derive the basic analysis data that can be commonly referenced in the electronic records management process, and by verifying the results through practitioners, efficient use of knowledge resources is suggested. Furthermore, by establishing a standardized work process, we intend to lay the foundation to support consistent and systematic work performance.

A Study on the Standardization of JPEG Format as a Long-Term Preservation Master File for Paper Archives in the Central Archives of Korea (중앙기록물관리기관의 종이기록물 영구보존용 마스터 파일로서 JPEG 포맷의 표준화에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, HyenMin
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.489-510
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    • 2016
  • It is defined in the internal standard of the NAK namely a NAK/G8-1:2013(v.1.) such as TIFF, PNG, PDF/A, JPEG 2000 as a Long-Term Preservation Master File for internal Standardization of Paper Archives in the Central Archives of Korea. This study reviewed the possibility that JPEG format could be a standard as a Long-Term Preservation Master File for internal Standardization of Paper Archives in the Central Archives of Korea. I pointed to the unique characteristics of JPEG file format and analysed and compared with TIFF format that is a representative master file. Through this study, I suggested that JPEG format also should be additionally included in the standard, as a master file, because it meets a qualification and functional requirements of master file and can guarantee the authenticity, reliability, integrity and usability. The meaning of this study is that JPEG format, be added to master file standard, can set up a environment that has lots of benefit in the domain of usability, compatibility to user as well as the authenticity, reliability, integrity.

A Preliminary Study on the Current Condition of the Transfer of Public Digital Records (공공 전자기록의 이관 현황에 관한 기초 연구)

  • Hyun, Moonsoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.33-54
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to expose the current status of the transfer of public digital records. Based on the PAIMAS transfer methodology, it identified the domains of transfer in the Korean public sector. Through the result of the interviews with experts in the field, this study examined what the records centers and the National Archive of Korea had prepared using the domains. Through the examination, the expected problems and subject to be discussed were thus presented, which are expected to provide a forum for further discussions.

A Study on the Positive Circle System in Managing Records and Archives by Value Analysis (가치분석에 의한 기록관리 선순환 체계의 모색)

  • Lim, Na Rae
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.15
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    • pp.263-306
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    • 2007
  • In genaral appraisal is process of the determining the length of the time records should be retained, and is defined as selecting records with second value. However, appraisal in boroad term includes analysis which value records have as well as selecting archival records. It means that analysis of Records value is carried and reflected in every processes of maintenance, use and disposition of records. One of characteristic in records and archives management is that records process doesn't finish as one process, but it creates and manages records repeatedly. When another records are created again after the previous process in these system, it should creates records with better value than before. It pursues positive circle system which satisfy users whenever it starts. The study reviewed how analysis of records value is reflected in Records and archival system in Korea, and analysed Public Records and Archives Act to approve it. In results the study suggests having positive circle system finally.

A Study on the National Assembly Archives: focused on the National Assembly Records Management Regulation (국회 영구기록물관리기관에 관한 연구 - 『국회기록물관리규칙』을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, You-Seung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.95-119
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    • 2011
  • Managing and preserving parliamentary archives are significant national tasks. However, in South Korea significance of these tasks have not been recognized. The first exclusive organization for parliamentary archives management was established in 2000, It took about 50 years after the first South Korean government was established in 1948. The first legislation which regulated parliamentary archives management was enacted in 2001. There were no significant improvement on the regulation for the last decade. In April 2011 it was newly revised according to the amendment of the Act on Public Records Management. In this context this study critically analyzes the regulation and discusses various issues concerning the parliamentary archives management system. It divides the history of parliamentary archives management into four periods. It also explores four contentious issues ranging from parliamentary archive designation to archivists assignment. As a result, the study presents four different aspects for developing parliamentary archives management Each aspect proposes three different phased problems respectively. Keywords: national assembly records management regulation, national assembly archives,

Directions for Developing Database Schema of Records in Archives Management Systems (영구기록물관리를 위한 기록물 데이터베이스 스키마 개발 방향)

  • Yim, Jin-Hee;Lee, Dae-Wook;Kim, Eun-Sil;Kim, Ik-Han
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.34
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    • pp.57-105
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    • 2012
  • The CAMS(Central Archives Management System) of NAK(National Archives of Korea) is an important system which receives and manages large amount of electronic records annually from 2015. From the point of view in database design, this paper analyzes the database schema of CAMS and discusses the direction of overall improvement of the CAMS. Firstly this research analyzes the tables for records and folders in the CAMS database which are core tables for the electronic records management. As a result, researchers notice that it is difficult to trust the quality of the records in the CAMS, because two core tables are entirely not normalized and have many columns whose roles are unknown. Secondly, this study suggests directions of normalization for the tables for records and folders in the CAMS database like followings: First, redistributing the columns into proper tables to reduce the duplication. Second, separating the columns about the classification scheme into separate tables. Third, separating the columns about the records types and sorts into separate tables. Lastly, separating metadata information related to the acquisition, takeover and preservation into separate tables. Thirdly, this paper suggests considerations to design and manage the database schema in each phase of archival management. In the ingest phase, the system should be able to process large amount of records as batch jobs in time annually. In the preservation phase, the system should be able to keep the management histories in the CAMS as audit trails including the reclassification, revaluation, and preservation activities related to the records. In the access phase, the descriptive metadata sets for the access should be selected and confirmed in various ways. Lastly, this research also shows the prototype of conceptual database schema for the CAMS which fulfills the metadata standards for records.

Research Trends in Digital Archiving and the OAIS Reference Model (디지럴 아카이빙 최근 연구동향 및 OAIS 참조모형에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.23-41
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    • 2003
  • This paper reviewed research trends in Digital Archiving and the OAIS Reference Model. Well renowned International Projects are also reviewed. InterPares, NEDLIB, CEDARS, CAMiLEON, PRISM are included. Several key functions of the OAIS Reference Model are presented and further research direction of digital preservation in Korea is also suggested.

A Study on the Records Management Reference Table of Environmental Authorities from the Perspective of Appraisal and Selection of National Archives (국가기록평가의 관점에서 본 환경 분야 기록관리기준표 분석)

  • Hyun, Moonsoo
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.67
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    • pp.139-203
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    • 2021
  • The study aims to analyze the records management reference tables currently being utilized and to provide directions on how should be redesigned in the future to operate as a appraisal tool for national archives. From the perspective of "what records should be the national archives", it was intended to analyze the records management reference tables, particularly in the environmental public authorities, and to propose future improvements. The main focus of the analysis is on appraising records that need to be preserved as national archives, and therefore, prior to analysis of the tables, it examines whether the archival selection criteria are clearly presented. Subsequently, the study is conducted how to implement this criteria through the records management reference table of each agency and how its implementation system will be constructed. The analysis will be focused on Ministry of Environment's records management reference table and records schedules or appraisal/selection tools of the central and federal institutions that perform environmental functions in U.S., Australia, and UK.

A Study on Archival Description for Intergrated Management of Historical Record to Christianity (기독교 역사기록의 통합관리를 위한 기술규칙 연구)

  • Lee, Yu-Jin;Youn, Eun-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2017
  • Christian records are greatly diversified as they are scattered in various institutions inside and outside of the church, which include records of Christian organizations, individuals, and the media. Given this, their management methods also vary. Because of this diversification of methods, it is difficult for people to access and make use of these records. This study aims to develop rules for the archival description of Christian historical records to provide a foundation that will allow users to have an integrated system where they can access all Christian records from different institutions including the church. For this purpose, the rules for archival description of the National Archives of Korea and the Korea Democracy Foundation, and those of the Presbyterian Church in the United States were compared, and from this comparison, features of each institution were identified. Using the features based on ISAD(G) (General International Standard Archival Description) and Christian historical records, the rules for the archival description of Christian historical records were developed.