• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시각선호도

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Analysis of Visual Preference Factor for Youngsan River Scenery considering the Variation of River Stage (영산강 하천경관의 수위변화에 따른 시각적 선호요인 분석)

  • Yoo, Sang-Wan
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.3 s.71
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2007
  • This study began with the question: "what influence would the width of river surface have on visual preference, provided that the environment surrounding the river does not change?" to evaluate the visual preference factors of the river scenery which could vary according to the change of water level. To estimate the minimum flow needed for river sceneries, field survey of Youngsan river was carried out to collect the field data and evaluated the visual preference factors to obtain a most preferred W/B ratio. At Youngsan bridge location, the feeling of open space factors, physical characteristic factors and complexity factors appeared to have significant relations to visual preferences. At Imgok bridge location, complexity factors, aesthetic factors and physical characteristic factors have significance to visual preferences. As a result of multi regression modeling, it was found that physical factors affected visual preferences the most at urban river locations and complexity factors affected the most visual preferences at rural river locations. As a results of this study, the most preferred W/B ratio was estimated as which vary from 0.5 to 0.7 and this results can contribute to the field of river landscape design to maximize the users' satisfaction level.

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Comparison of Visual Sensibility for Red Shirts between Korean and Chinese University Students (한국과 중국 대학생의 빨간색 셔츠에 대한 시각적 감성 비교)

  • Pan, Hong-Yu;Choi, Jong-Myoung
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the visual sensibility of red shirts in university students of two countries, Korea and China in order to suggest the color planning for shirts. Seven tonal red shirts' visual sensibility and preferences were evaluated by the students of Korea and from China in the sense of sight. Evaluated data were analyzed by using frequency analysis, average, factor analysis and t-test. The visual sensibility of red shirts was classified into three factors: sporty, romantic and classic. Those factors of visual sensibility showed a significant difference according to nationality and gender. The Chinese students had a more sporty feel to the strong tone, and a more classic feel to the dark tone than the Korean students. The deep tone red shirts was reputed to be more romantic by the Korean students, but the light tone and the pale tone were considered more romantic by the Chinese students. Meanwhile, the effects of nationality and gender on seven tone of preferences for red shirts was significantly differed.

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The Correlation of Sensory Processing Abilities and Play Preferences of School-Age Children (학령기 아동의 감각처리능력과 놀이 선호도의 상관관계)

  • Kim, Ye-Ji;Kim, Ji-Won;Yoon, Na-Rae;Chang, Moonyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2014
  • Objective : The purpose of this research is understanding relevancy of school ages'ability of sensory process and preference of what they want to play, and studying of main reason of impact of sensory process to preference of what school ages want to play. Methods : During 22 to 24 October 2012, our group evaluated and analyzed ability of sensory process and preference of what children want to play by using Short Sensory Profile (SSP) and Pediatric Interest Profile (PIP) to elementary school children in fourth grade at Kimhae city in Kyungnam province. Results : For the total population of an ability of sensory process and frequency, preference, and proficiency of eight different games, preference of outdoor activities appears to be related to total score of sensitivity to taste and smell and filter of hearing. For preference and proficiency of creative activities appears to be related to sensitivity of taste and smell. Preference of lessons and classes related to total scores of sensitivity of tactile sensation, taste and smell, movement, and filter of hearing, and sensitivity of visual and hearing. Frequency and proficiency of lessons and classes are inter-related to sensitivity of visual and hearing. Conclusion : This research shows that there is no inter-relationship between function of sensory process and preference of what children want to play, however certain games relevantly show the inter-relationship. The research provides the basic data of what the preference of what children want to play and determine what children can play during occupational therapy with plays after studying inter-relationship of school ages'ability of sensory process and games.

A Short-term and Long-term Usability Testing of the Speech Synthesizer for the People with Visual Impairments (시각장애인용 음성합성기에 대한 장/단기 사용성 평가)

  • Lee, H.Y.;Hong, K.H.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2015
  • We conducted a long-term and short-term usability testing on the built-in speech synthesizer of a screen-reader for the people with visual impairments. A total of 20 persons with visual impairments participated in the short-term usability testing, and 10 of them participated in the long-term usability testing. Naturalness and clarity of the synthetic speech were evaluated by MOS scores, preference for various synthetic speeches was examined through a preference test, and the users' satisfaction level and other requirements for the synthetic speech were evaluated by open feedback. We also examined naturalness, clarity, preference, and user requirements for the synthetic speech through a long-term usability testing. Then, we compare and contrast the long-term and short-term usability testing results.

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