• Title/Summary/Keyword: 심성(心聲)

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The Relationship between Elementary School Student's Judo Gym Training Program and Life Satisfaction: The Mediation Effect of Social Development (초등학생에 대한 유도체육관 프로그램 특성과 생활만족의 관계: 사회성 발달의 매개효과)

  • Kim, Hwa-Ryong;Lee, Do-Heui
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.312-323
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    • 2019
  • This purpose of study was to influence of elementary school student's Judo gym training program on social development and life satisfaction. This study aims at providing fundamental data and information on Judo participants by studying what effects of training program characteristic on social development and life satisfaction. The survey was done through 300 copies and excluding 15 copies ran an analysis on the remaining 285(90%) copies. After question investigating the data which is collected used IBM SPSS statistics 21 and IBM AMOS 21 program, frequency analysis, Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity, discriminant validity, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, correlation analysis, path analysis through Structural Equation Model(SEM), mediation effect analysis by Sobel test. The result of this study were as follows. First, elementary school student's Judo gym training program showed (+) effects on social development. Second, elementary school student's Judo gym training program had no effects on life satisfaction. Third, social development showed (+) effects on life satisfaction. Forth, social development showed complete mediation effect on elementary school student's Judo gym training program and life satisfaction.

A Study on the Flow Characteristics of the Flue Gas Recirculation with the Change of Venturi Tube Shape (벤튜리관 형상에 따른 배기가스 재순환 유동 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Ji Soo;Shim, Sung Hun;Kim, Dae Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.12-18
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    • 2019
  • Exhaust gas recirculation method is widely used among various methods for reducing nitrogen oxides in automobile engines and incinerators. In the present study, the computational fluid dynamic analysis was accomplished to derive the optimal location of air nozzle exit position by changing its position in a venturi tube for the maximum flue gas recirculation effect. In addition, the flue gas recirculation characteristics with a cone at the exit of air nozzle was elucidated with flue gas recirculation flow rate ratio and mixed gas exit temperature. When the air nozzle exit position was changed from the start position (z = 0) to the end position (z = 0.6m) of the exhaust gas recirculation exit pipe, the change of streamline and temperature distribution in the venturi tube was observed. The exhaust gas recirculation flow rate and the average temperature at the mixed gas exit position was quantitatively compared. From the present study, the optimal location of air nozzle exit position for the maximum flue gas recirculation flow rate ratio and maximum mixed gas exit temperature is z = 0.15m (1/4L). In addition, when the cone is installed at the outlet of the air nozzle, the velocity of the air nozzle outlet is increased, the flue gas recirculation flow rate was increased by about 2 times of the flow rate without cone, and the mixed gas exit temperature is increased by $116^{\circ}C$.

A Study on the Service Supporting Method Using the Elderly Scalable Information (고령자 확장 정보를 이용한 서비스 지원 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Sim, Sungho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.239-244
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    • 2021
  • With the entry into an aged society, interest and demand for the elderly are increasing. The rapid increase in the elderly is calling for change in various fields. As the opportunities and desires of the elderly to participate in society increase, research on services suitable for the elderly society is needed. Although the expansion of convenience facilities and improvement of the system are being made to solve problems arising from the elderly society, there are many shortcomings in the increasing demand of the elderly. In addition, due to aging, they have difficulty in living independently and independently due to the decline in their daily life ability and physical function. To solve these problems, the government and local governments provide various services for the elderly. The service for the elderly is provided based on the general characteristics of the elderly, so it has limitations in customized services. In this paper, present a service model using extended information in ICT-based services to complement these problems. Scalable information uses IoT environments to collect information and environmental information for the elderly. Service support using information on the expansion of the elderly shall identify the characteristics of the elderly and support appropriate services when users request services. The proposed method may support self-reliance services that reflect the characteristics and needs of the elderly.

T'oegye's Understanding of Zhuzi's Philosophy and its Characteristics (퇴계의 주자철학에 대한 이해와 그 특색 - 리(理)의 동정(動靜)·발(發)·도(到)를 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Sang-bong
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.37
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    • pp.47-70
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this paper is to figure out T'oegye's philosophy and its characteristics in comparison with Zhuzi's. T'oegye is well-known as the representative of Neo-confucianism in Korea. But his posterior scholars and even contemporary scholars have various viewpoints about his philosophy. So they give him some different evaluation. After Zhuzi's death 300 years later, T'oegye has accepted Zhuzi's philopophical thoughts. In addition, he has added his own philosophical insights on them. First, he indicates concretely the metaphysical activity of li through lidong that Zhuzi has mentioned in some measure. Second, under the ontological aspect of li, he explains that Four beginnings come from li. It implies that li manifests and qi follows. Finally he points out lidao--i.e. li manifests itself, about wuge in his epistemology. Here we can say that whatever his metaphysics/the theory of mind and heart, and epistemology, the whole system of T'oegye's philosophy has its theoretical coherence. He has succeeded Zhuzi's philopophical thoughts thoroughly and furthermore developed Neo-confucian theory in East Asia that has not made before.

The same and diferent opinions about knowing and consciousness through Min-yisheng's idea in the latter period of korea (민이승(閔以升) 사상을 통해 본 조선후기 지(智)와 지각(知覺)의 동이논쟁(同異論爭))

  • Lim, HongTae
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.23
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    • pp.181-216
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    • 2008
  • This thesis is based on two points in Min-yisheng's idea: 1, knowing, consciousness, and differentiation of mind, according to which 2, Zheng-jidou's dividually observe to the same and different points of liangzhi and consciousness. Min-yisheng and the scholar on Yangming Theory named Zheng-jidou are arguing about the rights and wrongs of the Yangming Theory, the key concept of which is the same and different points of liangzhi and consciousness. At the extension of this argument, Min-yisheng also argues with Jin-chagnxie about the same and different points of knowing and consciousness. When argue with Zheng-jidou about Yangming Theory, Min-yisheng disproves the saying of "mind is principle" and "syncretism of consciousness and behavior" as well as defines liangzhi, which is the key concept of Yangming Theory, as a consciousness different from the natural principle. While disputing with Zheng-jidou about the relation between liangzhi and consciousness, Min-yisheng begins to pay attention to the relation between knowing and consciousness focused in the academy at that time. And as a result of that he also has a dispute with Jin-chagnxie about the same and different points of knowing and consciousness. The dispute between Min-yisheng and Jin-chagnxie is actually about how to look at the relation of knowing and consciousness, from the point of "non-mixed" or the point of "inseparable". Jin-chagnxie emphasizes on the un-mixed of knowing and consciousness while Min-yisheng, from the point of "inseparable", sees the consistency of the two. This thesis focuses on the argumentation of "the same and different points of liangzhi and consciousness" and "the same and different points of knowing and consciousness", the difference of the two positions and the historical meaning of this argument in ideologies.

Physicallism, Supervenience, and Eliminativism, on Theory of Mind-Body Relation (마음의 상실과 회복의 전망 : 물리주의(수반이론, 제거주의)에 대한 유가적(儒家的) 비판)

  • Lim, Heon-gyu
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.32
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    • pp.215-244
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    • 2008
  • This article's aim is to criticise ontological physicallism, supervenience, and eliminativism on theory of mind-body relation, and to present Confucian theory of mind-body relation as an alternative. Confucianism on theory of mind-body relation. Ontological physicallism reduce 'the psycho' to 'the physical'. Therefore, Physicallism as theory of mind-body relation reduce mind to physical body. Mind-Body supervenience theory insists property co-variation and dependency of mind-body. Eliminative materialism is to eliminate 'the psycho'. But confucianists believe in reality of the human mind-heart & it's nature. Confucianism is to establish the mina-heart & it's nature as real. Confucianism can be an alternative of physicallism, supervenience, and eliminativism on theory of mind-body relation. And Confucian's opinion differs from theory of the substance and phenomenalism.

A Study on the Aspect of Evolution and the Pursuit of Reality appeared in Cognizance of Paintings on the Pre-chosun Dynasty (조선전기 회화인식(繪畫認識)에 나타난 진(眞) 추구와 전개양상 고찰)

  • Park, Man-Gyu
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.36
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    • pp.403-432
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, I examined two things. First explore the of the reality(眞) in poems written on paintings and discussion on paintings in men of letters of Pre-chosun dynasty, furthemore, it analyzes the meaning and thought. To explain it, I would like to analyse the discourse surrounding the reality(眞) in poems written on paintings and discussion on paintings, and concept of the borrowing(假) and the unreal(幻). First of all, I examine the ways that the view of nature of Confucians is pertinent to the abiding in reverence and the investigation of principles of confucians, also painting is necessarry condition for their moral and spiritual self-cultivation. In the discourse surrounding the reality, it is to suggest from 'natural reality (天眞)' to escape from the reality(眞), and proceeds to examine the transformation of reality(眞) in mind(人心). Furthermore I examine the meaning of transform and delicate difference between borrowing(假) and the unreal(幻). In this process, concept of the borrowing(假) and the unreal(幻) is divided into the two meaning. False(假) is to become the Borrowing and painting, the unreal(幻) is change into the act of recognition. In conclusion, I examined the significant transformation of the reality(眞) and the unreal(幻). The reality(眞) has been recognized as a important concept, it is diverged into the Nature, outer things and painting mind, and the object of ultimate value in appreciation and painting of Pre-chosun dynasty.

Yu Won-Ji's Philosophical Theory and His Vindication of Toegye's Learning (졸재 유원지의 심성론과 퇴계학설 옹호)

  • Kim, Yong-Hun
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.33
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    • pp.305-334
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    • 2008
  • This paper is intended to present the philosophical thoughts of Yu Won-Ji who was one of famous scholars in The School of Toegye. He criticized Yi I(Yulgok) and Jang Hyeon-Gwang(Yeohyeon) because they regarded Li and Ch'i as one. Yi was considered an actual founder of their theoretical and political rival party called the School of Yulgok. Jang also refused to accept Toegye's theory and had developed his own theory, which emphasized the unity of Li(principle) and Ch'i(material force). Therefore Yu might well exclude Yi I(Yulgok) and Jang Hyeon-Gwang and criticize their theories severely. First, he was convinced that Toegye's doctrine(Li-Gi-Ho-Bal-Seol) was a orthodox theory accurately succeeding to Jhu Xi's learning. Secondly, he criticised Yi I(Yulgok) for looking upon Li and Ch'i as one thing. Thirdly, he regarded Jang's doctrine as same with Yulgok's. Fourthly, he thought it is necessary to criticize Jang's theory in order to preserve Toegye's learning and establish the theoretical identity of the Toegye School.

A Study on Hu Hong's concept of "Xing" (호굉(胡宏)의 본성(性) 개념에 대한 고찰)

  • Sung, Kwang-dong
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.42
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    • pp.233-258
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    • 2014
  • This article investigates the concept of the xing(性) used by Hu Hong. Hu Hong's philosophical system considered to top priority for xing is called xingbunlun(性本論), and he suggested the characteristics of xing as follows. First, Hu Hong regarded xing as the fundamental of whole world and related to the specific individual things, so he constructed the concept of xing in the perspective of ontology. Namely while xing is ti(體) the root of all the world, it is the realization of the uniqueness of the individual things. Also he considered xing which of the ontological aspect developed various psychological aspect contained xin (心), qing(情), yu(欲), etc. Seond, As Hu Hong regulated that wei fa(未發) is xing and yi fa(已發) is xin, he defined the ideal relation between xing and xin as xingtixinyong(性體心用). And he considered that the sage and the ordinary peoples are equal in the xing's aspect of wei fa, but they are not equal in ability of the xin in the aspect of wei fa. Hu Hong thought that the only sage realized the ideal relation between xing and xin in this world, because he keep his mind silent. So Hu Hong suggested the possibility of moral cultivation to the ordinary peoples, expressing that human nature realized the function of the mind(成性), in order that they realized ideal relation by following ren(仁). Third, unlike the traditional notion, Hu Hong understood the meaning of xing in the aspect of ontology. He interpreted the shan(善) of xingshan(性善) as the meaning of exclamation, which implied that "the innate goodness of human nature(性善)" meant "Human nature is good." Because Hu Hong thought that the meaning of xing transcended the relative concept of good and evil, and accepted the whole world affirmatively. In the opinion of Hu Hong, as the concept of xing had two ways of intentionality; likes and dislikes(好惡), things formed relationship with other in this world. Then the concept of good and evil of the ethical value judgement occurred.

A Study on the Analysis of the Weak Areas of Taxi Service during Late Night Time (심야시간 대 택시 서비스 취약예상지역 분석 연구)

  • Song, Jaein;Kang, Min Hee;Cho, Yun Ji;Hwang, Kee yeon
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.163-179
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    • 2020
  • With the expansion of platform-based taxi service, mobility and convenience of users are getting better. However, due to profitability problem, marginalized areas in the supply of the service are expected to appear. As such, this study analyzed spatial marginalization of taxi service caused by imbalance in supply and demand during the night-time when public transportation service is suspended. According to hot-spot analysis of taxi, outskirt of a city and residential areas showed high vacancy and greater number of drop-offs compared to the number of pick-ups. On the contrary, they were confirmed low in the center and sub-centers of a city. Centrality analysis also showed a similar pattern with hot-spot analysis. Due to this, drivers may refuse to pick up a customer bound for an area with lower out-degree centrality compared to in-degree centrality as it might be difficult for the drivers to pick up another customer after dropping off the current customer. Thus, customers may need to wait for a taxi for a longer time. For this reason, improvement in spatial marginalization caused by mismatch of supply and demand is required. Also, the outcome of this study is expected to be utilized as a basic data.