• Title/Summary/Keyword: 실습 교육과정

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Exploring the Educational Potential of the Exhibits in Natural History Museums as Socioscientific Learning Materials in the Context of Proposing Science Inquiry Communities: Earthquake Topic (과학탐구공동체 제안을 위한 사회과학적 학습 자료로서 자연사박물관 전시의 교육적 잠재성 탐색: 지진 주제를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sun-Kyung;Shin, Myeong-Kyeong;Kim, Chan-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.506-519
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    • 2008
  • This article explores the potential learning materials and methods of science practice from exhibits, and how those are presented in natural history museums as a feasible science inquiry community. The idea of science inquiry community was offered as a form of science practice that ended with science learning. A grasp of 'scientific practice to learning' is understood as a way to conceive scientific methods as well as facts and understanding knowledge. To get educational implications on the scientific practice of 'earthquake' as a socioscientific topic in the communities, we analyzed 1) the relationship between earth science curriculum and exhibits related to 'earthquake', 2) the educational goals and intentions of educators, and 3) the characteristics of the exhibits in the American Museum of Natural History and in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. The results of this study showed that those museums presented the exhibits consisting of various and practical cases and events of 'earthquakes' as a socioscientific topic related to their curriculum. At the target museum, it was clearly stated that the pursuing educational goals focused on relations with local interests and socioscientific issues. For making earthquakes relevant to visitors, delivering lived experiences with raw data and interactive media was emphasized in exhibit characteristics.

Teaching and Learning of University Calculus with Python-based Coding Education (파이썬(Python) 기반의 코딩교육을 적용한 대학 미적분학의 교수·학습)

  • Park, Kyung-Eun;Lee, Sang-Gu;Ham, Yoonmee;Lee, Jae Hwa
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 2019
  • This study introduces a development of calculus contents which makes to understand the main concepts of calculus in a short period of time and to enhance problem solving and computational thinking for complex problems encountered in the real world for college freshmen with diverse backgrounds. As a concrete measure, we developed 'Teaching and Learning' contents and Python-based code for Calculus I and II which was used in actual classroom. In other words, the entire process of teaching and learning, action plan, and evaluation method for calculus class with Python based coding are reported and shared. In anytime and anywhere, our students were able to freely practice and effectively exercise calculus problems. By using the given code, students could gain meaningful understanding of calculus contents and were able to expand their computational thinking skills. In addition, we share a way that it motivated student activities, and evaluated students fairly based on data which they generated, but still instructor's work load is less than before. Therefore, it can be a teaching and learning model for college mathematics which shows a possibility to cover calculus concepts and computational thinking at once in a innovative way for the 21st century.

Insights from edTPA in the United States on assessing professional competencies of preservice mathematics teachers (미국 edTPA 평가에서 요구하는 예비 수학 교사의 전문적 역량 분석)

  • Kwon, Oh Nam;Kwon, Minsung;Lim, Brian S.;Mun, Jin;Jung, Won;Cho, Hangyun;Lee, Kyungwon
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.211-236
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to derive implications of preservice mathematics teacher education in Korea by analyzing the case of edTPA used in the preservice teacher training process in the United States. Recently, there has been a growing interest in promoting professional competencies considering not only the cognitive dimension related to knowledge development of preservice mathematics teachers but also the situational dimension considering reality in the classroom. The edTPA in the United States is a performance-based assessment based on lessons conducted by preservice teachers at school. This study analyzes the professional competencies required of preservice mathematics teachers by analyzing handbooks that described the case of edTPA in which preservice mathematics teachers in the United States participate. The edTPA includes planning, instruction, and assessment tasks, and continuous tasks are performed in connection with classes. Thus, the analysis is conducted on the points of linkage between the description of evaluation items and criteria in the planning, instruction, and assessment tasks, as well as the professional competencies required from that linkage. As a result of analyzing the edTPA handbooks, the professional competencies required of preservice mathematics teachers in the edTPA assessment were the competency to focus on and implement specific mathematics lessons, the competency to reflectively understand the implementation and assessment of specific mathematics lessons, and the competency to make a progressive determination of students' achievement related to their learning and their uses of language and representations. The results of this analysis can be used as constructs for competencies that can be assessed in the preservice in the organization of the preservice mathematics teacher curriculum and practice training semester system in Korea.

A Study for Encouragement of Rublic System in Designing with Programming Classes (설계과목 프로그래밍 수업을 중심으로 루브릭 시스템 정착을 위한 연구)

  • Jo, Mi-Kyung;Park, Hyun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2009
  • It is inevitable for college students to be confused when they first face university education, which requires them to be self-reliant and responsible, after finishing their course of education, which is passive under control of period and environment, in primary, middle, and high schools. Introduction to college courses, which require students to be subjective and responsible, to be taken after chronically and environmentally controlled primary and secondary education, are but confusing. In this stage, college education should provide ground for educational system so that students can escape from repetitively enforced way of studying of fixed curriculums and study creatively and subjectively while befitting each individual's aptitude. For instance, in programming classes in engineering school, students scholastic achievements are closely interrelated with the professor's educational principles. A change in method of education, from one previously focused on theoretical contents to one centered on practices and experiments, can reap good results. Also, as the need arose for introduction of practice-focused evaluation system, from recognition-centered professor evaluating system to enablement of actively developing creative and self-reliant way of learning, we applied the Rublic System. It is a feedback system that all or most students become the evaluators, of which the indicators of evaluation such as category, standard, and score are public. We have looked into whether or not there has been an improvement in GPAs of students, and if there exists an improvement then what efforts should be made to solidify the system.

The Problems for Application of Nursing Process in Clinical Experience of Nursing Students (임상실습에서 학생들이 경험하는 간호과정 적용문제)

  • Yang Young-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.58-71
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    • 1999
  • Nursing process is an essential part for nursing practice. Nursing faculty members must focus on the clinical application for students and try to identify the possible problems that students might face in the fields. The purpose of this study is to examine the actual condition of nursing process education in curricula and to investigate the response of students in clinical experience of nursing process. From 462 students in the 6 associate programs(ADN) and the 6 baccalaureate programs (BSN) data was collected by questionnaire. The results were as followed. 1. Seven programs (58.3%) opened the nursing process in mainly sophomore (BSN) or freshman(ADN). If not opened, the nursing process was taught at the major subjects(espcially fundamental nursing or adult nursing). 2. All Students responded they we supposed to use nursing process in preparing the case report. The majority(94.6%) used NANDA lists for nursing diagnosis and 55.7% of subjects consulted the Korean terms by KNA when translating. The tutors for nursing process in clinical settings were the professor in charge of the subject (68.6) or clinical instructors (48.1%) , assistants(34%). 3. The problems in clinical application that students experienced consisted of 17 items and the mean was 2.27. The biggest problem was 'the lack of the model for RN of applying the nursing process in clinical settings'(2.97). Next the big problem was 'the lack of the competency for implementing the established nursing plans'(2.69). All items were significantly different according to the level of educational programs(ADN or BSN). ADN students had more problems in applying the each step of nursing process and BSN students perceived the NANDA as a guidance of nursing diagnosis and the inconsistency of advices from several instructors or practicum to be mere problematic. 4. The mean of merits after application of nursing process was relatively fair (2.82). The best merit was 'they can identify nursing problems more exactly'(3.07). The second high merit was 'they can study the rational of nursing action' (3.03). BSN than ADN and the subjects of second year than of one year in clinical experience perceived the use of nursing process to be better. Based on this results we need to enforce the application of nursing diagnosis in the class. The use of sample cases can be the efficient method. Students can identify the possible health problems for patient from the cases in imaginary world and discuss them each other. Also we can use the discussion session after practice every other day or as needed. All this is on the good interaction between tutor and student. We must consider to have enough time for student to seize the essence of the nursing process.

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The study for the requirement criteria of secondary school Home Economics Teachers (중등학교 가정과교사의 자격기준에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, In-Kyung;Wang, Seok-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.105-125
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    • 2009
  • This study attempts to extract the necessary criteria as a secondary school home economics teacher through the factor analysis, and to analysis the teacher's and student's perceptions for the requirement criteria of home economics teacher(RCHET) thereof to confirm the necessary criteria as a secondary school home economics teachers. This research was based on the requirement criteria of home economics teacher developed by Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation(KICE) Korean Home Economics Education Association(2008)(KHEEA) collected from secondary, upper secondary school home economics teachers and students in Jeollabuk-do. RCHET encompasses the six areas : (l)'Expert of lesson related to evaluation' (2)'Efficient manager of diverse materials for study', (3)'Student advisor equipped with a teaching sense of duty and sound humanity', (4)'Curriculum expert equipped with a expertise knowledge', (5)'A fair and democratic schoolroom environment promoter'. (6)'Career path counselling expert understanding student's characteristics and environments'. Through the factor analysis, six RCHET factors are more important to teachers than students. According to importance perception for RCHET, home economics teachers' qualification for minor second subject and participation of training program showed similar differences statistically in all RCHET factors. Thus, effort for expertise improvement of teacher had important influence on expertise improvement of teacher. As a result of examining the differences from importance evaluation for RCHET, similar differences from frequence of home project, preference of home economics teacher, manual training and home economics score, interest of home economics showed statistically.

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Challenges of Pre-Service Teachers for Good Science Teaching: Focus on the Process of Imparting Meaning of Teaching Subject (좋은 과학수업을 위한 예비교사의 도전 -수업 주제의 의미화 과정을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Hongbin;Lee, Gyoungho;Lee, Eun Ye;Lee, SeongEun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.451-465
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges of pre-service teachers for good science teaching with focus on the process of imparting meaning of teaching subject. We have detailed research questions such as, 'What the pre-service teachers thought about teaching subject? How they grasped the meaning of the teaching subject? and What kinds of methods they have used to expose the meaning in their classes?'. We had four pre-service teachers who took the class 'Teaching methods in physics teaching' as voluntary participants in the first semester of 2017. The results show that there are common features in the process of imparting meaning of the teaching subject. The participants started to think about fundamental/existential answer to the question, 'Why should we teach science to students?'. In addition, they grasped the meaning of the teaching subject by using the specific key words. And they tried to link the teaching components with the teaching subject as the center. This challenging process led pre-service teachers to form teachers' identity and to enhance teacher professionalism.

The Mediation Effect of Satisfaction with Major Regarding the Effect of Major Selection Motive on Career Preparation Behaviors - Focused on Art, Music, and Physical Education Students (전공선택동기가 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향에서 전공만족도의 매개효과 -예·체능계열을 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Sung-Hae;Song, Sun-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.591-600
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    • 2020
  • The decrease in the number of school-age population, the introduction of university evaluation and educational capacity enhancement projects have made the enrollment rate and employment rate important indicators. Accordingly, universities are making great efforts to improve the competitiveness of their universities by increasing students' major satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to find out whether art and music students major selection motivsion of affects major satisfaction for career preparation behavior. For this survey, students of arts and physical education at K University in Gyeonggi-do were surveyed and 197 questionnaires were used as analysis data. As a result of the study, it was found that major selection motivation had a significant static effect on career preparation behavior and major satisfaction, and major satisfaction was analyzed to have a complete mediating effect on the effect of major selection motivation on career preparation behavior. With on the results of this study, in the future, universities will need an efficient curriculum to enhance students' majors satisfaction. To that end, we should develop the theoretical and practical curriculum so that students can actively participate, operate programs such as operation of comparative subjects and on-demand education, and raise the level of education. To this end, the interest and active support of the industry-academia-research are required.

Analysis of Trends of Model and Modeling-Related Research in Science Education in Korea (과학교육에서 모델과 모델링 관련 국내 과학 교육 연구 동향 분석)

  • Cho, Hye Sook;Nam, Jeonghee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.539-552
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the trends of model and modeling-related research in science education from 1989 to 2016 in Korea. Eighty-five (85) models and modeling-related journal articles were extracted from the KCI-listed journals and analyzed according to the criteria such as participants, research fields, research design, methods, data collection and elements of metamodeling knowledge. According to research participants, three out of four (3/4) were studied for students and the rest were for teachers. More than half of the studies for students were conducted with middle and high school students. The research fields of models and modeling-related researches in science education were comprised of earth science, chemistry, biology science, physics and science course. With regards to research design, the highest type is qualitative research and followed by hybrid research and quantitative research. According to research methods, the most numerous researches that were analyzed was the effectiveness of program, which was a developed model and modeling-related research. The analysis from the elements of the metamodeling knowledge showed most of model and modeling-related research utilized for the change of scientific concept or understanding.

Effects of Nursing Students' Knowledge, Attitude and Nursing Professionalism on Confidence in Performance of Patient Safety (졸업학년 간호대학생의 환자안전 지식, 태도 및 간호전문직관이 환자안전 수행자신감에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Su-Jin;Choi, Hyo-Sin;Kim, Jeong-Yun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2019
  • This research study was conducted to investigate the effect of knowledge, attitude and nursing professionalism on the confidence of the performance of nursing students who had experience with clinical practice and also to provide basic data for the development of nursing students' curriculum. The subjects who participated in this study were 286 students in the 4th year of nursing at two colleges in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk regions. The research data was analyzed using the SPSS 22.0 program. Confidence in performance of patient safety was higher for the women than for men, and for the students of an older age and higher academic achievement. Confidence in performance of patient safety was positively related to knowledge (r=.25, p=.000), attitude (r=.39, p=.000), nursing professionalism (r=.33, p=.000) and all these had statistical significance. On the multiple regression analysis, the coefficient of determination ($R^2$) was .49 and the explanatory power of the model was 49.2% (F=24.04, p=.000). The most important factor affecting confidence in performance of patient safety was the experience of having undergone patient safety education. Based on these results, it is necessary to seek various educational methods to expand the concept of patient safety from the beginning of the undergraduate course work. Especially, we think that various education strategies such as simulation education methods or information videos are needed to develop scenarios related to patient safety.