• Title/Summary/Keyword: 심리진단

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  • Ruth M. Virginia;Moon Jung Soon
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 1991
  • 가정간호사업 도입에 대한 대상자의 필요성에 대한 인식을 알아보고자, 1988년 7월 1일부터 동년 8월말까지 서울시내 5개 대학병원에서 퇴원하는 환자 390명과 환자 보호자 380명, 주민 780명, 총 1550명을 대상으로 조사한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. $81\%$의 대상자가 가정간호 사업 도입이 필요하다고 한 반면 $7.5\%$는 필요 없다고 하였으며, $11.5\%$는 잘 모르겠다고 하였다. 필요성 인식 율은 주민이 $83\%$, 환자보호자가 $79\%$, 환자가 $78\%$로서 세 집단 간에 유의한 차이 가 있었다. (P<.01). 인구학적 변수별로 보았을 때, 교육수준과 가정수입에 따라 인식 율에는 유의한 차이가 있어서 (P<.001, P<.01), 교육수준이 높을수록, 수입이 많을수록 높았다. 2. 필요성 인식 율은 가정간호사업 이용의사에 따라서도 유의한 차이가 있어서 (P<.001), 이용의사가 많은 군이 인식 율도 높았다. 3. 환자들의 필요성 인식 율은 퇴원시기에 대한 의견과 병원비 지출액에 따라 유의한 차이가 있어서 (P<.05, P<.02), 퇴원시기가 적절하다는 군이 부적절, 하다는 군보다, 또한 병원비 지출액이 적을수록 인식 율이 높았다. 진단명에 따라서는 피부 및 피하조직 진환$(100\%)$, 임신 및 출산에 관련된 합병증$(90\%)$, 신경 및 감각기계 질환$(85\%)$, 부상 및 중독$(83\%)$, 신생물$(79\%)$, 등에서 필요성 인식 율이 높았다. 4. 가정간호사업 이용에 대한 대상자의 의견을 $47.8\%$가 이용할 의사가 있었고, $49.9\%$는 상황에 따라 결정하겠다고 하였으며, $3.2\%$는 이용하지 않겠다고 응답하였다. 인구학적 변수별로 보았을 때, 연령별로는 노년층, 성별로는 남성이, 교육수준은 낮은 군이, 의료보험을 가진 군이 이용할 의사가 많았으며, 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. (P<.01, p<.001, p<01, p<.01). 5. 환자들의 가정간호사업 이용 의사는 퇴원시의 상태에 따라서 유의한 차이가 있어서 (P<.02), 상태 가 입원 시와 변화가 없거나 악화된 군이 이용할 의사가 많았다. 진단별로는 내분비계 질환$(63\%)$, 신생물$(57\%)$, 혈액 및 조혈기능 장애$(55\%)$, 부상 및 중독$(55\%)$, 등이 이용할 의사가 많았다. 6. 대상자들이 가정간호사업의 장점으로 생각하는 것은 환자의 심리적 안정$(66\%)$, 시간 절약$(57\%)$, 가족의 편이$(57\%)$, 환자 간호에 대해 배운다$(53\%)$, 질병 과정을 배운다$(51\%)$ 등이었다. 7. 대상자들이 가정간호사업의 단점으로 생각하는 것은 응급시에 대처하기가 어렵다$(49\%)$, 환자가 불안해 할 것이다$(41\%)$ 가정환경이 환장에게 부적합하다$(43\%)$ 등이었다. 8. 가정간호사업에서 수용할 수 있는 간호 업무로$50\%$ 이상의 대상자가 지정한 것은 활력징후측정, 경구 및 비경구 투약, 운동과 휴식지도, 개인 위생관리, 보건교육, 정신 심리 간호 등이었다. 9. 가정간호사업에 대한 지불방법은 $32.9\%$가 제공된 업무에 따라 지불해야 한다는 의견으로 가장 많았다.

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A Reliability the Montreal Cognitive Assessment on Cognitive impairment Following Stroke (뇌졸중 환자의 인지손상을 위한 몬트리올인지평가의 신뢰도)

  • Song, Chiang-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1228-1233
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    • 2013
  • The purposes of this study were to assess the reliability of the Korean version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-K) and Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE-K) and correlation between MoCA-K and MMSE-K to detect cognitive impairment following stroke determined by a neuropsychological battery. Fifty-two chronic stroke patients participated in this study. They divided two group, normal cognitive group (20 patients) with stroke and cognitive impairment group with stroke (32 patients), and research period was from October 2th. to November 30th., 2013. The subjects were measured K-MoCA and K-MMSE. Normal cognitive group showed the moderate reliability in K-MoCA and K-MMSE. Cognitive group showed the more moderate relaibility in K-MoCA and K-MMSE. There was positive correlation as the more score of K-MoCA gain, the more score of K-MMSE showed in both group. The results suggest that both clinical measures are moderately sensitive and proper feasibility to chronic post-stroke cognitive impairment. The both clinical tools suggest to use in research and clinical settings by a neuropshchological battery.

A BERGPT-chatbot for mitigating negative emotions

  • Song, Yun-Gyeong;Jung, Kyung-Min;Lee, Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.12
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we propose a BERGPT-chatbot, a domestic AI chatbot that can alleviate negative emotions based on text input such as 'Replika'. We made BERGPT-chatbot into a chatbot capable of mitigating negative emotions by pipelined two models, KR-BERT and KoGPT2-chatbot. We applied a creative method of giving emotions to unrefined everyday datasets through KR-BERT, and learning additional datasets through KoGPT2-chatbot. The development background of BERGPT-chatbot is as follows. Currently, the number of people with depression is increasing all over the world. This phenomenon is emerging as a more serious problem due to COVID-19, which causes people to increase long-term indoor living or limit interpersonal relationships. Overseas artificial intelligence chatbots aimed at relieving negative emotions or taking care of mental health care, have increased in use due to the pandemic. In Korea, Psychological diagnosis chatbots similar to those of overseas cases are being operated. However, as the domestic chatbot is a system that outputs a button-based answer rather than a text input-based answer, when compared to overseas chatbots, domestic chatbots remain at a low level of diagnosing human psychology. Therefore, we proposed a chatbot that helps mitigating negative emotions through BERGPT-chatbot. Finally, we compared BERGPT-chatbot and KoGPT2-chatbot through 'Perplexity', an internal evaluation metric for evaluating language models, and showed the superity of BERGPT-chatbot.

Evaluation/Diagnosis and Related Rates Reflecting the Nature of Gambling Problems (도박중독 문제의 본질에 충실한 평가/진단 및 비율 산정)

  • Lee, Soon-Mook;Kim, Jong-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Health Psychology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2009
  • This paper deals with fundamental questions how we should understand and approach the gambling addiction problems optimally. We attempted to define the nature of gambling behaviors first and to understand gambling addiction as an extreme class of behaviors on a behavioral continuum. This frame of reference would allow researchers to diagnose, classify, and evaluate gambling problems clearly, and to estimate prevalence rate and incidence rate more accurately from a perspective of behavioral sciences. Also, we emphasized to get out of a dichotomy in classifying gambling behaviors(i.e., either pathological or non-pathological). In addition, we introduced multi-agent and multi-level approaches to understanding gambling problems. With these approaches, each of the agents pertinent to the gambling problems can take its own responsibility and collaborate with other agents to solve the problems together. Also it is a proper time to develop a new scale overcoming the limitations of existing scales. So we presented several cautions in developing new scales for evaluating gambling problems. Lastly, in building a gambling policy, the estimation of prevalence and incidence rate is an important issue. So we suggested various ways for accurate estimation of prevalence and incidence rates reflecting the nature of gambling problems.

Validation of Korean Diagnostic Scale of Multiple Intelligence (한국형 다중지능 진단도구의 타당화)

  • Moon, Yong-Lin;Yu, Gyeong-Jae
    • (The) Korean Journal of Educational Psychology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.645-663
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and verify a Korean Diagnostic Scale of Multiple Intelligence(MI), which will be an alternative test to avoid problems with former Shearer's MI test and to adopt H. Gardner's suggestions to develop MI assessment. The test is developed 5 types; kindergartner, elementary lower grader, elementary upper grader, middle schooler, high schooler test. A form of test is diversified with 3 types; multiple-choice items for accomplishment, true or false items for ability, and self-reported items with likert scale for interest and ability. According to H. Gardner's suggestions, we have tried to reanalyze key component of MI, analyze an overlapping or hierarchical relationship between intelligences, develop intelligences-fair items, diversify form of item. We have developed a final standardized test through a primary, secondary preliminary-test analysis, and sampled 5,585 students by age, gender, and regional groups. As a result of this sampling test, we can get a norm score and compare individuals with other's score relatively. To verify this test, we analyzed behavior observation, mean, standard deviation, a percentage of correct answers, reliability of each test type, correlation between intelligence scales, Kruskal-Wallis test of mean rank of career choice by intelligences. As a result of correlation analysis between sub-intelligence scales, we can conclude that this MI test is satisfied with intelligence independent assumption. Besides, as non-parametric statistics test(Kruskal-Wallis) of career choice by intelligences, we can identify that MI is related with domain of career choice. This test is not a linguistic and logical-mathematical biased test but a intelligences-fair test. It makes us compare individual's potential with a norm score. Besides, it could be useful as a means of educational prescription or counsel in comparison with ability, interest, and accomplishment of individual. But this test is limited to do factor or correlation analysis between types of sub-test, because items are minimized for a time-constraint and a heavy burden of test receiver. But if it could be tested with increased items by two sessions, further research could be expected to get over this constraints and do a further validation analysis.

Relationships between Nailfold Plexus Visibility, and Clinical Variables and Neuropsychological Functions in Schizophrenic Patients (정신분열병 환자에서 손톱 주름 총 시도(叢 視度) (Nailfold Plexus Visibility)와 임상양상, 신경심리 기능과의 관계)

  • Kang, Dae-Yeob;Jang, Hye-Ryeon
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.50-61
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    • 2002
  • Objectives:High nailfold plexus visibility can reflect central nervous system defects as an etiologic factor of schizophrenia indirectly. Previous studies suggest that this visibility is particularly related to the negative symptoms of schizophrenia and frontal lobe deficiency. In this study, we examined the relationships between nailfold plexus visibility, and various clinical variables and neuropsychological functions in schizo-phrenic patients. Methods:Forty patients(21males, 19 females) satisfying the DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia and thirty eight normal controls(20 males, 18 females) were measured for Plexus Visualization Score(PVS) by using the capillary microscopic examination. For the assessment of psychopathology, process-reactivity, premorbid adjustment, and neuropsychological functions, we used Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale(PANSS), Ullmann-Giovannoni Process-Reactive Questionnaire(PRQ), Phillips Premorbid Adjustment Scale(PAS), Korean Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale(KWIS), Continuous Performance Test(CPT), Wisconsin Card Sort Test (WCST), and Word Fluency Test. We also collected data about clinical variables. Results:PVS was correlated with PANSS positive symptom score and composite score negatively. There were no correlations between PVS and PRQ score, PAS score and neuropsychological variables respectively. Conclusions:This study showed that nailfold plexus visibility was a characteristic feature in some schizophrenic patients, and that higher plexus visibility was associated with the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. There was no association between plexus visibility and neuropsychological functions.

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The Effect of Nutrition Education on the Improvement of Psychosocial Factors Related to Vegetable and Fruit Intake of Elementary School Children in Pre-Action Stages (채소와 과일섭취 증진을 위한 영양교육이 행동전단계 초등학생의 사회심리적 요인의 변화에 미치는 효과)

  • Suh, Yoon-Suk;Chung, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.597-606
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates the change of level of psychosocial factors of decisional balance, processes of change, and self-efficacy after nutrition education on vegetable and fruit intake of children in pre-action stages. Forty-seven 5th grade elementary school children in Yeongi-Gun, Chungnam-Do were categorized into pre-action stages from a total of 71 children by four-stage questions, and then finally into two stages of precontemplation and contemplation & preparation. After 6 weeks nutrition education, recognition of both of pros and cons of vegetable intake were improved in the two groups of precontemplation and contemplation & preparation. In fruits intake, however, recognition of pros was not changed after nutrition education in either stage, but recognition of cons was improved only in the precontemplation stage. However, no difference in any psychosocial variables was found between precontemplation stage and contemplation & preparation stage. After the nutrition education, the score of consciousness raising of vegetable intake belonging to cognitive process of change increased in the subjects of the precontemplation stage, wheres the scores of dramatic relief, self-reevaluation, environment reevaluation and social liberation increased in the group of contemplation & preparation. In fruit intake, however, no change was found except in the environment reevaluation in the precontemplation group. The behavioral process of change of vegetable and fruit intake did not show any change in either group after nutrition education. Self-efficacy scores of vegetable intake of keeping the foods at hand, eating the recommended number of servings and making time to eat increased in the precontemplation group, while in the contemplation & preparation group, self efficacy scores of shopping for a variety of vegetables, instead of keeping the foods at hands, as well as the scores of the rest two items of eating the recommended number of servings and making time to eat increased after nutrition education. However, in case of fruits intake, no difference was shown in the precontemplation stage except an item of keeping the foods at hand. The results indicated that the stage of change was progressed in the pre-action stage after nutrition education and the scores of many psychosocial factors increased in both pre-action stages. It is suggested that the recognition of cons as well as the cognitive process of change and self-efficacy could be best used as indicators of the assessment of nutrition education program for vegetable intake.

Psychosocial Impact of Chronic Orofacial Pain (만성 구강안면통증의 사회심리적 영향)

  • Yang, Dong-Hyo;Kim, Mee-Eun
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.397-407
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    • 2009
  • The aim of the study was to evaluate psychosocial impact of non-dental chronic orofacial pain (OFP) on daily living using the graded chronic pain (GCP) scale. It is also investigated the clinical profile such as demographics, event related to initiation of OFP and prior treatments for patients. During previous 6 months since September 2008, 572 patients (M:F=1:1.5, mean age=34.7 years) with non-dental OFP attended university-based specialist orofacial pain clinic (Dankook University Dental Hospital, Cheonan) to seek care although 63% of them already experienced related treatment for their OFP problem. They visited the most frequently general dental practitioner and orthopedic doctors due to their pain problem and medication was the most commonly employed modality. Most of the patients (89.2%) had TMD and the most common related event to initiation of their pain was trauma, followed by dental treatment. Almost half of the patients (46%) suffered from chronic pain(${\geq}6\;M$) and 40% of them exhibited relatively high disability due to chronic OFP. GCP pain intensity and disability days were significantly different for age and diagnosis (p<0.05) but not for gender and duration. GCP grades were affected by all the factors including gender, age, pain duration and diagnosis.(p=0.000) Female gender, elders, and long lasting pain were closely related to high disability. The patients with neuropathic Pain and mixed OFP rather than TMD were graded as being highly disabled. Conclusively, a considerable percentage of chronic OFP patients reports high pain-related disability in their daily, social and work activity, which suggest a need for psychosocial support and importance of earlier referral for appropriate diagnosis and tailored management.

A Study of Psychometric Function Curve for Korean Standard Monosyllabic Word Lists for Preschoolers (KS-MWL-P) (한국표준 학령전기용 단음절어표 (Korean Standard Monosyllabic Word Lists for Preschoolers, KS-MWL-P)의 심리음향기능곡선 연구)

  • Shin, Hyun-Wook;Kim, Jin-Sook
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.534-541
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    • 2009
  • Word recognition test (WRT) for the children can be useful for diagnosing the degree of communication disability, prescribing hearing instruments, planning aural rehabilitation and speech therapy, and determination of site of lesions. The Korean standard monosyllabic word lists for preschoolers (KS-MWL-P) were developed considering the criteria given by the literatures. However, the authors of KS-MWL-P suggested more children should be included to verify homogeneity of the lists using psychometric function curve since only 8 children participated in the developing process. The purpose of this study was to explore the homogeneity of KS-MWL-P for supplementing the limitations of the lists employing psychometric analysis. To 23 preschoolers who have normal-hearing, 100 monosyllabic KS-MWL-P words were examined with the pictures. Psychometric function curve with linear slopes of 20% and 80%'s correct rates through accounting recognition scores of each monosyllabic word at variable intensities from -10 to 40 dBHL was obtained and analyzed. As a result, s-shaped psychometric function curve was presented with increasing correct rate depending on intensity and showed no statistical significant differences among each word and list. The congruous graph shapes among lists also indicated good homogeneity and the list 1,2,3,4's average slopes were 4.48, 3.86, 4.65, 4.50. It was verified that the homogeneity was suitable because the analysis of variance showed no statistical significance among lists (p>0.05). However, KS-MWL-P's order of slope according to the order of the number of items, $1{\sim}10$, $1{\sim}20$, $1{\sim}25$ showed no difference with the p-value of 0.93, 0.59, 0.91, 0.70 for the lists 1,2,3, and 4, respectively. Although KS-MWL-P was assumed that the lower-numbered items were easy for testing younger ages, this study's results could not agree with the author's conclusion. Considering this matter, rearranging of the number of items should be performed according to the analysis of slope suggested by this study for testing younger children with easier items. Other than this, in conclusion, KS-MWL-P was proved to be useful for clinical and rehabilitative evaluating and training tools for preschoolers.

Comparison of Clinical Characteristics among Anxiety Disorder, Depressive Disorder, and Co-morbid of Anxiety Disorder and Depressive Disorder with MMPI-2-RF (MMPI-2-RF로 살펴본 불안장애, 우울장애, 불안장애와 우울장애 공병 환자군의 임상적 특성)

  • Lee, JuYeon;Choi, Junho;Kim, Eunkyeong
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to explore comparison of clinical characteristics among Anxiety disorder, Depressive disorder, and Co-morbid of Anxiety disorder and Depressive disorder. Methods : Since January, 2017 to May, 2019, patients were recruited from the department of psychiatry of Hanyang University Guri Hospital. Participants were diagnosed Anxiety disorder, Depressive disorder, and Co-morbid of Anxiety disorder and Depressive disorder using DSM-5 criteria by board certified psychiatrists or clinical psychologists. And each of participants tested with MMPI-2 and clinical psychologists were converted MMPI-2 to MMPI-2-RF. The data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0. Results : The results indicated EID, RC2, HLP, SAV, and INTR-r were the highest in Co-morbid of Anxiety disorder and Depressive disorder group. And BXD, RC4, JCP, and AGGR-r were the highest in Depressive disorder group. Conclusions : The results indicated that Co-morbid of Anxiety disorder and Depressive disorder group were more severe internalizing dysfunction like lower positive emotion, helplessness, social avoidance and discomfort than single-diagnosed group. Single Depressive disorder group were more serious externalizing dysfunction like anger and aggression than single Anxiety disorder and Co-morbid of Anxiety disorder and Depressive disorder. The implications and limitations were discussed.