• Title/Summary/Keyword: 압력 교환

검색결과 154건 처리시간 0.019초

An Experimental Study on Factors Affecting the Leachability of Cs-137 in Cement Matrix and Leaching Model with Backfill (시멘트 고화체내 Cs-137의 침출능에 영향을 미치는 인자에 대한 실험적 연구와 뒷채움재를 고려한 침출 모델)

  • Park, Jong-Kil;Lee, Kun-Jai
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.374-386
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    • 1991
  • Various factors affecting the teachability of Cs-137 in cement matrix have been investigated. Factors investigated include such as pressure curing, vibration curing, pressure leaching, the effect of the clay addition, ion-exchange resin(IRN-77) addition, and $CO_2$or air injection. Leaching experiments were conducted by the method recommended by IAEA. To analyze the experimental results, pore structure analysis of cement matrices was carried out by BET method. Cement matrices may not contact directly with underground water in real repository, since the surroundings of disposed drums are filled with backfill. Thus, the effect of backfill to the teachability has been investigated. The well-known diffusion theory was utilized to predict long term leach rate and cumulative fraction leached of Cs-137 or non-radioactive species.

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Decrease of Intracellular pH and Activation of $Na^+-H^+$ Exchanger by Fluid Pressure in Rat Ventricular Myocytes (유체 압력에 의한 흰쥐 심실근세포 pH의 감소 및 $Na^+-H^+$ 교환체의 활성화)

  • Kim, Joon-Chul;Woo, Sun-Hee
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.247-250
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    • 2011
  • An increase in ventricular pressure can alter cardiac excitation and contraction. Recent report has demonstrated that fluid pressure (FP) suppresses L-type $Ca^{2+}$ current with acceleration of the current inactivation in ventricular myocytes. Since the L-type $Ca^{2+}$ channels known to be regulated by intracellular pH ($pH_i$), this study was designed to explore whether pressurized fluid flow affects pHi in isolated rat ventricular myocytes. A flow of pressurized (~16 dyne/$cm^2$) fluid, identical to that bathing the myocytes, was applied onto single myocytes, and intracellular $H^+$ concentration was monitored using confocal $H^+$ imaging. FP significantly decreased $pH_i$ by $0.07{\pm}0.01$ pH units (n=16, P<0.01). Intracellular acidosis enhances the activity of $Na^+-H^+$ exchanger (NHE). Therefore, we examined if the NHE activity is increased by FP using the NHE inhibitor, HOE642. Although HOE642 did not alter $pH_i$ in control conditions, it decreased $pH_i$ in cells pre-exposed to FP, suggesting enhancement of NHE activity by FP. In addition, FP-induced intracellular acidosis was larger in cells pre-treated with HOE642 than in cells under the control conditions. These results suggest that FP induces intracellular acidosis and that NHE may contribute to extrude $H^+$ during the FP-induced acidosis in rat ventricular myocytes.

An Experimental Study of Evaporative Heat Exchangers with Mini-channels (물의 증발잠열을 이용하는 미니채널 열교환기의 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Hyung-Ju;Yoo, Young-June;Min, Seong-Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 한국추진공학회 2010년도 제35회 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.245-253
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    • 2010
  • The present study shows some results of developing evaporative heat exchangers with mini-channels. Heat exchangers with three different water paths were manufactured and tested to compare performances of cooling and pressure drop. Among the three types of heat exchangers, Type 2 with full-etching was proved to be the best in the cooling performances for considered operating conditions, and thus it is recommended to adopt Type 2 for its simplicity of production and outstanding performance. However, Type 1 was shown to be better when it is operated at a high air inlet temperature condition. The developed evaporative heat exchanger will be installed in Environmental Control Systems(ECSs) for aerial vehicles, and it can be used effectively in case an ECS is not only limited in its weight and volume but also required to absorb heats without supplying water (or a coolant) for a certain period of time.

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Study on the Heat Transfer Characteristic of Metallic Foam (발포금속의 열전달 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Pil-Hwan;Jin, Mei-Hua;Kim, Young-Jin;Jeong, Hyo-Min;Chung, Han-Shik
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 대한설비공학회 2008년도 동계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.618-623
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    • 2008
  • To enhancement heat transfer performance, the metallic foam as heat exchanger was studied rapidly. This was attributed to its high surface area to volume ratio as well as intensive flow mixing by tortuous flow passages. So the experimental study about the heat transfer characteristic of metallic foam is presented in this paper. The material in this experiment was used as FeCrAl which has density of 10 ppi, 20 ppi and 30 ppi respectively. And the results show the heat transfer is rise with permeability Reynolds number increase and the pressure drop metallic foam was increased with the ppi increase.

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A Study on the Measurement of Thermal conductivity of Vertical Borehole heat Exchanger (수직형 지중열교환기 열전도도 측정기술에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Lee, Euy-Joon;Chang, Ki-Chang;Kang, Eun-Chul
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 대한설비공학회 2008년도 동계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2008
  • The heat exchange between the Borehole Heat Exchanger(BHE) and the surrounding ground depends directly on ground thermal conductivity k at the certain site. The k is thus a key parameter in designing BHE and coupled geothermal heat pump systems. Currently, although a thermal hydraulic response test(TRT) is mostly used in practice, the thermal hydraulic TRT needs additional power and is generally time-consuming. A new, simple wireless P/T probe for a hi-speed k determination was introduced in this paper. This technique using a wireless P/T probe is less time-consuming and requires no external source of energy for measurement and predicts local thermal properties by measuring soil temperatures along the depth. Measured temperature data along the depth was analyzed. In order to verify the new technique for the determination of ground thermal conductivity, ground thermal conductivity k that calculated from the measured temperature data using a wireless P/T probe was compared with one obtained from conventional hydraulic TRT. When comparing the average k of two methods, the relative error was approximately 10%. As a result, the electronic TRT can replace the conventional hydraulic TRT method after carrying out the additional research on a lot of sites.

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Preparation of Pore-filled Ion-exchange Membranes using Poly(vinylbenzyl ammoninum salt) (Poly(vinylbenzyl ammonium salt)를 이용한 Pore-filled 이온교환막의 제조)

  • 변홍식
    • Membrane Journal
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2001
  • Pore-filled ion-exchange membranes in which polypropylene(PP) microporous membrane was used as a nascent membrane were prepared by an in-situ cross-linking technique. Poly(vinylbenzyl chloride)(PVBCI) reacted with piperazine(PIP) or 1,4-diaminobicyclo[2,2,2]octane(DABCO) in a di-methylforamide(DMF) solution was filled in the pores of the microporous base membrane. After gellation the remaining chloromethyl groups were, then reacted with an amine such as trimethylamine to form positively charged, ammonium site. This will produce the pore-filled anion-exchange membrane. It was shown that this simple 2 step procedure gave dimensionally stable, pore-filled membranes in which the MG of polymer gel and degree of cross-linking could be easily controlled by the concentration of PVBCI and cross-linker in the starting DMF solution. Specially, high water permeability (7.8 kg/$m^2$hr, host membrane: PP3, MG: 73%, degree of cross-linking: 10%, crosslinker: PIP) at ultra low pressure(100 kPa) indicates the produced pore-filled membranes is usable as a water softening membrane.

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Performance Characteristics of Vehicle Air Conditioning System Using Internal Heat Exchanger with Inner Fin (휜 타입 내부열교환기 적용에 따른 차량용 냉방시스템 성능 특성)

  • Kim, Sung Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2013
  • Internal heat exchanger (IHX) apparatus using the temperature difference between high and low pressure lines in vehicle air conditioning system is a good method to enhance the cooling performance. In this study, we designed various double-pipe internal heat exchangers which have inner fins between the internal pipe and external pipe. We also measured the performance characteristic (pressure drop, cooling capacity, compressor work and coefficient of performance (COP)) of the modified internal heat exchangers that had the change of the fin height and the inside shape of the internal pipe. This experimental results indicated that the liner and serration type internal heat exchanger was the best cooling performance. In addition, the air conditioning system with the liner and serration type internal heat exchanger showed the improved performances of about 6.4% and 9.2%, respectively, for the cooling capacity and COP.

Composite Membrane Preparation for Low Pressure Using Salting-Out Method and Its Application to Nanofiltration Process (염석법에 의한 저압용 역삼투막 제조 및 NF로의 적용)

  • Jeon, Yi Seul;Rhim, Ji Won
    • Membrane Journal
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.440-446
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    • 2015
  • Nanofiltration composite membranes were prepared through the ion exchange polymers coating onto the porous microfiltration polyethylene (PE) membrane surfaces the salting-out and phase separated and pressurization (PSP) methods. The existence of coating on the surfaces was confirmed by the scanning electronic microscopy. The resulting membranes were characterized under the various conditions, such as the coating material, coating time, ionic strength etc., in terms of flux and rejection for NaCl 100 ppm solution. Under the same coating conditions of 10,000 ppm coating solution concentration and 3 atm coating pressure for both the coating materials of PEI and PSSA_MA, the flux 91.2 LMH and rejection 64.6% were obtained for PEI whereas 122.7 LMH and 38.1% were observed for PSSA_MA. From this study, it may be concluded that the composite membrane preparation is possible.

The Semiosis of the Body in Modern Asian Cinema - A Comparative Study of Apichatpong Weerasethakul and Tsai Ming Liang Film (현대 아시아 영화에 나타난 몸의 기호작용 연구 - 아피찻퐁 위라세타쿤과 차이밍량의 영화를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ho Young
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • 제51권
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    • pp.133-160
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    • 2018
  • The films of Apichatpong Weerasethakul and Tsai Ming Liang expose one of the main features of modern Asian cinema: corporality. In their films, the various emotions of characters are expressed and exchanged through the body, not the language, so their film world is a world in which language has lost its function and symbolic order has collapsed. In Apichatpong Weerasethakul and Tsai Ming Liang movies, body language plays a more important role than general language. t=The body performs semiosis, pointing to wildness, anti-civilization, rite, alienation, illusion, etc. At the root of this variety of semiosis is the common denial of Western material civilization which has been rapidly transplanted in modern Asian countries. In addition, while the body of the two directors' films are seen as a sign of wildness, or anti-civilization that contains the intention of escaping from the oppressive and inhuman modern civilization, the body as a sign of illusion, and embraces the will of resistance to civilization. The illusion of experience in their films is ultimately a manifestation of the will to resist the physical and emotional pressures of reality and to continue the irrational persistence.

A Comparison of Performance on the Orthogonal and Refraction Heat Exchanger Shape in Air Ventilation System (환기시스템의 굴절 및 평판형 열교환기 형상에 따른 성능비교)

  • Hyeon, Hyeong-Ho;Jeong, Byeong-Ho;Kim, Ji-won;Lee, Kang-yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • 제10권7호
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    • pp.281-287
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    • 2019
  • Application of heat recovery system applying air supply and cexhaust ventilation device essential in energy management system for the optimum ventilation system utilization and energy saving. This is a key element of infrastructure technology for high-efficiency energy buildings, because it can save heating and cooling energy in winter and summer. In this paper, heat transfer efficiency was simulated using paper, plastic, and aluminum materials that was examined to compare heat exchanger performance under uniform flow conditions. We tested heat transfer efficiengy according to the shape of two of that, one is orthogonal and the other is refraction shape. Based on the simulation results, it is expected to contribute to the production of high performance heat exchanger with heat transfer performance and pressure loss.