• Title/Summary/Keyword: 식생환경

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Effects of weir on the change of water quality (하천수계의 보가 수질에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Cho, Yong-Chul;Ahn, Hong-Kyu;Woo, Hyo-Seop;Oh, Jong-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1033-1037
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    • 2007
  • 하천의 수위를 유지하거나 농업용수를 취수할 목적으로 현재 국내에 약 18,000개 정도의 크고 작은 보가설치되어 있다. 이러한 보 중에는 극히 일부에 어도와 같은 생태통로가 인위적으로 설치되어 있지만 전체적으로는 매우 미미한 수준이다. 더욱이 도시 인구 집중황 따른 도심부의 확대로 인한 농경지의 도시화, 경작 방식의 변화에 의한 논농사 위주에서 비닐하우스 단지로의 변화와 같은 토지이용의 변화, 대형 저수지의 축조/양수장 설치 등에 따른 취수 시설물의 통합, 시설의 노후화 등으로 매년 50-150개 정도의보가 폐기되고 있다. 그러나 이렇게 폐기되는 보는 하천에 그대로 방치되어 하천생태통로의 단절, 수질악화, 수변 서식처악화 등의 문제를 지속적으로 야기시키고 있다. 연구지역은 경기도 고양시 곡릉천 곡릉2보로 선정하여 보 철거전 과 보 철거 후의 모니터링을 통한 수질분석을 시행하였다. 곡릉2보는 과거 취수용 보로 이용되었으나 주변지역 토지이용 변화로 용도를 상실한 보이다. 보 철거 전에는 보로 인한 보 상류 지역에 퇴적물이 쌓이면서 정체구역이 생기고 부유물질이 많아지면서 수질 악화를 초래하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 보 철거 후에는 화학적으로 상류 하류지점에서 SS 및 BOD의 농도가 감소하여 전체적으로 수질향상에 기여한 것으로 나타났다. 보 철거에 따른 수질분석에 대한 연구는 아직 진행 단계에 머물러 있으며, 그 주변에 대한 상세한 이론은 아직 미미하다. 따라서 현재 국내외 보의 현황 및 보 철거 기술을 조사하고, 우리나라의 조건이 다른 보를 선정하여 하천의 보가 수질에 미치는 영향을 정량적으로 분석함으로써, 향후 우리나라의 보 관리방안의 방향을 제시하는데 도움이 되고자 한다.를 제시하고 있다. 미국의 경우는 이러한 가이드라인을 실제로 현장에 적용하고 있으며 조성효과가 정성적으로 검증되었고 정량적인 관계 도출을 위한 연구가 지속적으로 진행되고 있다. 국내의 경우 수질개선 및 생태서식처 조성, 하천환경을 개선하기 위한 관련 정책이 꾸준히 제시되고 있다. 한 예로 정부에서는 수변구역을 지정 고시하여 상수원으로 유입되는 비점오염물질을 저감하고 생태서식처를 조성함으로써 양질의 상수원과 건전한 생태계를 확보하기 위한 제도를 시행 중이다. 수변 구역의 범위는 한강수변구역의 경우 약 $500{\sim}1,000m$로 설정되어 있으나 아직까지는 관리적 성격이 강하며, 향후에는 구체적인 조성방안이 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 한강 수변구역 내에 미국의 가이드라인에서 제시하는 수변완충지대의 물리적 조건과 국내 지역 토착식생을 적용하여 시험완충지대를 조성하였고, 실험조건 하에서 그 효과를 정량적으로 분석 검증한 결과와 외국사례를 분석하여 국내여건에 맞는 수변완충지대 조성 가이드라인(안)을 제시하였다.EX>$\ulcorner$세종실록$\lrcorner$(世宗實錄) $\ulcorner$지리지$\lrcorner$(地理志)와의 비교를 해보면 상 중 하품의 통합 9개소가 삭제되어 있고, $\ulcorner$동국여지승람$\lrcorner$(東國與地勝覽) 에서는 자기소와 도기소의 위치가 완전히 삭제되어 있다. 이러한 현상은 첫째, 15세기 중엽 경제적 태평과 함께 백자의 수요 생산이 증가하자 군신의 변별(辨別)과 사치를 이유로 강력하게 규제하여 백자의 확대와 발전에 걸

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Soil Classification by Soil Taxonomy and Soil Properties of Korea (Soil Taxonomy 토양분류체계와 우리나라의 토양특성)

  • Hyun, Byung-Keun;Jung, Sug-Jae;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Rim, Sang-Kyu;Song, Kwan-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.84-88
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    • 2007
  • 우리나라의 토양조사는 미농무성(USDA)의 분류방법에 따라 개략토양조사($'65{\sim}'67$년), 정밀토양조사($'68{\sim}'79$년), 논토양배양사업 10개년계획($'80{\sim}'90$년), 그리고 밭토양세부정밀토양조사($'95{\sim}'99$년) 등을 실시하였다. 현지에서의 토양조사는 지형, 배수등급, 토성, 자갈함량, 유효토심, 경사 등 현지의 지형지물 및 환경을 통하여 많은 정보를 얻을 수 있으며, 이를 통하여 전국에 대한 토양조사 결과, 토양통 (심토의 특성이 유사한 토양) 390개, 토양구(표토의 토성을 세분) 536개, 토양상(경사도 및 침식등급을 세분) 1,321개로 분류되어 있다. 우리나라 토양형성 발달에 미친 기후인자는 습윤권역(Udic moisture regime)과 토양온도는 mesic과 일부 남해안과 제주지역의 thermic인 토양온도(Soil moisture regime)였으며, 식생인자는 높은 지역의 경우에는 산림이 낮은 저지대 평탄지는 자연초지가 대부분이다. 지형인자는 동고서저지형으로 동부는 산악지, 서부는 경사가 완만한 구릉지며, 한강 등 대부분이 서남방향으로 흐르는 지형이다. 모재는 다양하나 70%이상이 화강암, 화강편마암이 주를 이루고 있었다. 시간인자의 경우에는 기간이 매우 오래되었으나, 지형이 복잡하여 토양발달이 약한 Inceptisol과 층위발달이 없는 Entisol이 대부분이며, 다음으로 Ultisol과 Alfisol이 뒤를 이었다. 일부 Andisol, Mollisol, Histosol이 존재하였다. 우리나라의 토양분류는 Soil Taxonomy에 의해 분류되었는데, 이것은 토양의 단면내에 존재하는 감식층위(Diagnostic Horizon)의 유무 및 종류에 따른 분류이다. 토양분류 결과 최고 상위분류 단위인 목(order)이 7개, 아목(suborder) 14개, 대군(great group) 27개, 아군(sub group) 67개, 속(family) 161개로 분류되었으며, 가장 저차단위인 통(series)이 390개 분류되었다. 또한 작물이용측면에서 실용적 분류를 실시하였는데, 논토양의 경우 보통논, 미숙논, 사질논, 습논, 염해논, 특이산성논으로 분류할 경우 각각의 분포면적이 31.9%, 23.0%, 31.9%, 9.1%, 3.9%, 0.2%이었다. 밭토양의 경우에도 보통밭, 사질밭, 미숙밭, 중점밭, 고원밭, 화산회밭으로 6개 유형으로 분류할 경우 각각의 분포면적은 41.9%, 23.3%, 17.5%, 13.9%, 1.1. 2.2% 이었다. 도시화 및 도로확대 등 다양한 토지이용 및 지형개변으로 과거의 토양정보가 많이 변경되었다. 그래서, 앞으로는 인공위성자료 및 항공사진을 이용하여 빠르고 쉽게 활용할 수 있는 토양조사 방법개발과 기 구축된 토양도의 수정, 보완 작업이 필요한 절실히 요구되고 있는 현실이다.

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Development of relational river data model based on river network for multi-dimensional river information system (다차원 하천정보체계 구축을 위한 하천네트워크 기반 관계형 하천 데이터 모델 개발)

  • Choi, Seungsoo;Kim, Dongsu;You, Hojun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.335-346
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    • 2018
  • A vast amount of riverine spatial dataset have recently become available, which include hydrodynamic and morphological survey data by advanced instrumentations such as ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler), transect measurements obtained through building various river basic plans, riverine environmental and ecological data, optical images using UAVs, river facilities like multi-purposed weir and hydrophilic sectors. In this regard, a standardized data model has been subsequently required in order to efficiently store, manage, and share riverine spatial dataset. Given that riverine spatial dataset such as river facility, transect measurement, time-varying observed data should be synthetically managed along specified river network, conventional data model showed a tendency to maintain them individually in a form of separate layer corresponding to each theme, which can miss their spatial relationship, thereby resulting in inefficiency to derive synthetic information. Moreover, the data model had to be significantly modified to ingest newly produced data and hampered efficient searches for specific conditions. To avoid such drawbacks for layer-based data model, this research proposed a relational data model in conjunction with river network which could be a backbone to relate additional spatial dataset such as flowline, river facility, transect measurement and surveyed dataset. The new data model contains flexibility to minimize changes of its structure when it deals with any multi-dimensional river data, and assigned reach code for multiple river segments delineated from a river. To realize the newly developed data model, Seom river was applied, where geographic informations related with national and local rivers are available.

Analysis of Urban Heat Island Effect Using Time Series of Landsat Images and Annual Temperature Cycle Model (시계열 Landsat TM 영상과 연간 지표온도순환 모델을 이용한 열섬효과 분석)

  • Hong, Seung Hwan;Cho, Han Jin;Kim, Mi Kyeong;Sohn, Hong Gyoo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2015
  • Remote sensing technology using a multi-spectral satellite imagery can be utilized for the analysis of urban heat island effect in large area. However, weather condition of Korea mostly has a lot of clouds and it makes periodical observation using time-series of satellite images difficult. For this reason, we proposed the analysis of urban heat island effect using time-series of Landsat TM images and ATC model. To analyze vegetation condition and urbanization, NDVI and NDBI were calculated from Landsat images. In addition, land surface temperature was calculated from thermal infrared images to estimate the parameters of ATC model. Furthermore, the parameters of ATC model were compared based on the land cover map created by Korean Ministry of Environment to analyze urban heat island effect relating to the pattern of land use and land cover. As a result of a correlation analysis between calculated spectral indices and parameters of ATC model, MAST had high correlation with NDVI and NDBI (-0.76 and 0.69, respectively) and YAST also had correlation with NDVI and NDBI (-0.53 and 0.42, respectively). By comparing the parameters of ATC model based on land cover map, urban area had higher MAST and YAST than agricultural land and grassland. In particular, residential areas, industrial areas, commercial areas and transportation facilities showed higher MAST than cultural facilities and public facilities. Moreover, residential areas, industrial areas and commercial areas had higher YAST than the other urban areas.

Effects of micro-topography on the crown growth of Picea jezoensis under different wind conditions on Mt. Deokyu, Korea (미지형과 바람이 덕유산 가문비나무(Picea jezoensis)의 수관생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Ah Reum;Jung, Jong Bin;Park, Pil Sun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.277-285
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to understand the growth characteristics of Picea jezoensis that was one of representative subalpine species in Korea, in the light of the effects of wind and micro-topography in its habitats on Mt. Deogyu, Korea. The prevailing wind directions were southwest and west at the study sites. We randomly selected P. jezoensis (height ≥ 1.5 m) on windward, intermediate, and leeward slopes and measured diameter at breast height (DBH), height, crown length by 8 directions in upper, middle and lower sectors of the crown. We examined the micro-topography of P. jezoensis stood on and classified it into 3 types: type 1 was mounded and fully exposed to surrounding environments without neighboring trees; type 2 was somewhat wind-protected by surrounding rocks, but no neighboring vegetation; type 3 was on gentle slope or flat where P. jezoensis grew with neighboring trees or shrubs. The ratios of height to DBH, and estimated crown growth to actual crown growth (hereafter crown growth ratio) were compared among the three types of micro-topography on windward, intermediate and leeward sites. The height growth per DBH and crown growth ratio in the upper and middle crowns were the smallest on the windward site, and the highest on the leeward site (p < 0.01). The crown growth ratio on type 1 on the windward site was only 46% of that on type 3 on the leeward site. Although on the same windward slope, trees on type 1 had more deformed crown shapes than that on Type 3, showing asymmetric crown cross-sectional areas. Wind and micro-topography played critical roles on the crown growth of P. jezoensis.

Introduction of Alien Plants on the Fill and Cut Slopes of the Road Construction in South Korea (우리나라에서 도로 공사장의 성토사면과 절토사면에서 외래식물의 도입)

  • Chu, Yeounsu;Jin, Seung-nam;Son, Deokjoo;Park, Shinyeong;Cho, Hyungjin;Lee, Hyohyemi
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2019
  • Road development is considered an important factor in invasion and dispersion of ailen plants by damaging the natural ecosystems and connecting the detached landscapes into long tubular structures. In this study, vegetation survey was carried out according to the topographical characteristics of cut slope, fill slope, and flat land at the construction site in order to understand the effect of road developemt on the change of the floristic composition of ailen plants. Road developement projects caused a lot of changes in annual and biennial alien plants because of continuous disturbances. Changes in species composition of alien plants decreased in the cut slope. On the other hand, the ailen palnts of the fill slope increased. The increase or decrease alien plants on flat land were identified depending on where it occurred, and no major trend was found. The cause of these change was driven by unintentionally introduced alien plants. In particular, the cut slope with a high occurence of unintentional ailen plants should not be used as a source of high-risk alien plants such as ecosystem disturbances. Since the transplanted species were intentionally planted by the landscape plan, it was possible to identify colonies from early stages and spread to the nearby flat land. Therefore, in order to minimize the impact of road slope vegetation on the surrounding ecosystem during and after road construction, it is suggested to plant high viability plants in the landscape design during the environmental impact assessment consultation.

An Analysis of Spectral Characteristic Information on the Water Level Changes and Bed Materials (수위변화에 따른 하상재료의 분광특성정보 분석)

  • Kang, Joongu;Lee, Changhun;Kim, Jihyun;Ko, Dongwoo;Kim, Jongtae
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.243-249
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the reflectance of bed materials according to changes in the water level using a drone-based hyperspectral sensor. For this purpose, we took hyperspectral images of bed materials such as soil, gravel, cobble, reed, and vegetation to compare and analyze the spectral data of each material. To adjust the water level, we constructed an experimental channel to control the discharge and installed the bed materials within the channel. In this study, we configured 3 cases according to the water level (0.0 m, 0.3 m, 0.6 m). After the imaging process, we used the mean value of 10 points for each bed material as analytical data. According to the analysis, each material showed a similar reflectance by wavelength and the intrinsic reflectance characteristics of each material were shown in the visible and near-infrared region. Also, the deeper the water level, the lower the peak reflectance in the visible and near-infrared region, and the rate of decrease differed depending on the bed material. We expect the intrinsic properties of these bed materials to be used as basic research data to evaluate river environments in the future.

Forest Stand Structure, Site Characteristics and Carbon Budget of the Kwangneung Natural Forest in Korea (광릉 활엽수천연림의 산림식생구조, 입지환경 및 탄소저장량)

  • Jong-Hwan Lim;Joon Hwan Shin;Guang Ze Jin;Jung Hwa Chun;Jeong Soo Oh
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2003
  • The study area, Kwangneung Experiment Forest (KEF) is located on the west-central portion of Korean peninsula and belongs to a cool-temperate broadleaved forest Bone. At the old-growth deciduous forest near Soribong-peak (533.1 m) in KEF, we have established a 1 ha permanent plot ($100m{\times}100m$) and a flux tower, and the site was registered as a KLTER(Korean long-term ecological research network) and DK site of KoFlux. In this site, we made a stemmap of trees and analyzed forest stand structure and physical and chemical soil characteristics, and estimated carbon budgets by forest components (tree biomass, soils, litter and so on). Dominant tree species were Quercus serrata and Carpinus laxiflora, and accompanied by Q. aliena, Carpinus cordata, and so on. As a result of a field survey of the plot, density of the trees larger than 2 cm in DBH was 1,473 trees per ha, total biomass 261.2 tons/ha, and basal area $28.0m^2$/ha. Parent rock type is granite gneiss. Soil type is brown forest soil (alfisols in USDA system), and the depth is from 38 to 66 cm. Soil texture is loam or sandy loam, and its pH was f개m 4.2 to 5.0 in the surface layer, and from 4.8 to 5.2 in the subsurface layer. Seasonal changes in LAI were measured by hemispherical photography at the 1.2 m height, and the maximum was 3.65. And the spatial distributions of volumetric soil moisture contents and LAIs of the plot were measured. The carbon pool in living tree biomass including below ground biomass was 136 tons C/ha, and 5.6 tons C/ha is stored in the litter layer, and about 92.0 tons C/ha in the soil to the 30 cm in depth. Totally more than about 233.6 tons C/ha was stored in DK site. These ground survey and monitoring data will give some important parameters and validation data for the forest dynamics models or biogeochemical dynamics models to predict or interpolate spatially the changes in forest ecosystem structure and function.

The study of vascular plants distribution and characteristics of plant as resources in middle and northern region of Yangsan-si (Gyeongnam) (양산시(경상남도) 중.북부 일대의 관속식물 분포와 자원특성에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Jong-Won;Kim, Hyun-Jun;Kang, Shin-Ho;Park, Jeong-Mi;Jang, Chang-Gee
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.274-292
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    • 2010
  • The flora of resource plants in Middle and Northern region of Yangsan-si were investigated for 7 times from March to Sept., 2009. The study indicated that, based on voucher specimens, the flora of this area consist of 427 taxa in total; 90 families, 256 genera, 376 species, 4 subspecies, 41 varieties and 6 forms. The resource plants in this area were categorized by their use into 9 groups inclusive of 1 unidentified group. Resources plants which were investigated in this area were 167 edible, 132 pasturing, 118 medicinal, 98 stainable, 52 ornamental, 15 timber, 6 fiber, 2 industrial taxa and 101 unknown resource plants, respectively. Also, there were remarkable plants such as 16 taxa of Korean endemic plants and 36 taxa of specific plants which were designated by the Ministry of Environment. Furthermore, 22 taxa of naturalized plants were observed in this investigated area where Urban Indexn UI) was 8.9%. Although the ecological status of investigated area was comparatively well conserved, the degree of (UI) was relatively high. Based on the results of this investigation, UI has been rapidly increased due to urbanization and construction of recreation objects in this area.

Soil properties of barrier island habitats in the Nakdong river estuary (낙동강 하구 주요 사주 서식지 토양 특성)

  • Yi, Yong Min;Yeo, Un Sang;Sung, Kijune
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 2014
  • Changes of soil properties due to sedimentation and erosion in the river estuary may lead changes in environmental factors that affect plant growth and distribution, Then habitats in the river estuary that provide various ecological functions can also be influenced. Topsoil samples were analyzed in order to understand the soil properties of important barrier islands and habitat types in the Nakdong river estuary. The samples were obtained from Phragmites communis and Scirpus planiculmis habitats, the tidal flats in the southern area of Eulsukdo, and in Mangeummerydeung, Baekhapdeung, and Doyodeung. Analyses results showed that bulk density, pH, organic matter content and total nitrogen concentration which were directly or indirectly affected by vegetation showed significant difference (p<0.05) with habitat types but no differences in water content and oxidation reduction potential which could be affected by soil texture and showed significant difference among barrier islands. Results suggested that soil properties on barrier islands in the Nakdong river estuary were influenced first by geomorphic changes due to sedimentation and erosion, and then by the presence or type of vegetation. A range of physical and chemical properties were analyzed; soil water content and bulk density (physical properties), and organic content and pH (chemical properties) were correlated with seven other soil properties, at a level of significance higher than 90%. These aspects played an important role in determining overall soil properties in the studied area.