• Title/Summary/Keyword: 언어모형

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A Study on Methods of Digitalization of Older Oriental Books by Using XML (XML을 활용한 고문헌의 원문디지털화 방안에 대한 연구 - 고문헌을 위한 DTD개발을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.171-201
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    • 2003
  • This article is a study on methods of digitalization for older oriental books using XML (extensible Markup Language) proposed as a standard for Web documents by W3C in 1996. In this paper, to digitalize older books, 1 designed the XML DTD(Document Type Definition) for general older oriental books and input the texts of the older books on the basis of the XML DTD, examined the problems and limitations in light of the technical level these days, and established the model of the system for using XML files of older oriental books at a national level in the future.

Development of Integrated Environment for Optimum Design Using Motif (모티프를 이용한 최적설계 통합환경 개발)

  • Lim, O-Kang;Cho, Heon;Kim,Young-Hyun;Lee, Byung-Woo
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 1996
  • An integrated environment for optimum design has been developed using Motif. The integrated environment is composed of the preprocessor, the postprocessor and the optimization part. The preprocessor is part of making a finite element model for optimum structural design and the postprocessor displays results of optimum design and the optimization part is the part which execute optimization. It is designed to reduce user's difficulties in structural optimum design. It used Graphic User Interface for the concurrent representation of various inputs and outputs through the dialog box, mouse and keyboard. Structural optimum design can be done easily through dialog box, menu, concurrent representation of modeling process and results of structural optimum design can be understood easily through stress contour, deformed model and graph of cost function.

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A Structured Markup Language for the Object-Oriented Representation and Management of Decision Models on the Web (웹상에서의 의사결정모형의 객체지향적 표현과 관리를 위한 구조적 마크업 언어)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Do
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 1998
  • The explosive growth of the Web is providing end-users access to ever-increasing volumes of information. The resources of legacy systems and relational databases have also been made available to the Web browser, which has become an essential business tool. Recently, model management on the Internet/Web is also proposed with its conceptual design or prototypical system like DecisionNet and DSS Web. However, they are also suffering from the same symptoms as the Web, Although we can identify the elements of a page with HTML tags and (declare) the relationships among the various document elements, they are semantically opaque to computer systems and have no domain-specific meaning. However, HTML is not extensible, so developers are forced to invent convoluted, non-standard solutions for embedding and parsing data. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a simplified subset of SGML that has many benefits for folks who want to improve structure, maintainability, searchability, presentation, and other aspects of their document management. This paper proposes a structured markup language for model representation and management on the Web as an XML application. The language is based on a conceptual modeling framework, Object-Oriented Structured Modeling (OOSM), which is an extension of the structured modeling.

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Prioritization for Water Storage Increase of Agricultural Reservoir using FAHP Method (FAHP 기법에 의한 농업용저수지의 추가저수량 확보사업 우선순위 결정)

  • Choi, Eun Hyuk;Bae, Sang Soo;Jee, Hong Kee
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents the application of fuzzy set theory in multi criteria decision making (MCDM). FAHP (Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process) method was used to rank alternatives to find the most reasonable and efficient way of agricultural reservoir water resources assessment. 6 criteria and 10 subcriteria had been identified and compared to secure agricultural water resources. Fuzzy numbers and linguistic variables were presented to address inherently uncertain or imprecise data. Comparison analysis of decision making method was also carried out to find a way of suitable decision making and validity of FAHP was discussed.

The Application of 1-Dimensional Diffusers in Classroom Acoustics (1차 단순 확산체를 적용한 교실음향설계)

  • Choi, Young-Ji
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the effect of treating 1-dimensional diffusers on the classroom acoustics was investigated to determine if the diffuser are beneficial for performing the preferred acoustical conditions for speech. A 1/10 scale model of a classroom was used to measure the acoustical parameters, T30, $C_{50}$, STI and SNR in that room. The room acoustical conditions were varied by treating diffusers either on the front or side walls of the classroom. When the diffusers were treated on the side walls around the student's areas, a shorter reverberation time at low frequencies was obtained and resulted in performing uniform reverberation times across the frequency bands. The $C_{50}$ values at mid- and high-frequencies were increased by treating the diffusers either on front or side wall surfaces. The highest STI and SNR values were obtained when the diffuser was treated on the front wall around the teacher's areas. It is found that diffusers are beneficial to increase the intelligibility of speech for the rear seats of the rooms.

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M-MOM : A Message Oriented Middleware Service for Mobile Clients (M-MOM;이동 클라이언트를 위한 메시지 지향 미들웨어 서비스)

  • Baek, Gwang-Jin;Kim, Tae-Yun
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.247-262
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    • 1999
  • 이동 컴퓨팅 환경의 특징은 대역폭의 제약과 잦은 접속의 단절이다. 앞으로 이동 컴퓨팅에 대한 요구는 증가할 것이며 이동 컴퓨팅 환경을 극복할 수 있고 동적으로 적응할 수 있는 서비스를 필요로 한다. RPC(Remote Procedure Call)는 동기적이며 믈록(block)상태를 유발시키는 통신 구조로 분산 응용 프로그램을 작성하기 위한 환경을 제공한다. M-RPC(Mobile RPC) 는 RPC를 이동 컴퓨팅 환경에 맞도록 확장한 것이다. MOM(Message Oriented Middleware)은 분산 통신을 위한 미들웨어로서 분산 프로세스들간에 동기적 또는 비동기적 상호 작용을 지원하는 peer-to-peer 분산 컴퓨팅 모형으로 특징지워진다. 본 논문은 기존 MOM 시스템을 기반으로 하여 이동 컴퓨팅 환경을 지원하는 M-MOM(Mobile-MOM) 시스템을 제안하고 자바 언어로 구현하여 성능을 평가한다. M-MOM 환경에서 이동 호스트(mobile host)에서 실행되는 응용 프로그램과 고정 호스트(fixed host)에서 실행되는 메시지 큐 관리자는 베이스 스테이션(Base Station)에서 실행되는 메시지 에이전트를 통해 메시지 큐 관리자와 동적으로 연결된다. 비동기적인 서비스를 지원하는 M-MOM은 동기적인 서비스만을 지원하는 M-RPC 보다 이동 컴퓨팅 환경을 보다 효과적으로 극복할 수 있는 서비스를 지원한다.

System Realization of Whale Sound Reconstruction (고래 사운드 재생 시스템 구현)

  • Chong, Ui-Pil;Jeon, Seo-Yun;Hong, Jeong-Pil
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.145-150
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    • 2019
  • We develop the system realization of whale sound reconstruction by inverse MFCC algorithm with the weighted L2-norm minimization techniques. The output products from this research will contribute to the whale tourism and multimedia content industry by combining whale sound contents with the prototype of 3D printing. First of all, we develop the softwares for generating whale sounds and install them into Raspberry Pi hardware and fasten them inside a 3D printed whale. The languages used in the development of this system are the C++ for whale-sounding classification, MATLAB and Python for whale-sounding playback algorithm, and Rhino 6 for 3D printing.

Modification and Representation of a Standardized River Data Tranformation Format based on ADCP Measurements (ADCP 기반 하천자료 표준 전송포맷 개선 및 표출기술 개발)

  • You, Hojun;Kim, Dongsu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.161-161
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    • 2015
  • 최근 정보화 기술의 발달로 다양하고 방대한 정보들이 집적되고 있으며, 다양한 분야에서 집적된 자료의 활용성에 대한 관심이 보이고 있다. 특히, 수자원분야에서는 ADCP와 같은 최신 계측기법으로 확보되고 있는 방대한 양의 하천의 유속 및 하상 등의 자료를 수집, 저장, 처리, 검색하고자 하는 요구가 증가하고 있다. ADCP를 이용하여 유속을 계측할 경우, 재래식 계측 방법인 봉부자를 이용한 방법, 프로펠러유속계를 이용하는 방법에 비해 빠르고 정밀한 자료를 수집할 수 있는 장점이 있지만 계측자료의 양이 방대해짐에 따라 자료의 저장, 관리와 처리가 힘든 단점이 있어 ADCP를 이용한 자료의 저장 및 관리 처리를 자동화하는 소프트웨어에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있다.이러한 상황에 맞춰 수자원 발전을 위한 미국 대학 협력단체인 CUAHSI(Consortium of University for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science)에서는 수자원정보화시스템(Hydrologic Information System; HIS)의 구축하기 위해 표준화된 수자원 관측자료 데이터베이스 구조인 ODM(Observation Data Model)을 개발한 바 있다. 최근에는 하천 단면과 같은 하천 측정자료를 송수신할 경우 사용할 수 있는 표준 자료 프로토콜인 RiverML을 개발하여 Beta 버전을 제공하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 하천 자료 및 모형의 공유를 목적으로 HydroShare의 일환인 수자원 관측자료 중 하천자료의 전송용 언어인 RiverML과 하천의 시공간적 수리동역학적 자료 구조인 Arc River를 기반으로 ADCP의 계측자료를 RiverML로 변환하는 기술과 변환된 결과를 토대로 2차원 및 3차원으로 표출하는 GIS기반 소프트웨어를 개발하였다.

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A Case Study on the Development of Programming Subjects Using Flipped Learning (플립드러닝을 활용한 프로그래밍 교과목 개발 사례 연구)

  • Won-Whoi Huh
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.215-221
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    • 2023
  • If the C++ programming class, an object-oriented language capable of modeling similar to the real world, is developed as a curriculum that introduces the flipped learning model, students' active problem-solving skills can be cultivated. In this subject development case, it is significant that the flipped learning technique was applied to the programming class and was effective in improving students' active problem-solving skills. First, the lectures in the 4th session were divided into Pre-Class, In-Class, and Post-Class, and the class was conducted in a way that suggested class goals suitable for the subject and formed a team to discuss. At the end of the lecture, a follow-up survey was conducted to check whether the learners learned effectively.

New Tool to Simulate Microbial Contamination of on-Farm Produce: Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation (재배단계 농산물의 안전성 모의실험을 위한 개체기반 프로그램 개발)

  • Han, Sanghyun;Lee, Ki-Hoon;Yang, Seong-Gyu;Kim, Hwang-Yong;Kim, Hyun-Ju;Ryu, Jae-Gee
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to develop an agent-based computing platform enabling simulation of on-farm produce contamination by enteric foodborne pathogens, which is herein called PPMCS (Preharvest Produce Microbial Contamination Simulator). Also, fecal contamination of preharvest produce was simulated using PPMCS. Although Agent-based Modeling and Simulation, the tool applied in this study, is rather popular in where socio-economical human behaviors or ecological fate of animals in their niche are to be predicted, the incidence of on-farm produce contamination which are thought to be sporadic has never been simulated using this tool. The agents in PPMCS including crop, animal as a source of fecal contamination, and fly as a vector spreading the fecal contamination are given their intrinsic behaviors that are set to be executed at certain probability. Once all these agents are on-set following the intrinsic behavioral rules, consequences as the sum of all the behaviors in the system can be monitored real-time. When fecal contamination of preharvest produce was simulated in PPMCS as numbers of animals, flies, and initially contaminated plants change, the number of animals intruding cropping area affected most on the number of contaminated plants at harvest. For further application, the behaviors and variables of the agents are adjustable depending on user's own scenario of interest. This feature allows PPMCS to be utilized in where different simulating conditions are tested.