• Title/Summary/Keyword: 식생환경

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희귀식물 무주나무(Lasianthu japonicus Miquel)의 특성과 자생지

  • 이은주;문명옥;강영제;김문홍
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2002.11b
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    • pp.76-76
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    • 2002
  • 무주나무(Lasianthus japonicus Miquel)는 일본, 대만, 중국 등에 분포하고 열대 및 아열대의 상록활엽수림에서만 자라는 것으로 알려져 있으며, 우리나라에는 제주도 남쪽계곡에만 분포하는 희귀식물이다. 무주나무는 현재 환경부 지정 보호야생식물로 보호되고 있으나 개체특성 및 자생지에 대한 정확한 조사가 이루어진 바 없다. 본 연구는 무주나무의 자생지 현황과 생육특성을 파악하고자 실시하였다. 무주나무의 자생지는 제주도 남제주군 남원읍 하례리 해발 250m의 계곡 동사면과 서귀포시 돈네코 계곡의 해발 350 m 계곡의 서사면 등 2개소로 확인되었다. 자생지별 개체수는 남원읍 하례리 4개체, 서귀포시 돈네코계곡 5개체 등 총 9개체에 불과하였다. 자생지는 계곡의 상록수림 하부에 바위 위 부엽토나, 습한 계곡 사면이었으며, 교목층에는 구실잣밤나무, 비쭈기나무, 황칠나무, 동백나무 등이 우점하고, 관목층에는 사스레피나무, 백량금, 산호수 등이 우점하는 상록활엽수림이었다. 분포 개체의 수고는 최소 0.4 m, 최대 1.55 m로 평균 1.5 m 였다. 생장특성을 조사한 결과 줄기는 어릴 때는 사각형이지만 점차 원형으로 되며, 일정한 마디가 있고 털이 없으며, 잎은 대생하고, 혁질이며, 중륵과 측맥이 뚜렷한 특성을 갖고 있었다. 열매는 장과형으로 성숙 시에는 남색이며 털이 없으며, 직경 약 6-7 mm, 4-5개의 종자가 들어 있었다. 종자는 반달형이며, 3개의 홈이 지는 특성을 갖고 있었다. 현재의 자생지는 자연적인 요인으로서 토양유실이 심하게 일어나고 있는 지역이었으며, 교목 또는 다른 관목에 의한 피압으로 무주나무의 생장에 부적절한 환경으로 판단되었다. 따라서 자생지의 적절한 식생관리와 지속적인 자생지 조사 및 자생지외 보존에 관한 연구가 이루어져야할 것으로 생각된다.$I_{NO}$ 가 죽절초를 제외한 3종에서 여름철 낮시간에 증가하였다. 겨울철의 O-J-I-P곡선은 모든 종에서 낮시간에 다소 낮아지지만 큰 변화는 없었다. 그리고, 문주란, 박달목서, 파초일엽에서 $\psi$o/(1-$\psi$o)가 낮시간에 다소 증가하였다. 이로부터 P $I_{NO}$ , SF $I_{NO}$ , $\psi$o/(1-$\psi$o)등의 변수는 식물의 활력도를 검정하는 지표로 활용될 가능성이 높다고 할 수 있다.irc}C$) 까지 동시에 냉각된 사실을 지시한다. 각섬석 편암내의 각섬석들은 복잡한 40Ar/39Ar 연대를 보여주며 일부가 평형연대를 보여주지만 특별한 의미 부여가 힘들다.해예방행동을 촉구하는 등의 효과도 높은 것으로 예방의학적인 유용성이 크다고 볼 수 있다. 미침을 알 수 있었다. 대두 단백질로 코팅된 golden delicious는 상온에서60일 동안 보관하였을 경우, 사과표피의 색도 변화를 현저히 지연시킴을 확인하였다. 또한 control과 비교하여 성공적으로 사과에 코팅하였으며, 상온에서 보관하여을 때 사과의 품질을 30일 이상 연장하는 효과를 관찰하였다. 이들 결과로부터 대두단백질 필름이 과일 등의 포장제로서 이용할 가능성을 확인하였다.로 [-wh] 겹의문사는 복수 의미를 지닐 수 없 다. 그러면 단수 의미는 어떻게 생성되는가\ulcorner 본 논문에서는 표면적 형태에도 불구하고 [-wh]의미의 겹의문사는 병렬적 관계의 합성어가 아니라 내부구조를 지니지 않은 단순한 단어(minimal $X^{0}$ elements)로 가정한다. 즉, [+wh] 의미의 겹의문사는 동일한 구성

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Impacts of Elevated $CO_2$ on Algal Growth, $CH_4$ Oxidation and $N_2O$ Production in Northern Peatland (이탄습지에서 이산화탄소의 농도가 조류의 증식, 메탄 산화 및 아산화질소 생성에 미치는 영향)

  • Freeman, Chris;Kang, Ho-Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.34 no.4 s.96
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    • pp.261-266
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    • 2001
  • Effects of elevated carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) on soil microbial processes were studied in a northern peatland. Intact peat cores with surface vegetation were collected from a northern Welsh fen, and incubated either under elevated carbon dioxide (700 ppm) or ambient carbon dioxide (350 ppm) conditions for 4 months. Higher algal biomass was found under the elevated $CO_2$ condition, suggesting $CO_2$ fertilization effect on primary production, At the end of the incubation, trace gas production and consumption were analyzed using chemical inhibitors. For methane ($CH_4$ ), methyl fluoride ($CH_3F$) was applied to determine methane oxidation rates, while acetylene ($C_2H_2$) blocking method were applied to determine nitrification and denitrification rates. First, we have adopted those methods to optimize the reaction conditions for the wetland samples. Secondly, the methods were applied to the samples incubated under two levels of $CO_2$. The results exhibited that elevated carbon dioxide increased both methane production (210 vs. $100\;ng\;CH_4 g^{-1}\;hr^{-1}$) and oxidation (128 vs. $15\;ng\;CH_4 g^{-1}\;hr^{-1}$), resulting in no net increase in methane flux. For nitrous oxide ($N_2O$) , elevated carbon dioxide enhanced nitrous oxide emission probably from activation of nitrification process rather than denitrification rates. All of these changes seemed to be substantially influenced by higher oxygen diffusion from enhanced algal productivity under elevated $CO_2$.

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Changes of Ground-dwelling Arthropod Communities for 10 Years after Thinning in a Pinus koraiensis Plantation (잣나무림에서 간벌 이후 지표 절지동물 군집의 변화 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Dae-Seong;Kwon, Tae-Sung;Kim, Sung-Soo;Park, Young Kyu;Yang, Hee Moon;Choi, Won Il;Park, Young-Seuk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.208-219
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    • 2020
  • Forest thinning brought the large variation to forest ecosystem including environment and animal. Our study was result of long-term monitoring for ground-dwelling arthropod communities after thinning in forest ecosystem. In this study, we conducted field study on plantation forest in Chuncheon, Korea in 2018, and compared with previous study data (2006 and 2008). We found that the effect of thinning was still existent 10 years later from thinning with difference of habitat environment(depth of ground organic matter, coverage rate of ground vegetation and canopy). And ground-dwelling arthropod communities showed changes of abundance and taxa at the study area and thinning conditions. Ground-dwelling arthropod communities in 2018 were dominant in the order of Diptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera (Insecta), Araneae (Arachnida) and Collembola (Collembola). Among the conditions of thinning, Araneae (Arachnida), Coleoptera and Hymenoptera (Insecta) showed amount of abundance in heavy thinning. And Collembola (Collembola) and Diptera (Insecta) were most common in area of light thinning. In 2018 ground-dwelling arthropod communities, abundance of Diptera and Coleoptera (Insecta) and Isopoda (Crustacea) were decreased although Hemiptera and Orthoptera (Insecta) were increased than 2008 arthropod communities. Arthropod communities in 2018 were more similar with those in 2008 (after thinning) than with those in 2006 (before thinning).

Change of Vegetation and Soil Characteristics of Green Roofs in Dongguk University (동국대학교 옥상녹화 지역의 식생 및 토양특성 변화)

  • Lee, Sang-Jin;Park, Gwan-Soo;Kim, Dong-Il;Lee, Dong-Kun;Kil, Sung-Ho;Jang, Seong-Wan;Park, Beom-Hwan;Yun, Jun-Young;Jang, Kwan-Woo;Lee, Ho-Young;Kwon, Oh-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.193-206
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    • 2013
  • This study was to provide the base data on the status of vegetations and soils in green roofs by analyzing the soil and vegetation characteristics of 4 green roofs in Dongguk University in September 2012. Sanglokwon(SW), Dongguk Hall(DH), University Library(UL), and Information and Culture Hall P(IC) were established in 2005, 2008, 2009, and 2010, respectively. The areas of green roofs were $700m^2$, $2,300m^2$, $1,240m^2$, and $640m^2$ in SW, DH, UL, and IC respectively. The investigated floras of vascular plants were 26 families, 55 genera, 65 species in Sanglokwon(SW), 53 families, 99 genera, 112 species in Dongguk Hall(DH), 43 families, 77 genera, 84 species in University Library(UL), and 41 families, 71 genera, 75 species in Information and Culture Hall P(IC), respectively. A positive correlation is shown between the number of plant species and planting area. Total nitrogen, organic matter, and potassium in soil have positive correlation with the number of plant species. The number of plant species was proportional to area and increased more than twice after planting. About a quarter of the invaded plants (including native and naturalized species) were naturalized plants. The total soil depths including vegetation soil and drainage soil at SW, DH, UL, and IC were 20cm, 10cm, 10cm, and 8cm, respectively. The depths of vegetation soil at SW, DH, UL, and IC were <7cm, <3cm, <2cm, and <2cm respectively. The soil pH in vegetation soil ranged from 5.22 to 5.36, and from 6.13 to 6.39 in drainage soil. Available-P concentration ranged from 10.17 to 189.77mg/kg in vegetation soil and from 6.70 to 81.17mg/kg in drainage soil. Carbon concentration in vegetation soil ranged from 2.93 to 9.70%, and 2.93 to 9.70% in drainage soil. Carbon contents in 20cm, 10cm, 10cm, and 8cm soil depths were $2.62kg/m^2$, $1.89kg/m^2$, $0.50kg/m^2$, and $0.53kg/m^2$ at SW, DH, UL, and IC, respectively.

Effects of Soil Covering Depth and Vegetation Base Materials on the Competition between Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc. and Lespedeza cyrtobotrya Miq. at Abandoned Coal Mine Land in Gangwon, Korea (강원도 석탄 폐광지 주변 폐석더미에서 복토와 식생기반재 처리가 소나무(Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc.)와 참싸리(Lespedeza cyrtobotrya Miq.)의 경쟁에 미치는 영향)

  • Yi, Koong;Lim, Joo-Hoon;Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Lee, Im-Kyun;Jeong, Yong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of soil covering depth and vegetation base materials on the competition between Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc. and Lespedeza cyrtobotrya Miq., which were grown in an abandoned coal mine land for three years after seeding, by comparing their growth and stem density. The study site was consisted of sub-plots with four different soil covering depths (0cm, 10cm, 20cm, and 30cm) and four different compounds of vegetation base materials (peat moss (control), soil conditioner+peat moss (S+P), erosion control material+peat moss (E+P), and soil conditioner+erosion control material+peat moss (S+E+P)). Results of this study showed opposite pattern between P. densiflora and L. cyrtobotrya with different soil covering depth and compounds of vegetation base materials in general. P. densiflora showed the highest growth and stem density in plots with 10cm and 0cm depths of soil covering, respectively, while the lowest was shown in plots with 20cm depth of soil covering. In contrast, L. cyrtobotrya showed the highest growth and stem density in plots with 20cm depth of soil covering, while the lowest was shown in plots with 0cm depth of soil covering. In case of vegetation base materials, P. densiflora showed the highest growth and stem density in control plots and plots treated with S+P, respectively, while the lowest was shown in plots with S+E+P treatment. On the other hand, L. cyrtobotrya showed the highest growth and stem density in plots treated with S+E+P, while the lowest was shown in control plots. These results suggested the competition between two plants as a major cause of opposite patterns, which is induced by the suppressed growth and stem density of P. densiflora by fast growing L. cyrtobotrya. Despite the suppression of L. cyrtobotrya on P. densiflora, L. cyrtobotrya can play a positive role in improving soil quality, and thus it would be more desirable for restoring abandoned coal mine land to manage the growth of L. cyrtobotrya periodically, rather than eliminate them.

Vegetation Characteristics of Coastal Sand Dune in the East Coast (동해안 해안사구의 식생특성)

  • Han, Young-Hoon;Lee, Yong-Ho;Kim, Jong-Bong;Cho, Kwang-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.55-69
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    • 2013
  • The phytosocialogical study on the coastal sand dune vegetation of the East Coast was carried out. 180 phytosociological relev$\acute{e}$s of 62 sites in the East Coast were used in this study. In addition, already published syntaxa and the phytosociological hierarchy in Korea and Japan were used and comparative analyses of syntaxonomy, synecology, syngeography, and syndynamics were performed in the study. In this study, the flora was investigated 30 families, 66 genera, 77 taxa and 3 vegetation types were identified : the coastal drift-line annual communities (Calystegio soldanellae-Salsoletum komarovii), the dune glasslands communities (Elymo-Caricetum kobomugi, Carex kobomugi typical community, Elymus mollis community, Calystegia soldanella community, Zoysia macrostachya community, Cynodon dactylon community, Carex pumila community), and the dune shrubs communities (Linario-Viticetum rotundifoliae, Vitex rotundifolia community, Rosa rugosa community). The aspect of transition in the coastal sand dune vegetation of the East Coast were identified as follows : (1) reduced constancy degree and cover degree of Glehnia littoralis in each community; (2) lack of Ischaemum anthephoroides in Linario-Viticetum rotundifoliae (3) simplified species composition in Vitex rotundifolia community. Unstable habitat condition by external interference seemed to has caused the reduction of 2 taxa, Glehnia littoralis and Ischaemum anthephoroides, that usually grow in the second dune. In addition, we found changes in the distribution of the dune shrub communities influenced by rising temperature of the East Coast as results of the global warming. The results on the distribution of the dune shrub communities in this study demonstrated that the limit of the Rosa rugosa community made $0^{\circ}$ 44'N to the North and the vegetative limit of the Vitex rotundifolia community made $0^{\circ}$ 28'N to the North, respectively compared with the previously phytosociological studies. This study investigated the coastal sand dune vegetation, syntaxonomy, habitat condition and human disturbunce of the East Coast, and this will provide important information as basic data for the coastal ecosystem.

Reclamation of the Closed/Abandoned Coal Mine Overburden Using Lime wastes from Soda Ash Production (부산석회를 활용한 휴ㆍ폐 석탄광산 폐기물의 안정화 및 식생복원)

  • 김휘중;양재의;옥용식;유경열;박병길;이재영;전상호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2004.09a
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2004
  • In Korea, over three hundreds of the coal mines were closed or abandoned due to the depression of the mining industry since the late 1980s. Many of them locate in the steep mountain valleys and the coal mine wastes had been disposed without a proper treatment From these mines, enormous amounts of coal mine overburdens have been abandoned in the slopes and the ample amounts of acid mine drainage (AMD) from either portal or overburdens have been discharging directly to the streams, causing the detrimental effects on soil and water qualities. Objectives of this research were to reclaim the coal mine overburdens using the lime waste cake from the soda ash production by stabilizing the overburden slopes, introducing the vegetation alleviate the environmental problems caused by the closed coal mines. The percentages of the grass distribution ratio (%) and the surface coverage ($\textrm{cm}^2$) in each treatment plot were determined during June to August after seed spraying grasses such as orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata L), Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) and Eulalia (Miscanthus sinensis Anderss) at the end of May. The grasses covered only 15.5 % of the coal overburden plot at the early stage but the coverage was increased with time to 33% in August. Growth of such grasses was enhanced with the combined treatments of lime waste and topsoil resulting in the increased surface coverage by the grasses. The Increment of the surface coverage from June to August was higher with lime waste treatments. The distribution percentages and surface coverage were highest when the lime wastes were treated at 25 % of the lime requirement. This might be related with the high salt contents in the hire wastes. Results demonstrated that the amounts of lime wastes at 25% of the lime requirement were sufficient for neutralizing the acidic coal overburden and introducing the re-vegetation. Either layering between the coal waste and topsoil or mixing with coal overburdens could be adopted as the lime waste treatment method. The combined treatment of lime wastes and topsoil was recommended for re-vegetation in the coal overburden slopes. The lime wastes from the soda ash production might have a potential to be recycled for the reclamation of the abandoned coal mines to alleviate the environmental problems associated with coal mine waste.

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A Study on the Vegetation Structure of Abies koreana Forest in Yeongsil Area of Hallasan Mountain (한라산 영실지역 구상나무림의 식생구조 연구)

  • Song, Kuk-Man;Kang, Young-Je
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2016
  • This study's purpose was to provide basic data for the monitoring of ecological changes caused by change of vegetation structure of Abies koreana forest in a study site susceptible to climatic change in Yeongsil area of Hallasan Mountain, Jeju Island. Surveys revealed this: in Yeongsil area of Hallasan Mountain, per 1 ha of A. koreana forests, total number 1,781, and A. koreana number 989, accounting for 55.5% of the total number of trees. 190 A. koreana or 19.2% were found to be dead. For the number of individual trees by DBH, trees standing 5 cm - 10 cm tall formed the largest portion at 39.9%, and in the case of other trees except A. koreana, the number of individual trees below 5 cm accounted for 23.5% of the total number of trees. The survey of importance by height revealed this: at the top level, the importance of A. koreana was the highest at 106.23, but the sum of importance of temperate deciduous broad-leaved trees (Prunus maximowiczii, Quercus mongolica, and Taxus cuspidata) was higher at 142.84 than that of A. koreana. The analysis of species diversity revealed 0.645 species diversity for the tree layer and 0.817 for the shrub layer; for evenness, 0.549 for the tree layer and 0.664 for the shrub layer; for dominance value; 0.451 for the tree layer and 0.336 for the shrub layer. The analysis of tree vitality revealed that for the A. koreana forests in Yeongsil, the composition ratio of A. koreana by type is AS type>AL type>DS type>DB type, and that of the other trees is AL type>AS type>AF type>AB type. Compared with the forests in other areas, the A. koreana forests in the Yeongsil area have a very high occurrence rate of dead trees, and a high importance of trees is shown in the deciduous broad-leaved tree forests. Compared with the A. koreana forests in the Jindallaebat area, with the same level above sea, the vegetation structures are fast changing. Also, due to dryness and other non-physical environmental changes caused by a lack of rainwater and dry winds in winter, dead trees are fast increasing in number. Environmental changes such as climate change diversely affect the maintenance of A. koreana in individual areas, and if environmental changes are fast and continue long, of the A. koreana forest areas in the Hallasan Mountain, the A. koreana forests in the Yeongsil area will decrease fastest in number and will experience changes in the vegetation structure. Thus, it is necessary to survey the vegetation changes in A. koreana forests, which are distributed in all directions but are centered on Hallasan Mountain, and to thus conduct long-term monitoring and research.

Studies on Vegetation for Ecological Restoration of Salt Marshes in Saemangeum Reclaimed Land - Population Formation Strategies of Halophytes - (새만금 간척지일대 염습지 생태복원을 위한 식생학적 연구 -염생식물의 개체군 형성 전략-)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.463-471
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    • 2009
  • A study on vegetation in the Mangyeong River and Dongjin River basins and the surrounding regions of the Saemangeum Reclaimed Land was conducted in a series of efforts to determine the expected ecological changes in the salt marshes, to restore their vegetation, to explore the restoring force of halophyte, to examine the community mechanism and, ultimately, to rehabilitate marshy land vegetation along the lakeside, coastal dune and salt marshes of the Saemangeum Project Area. The findings of the study may be summed up as follows: Five species such as Suaeda japonica, Salicornia herbacea, Atriplex gmelini, Aster tripolium and Suaeda asparagoides that are mostly distributed in the estuary of the Saemangeum Reclaimed Land were analyzed to examine the mechanism of halophyte to maintain their community. To find out the strategies of plants for survival and the cause of forming community structure, a research was made as for appearance ratio of biomass, root lengths and germination. With regard to biomasses of halophyte, the biomass of Suaeda japonica increases rapidly, while Salicornia herbacea adopts a strategy of unstable growth pattern by which the biomass increases slowly in parallel with its slow speed of growth since initial appearance of young sapling. In contrast, Suaeda asparagoides, Atriplex gmelini and Aster tripolium choose to adapt themselves to environment promptly by being transformed into life form of annual or biennial plant, a pattern that is presumed to be favorable and stable for survival in the later stage of growth. In short, there is a sharp distinction among the 5 species: i.e. Suaeda japonica that begins to grow fast in the length of surface and underground section but slows down from the mid-stage on; Salicornia herbacea that grows slowly in the beginning step but starts to step up from the middle onward; Atriplex gmelini and Aster tripolium growing slowly in the initial stage but fast later on; and Suaeda asparagoides that turns from the constant growth in the beginning to rapid growth in the later period. The outcomes of the analysis into status of growth and influencing factors of Suaeda japonica in the sowing field that is most widely prevalent in the Saemangeum Reclaimed Land as a sort of ecological pioneer in the salt marshes showed that the average size of grass lands, density and number of individuals increase in the natural sowing field as well as in the plowing field regardless of their physical as well as physico-chemical features of the soil as the season progresses from June to October of a year.

Vegetation Structure and Distributional Characteristics of Abies koreana Forests in Mt. Halla (한라산 구상나무림의 식생구조와 분포 특성)

  • Song, Kuk-Man;Kim, Chan-Soo;Koh, Jung-Goon;Kang, Chang-Hun;Kim, Moon-Hong
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.415-425
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of the present study was to analyze the vegetation structure and distributional characteristics of Abies koreana forests in Mt. Halla, and to provide basicdata for an ecological study on Abies koreana in Mt. Halla. The results of the analysis showed that the mean importance percentage(M.I.P,) of Abies koreana in the Youngsil and Bangaeoreum and the Azalea field were 28.3%, 23.6%, and 46.4%, respectively. The ratios of DBH (diameter at breast height) to height were similar in all region, except in the Azalea field, where Abies koreana of various ages, both young and old, were found. The species diversity (H) of the upper and lower layers in the Youngsil and Bangaeoreum and in the Azalea field were 0.625 and 0.810, 0.731 and 0.848, and 0.342 and 0.757, respectively. A total of 52 community were distributed at locations higher than 1,300m above sea level. The proportions of each community in the whole Abies koreana forest were 56.5%(Azalea field), 11.0% (Youngsil trail at 1,550-1,650 m above sea level), and 8.1%(Janggumok and Kundurewat region). The total area of the Abies koreana forest was calculated to be 795.3ha by combining all the areas of each community. An Abies koreana forest with the largest area was found at locations 1,500-1,600 m above sea level, taking up 38.8% of the total Abies koreana forest area. For the slopes of the distributional area of Abies koreana, 46.1%(highest proportion) of the total area was $10\sim25^{\circ}$, and for the azimuth of the distributional area, 17.4%(the highest proportion) of the total area was $0-45^{\circ}$. The vegetation structure showed large differences between areas. It was found, however, that the distribution was mostly in the areas with a relatively gentle slope. It is suggested that research be done to forecast the possible changes in the differences in the vegetation structures between different areas caused by climate changes. In addition, there is a need to monitor the Abies koreana and alpine plants in the subalpine zones of Mt. Halla, which are sensitive to climate change, to obtain the basic data that are necessary for the protection and maintenance of the ecosystem.