• Title/Summary/Keyword: 연산 효율

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An Implementation of an Intelligent Access Point System Based on a Feed Forward Neural Network for Internet of Things (사물인터넷을 위한 신경망 기반의 지능형 액세스 포인트 시스템의 구현)

  • Lee, Youngchan;Lee, SoYeon;Kim, Dae-Young
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2019
  • Various kinds of devices are used for the Internet of Things (IoT) service, and IoT devices mainly use communication technology that uses the frequency of the unlicensed band. There are several types of communication technology in the unlicensed band, but WiFi is most commonly used. Devices used for IoT services vary in computing resources from devices with limited capabilities to smartphones and provide services over wireless networks such as WiFi. Most IoT devices can't perform complex operations for network control, thus they choose a WiFi access point (AP) based on signal strength. This causes a decrease in IoT service efficiency. In this paper, an intelligent AP system that can efficiently control the WiFi connection of the IoT devices is implemented. Based on the network information measured by the IoT device, the access point learns using a feed forward neural network algorithm, and predicts a network connection state to control the WiFi connection. By controlling the WiFi connection at the AP, the service efficiency of the IoT device can be improved.

Performance Improvement of Power Attacks with Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis (부정차분을 이용한 전력분석 공격의 효율 향상*)

  • Kang, Tae-Sun;Kim, Hee-Seok;Kim, Tae-Hyun;Kim, Jong-Sung;Hong, Seok-Hie
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2009
  • In 1998, Kocher et al. introduced Differential Power Attack on block ciphers. This attack allows to extract secret key used in cryptographic primitives even if these are executed inside tamper-resistant devices such as smart card. At FSE 2003 and 2004, Akkar and Goubin presented several masking methods, randomizing the first few and last few($3{\sim}4$) rounds of the cipher with independent random masks at each round and thereby disabling power attacks on subsequent inner rounds, to protect iterated block ciphers such as DES against Differential Power Attack. Since then, Handschuh and Preneel have shown how to attack Akkar's masking method using Differential Cryptanalysis. This paper presents how to combine Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis and Power Attack to extract the secret key from intermediate unmasked values and shows how much more efficient our attacks are implemented than the Handschuh-Preneel method in term of reducing the number of required plaintexts, even if some errors of Hamming weights occur when they are measured.

Development of Left Turn Response System Based on LiDAR for Traffic Signal Control

  • Park, Jeong-In
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.11
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we use a LiDAR sensor and an image camera to detect a left-turning waiting vehicle in two ways, unlike the existing image-type or loop-type left-turn detection system, and a left-turn traffic signal corresponding to the waiting length of the left-turning lane. A system that can efficiently assign a system is introduced. For the LiDAR signal transmitted and received by the LiDAR sensor, the left-turn waiting vehicle is detected in real time, and the image by the video camera is analyzed in real time or at regular intervals, thereby reducing unnecessary computational processing and enabling real-time sensitive processing. As a result of performing a performance test for 5 hours every day for one week with an intersection simulation using an actual signal processor, a detection rate of 99.9%, which was improved by 3% to 5% compared to the existing method, was recorded. The advantage is that 99.9% of vehicles waiting to turn left are detected by the LiDAR sensor, and even if an intentional omission of detection occurs, an immediate response is possible through self-correction using the video, so the excessive waiting time of vehicles waiting to turn left is controlled by all lanes in the intersection. was able to guide the flow of traffic smoothly. In addition, when applied to an intersection in the outskirts of which left-turning vehicles are rare, service reliability and efficiency can be improved by reducing unnecessary signal costs.

Development of 3D Reverse Time Migration Software for Ultra-high-resolution Seismic Survey (초고해상 탄성파 탐사를 위한 3차원 역시간 구조보정 프로그램 개발)

  • Kim, Dae-sik;Shin, Jungkyun;Ha, Jiho;Kang, Nyeon Keon;Oh, Ju-Won
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2022
  • The computational efficiency of reverse time migration (RTM) based on numerical modeling is not secured due to the high-frequency band of several hundred Hz or higher for data acquired through a three-dimensional (3D) ultra-high-resolution (UHR) seismic survey. Therefore, this study develops an RTM program to derive high-quality 3D geological structures using UHR seismic data. In the traditional 3D RTM program, an excitation amplitude technique that stores only the maximum amplitude of the source wavefield and a domain-limiting technique that minimizes the modeling area where the source and receivers are located were used to significantly reduce memory usage and calculation time. The program developed through this study successfully derived a 3D migration image with a horizontal grid size of 1 m for the 3D UHR seismic survey data obtained from the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources in 2019, and geological analysis was conducted.

Exploring the Reliability of an Assessment based on Automatic Item Generation Using the Multivariate Generalizability Theory (다변량일반화가능도 이론을 적용한 자동문항생성 기반 평가에서의 신뢰도 탐색)

  • Jinmin Chung;Sungyeun Kim
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.211-224
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest how to investigate the reliability of the assessment, which consists of items generated by automatic item generation using empirical example data. To achieve this, we analyzed the illustrative assessment data by applying the multivariate generalizability theory, which can reflect the design of responding to different items for each student and multiple error sources in the assessment score. The result of the G-study showed that, in most designs, the student effect corresponding to the true score of the classical test theory was relatively large after residual effects. In addition, in the design where the content domain was fixed, the ranking of students did not change depending on the item types or items. Similarly, in the design where the item format was fixed, the difficulty showed little variation depending on the content domains. The result of the D-study indicated that the original assessment data achieved a sufficient level of reliability. It was also found that higher reliability than the original assessment data could be obtained by reducing the number of items in the content domains of operation, geometry, and probability and statistics, or by assigning higher weights to the domains of letters and formulas, and function. The efficient measurement conditions presented in this study are limited to the illustrative assessment data. However, the method applied in this study can be utilized to determine the reliability and to find efficient measurement conditions for the various assessment situations using automatic item generation based on measurement traits.

A Study on The RFID/WSN Integrated system for Ubiquitous Computing Environment (유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 환경을 위한 RFID/WSN 통합 관리 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Yong-Min;Lee, Jun-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 2012
  • The most critical technology to implement ubiquitous health care is Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) technology which makes use of various sensor technologies, processor integration technology, and wireless network technology-Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)-to easily gather and monitor actual physical environment information from a remote site. With the feature, the USN technology can make the information technology of the existing virtual space expanded to actual environments. However, although the RFID and the WSN have technical similarities and mutual effects, they have been recognized to be studied separately, and sufficient studies have not been conducted on the technical integration of the RFID and the WSN. Therefore, EPCglobal which realized the issue proposed the EPC Sensor Network to efficiently integrate and interoperate the RFID and WSN technologies based on the international standard EPCglobal network. The proposed EPC Sensor Network technology uses the Complex Event Processing method in the middleware to integrate data occurring through the RFID and the WSN in a single environment and to interoperate the events based on the EPCglobal network. However, as the EPC Sensor Network technology continuously performs its operation even in the case that the minimum conditions are not to be met to find complex events in the middleware, its operation cost rises. Moreover, since the technology is based on the EPCglobal network, it can neither perform its operation only for the sake of sensor data, nor connect or interoperate with each information system in which the most important information in the ubiquitous computing environment is saved. Therefore, to address the problems of the existing system, we proposed the design and implementation of USN integration management system. For this, we first proposed an integration system that manages RFID and WSN data based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Secondly, we defined the minimum conditions of the complex events to detect unnecessary complex events in the middleware, and proposed an algorithm that can extract complex events only when the minimum conditions are to be met. To evaluate the performance of the proposed methods we implemented SIP-based integration management system.

A Road Luminance Measurement Application based on Android (안드로이드 기반의 도로 밝기 측정 어플리케이션 구현)

  • Choi, Young-Hwan;Kim, Hongrae;Hong, Min
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2015
  • According to the statistics of traffic accidents over recent 5 years, traffic accidents during the night times happened more than the day times. There are various causes to occur traffic accidents and the one of the major causes is inappropriate or missing street lights that make driver's sight confused and causes the traffic accidents. In this paper, with smartphones, we designed and implemented a lane luminance measurement application which stores the information of driver's location, driving, and lane luminance into database in real time to figure out the inappropriate street light facilities and the area that does not have any street lights. This application is implemented under Native C/C++ environment using android NDK and it improves the operation speed than code written in Java or other languages. To measure the luminance of road, the input image with RGB color space is converted to image with YCbCr color space and Y value returns the luminance of road. The application detects the road lane and calculates the road lane luminance into the database sever. Also this application receives the road video image using smart phone's camera and improves the computational cost by allocating the ROI(Region of interest) of input images. The ROI of image is converted to Grayscale image and then applied the canny edge detector to extract the outline of lanes. After that, we applied hough line transform method to achieve the candidated lane group. The both sides of lane is selected by lane detection algorithm that utilizes the gradient of candidated lanes. When the both lanes of road are detected, we set up a triangle area with a height 20 pixels down from intersection of lanes and the luminance of road is estimated from this triangle area. Y value is calculated from the extracted each R, G, B value of pixels in the triangle. The average Y value of pixels is ranged between from 0 to 100 value to inform a luminance of road and each pixel values are represented with color between black and green. We store car location using smartphone's GPS sensor into the database server after analyzing the road lane video image with luminance of road about 60 meters ahead by wireless communication every 10 minutes. We expect that those collected road luminance information can warn drivers about safe driving or effectively improve the renovation plans of road luminance management.

Index-based Searching on Timestamped Event Sequences (타임스탬프를 갖는 이벤트 시퀀스의 인덱스 기반 검색)

  • 박상현;원정임;윤지희;김상욱
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.468-478
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    • 2004
  • It is essential in various application areas of data mining and bioinformatics to effectively retrieve the occurrences of interesting patterns from sequence databases. For example, let's consider a network event management system that records the types and timestamp values of events occurred in a specific network component(ex. router). The typical query to find out the temporal casual relationships among the network events is as fellows: 'Find all occurrences of CiscoDCDLinkUp that are fellowed by MLMStatusUP that are subsequently followed by TCPConnectionClose, under the constraint that the interval between the first two events is not larger than 20 seconds, and the interval between the first and third events is not larger than 40 secondsTCPConnectionClose. This paper proposes an indexing method that enables to efficiently answer such a query. Unlike the previous methods that rely on inefficient sequential scan methods or data structures not easily supported by DBMSs, the proposed method uses a multi-dimensional spatial index, which is proven to be efficient both in storage and search, to find the answers quickly without false dismissals. Given a sliding window W, the input to a multi-dimensional spatial index is a n-dimensional vector whose i-th element is the interval between the first event of W and the first occurrence of the event type Ei in W. Here, n is the number of event types that can be occurred in the system of interest. The problem of‘dimensionality curse’may happen when n is large. Therefore, we use the dimension selection or event type grouping to avoid this problem. The experimental results reveal that our proposed technique can be a few orders of magnitude faster than the sequential scan and ISO-Depth index methods.hods.

Future Development of Genetics and the Broiler (BROILER 육종기술의 전망)

  • 오봉국
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1981
  • In trying to predict the effect of genetics on the broiler in the year 2000, this is a relatively short period of time as far as broiler genetics in concerned. Modern broiler genetics started around 1945 and tremendous gains when made in past 35 years. Futher improvements on broiler will depend on the evolution and revolution: 1. Evolution: (1) Growth rate has been made 4-5% per year. (2) Feed conversion has improved approximately 1% per year. (3) Abdominal fat is becoming a major complaint in broiler. (4) Because of the changing life-style, broiler meat sales in the future will be more and more in cut-up form. (5) Breeding for stress resistance and selection for docile temperament can be important in order to funker improve fled efficiency. (6) In female parent stock, reproduction characteristics are in many can negatively correlated with the desired broiler traits. (7) Egg production and hatchability in moot commercial parent nod m at a fairly high level. (8) In male parent stock, the heavier and mon super-meat-type male lines are desired to Product better broilers. 2. Revolution: Trying to forecast revolutionary change in broiler genetics is highly speculative, as sudden change are aften unpredictable. (1) Species hybridization, such as a turkey-chicken cross (2) Biochemical tools, such as blood typing. (3) Mutation breeding by radiation or chemical mutagentia. (4) Broiler breeding would be to change the phenotypic appearance by single gene, such as naked, wingless. (5) Changes in production techniques. such as growing in cage or growing in filtered air positive pressure houses.

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Adaptive Data Hiding Techniques for Secure Communication of Images (영상 보안통신을 위한 적응적인 데이터 은닉 기술)

  • 서영호;김수민;김동욱
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.5C
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    • pp.664-672
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    • 2004
  • Widespread popularity of wireless data communication devices, coupled with the availability of higher bandwidths, has led to an increased user demand for content-rich media such as images and videos. Since such content often tends to be private, sensitive, or paid for, there exists a requirement for securing such communication. However, solutions that rely only on traditional compute-intensive security mechanisms are unsuitable for resource-constrained wireless and embedded devices. In this paper, we propose a selective partial image encryption scheme for image data hiding , which enables highly efficient secure communication of image data to and from resource constrained wireless devices. The encryption scheme is invoked during the image compression process, with the encryption being performed between the quantizer and the entropy coder stages. Three data selection schemes are proposed: subband selection, data bit selection and random selection. We show that these schemes make secure communication of images feasible for constrained embed-ded devices. In addition we demonstrate how these schemes can be dynamically configured to trade-off the amount of ded devices. In addition we demonstrate how these schemes can be dynamically configured to trade-off the amount of data hiding achieved with the computation requirements imposed on the wireless devices. Experiments conducted on over 500 test images reveal that, by using our techniques, the fraction of data to be encrypted with our scheme varies between 0.0244% and 0.39% of the original image size. The peak signal to noise ratios (PSNR) of the encrypted image were observed to vary between about 9.5㏈ to 7.5㏈. In addition, visual test indicate that our schemes are capable of providing a high degree of data hiding with much lower computational costs.