• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안전행동에 대한 태도

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  • Jung, Ji-Hye;Park, Ki-Tae
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.337-344
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    • 2001
  • The combination of chloral hydrate and hydroxyzine is one of the safest and most commonly used drug regimens for sedating young, uncooperative pediatric dental patients. The continuous monitoring of respiratory function and early recognition of respiratory difficulties are essential for the successful management of sedated dental patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the success rate of the sedation and the hypoxia through monitoring the oxygen desaturation in the pulse oximeter in pediatric dental patients sedated with 60mg/kg chloral hydrate and 25mg hydroxyzine. The following results were obtained : 1. The success rate of the sedation was 69.6% and there was no statistically significant difference among the groups based on the ages, weight and duration of the operative time. 2. Forty two percentage of the sedated patients showed the temporary hypoxia state and there was no statistically significant difference based on the ages and weights of the patients. But there was a statistically significant difference on the duration of the operative time.

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  • Kim, Hyun-Sik;Lee, Chang-Seop;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety depending on the route of flumazenil, as an antagonist against midazolam. The subjects of this study were 15 volunteers of $22{\sim}24$ years old. They were sedated with midazolam 0.2mg/Kg intranasal spray, and then 40 minutes after midazolam administration, they were given flumazenil 0.2mg intranasal spray for their reversal. For evaluation of the efficacy and safety of intranasal spray for flumazenil, they were monitored with pulse-oxymeter(Nellcor symphony N-3000, Nellcor Puritan CO. USA) and electric sphygmomanometer (Heartcare 200, National CO. Japan), and were assessed themselves using visual analogue scale(VAS) for tranquilization, sleep, fatigue and attitude. All of these subjects were reduced completely without any undesired situations. The results from this study can be summarized as follows ; 1. Nasaly administered flumazenil using spray device produced much more rapid reduction than intravenously administered flumazenil, but soon after fell in more deep sedated state than intravenously administered flumazenil. 2. There were no considerable side effects or bad influence on vital signs of both nasaly administered flumazenil and intravenously administered flumazenil. These results suggested that the flumazenil administered nasaly using spray device for reversal, we could treat patients safely and effectively under conscious sedation using midazolam administration. But, We will have to research about its optimal dosages for flumazenil, used as intranasal spray for reversal agents against the midazolam by evaluating the blood plasma concentration of midazolam and flumazenil.

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  • Lee, Jong-Tae;Lee, Keung-Ho;Park, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2005
  • Cnidii Rhizoma (CR) was subjected to extraction with 70% methanol and tested to determine whether it has anxiolytic activity in mouse by employing staircase and rotarod tests. In addition, to understand the mechanism of anxiolytic action, CR, picrotoxin, yohimbine, isoniazid and strychnine were utilized to deliniate the potential involvement of GABA and glycine receptors in the action of Cnidii Rhizoma. To gain insights into the safety of Cnidii Rhizoma extract, behavioral and MTT tests were carried out. The results were obtained as follows: 1. CR extract had little effect on climbing numbers in the stair case test. 2. CR extract had considerable anti-anxiety effects as evidenced by the reduction of rearing numbers in the stair case test. 3. CR extract had little effect on muscle relaxation. 4. Anxiolytic actions of CR extract appeared to be mediated by glycine receptor activation. 5. Cytotoxicity in the neuronal cell was not observed and no strange behaviors were found. In short, these results indicate that CR extract has the ability to exert anxiolytic activity, possibly by activating glycine receptor with little side effects in mouse.

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Effects on the Students' Eating Behavior by Education of Food and Nutrition Section in Middle School (중학교 식생활단원교육이 학생들의 식행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Joon-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Community Living Science Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.81-81
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    • 2009
  • 중학교 식생활 단원 교육은 신체적 성장이 왕성한 청소년기에 접어진 학생들이 올바른 식생활을 하여 건강 유지 및 정상적인 성장발달을 하는데에 꼭 필요한 내용이다. 그리하여 본 연구에서는 학생들이 식생활단원 교육을 통해 교육내용의 활용정도나 전반적인 식생활 태도에 미치는 영향을 조사하고자 대전지역에 소재하는 4개 중학교 3학년 학생을 대상으로 2008년 12월 5일~16일까지 설문지조사를 실시하였다. 조사대상자의 성별은 여학생이 48.9%, 남학생이 51.1%이고 학생들의 부모의 연령은 40-49세가 각각 81.4%, 86.7%를 차지하고 부모의 직업에서 아버지는 사무직(34.4%)이 가장 많고 어머니는 가정주부가 44.5%로 가장 많았다. 부모의 학력은 대부분 고졸이상이며 가족형태는 핵가족이 90.5%이고 부모의 한 달 총수입은 500만 원 이상이 32.6%로 가장 많았다. 식생활단원 교육 후에 식생활에 대한 관심정도는 '관심이 생긴 편이다'(36.4%), '그저 그렇다'(33.8%)가 많았고 남 여 학생의 경향이 비슷하였다. 교육 후 가장 변화된 점은 '간단한 조리를 할 수 있게 되었다' 가 38.6%로 가장 높은 반면 '아무 변화가 없다'도 34.4%나 되었다. 식생활 태도에서는 5점 likert 점수에서 '식사시간이 규칙적이다'(3.36), '골고루 섭취한다'(3.39), '식사준비를 돕는다'(3.07)에서 보통 이상의 점수로 양호한데, 한편 '내가 먹은 음식의 영양분과 열량에 관해 알고 있다'가 2.57로 잘 모르는 편이고 '다이어트 보조음식이나 약을 먹는다'가 1.48로 그렇지 않은 편이었다. 식생활단원의 활용도에서는 5점 likert 점수에서 '성분과 유통기한을 확인한다'(3.93), '간단한 음식을 직접 만들 수 있다'(3.80)가 높은 점수이었고, 남학생이 여학생보다 '성분과 유통기한 확인한다'(P<.01), '조리기구는 안전하고 위생적으로 사용할 수 있다'(P<.05)에서 유의적으로 높았다. 이 활용도에 대한 학생들의 가정환경과의 상관성에서는 부모의 학력이 고졸 이상에서 중졸이하보다 유의적으로 높았고(P<.001), 부모의 직업의 경우, 아버지가 무직인 경우, 어머니가 가정주부인 경우에 직업을 가진 부모의 학생들에 비하여 유의적으로 활용도가 낮았다(P<.01). 부모의 한 달 총수입과의 상관성에서는 400~500만원 미만의 경우에 다른수준보다 유의적으로 활용도가 높았다(P<.05). 따라서 식생활단원 교육에 의해 변화가 없는 학생들도 상당히 많아 교육방법의 개선이 필요하며 그 활용도가 가정환경과 상관성이 있음을 파악할 수 있었다.

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An Empirical Study on the Structural Relationships among Perceived Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Quality in Liner Shipping Companies - Focused on Freight Forwarder - (정기선사에 대한 지각된 서비스품질, 고객만족 및 관계질간의 구조적 관계에 관한 실증연구 - 운송주선인을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Young-Ro
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.147-167
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the components and verify the relationship among service quality, customer satisfaction and relationship quality in liner shipping company. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, literature survey related to service quality, customer satisfaction, relationship quality was carried out and took an empirical analysis by the use of questionnaire method for employees in international freight forwarders. The final results are as follows; First, correlations between service quality and customer satisfaction are found to be positive. But service quality component of tangibles and responsiveness with customer satisfaction are not to be positive. Second, as the other study on the similar logistics industries, the correlation between customer satisfaction and relationship quality is found to be positive in this study.

Literature Review of Therapeutic Milieu of Psychiatric Patient and Suggestion for Changing Environment of Psychiatric Wards in Korea (치료적 환경에 대한 문헌적 고찰 및 정신과병동 환경변화에 대한 몇가지 제언)

  • Lee, So-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.80-90
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    • 1976
  • 정신과 영역의 환자를 위해 간호원의 역활을 필요로 한 이래 여러 가지 간호의 개념으로 간호원의 역할이 변화되어오고 있다. 정신과 환자의 안전만이 가장 큰 치료의 중심일 때는 병동열쇠의 위엄에 곁따라 보호관리에만 치중해 왔으며 정신의학에서 약물요법, 전기요법의 치료과정이 생기면서 간호원의 역할 변화 및 지식의 요구를 필요로 하게 되었으며, 환경과 개인의 밀접한 관계를 중시해오면서 치료적 환경속으로 환자의 인간적 치료가 강조되었을 때 의사소통과 대인관계의 인적 환경으로써 또한 간호원의 역활이 중요시 되어왔다. 이런 관점에서 치료적 환경에 대한 정확한 이해는 간호행위과정의 불완전을 제거하며 보다 활발한 정신과 환자간호에 기여하는 일 일 것이다. DR. Bartom은 병실 환경이 비생산적이고 비 치료적일때 성격의 변화는 물론 행동적 특성의 변화까지 가져올 수 있다고 말했다. 즉 무감동적이고, 무조건적 순종이 있으며 솔선하여 행하는 행위가 줄고 장래 계획에 대한 자극이 줄어들고 될대로 되어 가는 상태 그 자체에 머물러 있어 인간의 특징적 의미와 가치를 상실하게 된다는 것이다. 정신과 병실은 잠정적 체류지로 보아야 하겠고 이 체류지에서의 영향이 환자에게 보다 유익하게 끼칠려면 간호원이 지속적으로 치료적 분위기를 유지해야 할 것이다. 치료적 입장으로서의 간호의 활동 초점은 대인관계에서 환자의 의식수준과 자아관련 수준에서의 취급이 무의식 수준에서의 탐구조사보다 바람직하다. 치료적 가치로써 치료적 환경의 이론적 근거를 DR. Sullivan 은 인간의 상호관련 문제에 두고 있다. 즉 상호작용이 존재하는 환경은 어떠한 곳이든 성격에 영향이 있고 이 성격은 대인관계의 복잡성으로부터 결코 떨어질 수 없다는 얘기다. 자아구성 또한 환경의 영향을 받는데 Cumming은 병동환경과 자아구성 재동기간에 밀접성을 시사한바 있다. Visher와 O'sullivan은 정신과적 치료중에서 일상생활에서 경험되어지는 의사소통과 대인관계속에서 학습되어지는 여러 가지가 있기 때문에 매일의 활동획이 치료적 방향으로 계획되어 져야 한다고 말했다. Maxwell Jones 또한 치료적 환경의 유용한 가동은 전 직원의 기여에 있으며 이는 정신건강을 최적으로 올려 줄 것이다. 라고 말했다. 이러한 상황에서 간호원은 의미 없이 환자의 감정 욕구를 깨닫지 못하고 감정지지를 주지 못하며 정서적 긴장을 예방하지 못한 체 환자와의 관계를 유지한다면 현대간호의 개념에서 이탈되어지고 발달되어지지 못한 미숙아 현상이 유지 될 것이다. 보다 바람직한 치료적 환경 유지는 간호로써 환자에게 기여해 주는 일이다. 간호의 역활과 더불어 전문적 태도는 따뜻하고 포용성 있게 그리고 융통성 있게 대함은 물론 간호인 자신의 "자기이용"을 깊이 그리고 치료적으로 이용할 것을 깨달아야 할 것이다. 즉 정신과 병실에서의 간호원 존재 자제가 환자에게 미치는 영향도 고려해야 한다는 것이다. 덧붙여 환자를 위한 일주일 병동 행사표를 Model로 제시하였고 그 안에서의 간호원의 역활을 약술하였다.

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Analysis of Customer Evaluations on the Ethical Response to Service Failures of Foodtech Serving Robots (푸드테크 서빙로봇의 서비스 실패에 대한 직업윤리적 대응에 대한 고객 평가 분석)

  • Han, Jeonghye;Choi, Younglim;Jeong, Sanghyun;Kim, Jong-Wook
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2024
  • As the service robot market grows among the food technology industry, the quality of robot service that affects consumer behavioral intentions in the restaurant industry has become important. Serving robots, which are common in restaurants, reduce employee work through order and delivery, but because they do not respond to service failures, they increase customer dissatisfaction as well as increase employee work. In order to improve the quality of service beyond the simple function of receiving and serving orders, functions of recovery effort, fairness, empathy, responsiveness, and certainty of the process after service failure, such as serving employees, are also required. Accordingly, we assumed the type of failure of restaurant serving service as two internal and external factors, and developed a serving robot with a vocational ethics module to respond with a professional ethical attitude when the restaurant serving service fails. At this time, the expression and action of the serving robot were developed by adding a failure mode reflecting failure recovery efforts and empathy to the normal service mode. And by recruiting college students, we tested whether the service robot's response to two types of service failures had a significant effect on evaluating the robot. Participants responded that they were more uncomfortable with service failures caused by other customers' mistakes than robot mistakes, and that the serving robot's professional ethical empathy and response were appropriate. In addition, unlike the robot's favorability, the evaluation of the safety of the robot had a significant difference depending on whether or not a professional ethical empathy module was installed. A professional ethical empathy response module for natural service failure recovery using generative artificial intelligence should be developed and mounted, and the domestic serving robot industry and market are expected to grow more rapidly if the Korean serving robot certification system is introduced.

The differences of dietary behaviors, dietary life consumer education related current situations·competencies and dietary lifestyles between baby-boom and echo generations (베이비붐세대와 에코세대의 식행동, 식생활관련 소비자교육 현황·역량, 식생활 라이프스타일 차이)

  • Park, Jong Ok
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.153-167
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to identify differences in dietary behaviors, dietary life consumer education related situation competencies, and dietary lifestyles between baby-boom and echo generations by gender. Methods: Data were drawn from the 2016 Food Consumption Behavior Survey, and 2,474 subjects (baby-boom generation 1,304; echo generation 1,170) were selected. Results: The baby-boom generation more frequently ate meals at home with family than the echo generation, whereas the echo generation had meals more frequently at cafeterias, cafes, bakeries, convenience stores and with friends or colleagues than the baby-boom generation. However, no significant differences in dietary life related consumer education were observed between generations, and experience with food related consumer education and food related promotional/events was very low in general. Baby-boomers received their primary dietary information from surrounding people, whereas the echo generation received it from broadcasting. The information use competence was lower for the baby-boom generation (3.29) than echo generation (3.35), although this difference was not significant. Healthy dietary life competence did not differ significantly, whereas the baby-boom generation showed a higher level of practice competence than the echo generation. Additionally, the baby-boom generation was more likely to pursuit health and less likely to be concerned with convenience and taste quality than the echo generation. Conclusion: The frequencies of meal eating places, drinking, and eating-out differed significantly between the two generations, while the participation ratios of food related consumer education/events, attitudes toward education, and information use competence did not. Additionally, knowledge regarding healthy dietary life competencies did not differ, whereas practice level showed significant differences between generations. Among dietary lifestyles, the baby-boom generation showed higher pursuit of health and lower pursuit of convenience and taste quality than the echo generation.


  • Lee, Soo-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.12-25
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    • 2003
  • Objectives:As increasing number of new antidepressants have been being introduced in clinical practice, pharmacological understanding has been broadened. These changes mandate new information and theories to be incorporated into the treatment process of children with depressive disorders. In light of newly coming knowledge, this review intended to recapitulate the characteristics of new antidepressants and to consider the pivotal issues to develope guidelines for the treatment of depression in childhood and adolescence. Methods:Searching the Pub-Med online database for the articles with the key words of 'new', 'antidepressants' and 'children' ninety-seven headings of review articles were obtained. The author selected the articles of pertinent subjects in terms of either treatment guideline or psychopharmacology of new antidepressants. When required, articles about the clinical effectiveness of individual antidepressants were separatedly searched. In addition, the safety information of new antidepressants was acquired by browsing the official sites of the United States Food and Drugs Administration and Department of Health and Human Services. Results:1) For the clinical course, treatment phase, and treatment outcome, the reviews or treatment guidelines adopted the information from adult treatment guidelines. 2) Systematic and critical reviews unambiguously concluded that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs) excelled tricyclic antidepressants( TCAs) for both efficacy and side effect profiles, and were recommend for the first-line choice for the treatment of children with depressive disorders. 3) New antidepressants generally lacked treatment experiences and randomized controlled clinical trials. 4) SSRIs and other new antidepressants, when used together, might result in pharmacokinetic and/or pharmacodynamic drug-to-drug interaction. 5) The difference of the clinical effectiveness of antidepressants between children and adults should be addressed from developmental aspects, which required further evidence. Conclusion:Treatment guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of childhood and adolescence depression could be constructed on the basis of clinical trial findings and practical experiences. Treatment guidelines are to best serve as the frame of reference for a clinician to make reasonable decisions for a particular therapeutic situation. In order to fulfill this role, guidelines should be updated as soon as new research data become available.

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  • Kim, Bong-Seog;Park, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.279-285
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of MPH-OROS and parental satisfaction for treatment of children with ADHD Method : The 569 participants were clinically diagnosed for ADHD using DSM-IV criteria. We switched current medication to MPH-OROS or introduced MPH-OROS for treatment of ADHD. We assessed the clinical global impression severity of illness (CGI-S), the clinical global impression severity of improvement(CGI-I). And the parents of participants measured the Korean version of Conners rating scale at baseline, the 1 st week and the 3rd week after MPH-OROS trial. At the 3rd week, the parents measured the parent satisfaction questionnaire. Results : $13\%$ of participants dropped out because of several causes including side effects. The change of CGI-S was significantly decreased. Using CGI-I, the improvement was $72.3\%$ at the 1st week and $87.4\%$ at the 3rd week. The total score of the Korean version of Conners parent rating scale was significantly decreased. The participants complaining one or more of side effects were 119$(20.7\%)$, and the most common side effect was anorexia. The $94\%$ of parents replied that they were overall satisfied with MPH-OROS trial. Also the advantages of MPH-OROS of parental report were the long duration of the drug, the improvement of schoolwork and attitude, the improvement of home behavior and homework and the improvement of overactivity. Conclusion : MPH-OROS is effective and well-tolerated in actual clinical use for ADHD.

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