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The Diagnosis of Work Connectivity between Local Government Departments -Focused on Busan Metropolitan City IT Project - (지자체 부서 간 업무연계성 진단 -부산광역시 정보화사업을 중심으로 -)

  • JI, Sang-Tae;NAM, Kwang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.176-188
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    • 2018
  • Modern urban problems are increasingly becoming a market mix that can not be solved by the power of a single department and the necessity of establishing a cooperation system based on data communication between departments is increasing. Therefore, this study analyzed Busan metropolitan city's IT projects from 2014 to 2018 in order to understand the utilization and sharing status of departmental data from the viewpoint that cooperation between departments can start from the sharing of data with high common utilization. In addition, based on the results of the FGI(Focus Group Interview) conducted for the officials of the department responsible for the informatization project, we verified the results of data status analysis. At the same time, we figured out the necessity of data link between departments through SNA(Social Network Analysis) and presented data that should be shared first in the future. As a result, most of the information systems currently use limited data only within the department that produced the data. Most of the linked data was concentrated in the information department. Therefore, this study suggested the following solutions. First, in order to prevent overlapping investments caused by the operation of individual departments and share information, it is necessary to build a small platform to tie the departments, which have high connectivity with each other, into small blocks. Second, a local level process is needed to develop data standards as an extension of national standards in order to expand the information to be used in various fields. Third, as another solution, we proposed a system that can integrate various types of information based on address and location information through application of cloud-based GIS platform. The results of this study are expected to contribute to build a cooperation system between departments through expansion of information sharing with cost reduction.

The Politics of Scale: The Social and Political Construction of Geographical Scale in Korean Housing Politics (스케일의 정치: 한국 주택 정치에서의 지리적 스케일의 사회적.정치적 구성)

  • Ryu, Yeon-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.691-709
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    • 2007
  • This paper investigates the social and political construction of geographical scale in conjunction with Korean housing politics. Recently, attention has been drawn to the issue of the social and political construction of geographical scale. Spatial scales have increasingly been regarded as socially constructed and politically contested rather than ontologically pregiven or fixed. The scale literature has paid attention to how different spatial scales can be used or articulated in social movements, with an emphasis on 'up-scaling' and 'scales of activism' rather than 'down-scaling' and 'scales of regulation.' Furthermore, the scale literature has focused on the aspect of empowerment. However, it is worthwhile to examine how scale-especially 'down-scaling' and 'scales of regulation'-can be used not only for marginalizing or excluding unprivileged social groups, but also for controlling the (re)production of space, including housing space. Under a regulatory regime, the Korean central government gained more control over the (re)production of housing space at geographical multi-scales by means of 'jumping scales,' specifically 'down-scaling.' The Korean central government has increasingly obtained the capacity to 'jump scales' by using not only multiscalar strategies for housing developments, but also taking advantage of various scales of institutional networking among the central and local governments, quasi-governmental institutions, and Chaebols, across the state. Traditionally, scale has been regarded as an analytical spatial unit or category. However, scale can be seen as means of inclusion(and exclusion) and legitimation. Choosing institutions to include or exclude cannot be separated from the choices and range of spatial scale, and is closely connected to 'scale spatiality of politics.' Facilitating different forms of 'scales of regulation,' the Korean central government included Chaebols and upper- and middle-income groups for the legitimization of housing projects, but excluded local-scale grassroots organizations and unprivileged social groups as decision-makers.

건설산업경쟁력 강화와 부실방지대책(안)

  • 한국주택협회
    • 주택과사람들
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    • no.54 s.71
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    • pp.185-206
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    • 1996
  • 1.건설제도의 국제화와 경쟁기반 구축 $\bullet$건설산업을 기획$\cdot$설계$\cdot$시공$\cdot$감리$\cdot$사후관리 등 전 분야에 걸쳐 경쟁력 있는 산업으로 육성-기획$\cdot$설계$\cdot$시공$\cdot$감리$\cdot$유지관리 등 건설산업 전반에 관한 기본사항을 법제화-대규모 공사의 경우 발주자를 대신하여 건설공사의 기획$\cdot$설계$\cdot$발주$\cdot$감리$\cdot$시공관리 등 업무의 전부 또는 일부를 종합적으로 조정$\cdot$관리하는 $\lceil$건설사업관리$\rfloor$제도를 도입 $bullet$건설공사 $\lceil$현장실명제$\rfloor$도입을 통한 하도급제도의 정비-전문건설업자로부터 하도급, 위탁, 고용 등의 형태로 공사에 참여하는 현장근로자를 신고 받아 권익을 보호하고 시공책임도 부과하는 $\lceil$현장실명제$\rfloor$도입 $\bullet$공사완성보증제, 손해배상보증제도를 도입하고, 신용상태 $\cdot$시공능력에 따라 보증 요율 등을 차등화 하여 부실업체를 배제 $\bullet$건설공사관련 각종 계약서와 시방서 등 제기준을 정비하여 발주자$\cdot$시공자 등 건설주체간의 역할과 책임을 명확화$\bullet$건설분쟁을 신속하고 객관적으로 조정$\cdot$중재하기 위하여 $\lceil$건설분쟁중재원$\rfloor$으로 확대 개편 2. 건설인력의 육성과 고용안정$\bullet$경쟁력 제고의 관건인 우수인력 확보를 위하여 대학교육 제도의 개선을 포함한 건설 인력 수급대책을 추진 - 대학의 건설관련 학과 정원을 2000년까지 매년 일정규모로 증원하여 고급기술 인력을 배출 현재 50$\%$에 불과한 건설관련 국가기술자격자를 2000년에 70$\%$까지 제고 - 감리 등 전문인력을 양성하고, 선진외국 감리 회사를 활용하여 국내 업계와의 경쟁을 유도 $\bullet$건설현장의 최일선에서 품질을 담당하고 있는 건설기능공의 고용안정과 복지향상을 위한 획기적인 대책을 마련 - 건설기능공의 자긍심과 사회적 책임의식을 고취하기 위해 기능공이 여러 현장을 전전하여 근무하더라도 경력관리, 공제금 등의 합산 관리가 가능하도록 $\lceil$건설 근로자 복지카드$\rfloor$제도를 도입 *$\lceil$건실시연구단$\rfloor$을 구성$\cdot$구체적인 운영방안을 수립 - 건설 업체 실정에 맞는 현장위주의 기능검정제도 도입 $\cdot$자격증이 현장에서 요구되는 기능수준과 숙련도를 제대로 반영할 수 있도록 검정방법을 현장 실기위주로 개선하고 자격검정업무도 건설협회 등의 자격 검정능력을 향상시켜 위탁$\cdot$시행하는 방안을 검토 3. 공사시행기관의 전문성과 책임성 제고 $\bullet$시장이 개방되어 건설공사가 국제적인 관행에 따라 이루어질 것에 대비하여 시행기관에 계약$\cdot$공사관리 등 전문직공무원을 집중 교육하여 양성 $\bullet$ 조달청이 대행하여 공사계약을 하는 경우라도 설계변경은 발주기관이 자체적으로 할 수 있도록 허용 $\bullet$ 기술직 공무원의 기술향상을 위하여 관련 공무원의 확충, 해외연수, 현장교육 강화 등을 지속적으로 추진 $\bullet$ 충분한 사전조사를 거쳐 사업계획을 수립하도록 $\lceil$건설공사 시행절차$\rfloor$를 규정 $\bullet$ 공사기간 3년 이상의 공사에 대하여는 최대한 계속비사업으로 편성토록 계속비제도의 운영을 활성화 4. 건설현장의 품질관리체제 구축 $\bullet$ 현장배쳐플랜트 설치를 확대하여 레미콘의 품질관리를 일원화하고 현장에서 레이콘을 배합하는 건식공법을 채택 - 현장레미콘생산시설(B/P)설치 확대로 콘크리트 하자에 대한 책임한계 일원화 유도 - 레미콘 재료인 골재$\cdot$시멘트$\cdot$물을 공장에서 혼합하여 공급하는 현행 습식배합 대신에 물만을 현장에서 혼합하는 건식 배합방식을 도입 $\bullet$철강재$\cdot$철구조물의 품질을 보증하기 위하여 일정기술을 갖춘 공장에서만 제작토록 하는$\lceil$공장인증제$\rfloor$를 도입 - 제작시설과 품질관리 등을 심사하여 제작공장을 등급화하고 등급에 따라 철강재 등의 제작업무 범위를 차등화 $\bullet$시설물에 대하여도 시공업체가 제작공장을 등급화하고 등급에 따라 철강재 등의 제작업무 범위를 차등화 $\bullet$시설물에 대하여도 시공업체가 사후관리를 일괄 책임질 수 있도록 $\lceil$시공 및 유지관리 일괄계약제도$\rfloor$를 도입 - 대형교량$\cdot$소각로$\cdot$하수처리장 등 유지관리에 전문성이 요구되는 분야부터 시범적으로 도입 $\bullet$건설자재의 표준화$\cdot$정보화사업을 조속히 추진 5. 건설업체에 대한 지원 강화 $\bullet$일부 공공사업자의 경우 관행화되어 있는 대금일부의 어음 또는 채권지급방법을 단계적으로 축소 $\bullet$매월 감독이나 감리원의 기성확인에 의하여 시공자에게 공사대금을 직접 지급토록 하는 등 대금 지급절차를 간소화 6. 민간 건축물에 대한 안전확보 $\bullet$충실한 설계가 이루어지도록 제도를 개선 - 설계도서 작성기준을 제정하고 다중이용시설에 대하여는 건축심의단계에서 구조검토 등 설계심의를 의무화 $\bullet$대형다중이용시설에 대한 감리 강화 - 감리전문회사 수준의 감리체제로 전환하고 감리대가도 공공수준으로 인상하고 적용요율대로 지도$\cdot$감독 강화

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Evolution of the National Pension Scheme in Korea: Uniqueness and Sustainability of the Korean Model (국민연금제도 전개의 한국적 특징과 지속가능성)

  • Kim, Yong-Hha;Seok, Jae-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.37
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    • pp.89-118
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    • 1999
  • The goal of this paper is to define the distinguishing characteristics of Korea's National Pension Scheme compared to the National Pension types of other countries and sees if those characteristics are significant enough in order to warrant calling these the "Korean Model". Also, another point to consider is, if this "Korean Model" does indeed exist, whether it is a 'sustainable' model or not. The National Pension Scheme, which was implemented in 1988, is similar to the public pension system formerly used in Japan. The National Pension Scheme broke away from this 'Japanese Model' in 1995 with implementation of the Farmers and Fishermen Pension, and the unique "Korean Model National Pension" was completed in 1998 with revision of the National Pension Law. The characteristics of the Korean National Pension can be defined as being balanced equally on ability and equality, possessing strong intergenerational income redistribution, having a nationally integrated structure, an incomplete funded method financial neutralism of the government and also as being a Monroe-oriented pension system. There are several limits to the sustainable development of this Korean Model National Pension, though. Even though the precondition of "the income determination problem of self-employed persons", which has strong intra-generational income redistribution. in actuality there are still many policy issues to be confronted such as the structure which 'transfers the burden to the future generation', the 'inter-generational inequity' of the incomplete funded system, persons excluded from coverage under the national integrated structure, 'compulsory loaning of the public sector by the National Pension Fund' under the government's principle of finance neutralism, the separate existence of the 'Monroe-oriented National Pension' from other pensions, etc.,. Therefore, it need to reform of NPS once again to sustainable development of KMNP.

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The Characteristics of the Agricultural Management in the Less Favored Metropolitan Areas - A Case study of Bonli, Taegu- (대도시내 영농조건 불리지역의 농업경영 특성 - 대구광역시 본리마을을 사례로 -)

  • Woo, Jong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.37-52
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    • 2000
  • Generally speaking, the metropolitan agricultural regions have some advantages from the high accessibility to markets. But agriculture inevitably rests on the biological process. This study shows what characteristics of the agricultural management are found in these less favored metropolitan areas with bad natural conditions and how farm household live there. From the view point of farm household, the quality of labors they can get is quite low, and insufficient in quantity. The shortage of labor can be made up for the farming on Trust Farming System And the relatively less favored agricultural conditions prevent people from immigrating into these kind of areas, if they don't have any relationship with there. With bad natural conditions, the farm households usually cultivate relatively small areas for the purpose of self-sufficiency, and with smaller cultivating units(Baemi) of the land than in open fields. The scale of the agricultural management is largely affected by the ages of agricultural managers. The more aged the managers are, the smaller scale of the agricultural management. How to use lands is determined in accordance with the natural conditions such as percentage of sunshine and accessibility to drainage facilities -the two major factors- and more. Either owner-run farmlands or leased farmlands doesn't show any difference in each growing crops. Depending on the conditions of the lands, rice paddy is used for growing rice and field is used for growing self sufficient plants including vegetables for the farm household. Although the lack of infrastructure causes the inconvenience of living, and there exist less favored agricultural conditions, this kind of life and agricultural management style -self-sufficiency type- seems to be sustained quite longer. The less favored natural conditions for farming keeps the agricultural management style from being developed to be the level of commercialization. And the poor economic situation of farmers are continuing again and again. With the result of this study, there should be two conditions to be established previously if they want to develop these regions. First, each farm household should get to know of the importance of commercialization and try to spread it. The commercialization. should be attained through the expansion of the environmental friendly agriculture and the improvement of the previously established distribution system of the crops. Secondly, there should be a support from the government. The support will include the expansion of the infrastructures for fanning to improve the fanning conditions and the compensation system directly from the government to the farmers.

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A Study of the Animation Production System on the Basis of the Media Window Strategy: Focusing on Examining the Direct to Video Superhero Animation (미디어 윈도우 전용 애니메이션 제작 활성화를 위한 연구: Direct to Video 슈퍼히어로 애니메이션 제작 시스템에 대한 고찰을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Jae-Woong
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.53-85
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    • 2017
  • This study deals with the production system of the superhero animation that are based on DC comic books and are produced by Warner Brothers company, and tries to find out ways in order to vitalize the new window of the animation market. 28 superhero animations released from 2007 until 2017 are analyzed. Several critical points are drawn out and can be applied to the Korean animation industry. There are two categories, one is about the management of the production system, and the other is about the subcontract system. In managing the production system, there are three points: First, there are several people who play the role of either a producer or a director many times. Second, producers used to work as a group. Third, some people work not only as a producer but also as a director. In carrying out outsourcing contracts, there are six points: First, only Korean and Japanese companies participate as subcontract companies. Second, about two companies used to take part in the subcontract production in a year. Third, in case of number of people involved in production, there are more Japanese than Korean. Fourth, Japanese companies deal with some parts of the pre-production as well as the main production in . Fifth, a Japanese company has a sub-subcontract with a Korean company in one episode of . Sixth, Korean companies mostly focus on the production part of key animation. Important points that the Korean production system has to consider are also suggested under the two categories. In the production system management, there are two points. It is needed to make use of the group producer system, and it is critical to develop the story line of universe type such as DC Universe. In case of the outsourcing production system, it is essential to keep up educating 2D type of animation and, at the same time, to participate actively in the global outsourcing production. By considering these crucial points, it is expected to keep producing animation that can be used for the media window such as IPTV.

Egg Utilization Survey for School Meals in Gyunggi Province of Korea (경기 지역 학교 급식에서 계란 이용에 관한 설문 조사)

  • Yoo, Y.M.;Chae, H.S.;Jeong, S.G.;Ham, J.S.;Jang, A.;Yoo, H.S.;Ahn, C.N.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 2008
  • A total of one hundred and ninety five nutritionists selected based on population scale in high schools in Gyunggi Province were questioned about utilization of eggs in school meals. Almost half of those nutritionists have utilized eggs in school meals $3{\sim}5$ times per month. Most frequent cooking methods of eggs were boiled eggs. Eggs obtained from food distributors and egg distributors were 80.8% and 13.2%, respectively. Also, the nutritionists in middle population area prefer to purchase graded eggs. The most frequently occurring problems in cooking eggs were egg shell braking and related food safety. The present study revealed that egg is good for school meals, but various menus for easy cooking are yet to be developed.

식품과 알레르기: 유전자 재조합 식품의 알레르기 위험성

  • 손대열
    • Proceedings of the Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition Conference
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    • 2000.12a
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2000
  • 산업 발달에 따라 날로 많은 식품들이 새롭게 개발되어지고 있다. 또한 이와 병행해서 식품으로 인한 알레르기 발생 빈도도 날로 증가하고 있으며 그 증상 또한 점차 심화되고 있는 것이 세계적인 추세이다. 우리나라도 예외는 아니어서 일반 알레르기 환자뿐 아니라 식품으로 인한 알레르기 환자들이 점차 증가됨이 보고되어지고 있다. 농산물 시장의 수입개방이후 우리나라에는 많은 해외 농산물이 수입되어지고 있으며 그 중 작년 한해의 경우 총 수입 농산물의 10%를 넘는 유전자 재조합 농산물이 우리나라에 수입되어진 것으로 통계 보고되어졌다. 이러한 관점에서 알레르기 환자의 증가와 새로운 식품 (특히 유전자 재조합 식품)의 증가에는 서로 관련성이 있을 것으로 추측되어지고 있어 (새로운) 식품에 대한 알레르기성의 예측과 관리가 필요한 실정이다. 이에 몇몇 발표된 유전자 재조합 식품에 관련된 알레르기성 검사 논문들과 실험실에서 이루어진 연구 결과들을 중심으로 유전자 재조합 식품의 알레르기 위험성에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 일반적으로 식품의 단백질이 알레르겐(allergen)으로 작용하기 위해서는 먼저 소화효소에 의해 분해되어지고 장에서 흡수되어져서 immunopotent cell에 의해 process 되어 immune system에 present 되어져야 한다. 따라서 단백질로 인한 알레르기 반응은 그 단백질의 자연적 형태 뿐만이 아니라 소화 효소에 분해된 단편들의 구조 또는 다른 알레르겐 단백질과의 유사 구조로 인한 교차 반응에 의해 발생함을 기억해야 한다. 식품 단백질 중 어떤 단백질이 알레르겐으로 작용하는가에 대한 특이성 조사에 많은 관심이 집중되어지고 있지만 아직까지는 대략 다섯 개 정도의 일반적인 특성으로서 요약되어질 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 대략의 특성에 적용되지 않는 식품 알레르겐도 많음을 잊어서는 안 될 것이다. 알레르겐으로 작용하는 식품 단백질의 일반적 특성 1. 좋은 수용성 2. 식품내에 많은 부분을 차지하는 주 단백질이 주 알레르겐으로 작용 3. 단백질내에 하나 이상의 IgE-binding site 존재 4. 위장액에 대한 저항성 5. 10~70 kDa 크기 유전자 재조합 기술이란 말 그대로 유전자를 인위적으로 새롭게 조합하는 기술로 이전의 기술로는 불가능했던 유전적 변형을 농작물과 동물에 가능하게 했으며 이로 인해 유전적으로 변형된 식용 동식물의 개발이 가능하게 되었다. 새로운 유전인자를 개체에 삽입함으로 새로운 단백질이 발현 될수 있고 그로 인해 1) 해충과 질병에 대한 저항성 증가, 2) 화학 제초제에 대한 새로운 저항성 부여, 3) 식품의 저장성 향상, 4) 식품의 영향적 보충/향상 등의 이점을 얻을 수 있다 (표 1). 세계적으로 유전자 재조합 된 새로운 농산물의 재배는 날로 증가추세에 있으며 그 중에서 가장 많은 부분을 차지하는 농산물로 soybean을 들 수 있으며 (표 2) soybean을 중심으로 그 알레르기성의 변화가 연구 조사된 몇 가지 예를 살펴보고자 한다. (표 3)에 요약된 soybean중 첫 번째 경우는 재초제에 대한 저항성을 높여주기 위해 Agrobacterium에 존재하는 EPSPS라는 단백질을 콩에서 발현하도록 찬 유전자 재조합 된 콩의 경우이다. 이 콩의 경우에는 첫째. 이전된 새로운 단백질 EPSPS가 다른 여러 식물에 이미 존재하고 있는 단백질로서 우리가 이미 이러한 식품을 섭취할 때 이 단백질도 같이 섭취해오고 있었다는 점, 둘째. 이 단백질이 소화액 분해 실험에서 짧은 시간내에 분해가 되었다는 점, 셋째. 재조합 된 콩과 자연 콩이 성분 분석에서 차이를 나타내지 않았다는 점, 네 번째. 쥐를 통한 다양섭취 실험에서 아무런 이상 반응이 없었다는 점등의 결과를 기준으로 알레르기에 대한 개별 검사 없이 안전한 콩으로 결론짓고 있다. 영양성을 높이기 위해 Brazil nut에서 methionine 함량이 풍부한 2s albumine을 콩에서 발현하도록 한 두 번째 유전자 재조합 콩의 경우 이전된 단백질 때문에 Brazil nut에 알레르기 반응을 일으키는 알레르기 환자들을 조사한 결과 역시 재조합 된 콩에도 알레르기 반응을 일으켰다는 보고이다. Brazil nut에서 콩으로 이전된 단백질이 Brazil nut에서의 알레르기성을 그대로 유지한 점을 볼 때 새로운 단백질이 어디에서 유래하는가가 중요함을 잘 보여준 연구이다 세 번째 콩의 경우 역시 영양성을 높여주기 위해 corn에서 10 kDa과 HSZ 단백질을 콩에서 발현하도록 유전자 재조합했는데 이 콩의 경우는 알레르기 환자들이 유전자 재조합 된 콩과 자연 콩에 반응의 차이를 나타내지 않았다는 결과 보고이다. 위의 세 실험 결과들을 종합해 볼 때 무엇보다도 새롭게 발현된 단백질이 원래 어떤 성질을 갖고 있으며 어디에서 유래했는지가 알레르기성 조사에 중요한 역할을 한다 할 수 있겠다. 또한 유전자 재조합된 식품들은 알레르기 환자들을 위해 표기되어져야 할 것인데 이를 위한 알레르기성 검사 실험은 공공단체를 통해 이루어져야 할 것이며 환자들마다 알레르겐으로 작용하는 단백질의 인식부위(epitope)가 다를 수 있기 때문에 적어도 10명 이상의 알레르기 환자들이 조사되어져서 검사가 이루어져야 할 것이다. 환자들의 혈청을 통한 in vitro 실험에서는 ELISA, RAST, immunoblotting과 같은 검사 방법들이 적용될 수 있고, 그 결과가 음성인 경우에 그 다음 단계로 in vivo 실험에서는 직접 환자의 피부반응검사 (skin prick test)나 DBPCFC (double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge) 검사 방법을 통해 확인되어져서 이 모든 경우가 음성인 경우와 하나라도 양성인 경우를 구별하여 식품에 표기함으로 알레르기 환자들의 유전자 재조합 식품에 대한 안전성이 보장되어져야 할 것이다.

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Analysis on Subjective Image Quality Assessments for 4K-UHD Video Viewing Environments (4K-UHD 비디오 시청환경 특성분석을 위한 주관적 화질평가 분석)

  • Park, In-Kyung;Ha, Kwang-Sung;Kim, Mun-Churl;Cho, Suk-Hee;Cho, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.563-581
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we perform subjective visual quality assessments on UHD video for UHD TV services and analyze the assessment results. Demands for video services have been increased with availabilities of DTV, Internet and personal media equipments. With this trend, the demands for high definition video have also been increasing. Currently, 2K-HD ($1920{\times}1080$) video have been widely consumed over DTV, DVD, digital camcoders, security cameras and other multimedia terminals in various types, and recently digital cinema contents of 4K-UHD($3840{\times}2160$) have been popularly produced and the cameras, beam projects, display panels that support for 4K-UHD video start to come out into multimedia markets. Also it is expected that 4K-UHD service will appear soon in broadcasting and telecommunications environments. Therefore, in this paper, subjective assessments of visual quality on resolutions, color formats, frame rates and compression rates have been carried to provide basis information for standardization of signal specification of UHD video and viewing environments for future UHDTV. As the analysis on the assessments, UHD video exhibits better subjective visual quality than HD by the evaluators. Also, the 4K-UHD test sequences in YUV444 shows better subjective visual quality than the 4K-UHD test sequences in YUV422 and YUV420, but there is little perceptual difference on 4K-UHD test sequences between YUV422 and YUV420 formats. For the comparison between different frame rates, 4K-UHD test sequences of 60fps gives better subjective visual quality than those of 30fps. For bit-depth comparison, HD test sequences in 10-bit depth were little differentiated from those in 8-bit depth in subject visual quality assessment. Lastly, the larger the PSNR values of the reconstructed 4K-UHD test sequences are, the higher the subjective visual quality is. Against the viewing distances, the differences among encoded 4K-UHD test sequences were less distinguished in longer distances from the display.

Research Direction for Functional Foods Safety (건강기능식품 안전관리 연구방향)

  • Jung, Ki-Hwa
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.410-417
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    • 2010
  • Various functional foods, marketing health and functional effects, have been distributed in the market. These products, being in forms of foods, tablets, and capsules, are likely to be mistaken as drugs. In addition, non-experts may sell these as foods, or use these for therapy. Efforts for creating health food regulations or building regulatory system for improving the current status of functional foods have been made, but these have not been communicated to consumers yet. As a result, problems of circulating functional foods for therapy or adding illegal medical to such products have persisted, which has become worse by internet media. The cause of this problem can be categorized into (1) product itself and (2) its use, but in either case, one possible cause is lack of communications with consumers. Potential problems that can be caused by functional foods include illegal substances, hazardous substances, allergic reactions, considerations when administered to patients, drug interactions, ingredients with purity or concentrations too low to be detected, products with metabolic activations, health risks from over- or under-dose of vitamin and minerals, and products with alkaloids. (Journal of Health Science, 56, Supplement (2010)). The reason why side effects related to functional foods have been increasing is that under-qualified functional food companies are exaggerating the functionality for marketing purposes. KFDA has been informing consumers, through its web pages, to address the above mentioned issues related to functional foods, but there still is room for improvement, to promote proper use of functional foods and avoid drug interactions. Specifically, to address these issues, institutionalizing to collect information on approved products and their side effects, settling reevaluation systems, and standardizing preclinical tests and clinical tests are becoming urgent. Also to provide crucial information, unified database systems, seamlessly aggregating heterogeneous data in different domains, with user interfaces enabling effective one-stop search, are crucial.