• Title/Summary/Keyword: 식생활 교육

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An Ecological Study of the Health Status and Dietary habits of Korean Women in Menopause II. Nutritional Status, Dietary Habits and Food Preference of Korean Women in Menopause (갱년기부인의 건강상태와 식생활에 관한 생태학적 연구 II. 갱년기 여성의 건강, 영양섭취상태, 식습관 및 식품선택구조에 관한 연구)

  • 문수재
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 1988
  • 科學의 발전과 經濟의 高度成長으로 食生活의 向上은 人間의 수명을 크게 연장시키고 있다. 韓國에 있어서도 이러한 傾向은 같은 樣相이며 더욱이 보건형태가 차차 변경되어 가고 있다. 女性의 平均수명은 男性보다 길며 近來에 이르러 女性人口의 95%가 閉經을 經驗할 때까지 生存하고 있다고 한다. 이러한 실정임에도 불구하고 우리나라 女性의 閉經年令, 更年期에 處한 婦人들의 건강 및 營養攝取狀態, 食生活 態度등에 關한 情報가 파악되어 있지 않고 있다. 本 硏究는 이 點을 감안하여 우리나라의 中年女性의 건강管理의 指針을 세우기 위하여 생물학적 요인 및 환경적 요인이 閉經年令 및 更年期婦人의 건강狀態와 食行動에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 검토하여 보았다. 本 硏究는 1980년 12월에서 1981년 2월까지 3개월간 韓國의 2個의 大都市와 5個의 小都市에 거주하는 40歲에서 60歲까지의 女性을 대상으로 설문지를 통해 다음과 같은 사항을 조사하였다. 조사내용으로 1) 폐경연령, 주거환경, 사회경제적 조건, 체위, 임신횟수, 유산경험의 유무 2) 건강상태, 갱년기 자각증상, 유경시 월경의 순, 불순상태 그리고 3) 영양섭취상태와 식행동 등이다. 本論文은 調査內容 中 第 2 報로 更年期女性의 영양섭취상태와 식생활 행동 그리고 更年期 현상과의 關係를 關例시켜 검토하였다. 간이식품 섭취 사항 조사표를 사용하여 영양소의 섭취상태를 조사한 결과 大都市群은 energy, 지방, thiamin 및 ascorbic acid 의 섭취상태가 그 對照群에 比하여 높은 경향을 나타냈다. 열양 구성비에 대한 검토를 보면 糖質:蛋白質:脂肪(C:P:E)의 比가 64~67%:14%:19%~22%였으며 大都市群은 小都市群에 比해 脂肪에서의 energy섭취가 유의적으로 높았다. 더욱이 사회 경제적 측면으로 보아도 지방섭취는 저소득층에서 낮은 경향을 보여주었다. 更年期女性의 음식에 대한 기호變化의 검토를 통해 관찰한 것에 의하면 閉經者가 未閉經者에 比해 더 많이 食品嗜好의 變化를 경험하고 있다고 지적\ulcorner\ulcorner있다. 37.4%와 28.1%가 각기 기호의 變化를 경험하고 있었으며 이는 兩群間에 有意차가 높음을 보여주었다. 閉經 후 2年頃부터 食品의 嗜好變化를 느끼고 있다고 하는 사람이 많았으며 음식은 기름기 있는 것보다 담백한 것, 肉類보다는 生鮮, 果實, 野菜를 더 선호하는 경향이라고 하였다. 자극성이 있는 것에서 덜 자극성 있는 것을 찾는 경향이었다. 이들의 食品선택구조를 파악하는 것은 그 지역의 특수한 영양문제뿐만 아니라 그들의 영양교육, 더 나아가서는 그 지역의 식량영양정책 수립을 위해 중요한 정보를 제공할 수 있다. 大都市群은 肉類, 卵類, 乳類 및 그 製品등의 선택과 빵이나 butter 등의 食品과 正의 相關性을 나타내고 있었으나(p<0.01) 김치와 같은 韓國의 傳統的 食品의 선택時는 乳類, 果實, 빵과 같은 近代的 感覺의 食品과는 負의 相關性을 나타냈다. 한편 김치는 밥 및 기타 곡류 그리고 서류와는 正 相關性을 시사하였다. 小都市群은 對照群과는 多少 상이한 식품선택 구조를 보이고 있다. 즉 卵類나 乳類를 섭취할 수 있는 사회경제적 조건, 그리고 기호를 갖는 사람들은 서류를 제외한 모든 식품과 正의 相關性을 나타냈다. 어느 群이든 밥과 김치는 높은 相關性을 나타내고 있으며, 이 두 식품은 韓國人의 食生活의 基本이 되고 있으며 이를 土臺로 다른 食品의 선택은 地域的, 社會經濟的, 그리고 個人의 기호에 따라 다르게 나타난다는 것이 시사되었다. 閉經前 後의 更年期라는 것은 30餘年 間의 性 hormone의 周期的分泌에 依한 月周期가 停止하는 時期이며, 內分泌環境의 變化에 依한 生體 리듬의 異常은 各種 更年期증상의 원인이 되고 있다. 有經時의 月經주기의 이상을 경험하는 사람에게 특히 更年期증상中 食慾不振이나 不眠 등의 不平 數가 많았다. 이러한 점으로 미루어 보아 estrogen과 食慾과의 相關性은 높음이 시사되었다. 이는 不眠症과는 연관성이 있으며 性홀몬 分泌의 亂脈은 食事攝取의 리듬을 흐틀어 놓으며 이것이 生體리듬의 變化를 유발한다고 본다.

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Evaluation of Long-term Dietary Intakes of Housewives (장기간 기록법으로 조사한 주부의 식품 및 영양소 섭취 실태)

  • 최정숙
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2004
  • This study was designed to investigate and evaluate the dietary intake of 30 housewives, aged 35 to 59. The subjects kept daily diet records lot a period of one year. Their mean daily nutrient intakes met or exceeded the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) for all categories except energy, calcium, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin B$_2$. Mean daily calorie intakes were 81.2% of the RDA. The subjects received about 19% of their energy from fat and 15% from protein. Nutrient adequacy ratios (NAR) were 0.60 for calcium, 0.62 for iron, 0.71 for vitamin A, and 0.76 for vitamin B$_2$. The mean adequacy ratio (MAR) was 0.79. Subjects received various nutrients from rice, pork, eggs, and Kimchi. Rice was a major contribute. to many subjects' nutrient intake due to the high amount of consumption. Pork, rice, and vegetable oil greatly contributed to fat intakes while eggs, pork, and beef supplied a high level of cholesterol compared to other foods. Kimchi, anchovies, and milk were the major contributors of calcium, while rice, pork, and Kimchi were the major contributors of iron. These results indicate that the major nutritional problem of middle-aged housewives is an overall inadequate intake of energy, calcium, and iron.

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Dietary Behavior and Food Preferences according to Age and the Parents' Nutrition Education Needs of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (자폐범주성장애 아동의 나이에 따른 식행동 및 식품 기호도와 학부모의 영양교육 요구도)

  • Park, Hae Jin;Choi, Su Jin;Kim, Yuri;Park, Jiyeon;Kim, Yu-Ri;Lee, Suk-Hyang;Jung, Seo Jin;Cho, Mi Sook;Oh, Ji Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.241-255
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the eating habits and preferences of foods according to the age of children with autism spectrum disorders and identified the nutritional needs of parents to support their healthy eating habits and provide basic data for the development of educational programs. A survey of 100 parents of children with autism spectrum disorders was conducted on their children's snack intake, food preferences, and parents' nutrition education needs. As a result, there were four times more boys than girls, and the body mass index differed according to age (p<0.001). Most children ate snacks more than once a day, and parents found that they wanted to develop nutritious snacks that could replace high-protein, low-calorie meals with the minimal use of additives. For the food preference, there was a significant difference in grains and starches, vegetables/seafood and fruits, milk and dairy products (p<0.05), fats and sugars, and Korean fermented pastes (p<0.01) between the two age groups. Regarding whether nutrition education was required, many parents had a high demand for nutrition education (4.24±0.70), and the intention to participate was 3.62±1.09. The most important content to be dealt with in parent education was 'Inducing a change in bad eating habits and behaviors', which was the highest (63%), and mostly face-to-face education was preferred. In conclusion, young children require diet education, and older children need to focus on weight control and obesity.

Comparison of Attitudinal Beliefs regarding Smoking and Antioxidant Vitamins Status in the College Male Smokers and Non-smokers (일부 남자 대학생 흡연자와 비흡연자의 흡연에 대한 인식 및 항산화 비타민 수준 비교)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ah;Song, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.329-336
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate of attitudinal beliefs regarding smoking, and antioxidant vitamins status between smokers and non-smokers in college male students. Attitudinal beliefs regarding smoking and antioxidant vitamins intake were investigated by a questionnaire. The result obtained were as follows: Anthropometric measurements were no significant differences between smokers and non-smokers. The attitudinal beliefs regarding smoking of smokers were different from those of non-smokers(p<0.001). Compared with non-smokers, smokers responded more positively on advantage of smoking, while they felt less negatively on disadvantage of smoking. Systolic blood pressure(SBP) and diatolic blood pressure(DBP) of smokers were significantly higher than those of non-smokers(p<0.05). Although antioxidant vitamins intake was not significantly different between smokers and non-smokers, plasma level of vitamin C of smokers was significantly lower than that of non-smokers(p<0.05). However, plasma level of vitamin E was not significantly different between smokers and non-smokers.

Perception of Nutritional Education and Status of Nutrition Knowledge in Elementary School Students in Chungnam Area (충남 일부 지역 초등학생의 영양교육에 대한 인식 및 영양지식 실태)

  • Park, Jin Young;Lee, Je-Hyuk;Kim, Myung Hee
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.616-630
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    • 2015
  • To supply basic data for systemic nutrition education, perception of nutrition education and nutrition knowledge was investigated in elementary school students (4~6th grade) in Chungnam province. Forty-six percent of students had a normal level of interest in nutrition, and 43.8% of students had a normal level of nutrition knowledge. Male students (56.1%) and female students (43.7%) wanted nutrition education via lectures in class (p<0.001), with a significant difference based on gender. In addition, most students wanted 'cooking' as nutrition education content, with a significant difference based on gender (p<0.001). Approximately 59% of students (boys 53.7% and girls 64.6%) responded that the reason not to practice the contents of nutrition education is 'not interested' (male 44%, female 34.1%) (p<0.05). For necessity of nutrition education, 38.1% of subjects answered 'normal', and 42.8% of students responded that nutrition education is not helpful since there is no interest. On the contrary, necessity of nutrition education was recognized by 30.8% of male students and 30.8% of female students for prevention of obesity and health life with a balanced diet, respectively. Students (66%) wanted a nutrition teacher, and 33.2% of male students wanted nutrition education once a month, whereas 34.5% of female students wanted it once a week (p<0.01). And 54.8% of students responded that current frequency of nutrition education is adequate. The average score of nutrition knowledge for female students was higher than that of male students, and a higher grade received a higher score of nutrition knowledge. The level of nutrition knowledge was not relevant to the actual score of the individual. Based on this result, it is necessary to activate and expand nutrition education in elementary schools to emphasize the importance of nutrition education. Additionally, future nutrition education should be more available to practice in life as well as improvement of nutrition knowledge. Investigation into nutrition knowledge according to gender and grade is necessary for continuous and systemic nutrition education.

Impact of Psychological and Behavioral Variables of Parents from Low Income Families upon Children's Problematic Behaviors : Comparison between Two-parent Families and Single-parent Families (저소득 가정 부모의 심리적·행동적 특성이 자녀의 문제행동에 미치는 영향: 양부모 가정과 한부모 가정의 비교)

  • Bang, So Young;Choi, Sun Hee;Lee, Soo Hyun;Hwang, Hye Jung
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.157-179
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine psychological and behavioral characteristics of parents from low income families and to figure out the influence of these parents' characteristics upon children's problematic behaviors by comparing two-parent families and single-parent families. The subjects in this study were 193 parents who participated in a dream- start program geared toward low-income families. Their psychological and behavioral characteristics were tested, and their children's problem behaviors were investigated. As a result, the children from intact families in the low-income classes showed more problem behaviors when their parents faced heavier parental stress, and they showed less problem behaviors when their parents were more satisfied with their relationship with them. In contrast, the children from single-parent families in the low-income brackets showed less problem behaviors when their parents had better dietary habits and were more satisfied with their daily routine life, and they showed more problem behaviors when their parents were under heavier parental stress. The findings of the study seem to suggest that the development of parental and parent education programs is required to relieve the problem behaviors of children from the low-income classes and improve the parental behavior of their parents, and that a wide variety of assistance should be provided in consideration of the current marital status of parents as well.

Obesity among Secondary School Girls in Ulsan Area (울산지역 중학교 여학생의 비만실태에 관한 연구)

  • 김혜경
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 1996
  • The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of obesity and factors with it Ulsan secondary school girls. A cross-sectional study involving a sample of 485 students aged 12 to 15 years was obtained form secondary schools. Obesity was determined using body mass index(BMI=wt/Ht$^2$). The findings revealed that the average BMI was 19.3, and 4.5% of girls were either overweight and obese(BMI$\geq$25). Subjects were grouped into three categories based on the BMI, sibling obesity, self-consciousness of obesity, eating patterns such as eating snack after dinner and prejudice in food selection, and food frequency score were significantly associated nth BMI, while nutrition knowledge score was not associated with BMI. The fact that several social, environmental and health factors are associated with obesity means that a multisectorial intervention program must be considered in order to decrease the problem of overweight among secondary girls. Such program should include dietary intervention to modify food habits, nutrition education through mass media, introducing information on prevention and control obesity in school curriculum, and allocating sufficient time in the school schedule for exercise activities.

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Acceptance of Vegetable Menus of a School Lunch Program by High School Students in Seoul and its Association with Health and Dietary Behavioral Factors (서울시내 일부 고등학생의 채소 급식 메뉴에 대한 기호도 및 관련 인자의 영향)

  • Hong, Jae-Hee;Cho, Mi-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.121-134
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate the acceptance of vegetable menus by high school students and the factors that influence the acceptability. Second-grade high school students (n=389) in Seoul were asked to assess their acceptability of vegetable menus and plate waste, and answered survey questions concerning their demographic characteristics, health-related attitudes, dietary attitudes, dietary habits, and nutritional knowledge. Overall, the menus containing items that were sweet or familiar to the subjects were preferred. Acceptability was significantly associated with the amount of consumption. The acceptability was correlated with dietary habits, dietary attitudes, nutritional knowledge, and several health-related variables. The vegetable-liking groups showed significantly higher scores concerning dietary habits, dietary attitudes, and nutritional knowledge, but did not exhibit a specific pattern of association with the health-related variables. This result implies that intervention strategies focusing on changes in cognitive and/or hedonic factors, such as nutritional education or flavor-flavor learning, would be beneficial for increasing students' acceptance of vegetable menus.

The Changes in the Dietary Pattern and Health and Nutritional status of Korean During the last one Century (지난 일세기 동안의 한국인 식습관의 변화와 보건영양상태의 추이 분석)

  • Lee, Cherl-Ho;Joo, Yong-Jae;Ahn, Kee-Ok;Ryu, Si-Saeng
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.397-406
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    • 1988
  • The changes in the dietary pattern of Koreans during the last one century and its consequences are summarized as follows; 1. Until the beginning of 20th century, Koreans used variety of cereals, vegetables and fruits for their staple food, but the variety has been largely reduced by the agricultural development and urbanized life style. 2. The well balanced traditional dietary pattern of Korean had been deeply deteriorated by the food shortage during the Japanese occupation and Korean war. 3. The deteriorated nutritional condition of Korean was not remedied by the restoration of traditional dietary pattern, but attempted to overcome it by the adoption of Western food habit. 4. The people were trained to eat milk and flour-meals during the starvation of Korean war, and it was continued after Korean war through the animal husbandry promotion policy. 5. The importation of food and feed cereals has been increased rapidly during the economic growth in 1970's and the food self-sufficiency droped below 50%. 6. In 1970's, the food supply pattern of Korean was restored to the level of early 1900, but the consumption of lipid increased extraordinarily. 7. The overconsumption of animal food and lipid continues in 1980's, and it coincides with the rapid increase in the occurence of food related degenerative deseases. 8. The establishment of Korean dietary goal which is based on the traditional dietary pattern is needed.

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Perception of kimchi and Preference of foods using kimchi in School Meals - Focused on High School Students in Gwangju - (학교급식 김치에 대한 인식과 김치응용요리 선호도 - 광주지역 고등학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Park, Young-Hee;Jung, Lan-Hee;Jeon, Eun-Raye
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to improve the kimchi intake for high school students of various kimchi sub-ingredients and foods using kimchi. The students believed that kimchi is good for health. The overall satisfaction, baechu quality and the taste and degree of fermentation of kimchi was high, but there was a low preference for offered kimchi kinds, kimchi subingredient, foods using kimchi. The types of kimchi preferred and often offered in school meals were baechu-kimchi and kkakdugi. The common kimchi sub-ingredients were radish and welsh onion in vegetables, squid and oyster in sea foods, saeu-jeot and myeolchi-jeot in salted fish, and pear and apple in fruits. The preference for kimchi sub-ingredients were high for sesame leaf and yeolmu in vegetables, saeu-sal and squid in sea foods, saeu-jeot and nakji-jeot in salted fish, and pear and apple in fruits. The foods using kimchi preferred and often offered with school meals were kimchi-jjigae, bokkeumkimchi, kimchi soup, kimchi-bokkeum-bap, and kimchi-jeon. The kimchi sub-ingredient for which students had the greatest preference was meats. Among the foods using kimchi with meats, the most preferred were kimchi-pyeonyuk bossam, doejigogi kimchi duruchigi, and kimchi galbi-jjim. Among the foods using kimchi with noodles, the most preferred were kimchi- bibimmyeon, kimchi -naengmyeon, and kimchi-cheese spaghetti. Among the foods using kimchi with vegetables, the most preferred were kimchi-pa-jeon, kimchi- deopbap and kimchi- goguma gui. Of the foods using kimchi with processed foods, the most preferred were kimchi-mandu, kimchi-bacon jumeok-bap and kimchi- cheese omelet. Among the foods using kimchi containing sea food, kimchi-haemul bokkeum-bap, kimchi-hoe-deopbap, and kimchi-saeu-jjim were most preferred. Overall, these results suggest that various kimchi sub-ingredients and foods using kimchi should be improved for kimchi intake of school meals.