• Title/Summary/Keyword: 염색체수

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Cytogenetic Analysis of Bagrid Catfish, Pseudobagrus fulvidraco(Teleostomi : Siluriformes) (동자개, Pseudobagrus fulvidraco(Teleostomi : Siluriformes)의 세포유전학적 연구)

  • Park, In-Seok;Lee, Chung-Lyul
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.10-15
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    • 1996
  • The chromosome numbers of bagrid catfish, Pseudobagrus fulvidraco was 52, nine pairs (No. 1 to 9) were metacentrics with the range of relative length 2.89~6.22 and arm ratio 1.09~1.58 ; thirteen pairs (No. 10 to 22) were submetacentrics with the range of relative length 2.88~5.88 and arm ratio 1.80~3.65 ; and all other pairs (No. 23 to 26) were acrocentrics with the range of relative length 2.63~3.30 and arm ratio 9.01~10.67, and fundamental number was 104. Heteromorphic sex chromosomes were not found. There was not exist significant difference in resultant erythrocyte measurements and parameters between female and male (p<0.05). The mean sizes of cell and nucleus, were $11.03{\times}9.67{\mu}m$ and $4.18{\times}3.66{\mu}m$ respectively. The number of erythrocytes of both females and males were $6{\sim}7{\times}10^5/ml$. Gill tissues from diploid individuals had cells with one or two nucleoli.

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Polyploidy and speciation in Korean endemic species of Indigofera grandiflora (Leguminosae) (한반도 고유종 큰꽃땅비싸리의 배수성과 종분화)

  • Kim, Won-Hee;Kim, So-Young;Choi, Byoung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2005
  • Chromosome number, morphological variation and RAPD analysis were investigated to study on the speciation of Indigofera in Korea. Chromosome numbers of I. kirilowii (2n=16) and I. koreana (2n=32) are consistent with the previous reports. In this study tetraploid (2n=32) and hexaploid (2n=48) of I. grandiflora are newly observed. Indigofera grandiflora is distributed around Mt. Kaya area together with I. kirilowii and I. koreana. The former species has the larger sizes in plant height, leaves and flowers than the latter two and shows intermediate form between the two species in hairs on leaves and flowers which are one of the most important taxonomic characters in this group. In the RAPD analysis, I. grandiflora is similar to I. koreana than I. kirilowii but RAPD band patterns revealed difference between tetra- and hexaploid of the species. These results suggested that Korean endemic species of I. grandiflora (2n=16, 32, 48) might has multiple origin through polyploidization and/or hybridization between I. kirilowii (2n=16) and I. koreana (2n=32) around Mt. Kaya area where the latter two grow together.

Cytogenetic evaluation of a patient with ring chromosome 9 presenting failure to thrive and developmental delay (성장부진과 발달지연을 보인 환아에서 확인된 환상 9번 염색체 1례의 세포유전학적인 연구)

  • Park, Yun Mi;Nho, Han Nae;Kim, Sook Za;Ahn, Young Min
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.426-430
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    • 2008
  • We report clinical, cytogenetic, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) studies of a patient with ring chromosome 9. She presented with failure to thrive, facial dysmorphysm and mild psychomotor development delay in the absence of major malformations. Peripheral blood karyotype of the patient was 46,XX,r(9)(p24q34). G-band analysis suggested no loss of material in the ring chromosomes. FISH analysis using the subtelomere-specific sequences on chromosome 9p and 9q, revealed 46,XX,r(9)(p24q34),ish r(9)(D9S913-,D9S325+). Failure to detect any hybridization of a probe for the subtelomeric sequences in the ring 9p terminal suggested that this ring arose from breakage in the distal short arm. The cytogenetic and FISH data in our case provided further evidence for the existence of a "complete ring" phenotype with incomplete subtelomeric sequences.

Karyotype Analysis and rDNA Physical Mapping in Rye (Secale cereale L.) (호밀(Secale cereale L.)의 핵형분석과 rDNA의 Physical Mapping)

  • Lee, Joon Soo;Seo, Bong Bo;Kim, Min
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to determine the chromosomal localization of the 5S and 18S-26S ribosomal DNA(rDNA) genes by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH) techniques, and the constitutive heterochromatin detected by means of Gimsa C-banding technique in rye(Secale cereale L.). The somatic chromosomes number was 2n=14. The karyotype consists of four pairs of metacentrics(chromosomes 1, 2, 3, and 7) and three pairs of submetacentrics(chromosomes 4, 5, and 6). Secondary constrictions appeared in the short arm of chromosome 1. The 5S rDNA genes have been located on two pairs of chromosomes 1 and 5, and 18S-26S rDNAs genes have been located on one pair of chromosome 1. 5S rDNA genes were detected on the distal region of the secondary constrictions in nucleolus organizer regions(NOR) in chromosome 1, and other detected on the intercalary region in the short arm of chromosome 5.

Chromosomal Variation among Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal), Biotypes in Korea (한국산 벼멸구 생태형의 염색체 변이)

  • ;R.C. Saxena;A.A. Barrion
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.366-370
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    • 1992
  • Salient chromosomal variations during the first meiotic division in primary spermatocyLes of the three brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stal) , biotypes were observed. The meiotic index was highest in biotype 3 (58.6), followed by biotype 1 (39.4) and biotype 2 (23.6). Total chromosomal aberration including agmatoploidy, aneuploidy, loose pairings of sex chromosomes, and cytoplasmic shrinkage was found high in the order of biotype 1 (60.6%),2 (47.9 %), and 3 (38.1 %). However, percent agmatoploidy was highest in biotype 2 (19.6%) whereas in biotypes 3 and 1, it was 9.5% and 2.5%, respectively. The number of cells with isolated sex chrosomomes was observed highest in biotype 2.

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Isozymes and Karyotypes of Bufo Species (두꺼비 종류의 아이소자임과 염색체)

  • Yung J. Kim;Yang I, Sunwoo;Kang S. Rhee
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 1976
  • Isozymes and chromosomes of Bufo bufo and B. kangii were studied by starch gel electrohporesis and bone marrow air-drying method. Twently-three enzymes and nonenzymatic proteins in Bufo species collected in Korea provided a basis for the estimating the proportion of polymorphic loci in the genum. Of 23 loci controlling the proteins examined, 26% and 17$% were polymorphic in B. bufo and B. kangii, respectively. In B. bufo, 4 loci had 3 alleles and no loci had more than 2 alleles in B. kangii. Both species had same karyotypes with 22 chromosomes except one pair of chromosome which had sat-chromosomes in B. bufo karyotypes. The genetic similarity was approximately 0.5.

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G-, C-, and NOR-banding of Korean Native Pig Chromosomes (한국재래돼지의 G-, C-, 및 NOR-banding)

  • Sohn, S.H.;Kweon, O.S.;Baik, K.H.;Jung, W.;Cho, E.J.;Kang, M.Y.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.901-910
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    • 2003
  • Using the G-, C-, and NOR-banding techniques, a karyotyping for Korean Native Pig was performed. Blood samples were collected from 50 male Korean Native Pigs that had been bred at the National Livestock Research Institute and then blood cells were prepared from in vitro cultures followed by karyotyping; G-, C-, and NOR-banding patterns of metaphase chromosomes were analyzed. The karyotype of Korean Native Pig is 38, XX or XY which consists of 5 pairs of submetacentric chromosomes(Group I), 2 pairs of acrocentric chromosomes with short p-arm(Group II), 5 pairs of medium metacentric chromosomes(Group III), 6 pairs of acrocentric chromosomes(Group IV) and metacentric X and Y sex chromosomes. On GTG-banding, the Korean Native Pig exhibited a typical and identical banding pattern in each homologous chromosomes. Overall chromosomal morphology and positions of typical landmarks of the Korean Native Pig were virtually identical to those of Committee for the Standardized Karyotype of the Domestic Pig(CSKDP). However, numbers of G-bands of the Korean Native Pig chromosomes were more than those of CSKDP. In chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and X, the Korean Native Pig exhibited more separated bands as compared with CSKDP. In C-banding patterns, although the quantity of heterochromatin was variable in each chromosome, most of the Korean Native Pig chromosomes had heterochromatic C-bands on centromeres. However, the heterochromatic C-band was constantly observed on the whole Y chromosome. In AgNOR staining, the NORs were located at centromeres on the chromosomes 8 and 10. The number of NORs per metaphase ranged from 2 to 4 giving a mean value of 2.13. The number of NORs were distributed on all chromosome pair 10 but not on chromosome 8. The sizes of NORs were also differed between homologous chromosomes 8. Numbers of NORs of Korean Native Pig were significantly higher than those of Yorkshire. The pattern of pig NORs was polymorphic in breeds, individuals and cells, especially on chromosome 8.

Karyotype Classification of The Chromosome Image using Hierarchical Neural Network (계층형 신경회로망을 이용한 염색체 영상의 핵형 분류)

  • 장용훈
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.2 no.8
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    • pp.1045-1054
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    • 2001
  • To improve classification accuracy in this paper, we proposed an algorithm for the chromosome image reconstruction in the image preprocessing part and also proposed the pattern classification method using the hierarchical multilayer neural network(HMNN) to classify the chromosome karyotype. It reconstructed chromosome images for twenty normal human chromosome by the image reconstruction algorithm. The four morphological and ten density feature parameters were extracted from the 920 reconstructed chromosome images. The each combined feature parameters of ten human chromosome images were used to learn HMNN and the rest of them were used to classify the chromosome images. The experimental results in this paper were composed to optimized HMNN and also obtained about 98.26% to recognition ratio.

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The Genetic Variation of Pinus densiflora and Pinus thunbergii by Giemsa C-banding (소나무 및 곰솔의 염색체(染色體) C-분염(分染)에 의한 유전변이(遺傳變異))

  • Park, Sang Jun;Son, Doo Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.80 no.4
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    • pp.383-392
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    • 1991
  • The genetic variation of Pinus densiflora and Pinus thunbergii by Giemsa C-banding was investigated and the results were as follows : 1. From Karyotype analysis of P. densiflora and P. thunbergii by Giemsa C-banding, somatic chromosome numbers of both species were 2n=24. 2. Chromosome of P. densiflora was M-type in arm ratio and they were no variation among individuals but variation in number and position of the secondary constriction and telomere banding among individuals. 3. P. thunbergii showed also M-type in arm ratio of chromosome, however, there was no variation in both number and position of the secondary constriction among individuals. 4. From chromosome C-banding, bands were appeared in the position of centromere and the secondary constriction in both P. densiflora and P. thunbergii. 5. In P. densiflora, the bands were shown on the secondary-constriction in chromosome No. 3, 4 and 7 of all individuals and the bands of the secondary constriction in chromosome No. 1, 2 and 5 showed variation among individuals. In chromosome No. 9, 10 and 11, the bands were shown in telomere and showed variation among individuals. 6. In P. thunbergii, the bands were shown on the secondary constriction in chromosome No. 2, 3, 7 and 8, and were shown no variation among individuals. There was no band on telomere. 7. The genetic variation by C-banding were shown in P. densiflora among individuals but no in P. thunbergii, and were shown on the secondary constriction in chromosome No. 4 of Pinus densiflora and in clnromosome No. 8 of Pinus thunbergii. These are the difference between the two species by C-banding.

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