• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시계방향

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Traffic Forecasting Model Selection of Artificial Neural Network Using Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC(AKaike's Information Criterion)을 이용한 교통량 예측 모형)

  • Kang, Weon-Eui;Baik, Nam-Cheol;Yoon, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.22 no.7 s.78
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    • pp.155-159
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    • 2004
  • Recently, there are many trials about Artificial neural networks : ANNs structure and studying method of researches for forecasting traffic volume. ANNs have a powerful capabilities of recognizing pattern with a flexible non-linear model. However, ANNs have some overfitting problems in dealing with a lot of parameters because of its non-linear problems. This research deals with the application of a variety of model selection criterion for cancellation of the overfitting problems. Especially, this aims at analyzing which the selecting model cancels the overfitting problems and guarantees the transferability from time measure. Results in this study are as follow. First, the model which is selecting in sample does not guarantees the best capabilities of out-of-sample. So to speak, the best model in sample is no relationship with the capabilities of out-of-sample like many existing researches. Second, in stability of model selecting criterion, AIC3, AICC, BIC are available but AIC4 has a large variation comparing with the best model. In time-series analysis and forecasting, we need more quantitable data analysis and another time-series analysis because uncertainty of a model can have an effect on correlation between in-sample and out-of-sample.

Surgical Treatment of Ventricular Tachycardia After Total Correction of Tetralogy of Fallot- Report of a case (TOF 완전교정술후 발생한 심실빈맥의 외과적 절제술 -치험1례보고-)

  • 장병철;김정택
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.639-645
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    • 1996
  • A 14-year-old male patient with previous surgical repair of tetralogy of Fallot was admitted with hemodynamically significant ventricular tachycardia (VT). On preoperative electrophysiologic study (EPS), the morphology of documented VT was RBBB of vertical axis with 320 msec cycle length. The endocardial mapping during VT delineated the origin of VT at right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT), where the patch was attached. The clinical VT had a clockwise reentry circuit around the patch with the earliest activation at the same site seen during the preoperative EPS. The previously placed right ventricular outflow patch and fibrous tissue were removed. During a postoperative EPS, it was no longer possible to induce the VT. Ventricular tachycardia following repair of tetralogy of Fallot seen in this patient was caused by a macro-reentry around the right ventricular outflow patch. We were able to ablate the VT with the aid of a detailed mapping of its epicardial activation sequence.

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Geological Structure and Deformation History in the Gwangju area, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (경기도 광주시 일대의 지질구조와 변형사)

  • Lee Hee-Kwon;Kim Man-Kwang
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2005
  • Gyeonggi metamorphic complex in the Gwangju area include banded biotite gneiss and quartzofeldspathic gneiss. Detailed structural analysis suggests that structural elements in the study area were formed by at least five phase of deformations. Penetrative compositional foliations(S1) formed in the banded gneiss during the first metamorphism and deformation (D1). After intrusion of plutonic rocks, the second deformation (D2) produced S2 foliations in the banded gneiss and quartzofeldspathic gneiss during the second metamorphism. D3 structures are represented by isoclinal folds (F3) whose axial surfaces are parallel to S3 foliations. The N-S oriented shortening (D4) was accommodated by closed upright F4 fold with about 100m of axial surface separation. F4 fold is refolded by regional F5 folding resulting in different orientation and fold style of F4 fold according to the position of F5 fold. The F4 fold with tight interlimb angle is subparallel to the axial surface (north-south) of F5 fold in the core of the F5 fold. In contrast the F4 fold trends northeast in the western limb and northwest in the eastern limb of F5 fold. The interlimb angle is larger in the limbs than that in the core of F5 fold. The trace of foliations is constrained by mainly F4 and F5 folds. Joint fanning around fold is developed in the limbs of F5 fold and bc joints are dominant in the hinge area of F5 fold. A strike-slip fault had developed in tile central part of the study area after F5 folding. The orientation of joint and foliation is rotated anticlockwise about $15^{\circ}$ by the landslide occurred during the Quaternary.

Simulation of Velocity Distribution in the Lake "Paldang" using the RMA-2 Model (수리모형(RMA-2)을 이용한 팔당호의 유속분포 모의실험)

  • Shin, Dong-Seok;Kwun, Soon-Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.18-23
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    • 1999
  • A numerical model of flow velocity in the standing water system is presented. This model(RMA-2), based on the 2-dimensional unsteady momentum and continuity equations, uses finite element techniques to simulate the distribution of velocity over a spatial location of lakes. The present model represents an improvement over existing numerical water quality models in that it can model the unsteady state and can, therefore, cope with time with a spatial location of standing waters such as lakes and large reservoirs. The model thus allows the engineer to do more accurate estimation of water flows and thus water qualities in standing waters where directions and velocities of the flow become more important for the simulation of the water quality than in running waters. Tests for the data collected in the lake "Paldang" indicates that the model works well under limited circumstances. However, to be more accurate estimation of velocity with the present model, accumulation of data for the measurement of velocities and renovation of geometrical conditions of the lake would be needed.

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Current structures and Diffusion characteristics in Youngil Bay (영일만의 해수유동 구조 및 확산특성)

  • 이종섭;김차겸
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.467-479
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    • 1995
  • To investigate the current structures and diffusion characteristics in Youngil Bay, a systematic field observations of current velocity, drogue tracking, dye diffusion experiment and aerial photographing were performed. The flow patterns in the surface layer of the bay depend more strongly on the wind and ocean current than the tidal current, and the patterns in the middle are predominated by the ocean current. The residual currents in the surface generally flow toward the inner bay through the western and central areas of the bay, and then the currents go toward the ocean along the eastern shore of the bay with anti-clock-wise circulation. The residual currents in the surface of the eastern cease are not nearly influenced by the wind, and the currents always move northward to northeastward. However, the currents in the western shore depend strongly on the wind and the outflow of the Huntsman River, that is, the residual currents go northward to northeastward when the southerly to westerly winds blow or a large amount of flow from the river discharge. The residual currents in the middle layer flow toward the inner bay along the western shore of the bay, and the incomed currents go out to the ocean along the eastern shore with anticlockwise circulation. The diffusion of dye patch by the instantaneous point source shows a similar pattern to the drogue trajectory, and the apparent diffusion coefficients of the dye patch by Fick's theory is 1.14${\times}$10$^4$ cm$^2$/s. The behavior of the river discharges in flood shows a band type's effluent pattern toward the outer bay along the western coast.

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Precise Orbit Determination of LEO Satellite Using Dual-Frequency GPS Data (이중 주파수 GPS 데이터를 이용한 저궤도 위성의 정밀궤도결정)

  • Hwang, Yoo-La;Lee, Byoung-Sun;Kim, Jae-Hoon;Yoon, Jae-Cheol
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2009
  • KOorea Multi-purpose SATellite(KOMPSAT)-5 will be launched at 550km altitude in 2010. Accurate satellite position(20 cm) and velocity(0.03 cm/s) are required to treat highly precise Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) image processing. Ionosphere delay was eliminated using dual frequency GPS data and double differenced GPS measurement removed common clock errors of both GPS satellites and receiver. SAC-C carrier phase data with 0.1 Hz sampling rate was used to achieve precise orbit determination(POD) with ETRI GNSS Precise Orbit Determination(EGPOD) software, which was developed by ETRI. Dynamic model approach was used and satellite's position, velocity, and the coefficients of solar radiation pressure and drag were adjusted once per arc using Batch Least Square Estimator(BLSE) filter. Empirical accelerations for sinusoidal radial, along-track, and cross track terms were also estimated once per revolution for unmodeled dynamics. Additionally piece-wise constant acceleration for cross-track direction was estimated once per arc. The performance of POD was validated by comparing with JPL's Precise Orbit Ephemeris(POE).

Development of Code-PPP Based on Multi-GNSS Using Compact SSR of QZSS-CLAS (QZSS-CLAS의 Compact SSR을 이용한 다중 위성항법 기반의 Code-PPP 개발)

  • Lee, Hae Chang;Park, Kwan Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.521-531
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    • 2020
  • QZSS (Quasi-Zenith Satellite System) provides the CLAS (Centimeter Level Augmentation Service) through the satellite's L6 band. CLAS provides correction messages called C-SSR (Compact - State Space Representation) for GPS (Global Positioning System), Galileo and QZSS. In this study, CLAS messages were received by using the AsteRx4 of Septentrio which is a GPS receiver capable of receiving L6 bands, and the messages were decoded to acquire C-SSR. In addition, Multi-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Code-PPP (Precise Point Positioning) was developed to compensate for GNSS errors by using C-SSR to pseudo-range measurements of GPS, Galileo and QZSS. And non-linear least squares estimation was used to estimate the three-dimensional position of the receiver and the receiver time errors of the GNSS constellations. To evaluate the accuracy of the algorithms developed, static positioning was performed on TSK2 (Tsukuba), one of the IGS (International GNSS Service) sites, and kinematic positioning was performed while driving around the Ina River in Kawanishi. As a result, for the static positioning, the mean RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) for all data sets was 0.35 m in the horizontal direction ad 0.57 m in the vertical direction. And for the kinematic positioning, the accuracy was approximately 0.82 m in horizontal direction and 3.56 m in vertical direction compared o the RTK-FIX values of VRS.

Transport Paths of Surface Sediment on the Tidal Flat of Garolim Bay, West Coast of Korea (황해 가로림만 조간대 표층퇴적물의 이동경로)

  • Shin, Dong-Hyeok;Yi, Hi-Il;Han, Sang-Joon;Oh, Jae-Kyung;Kwon, Su-Jae
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 1998
  • Two-dimensional trend-vector model of sediment transport is first tested in the tidal flat of Garolim Bay, mid-western coast of the Korean Peninsula. Three major parameters of surface sediment, i.e., mean grain size, sorting and skewness, are used for defining the best-fitting transport trend-vector on the sand ridge and muddy sand flat. These trend vectors are compared with the real transport directions determined from morphology, field observation and bedforms. The 15 possible cases of trend vectors are calculated from total sediments. In order to find the role of coarse sediments, trend vectors from sediments coarser than < 4.5 ${\phi}$, (sand size) are separately calculated from those of total sediments. As compared with the real directions, the best-fitting transport-vector model is the "case M" of coarse sediments which is the combined trend vectors of two cases: (1) finer, better sorted and more negatively skewed and (2) coarser, better sorted and more positively skewed. This indicates sand-size grains are formed by simpler hydrodynamic processes than total sediments. Transported sediment grains are better sorted than the source sediment grains. This indicates that consistent hydrodynamic energy can make sediment grains better sorted, regardless of complicated mechanisms of sediment transport. Consequently, both transported vector model and real transported direction show that the source of sediments are located outside of bay (offshore Yellow Sea) and in the baymouth. These source sediments are transported through the East Main Tidal Channel adjacent the baymouth. Some are transported from the subtidal zone to the upper tidal flat, but others are transported farther to the south, reaching the south tidal channel in the study area. Also, coarse sediment grains on the sand ridge are originally from the baymouth, and transported through the subtidal zone to the south tidal channel. These coarse sediments are moved to the northeast, but could not pass the small north tidal channel. It is interpreted that the great amount of coarse sediments is returned back to the outside of the bay (Yellow Sea) again through the baymouth during the ebb tide. The distribution of muddy sand in the northeastern part of study area may result from the mixing of two sediment transport mechanisms, i.e., suspension and bedload processes. The landward movement of sand ridge and the formation of the north tidal channel are formed either by the supply of coarse sediments originating from the baymouth and outside of the bay (subaqueous sand ridges including Jang-An-Tae) or by the recent relative sea-level rise.

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Analysis of Surface Displacement of Oil Sands Region in Alberta, Canada Using Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series Images (Sentinel-1 SAR 시계열 영상을 이용한 캐나다 앨버타 오일샌드 지역의 지표변위 분석)

  • Kim, Taewook;Han, Hyangsun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2022
  • SAGD (Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage) method is widely used for oil recovery in oil sands regions. The SAGD operation causes surface displacement, which can affect the stability of oil recovery plants and trigger various geological disasters. Therefore, it isimportant to monitor the surface displacement due to SAGD in the oil sands region. In this study, the surface displacement due to SAGD operations of the Athabasca oil sands region in Alberta, Canada, was observed by applying Permanent Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PSInSAR) technique to the Sentinel-1 time series SAR data acquired from 2016 to 2021. We also investigated the construction and expansion of SAGD facilitiesfrom Landsat-7/8 time seriesimages, from which the characteristics of the surface displacement according to the oil production activity of SAGD were analyzed. Uplift rates of 0.3-2.5 cm/yr in the direction of line of sight were observed over the SAGDs and their vicinity, whereas subsidence rates of -0.3--0.6 cm/yr were observed in areas more than several kilometers away from the SAGDs and not affected by oil recovery activities. Through the analysis of Landsat-7/8 images, we could confirm that the SAGDs operating after 2012 and showing high oil production activity caused uplift rates greater than 1.6 cm/yr due to the subsurface steam injection. Meanwhile, very small uplift rates of several mm per year occurred over SAGDs which have been operated for a longer period of time and show relatively low oil production activity. This was probably due to the compression of reservoir sandstone due to continuous oil recovery. The subsidence observed in areas except for the SAGDs and their vicinity estimated to be a gradual land subsidence caused by melting of the permafrost. Considering the subsidence, it was expected that the uplift due to SAGD operation would be greater than that observed by the PSInSAR. The results of this study confirm that the PSInSAR can be used as an effective means for evaluating productivity and stability of SAGD in the extreme cold regions.

Structural characteristics of Humboldt Range, northwest Nevada, U. S. A. (미국 북서 네바다주 험볼트 산맥의 구조분석)

  • 정상원
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.131-148
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    • 1999
  • Characteristics and complex structures in the northwest Nevada, U.S.A. are de-veloped due to relative tectonic movement of major tectonostratigraphic terranes. Theresearch area is composed of autochthonous rocks of both Early Triassic Koipato Group and Middle Triassic Star Peak Group, which is located in the Humboldt Range, northwest Nevada, U.S.A. The present research is focused on deformation history, related fabric development, and state of regional paleostress during the Jurassic to Late Cretaceous. The Triassic autochthonous rocks in the Humboldt Range, Nevada, U.S.A. display polyphase deformation due to E- to ESE-directed tectonic transport of the Fencemaker allochthon over autochthonous rocks of the Humboldt Range. Structures involving the Mesozoic foreland deformation are development of intense foliation, different styles of folds, minor thrusts, transposed layering, and strong mylonitization. These tectonic structures are mostly developed along the western flank of the Humboldt Range, and are reported as the first deformation of the Mesozoic foreland in the Humboldt Range, Nevada, U.S.A. Regional principal stress(${\sigma}_1$) is interpreted to be E to ESE between the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous on the basis of orientations of strongly developed $D_1$ structures. The deformation during the Middle to Late Cretaceous, is characterized by development of consistent N- to NNE-trending metamorphic quartz veins, and shear zones parallel to pre-existing $D_1$ foliation. Orientations of metamorphic quartz veins as well as other kinematic indicators are N to NNE and are interpreted as those of regional principal stress(${\sigma}_1$) during the Late Cretaceous. The sense of shear applied in the Humbololt Range is dextral and is caused by reactivation of early-formed $D_1$ structures. These results reflect counterclockwise rotation of regional principal paleostress in the Humboldt Range from the Jurassic to Late cretaceous. Finally, development of both shear band cleavage and S/C mylonitic fabrics indicates that the shear zones in the Humboldt Range reflect involvement of enhanced non-coaxial flow during bulk shortening in mylonitic formation.

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