• Title/Summary/Keyword: 식물정화기술

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Review on Risks of Perchlorate and Treatment Technologies (퍼클로레이트(Perchlorate)의 위해성과 저감기술 소개)

  • Shin, Kyung-Hee;Son, Ah-Jeong;Cha, Daniel K.;Kim, Kyoung-Woong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.1060-1068
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    • 2007
  • Perchlorate contamination in aquatic system is a growing concern due to the human health and ecological risks associated with perchlorate exposure. In spite of potential risks associated with perchlorate, drinking water standard has not been established worldwide. Recently, US EPA has issued new protective guidance for cleaning up perchlorate contamination with a preliminary clean-up goal of 24.5 ppb. In Korea, the drinking water standard and discharge standard for perchlorate has not been established yet and little information is available to address perchlorate problems. Perchlorate treatment technologies include ion exchange, microbial reactor, carbon adsorption, composting, in situ bioremediation, permeable reactive barrier, phytoremediation, and membrane technology. The process description, capability, and advantage/disadvantages of each technology were described in detail in this review. One of recent trends in perchlorate treatment is the combination of available treatment options such as combined microbial reduction and permeable reactive burier. In this review, we provided a brief perspective on perchlorate treatment technology and to identify an efficient and cost-effective approach to manage perchlorate problem.

Development and Application of Multi-Functional Floating Wetland Island for Improving Water Quality (수질정화를 위한 다기능 인공식물섬의 개발과 적용)

  • Yoon, Younghan;Lim, Hyun Man;Kim, Weon Jae;Jung, Jin Hong;Park, Jae-Roh
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2016
  • Multi-functional floating wetland island (mFWI) was developed in order to prevent algal bloom and to improve water quality through several unit purification processes. A test bed was applied in the stagnant watershed in an urban area, from the summer to the winter season. For the advanced treatment, an artificial phosphorus adsorption/filtration medium was applied with micro-bubble generation, as well as water plants for nutrient removal. It appeared that the efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total phosphorus (T-P) removal was higher in the warmer season (40.9%, 45.7%) than in the winter (15.9%, 20.0%), and the removal performance (suspended solid, chlorophyll a) in each process differs according to seasonal variation; micro-bubble performed better (33.1%, 39.2%) in the summer, and the P adsorption/filtration and water plants performed better (76.5%, 59.5%) in the winter season. From the results, it was understood that the mFWI performance was dependent upon the pollutant loads in different seasons and unit processes, and thus it requires continuous monitoring under various conditions to evaluate the functions. In addition, micro-bubbles helped prevent the formation of anaerobic zones in the lower part of the floating wetland. This resulted in the water circulation to form a new healthy aquatic ecosystem in the surrounding environment, which confirmed the positive influence of mFWI.

Practical Plan and Vascular Plants Around Construct-Reserved Site of Ecological Forest in Baekdudaegan (백두대간 생태숲 조성예정지의 관속식물상과 활용방안)

  • You, Ju-Han;Ra, Jung-Hwa;Cho, Hyun-Ju;Ku, Ji-Na
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.42-58
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to survey the vascular plants of the construct-reserved site of ecological forest in Kohang-ri, Sangri-myeon, Yecheon-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea. The results are as follows. The vascular plants in this site were recorded as 392 taxa; 85 families, 254 genera, 341 species, 45 varieties and 6 forma. The Korean endemic plants were 5 taxa; Salix hallaisanensis, Clematis trichotoma, Chrysosplenium barbatum, Philadelphus schrenckii and Weigela subsessilis. The rare plants designated by Korea Forest Service were 2 taxa; Iris ensata var. spontanea and Aristolochia contorta. The naturalized plants were 25 taxa; Bromus tectorum, Dactylis glomerata, Panicum dichotomiflorum, Bilderdykia dumetora and so forth. In the results of analysis by floristic region, the specific plants were summarized as 31 taxa; Matteuccia struthiopteris, Oxalis obtriangulata, Betula davurica, Cimicifuga heracleifolia and so forth. The plants with approval for delivering oversea were 4 taxa; Salix hallaisanensis, Aristolochia controrta, Clematis trichotoma and Chrysosplenium barbatum. The plant resources were 186 taxa of ornamental plant, 241 taxa of edible plant, 274 taxa of medicinal plant and 202 taxa of others.

Basic Data Analysis on Bio Block Placement for Sea grass Field in the Enclosed Bay (반폐쇄해역에서의 잘피장 조성 바이오블록 거치의 기초자료 분석)

  • Ahn, HyoJae;Lee, JoongWoo;Kang, SeokJin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2015.07a
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    • pp.183-185
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    • 2015
  • 반폐쇄해역에서는 해수교환이 어렵고 육상에서 유입부하와 적조 등의 영향을 강하게 받기 때문에 항상 수질과 저질이 악화되기 쉬운 환경에 처해 있어서 이의 개선을 위한 일환으로 해양식물(잘피)의 서식환경을 복원하여 해양정화에 기여하기 위한 친환경적 접근이 필요하다. 다양한 해상환경조건하에서 잘피의 서식은 변화므로 특히, 파랑의 극한 외력여건에 견디는 친환경 잘피 지지구조물 기술개발이 우선되어야 한다. 본 연구는 잘피장 조성의 기반기술로 해양식생 지지용 바이오 블록을 개발하고 특히, 관광지 및 해양클러스터 단지로 대외적으로 알려져 있는 영도해역에서 영도구가 야심차게 준비해오고 있는 해상낚시터 인근해역에 적용할 수 있는 바이오 블록의 현장시범거치를 통해 잘피 등 해양식생을 유도하기 기반을 마련하기 위한 기초연구로 대상구역에서의 파랑해석과 식생 조성 후에 파랑의 반응특성을 수치모델을 통해 분석하고자 하였다. 계산 결과는 대상지역에 적용할 사면 피복재로 바이오 블록의 규격을 결정하는데 반영될 것이며 후속 연구에서 실제블록의 제작과 현장거치를 수행하고자 한다.

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A Study on Potential of Aquatic Plants to Remove Indoor Air Pollutants (실내오염물질 정화를 위한 수생식물의 이용가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Soyoung;Kim, Jeoung;Jang, Young-Kee;Sung, Kijune
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of aquatic plant as a botanical air purification on the indoor air pollution by formaldehyde. Three aquatic plants such as Eichhornia crassipes, Cyperus alternifolius, Echinodorus cordifolius, were selected for this study and they were placed in the artificially contaminated chamber under laboratory condition. The results showed that all three plants could remove the formaldehyde from the contaminated air system effectively. Reduction in the formaldehyde levels by Eichhornia crassipes, which is the floating plant, might be associated with the factors of plant and water. Reduction in the formaldehyde levels by Cyperus helferi and Echinodorus cordifolius, which were emergent plant, was due to the complex effect of plant, soil medium and water. In aquatic plant system, dissolution, microbial degradation in rhizosphere, uptake through root and shoot, sorption to soil and shoot, hydrolysis are known as the main mechanisms of water soluble pollutants in the given system. The advantages of indoor air quality control system using aquatic plants can be; 1) various purifying mechanisms than foliage plants, 2) effective for decontamination of water soluble pollutants; 3) easy for maintenance; 4) diverse application potential. Therefore it was suggested from the results that indoor air control system of aquatic plants should be more effective for reduction of indoor air pollutants.

Production of air purification verification system using moss (이끼를 활용한 공기정화 검증 시스템 제작)

  • Ahn, Dohyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.587-591
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    • 2019
  • Fine dust aerated in the atomsphere penetrates our lungs and blood lines through respiratory. Recent fine dust problems in Korea leads to development of various air purifiers. The researchers used this to study systems that could replace chemical filters. In order to compare the effect of the reduction of moss and conventional chemical filter(Hepa), a 1 cubic meter cube was prepared and the amount of the concentration of fine dust reduction was compared under controlled environment. Under the high concentration of fine dust, a test was done to figure out the reduction rate of the fine dust concentration by using air purification system with moss, hepa, and no filter. The air purification system(moss, hepa, and no filter) were operated 90 times in total, 30 times each. The test explains that the reduction of the fine dust amount and the rate of fine dust concentration. The results illustrate that the reduction of the amount fine dust was 138.93 after using air purification system with moss filter. In contrast, the usage of air purification system with hepa filter reduced the amount of fine dust to 76.57. And the air purification with no filter shows that the slight reduction of fine dust amount at 0.10. In the rate of fine dust concentration, moss filter was significantly higher than that of hepa, no filter (0.2379, 0.1298 and 0.0063 each). The results have confirmed that moss is effective in reducing fine dust concentration, and it is expected that with further improvement it can be used as a means to replace or supplement existing chemical filters in air purifier.

Engineering Approach to Crop Production in Space (우주에서 작물 생산을 위한 공학적 접근)

  • Kim Yong-Hyeon
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.218-231
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    • 2005
  • This paper reviews the engineering approach needed to support humans during their long-term missions in space. This approach includes closed plant production systems under microgravity or low pressure, mass recycling, air revitalization, water purification, waste management, elimination of trace contaminants, lighting, and nutrient delivery systems in controlled ecological life support system (CELSS). Requirements of crops f3r space use are high production, edibility, digestibility, many culinary uses, capability of automation, short stems, and high transpiration. Low pressure on Mars is considered to be a major obstacle for the design of greenhouses fer crop production. However interest in Mars inflatable greenhouse applicable to planetary surface has increased. Structure, internal pressure, material, method of lighting, and shielding are principal design parameters for the inflatable greenhouse. The inflatable greenhouse operating at low pressure can reduce the structural mass and atmosphere leakage rate. Plants growing at reduced pressure show an increasing transpiration rates and a high water loss. Vapor pressure increases as moisture is added to the air through transpiration or evaporation from leaks in the hydroponic system. Fluctuations in vapor pressure will significantly influence total pressure in a closed system. Thus hydroponic systems should be as tight as possible to reduce the quantity of water that evaporates from leaks. And the environmental control system to maintain high relative humidity at low pressure should be developed. The essence of technologies associated with CELSS can support human lift even at extremely harsh conditions such as in deserts, polar regions, and under the ocean on Earth as well as in space.

Effects of Crown Diameter on Plant Growth and Fruit Yield in Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) (딸기 묘의 크라운 크기가 정식 후 식물체 생육 및 과실 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Ho-Jong;Song, Hyun-Jin;Park, Soo-Jeong;Kim, Zhoo-Hyeon;Lee, Sang-Woo
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of crown diameter on plant growth after planting and fruit yield. All nursery plants were classified into three classes: A, > 9 mm; B, 8~9 mm; C, < 8 mm. The A-class nursery plant plot showed better root and plant growth after planting compared to the B-class and C-class nursery plants. The A-class nursery plant plot was 10 days faster in first flowering time then those of the B-class and the C-class. Also, the A-class nursery plant plot was 2~3 days faster in the mean flowering time. The accumulative yield of the A-class nursery plant plot was 481 g per plant, that of the B-class was 445 g, and the C 422 g, which the nursery plant plot of A-class yielded more 8.1% and 13.9% respectively than B-class plot and C-class plot per plant. In early yield of to February; A-class nursery plant plot showed 23.3% higher yield than B-class nursery plant plot, and 39.1% higher the C-class nursery plant.

Application of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) in the Field of Stabilization of As and Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil (비소 및 중금속 오염토양 안정화 분야에서의 X선 흡수분광법(XAS) 활용)

  • Lim, Jung Eun;Moon, Deok Hyun;Kim, Kwon-Rae;Ok, Yong Sik
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2015
  • X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analysis using X-ray absorption spectroscopy is being applied as a state-of-the-art method in a wide range of disciplines. This review article summarizes the overall procedure of XAFS analysis from the preparation of soil samples to the analysis of data in X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) region and extended Xray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) region. The previous studies on application of XANES and EXAFS techniques in environmental soil science field are discussed and classified them according to metal(loid)s (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn). A significant number of previous studies of XAFS application in the environmental soil science field have focused on the identification of Pb chemical species in soil. Moreover, XANES and EXAFS techniques have been widely used to investigate the contamination source via identification of metal species. Similarly, these techniques were applied to identify the mechanisms of metal stabilization in soil after application of various amendments, phytoremediation, etc.

Numerical Study on Behavior of Underground Freshwater Body with Variation of Freshwater Injection in a Coastal Aquifer (염수대수층 내 담수 주입 변화에 따른 지하 담수체 거동에 대한 수치모의)

  • Jeong, Woo Chang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.249-249
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    • 2015
  • ASR(Aquifer Storage Recharge) 또는 ASTR(Aquifer Storage Transfer Recharge)과 같은 직접적인 지하수 인공함양기법은 대수층을 활용하여 수자원을 공급하고 관리하기 위한 적극적인 방안으로 고려될 수 있다. 이 중 ASTR 기법은 대규모 충적층이 발달한 강변 또는 하구에서 저류지 수생식물의 정화작용과 층적층의 물리/화학/생물학적 여과 기능을 활용하여 양질의 상수원수를 확보할 수 있는 기법이며, 수질이 나쁜 하천수를 직접 취수하여 정수처리하는 것에 비해 정수비용이 상대적으로 적게 들어 투자대비 경제적인 상수원수 확보기술이라 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 하구에 염수 대수층이 위치해 있다고 가정하였으며, 이러한 염수 대수층 내에 담수 주입 변화에 따른 지하 담수체의 거동을 4가지 시나리오에 따라 모의 및 분석을 통해 조사하였다. 염수 대수층 내에서 8개의 주입정과 1개의 양수정이 설치되어 있다고 가정하였으며, 주입정은 동심원 상에 등간격으로 위치해 있으며, 양수정은 동심원 중에 위치해 있다고 가정하였다. 본 연구에서 구성된 시나리오로 첫 번째는 주입정 8개 모두에서 동시에 주입되며, 1개의 양수정을 통해 양수되는 것이며, 두 번째는 7개의 주입정에 주입 그리고 1개의 주입정 폐쇄, 세 번째는 6개 주입정에 주입 및 양수정과 서로 마주보는 2개 주입정 폐쇄, 그리고 마지막으로 6개 주입정에 주입 및 서로 이웃한 2개 주입정 폐쇄이다.

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