• Title/Summary/Keyword: 염료 감응형 태양전지$TiO_2$ 전극

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A Study on $TiO_2$ Thin Film by PLD for Buffer Layer between Front Electrode and FTO of Dye-sensitized Solar Cell (염료감응 태양전지에서 전면전극/FTO 사이에 완충층으로서의 PLD로 증착한 $TiO_2$ 박막에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Sang-Woo;Roh, Ji-Hyoung;Lee, Kyung-Ju;Ji, Min-Woo;Moon, Byung-Moo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.465-466
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    • 2009
  • Dye-sensitized Solar Cell (DSC) is a new type of solar cell by using photocatalytic properties of $TiO_2$. The electric potential distribution in DSCs has played a major role in the operation of such cells. $TiO_2$ thin films were deposited on the ITO substrate by Nd:YAG Pulsed Laser Deposition(PLD) at room temperature and post-deposition annealing at $500^{\circ}C$ in flowing $O_2$ atmosphere for 1hour. The structural properties of $TiO_2$ thin films have investigated by X-ray diffraction(XRD). We manufactured DSC unit cells then I-V and efficiency were tested by solar simulator.

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Preparation and characterization of $TiO_2$ Thin Film By Various temperature ($TIO_2$ 전극의 소결온도에 따른 DSSCS 제조 및 성격)

  • Kim, Sung Jin;Pak, Hunkyun
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.95.2-95.2
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    • 2010
  • 염료감응형 태양전지의 효율을 향상을 시키기 위하여, 이산화티타니아박막을 doctor-blade 방법으로 FTO 기판위에 15-16um 코팅을 한뒤, 다른 온도의 $400^{\circ}C-600^{\circ}C$ 범위에서, 소결을 하였다. 상대전극은 FTO 기판위에 5Ml의 Pt용액을 가지고, $450^{\circ}C$온도에서 제작을 하였다. 실험의 결과 이산화티타니아의 표면거칠기 및 입자사이즈의 소결의 형상에 따라 DSSC의 효율의 상관관계가 영향을 받았다. 표면의 형상은 AFM으로 측정을 하였으며, 표면의 단차가 RMS의 값이 7nm이하 일 때, 효율의 향상을 이루었다. 실험결과 $500^{\circ}C$ 이하일 때, 상대적으로 낮은 open circuit voltage를 이루었으며, 낮은 Fill-factor를 이루었다. $500^{\circ}C$이상의 온도에서는 상대적으로 높은 high circuit voltage와 높은 fill factor를 나타내었다. 실험결과 $500^{\circ}C$에서 소결된 전극을 가진 DSSC가 단락의 전압과 개방전류가 상호보완된 적정값을 가져 가장 개선된 FF와 Eff를 나타내었다. 이와 같은 특성은 이산화티타니아의 준위 모식도에서 설명이 될수 있고, 이산화티타니아의 최적의 necking 및 pore, 입자크기등이 제어될수 있음을 의미한다.

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Degradation of a nano-thick Au/Pt bilayered catalytic layer with an electrolyte in dye sensitized solar cells (염료감응태양전지의 Au/Pt 이중 촉매층의 전해질과의 반응에 따른 열화)

  • Noh, Yunyoung;Song, Ohsung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.4013-4018
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    • 2014
  • A 0.45 $cm^2$ DSSC device with a glass/FTO/blocking layer/$TiO_2$/N719(dye)/electrolyte/50 nm-Pt/50 nm-Au/FTO/glass was prepared to examine the stability of the Au/Pt bilayered counter electrode (CE) with electrolyte and the energy conversion efficiency (ECE) of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). For comparison, a 100 nm-thick Pt only CE DSSC was also prepared using the same method. The photovoltaic properties, such as the short circuit current density ($J_{sc}$), open circuit voltage ($V_{oc}$), fill factor (FF), and ECE, were checked using a solar simulator and potentiostat with time after assembling the DSSC. The microstructure of the Au/Pt bilayer was examined by optical microscopy after 0~25 minutes. The ECE of the Pt only CE-employed DSSC was 4.60 %, which did not show time dependence. On the other hand, for the Au/Pt CE DSSC, the ECEs after 0, 5 and 15 minutes were 5.28 %, 3.64 % and 2.09 %, respectively. The corrosion areas of the Au/Pt CE determined by optical microscopy after 0, 5, and 25 minutes were 0, 21.92 and 34.06 %. These results confirmed that the ECE and catalytic activity of Au/Pt CE decreased drastically with time. Therefore, a Au/Pt CE-employed DSSC may be superior to the Pt only CE-employed one immediately after integration of the device, but it would degrade drastically with time.

Manufacturing of mesoporous TiO2 film for dye-sensitized solar cell (염료감응형 태양전지용 나노다공질 TiO$_2$ 전극막의 제조)

  • Lee, Dong-Yoon;Koo, Bo-Kun;Lee, Won-Jae;Song, Jae-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.07a
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    • pp.308-311
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    • 2003
  • The mesoporous TiO2 film for the dye-sensitized solar cell was prepared by the spin coating using nano particle $TiO_2$ slurry. In order to obtain the good dispersion of nano size $TiO_2$ particles in slurry, the pH of solvent, the sort and quantity of solvent additive and the quantity of surfactant were adjusted. The experimental range of pH was $2\;{\sim}\;4$. The basic solvent for slurry was dilute $HNO_3$ and the solvent additives were ethylene glycol, propylene glycol and butylene glycol. The degree of particle dispersion was indirectly estimated by the viscosity of slurry and the microstructure after sintering. As results, the lower the pH of solvent was the lower the viscosity of the slurry became. The addition of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol to dilute $HNO_3$ brought about the lowering of viscosity and the enhancement of stability in slurry. The addition of surfactant lowered the viscosity of slurry. It was possible to obtain the homogeneous and uniformly dispersed mesoporous TiO2 film using the dilute HNO3 solvent of pH 2 with the addition of ethylene glycol, propylene glycol and neutral surfactant.

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Ferroelectric BiFeO3-coated TiO2 Electrodes for Enhanced Photovoltaic Properties of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (강유전체 BiFeO3가 증착된 TiO2 전극을 이용한 염료감응형 태양전지의 효율 향상)

  • Joo, Ho-Yong;Hong, Su Bong;Lee, Hosang;Jeon, Ji Hoon;Park, Bae Ho;Hong, Sung Chul;Choi, Taekjib
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 2013
  • Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) based on titanium dioxide ($TiO_2$) have been extensively studied because of their promising low-cost alternatives to conventional semiconductor based solar cells. DSSCs consist of molecular dye at the interface between a liquid electrolyte and a mesoporous wide-bandgap semiconductor oxide. Most efforts for high conversion efficiencies have focused on dye and liquid electrolytes. However, interface engineering between dye and electrode is also important to reduce recombination and improve efficiency. In this work, for interface engineering, we deposited semiconducting ferroelectric $BiFeO_3$ with bandgap of 2.8 eV on $TiO_2$ nanoparticles and nanotubes. Photovoltaic properties of DSSCs were characterized as a function of thickness of $BiFeO_3$. We showed that ferroelectric $BiFeO_3$-coated $TiO_2$ electrodes enable to increase overall efficiency of DSSCs, which was associated with efficient electron transport due to internal electric field originating from electric polarization. It was suggested that engineering the dye-$TiO_2$ interface using ferroelectric materials as inorganic modifiers can be key parameter for enhanced photovoltaic performance of the cell.

The microstructure evolution and the efficiency of DSSC Counter Electrode with MWCNT addition (카본나노튜브 분산도에 따른 DSSC 상대전극 미세구조와 효율 변화)

  • Yu, Byung-Kwan;Han, Jeung-Jo;Noh, Yun-Young;Jang, Hyun-Chul;Sok, Jung-Hyun;Song, Oh-Sung
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2011.05b
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    • pp.836-839
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    • 2011
  • 염료감응형 태양전지의 상대전극으로 MWCNT(multi-walled carbon nanotube)의 농도 (0.01~0.06g)를 달리하여 FTO(fluorine-doped tin oxide) glass에 분산시켜 상대전극을 만들었다. 그리고 glass/FTO/$TiO_2$/Dye(N719)/electrolyte(C6DMII,GSCN)/MWCNT/FTO/glass 구조를 가진 0.45$cm^2$급 DSSC(dye-sensitized solar cells) 소자를 만들었다. 소자의 미세구조, 분산정도, 광특성은 각각 광학현미경, SEM, source measure unit (Keithley model 2400) 장비를 이용하여 확인하였다. MWCNT 농도 증가와 FTO의 거친 표면형상에 따라 비선형적으로 MWCNT 분산면적이 증가하였고, MWCNT 농도 0.06g일 때 FTO 표면에 전체적으로 MWCNT가 완전히 분산됨을 확인하였다. 소자의 광변환 효율은 MWCNT 분산면적에 비례하는 효율을 보였고, MWCNT 분산농도인 0.06g 일 때 4.49%의 광변환 효율을 얻을 수 있었다.

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Fabrication of Transparent Conductive Oxide-less Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Consisting of Titanium Double Layer Electrodes (이중층 티타늄 전극으로 구성된 TCO-less 염료감응형 태양전지 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Choung-Hwan;Kim, Yun-Gi;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Lee, Hae-June;Lee, Ho-Jun
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.114-118
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    • 2011
  • Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells(DSSCs) consist of a titanium dioxide($TiO_2$) nano film of the photo electrode, dye molecules on the surface of the $TiO_2$ film, an electrolyte layer and a counter electrode. But two transparent conductive oxide(TCO) substrates are estimated to be about 60[%] of the total cost of the DSSCs. Currently novel TCO-less structures have been investigated in order to reduce the cost. In this study, we suggested a TCO-less DSSCs which has titanium double layer electrodes. Titanium double layer electrodes are formed by electron-beam evaporation method. Analytical instruments such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope were used to evaluate the TCO-less DSSCs. As a result, the proposed structure decreases energy conversion efficiency and short-circuit current density compared with the conventional DSSCs structure with FTO glass, while internal series impedance of TCO-less DSSCs using titanium double layer electrodes decreases by 27[%]. Consequently, the fill factor is improved by 28[%] more than that of the conventional structure.

Improving the Performances of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell by the Optimal $TiO_2$ Photoelectrode Thickness and Light-Scattering Enhancement (최적 $TiO_2$ 전극 두께 및 광산란 증가에 의한 염료감응형 태양광전지의 효율 개선)

  • Niu, Zeng Yuan;Kweon, Hyun Kyu;Park, Chang Yong
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells with different thickness of the photelectrode film was simulated by using the electron-diffusion differential model. Through this simulation, the relationships between the thickness of the photoelectrode film and the performances (open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current density, and overall photoelectric-conversion efficiency) of cells were understood and the performances with different thickness of the photoelectrede film were also examined. For considering the refractive index in the liquid electrolyte and exploring the scattering effect of titanium dioxide particles with different sizes using the Mie light-scattering theory, the highest scattering effect of each particles was found out and the optimal size of the titanium dioxide particle was determined for light scattering in the photoelectrode film of dye-sensitized solar cell. Through experiment, the mixed titanium dioxide cell was better than the single titanium dioxide cell and generated a higher overall conversion efficiency because the optimal titanium dioxide particles in the phoelectrode film as light scattering.

A Study on the Improvement of the Dye-sensitized Solar Cell by the Fiber Laser Transparent Conductive Electrode Scribing Technology (파이버 레이저 투명 전극 식각을 통한 염료감응형 태양전지 효율 상승 연구)

  • Son, Min-Kyu;Seo, Hyun-Woong;Shin, In-Young;Kim, Jin-Kyoung;Choi, Jin-Ho;Choi, Seok-Won;Kim, Hee-Je
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.12
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    • pp.2218-2224
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    • 2010
  • Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC) is a promising alternative solar cell to the conventional silicon solar cell due to several advantages. Development of large scale module is necessary to commercialize the DSC in the near future. A scribing technology of the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) is one of the important technologies on the fabrication of DSC module. A quality of the scribed line on the TCO has a decisive effect on the efficiency of DSC module. Among several scribing technologies, the fiber laser is a suitable for scribing the TCO more precisely and accurately because of their own characteristics. In this study, we try to improve the quality of the TCO scribed line by using the fiber laser. Consequently, the operating parameter of fiber laser is optimized to get the TCO scribed line with good quality. And the fiber laser scribing technology of the TCO is applied to the fabrication of the DSC with optimal operating parameter, operating current 3900mA. As a result, the current density and fill factor are improved and the total efficiency is increased because the internal resistances of DSC such as TCO sheet resistance and the resistance concerned to the electron movement in the $TiO_2$ are reduced. This is analyzed by the electrochemistry impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and the equivalent circuit model of the DSC.