• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수질정화특성

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Evaluation of constructed wetlands' effectiveness based on watershed characteristics and facility size (유역특성 및 시설규모가 인공습지 효율에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Choe, Hye-Seon;Reyes, Jett;Jeon, Min-Su;Geronimo, Nash Franz Kevin;Kim, Lee-Hyeong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.457-457
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    • 2021
  • 인공습지는 자연이 가진 정화기작을 인위적으로 증가시키기 위하여 조성한 자연기반해법에 해당한다. 인공습지는 습지 내 식물, 미생물, 토양 등의 상호기작에 의하여 오염물질이 제거된다. 인공습지의 오염물질저감효율은 시설의 규모와 유량, 유입물질의 부하량 수리학적 부하량, 체류시간 등의 영향을 받게 된다. 일반적으로 인공습지 적정 규모는 유역 및 기상인자의 특성과 조성목적에 고려하여 산정된다. 본 연구는 전국 35개 지역에 설치된 54개 인공습지를 선정하여 모니터링을 수행하였으며, 2011년부터 2018년에 설치된 시설이다. 54개 시설 중 도심지역에 13개, 농업지역 25개, 공업지역 3개, 상업지역 3개, 축산 10개가 설치되어있다. 습지형태는 Cell형 자유수면형 인공습지(Free Water Surface, Cell-FWS), 유로형(Flow) 자유수면형 인공습지(Cell-FWS), Cell과 Flow형이 결합된 Hybrid-FWS, 수직흐름형 인공습지(vertical flow constructed wetland)와 수평지하흐름형 인공습지(vertical flow constructed wetland)가 결합된 HYBIRD 형 습지로 구분된다. 연구결과, 일반적으로 SA/CA 비율이 클수록 오염물질의 저감효율은 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 오염 물질별 인공습지 규모를 비교할 경우 저감효율 60%에서 인공습지의 규모는 유기물>영양염류>입자상물질 순으로 나타났다. 목표 제거효율 60%에서 SA/CA 비는 BOD에서 약 3.2%, COD에서 2.5%, SS에서 1.9%, TN 2.5%, TP 2.3%로 나타났다. 입자상물질인 SS는 유기물 및 영양염류에 비하여 유역면적 대비 시설면적이 가장 적게 나타났으며, 유기물질 제거에 큰 시설규모가 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 인공습지 설계시 유역 토지이용 및 강우특성을 고려하여 적정한 수질과 유량모니터링이 필요하며, 이를 토대로 목표 오염물질 선정이 중요한 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 농업지역의 최적화된 인공습지 위치는 임야가 20~30%, 밭이 20% 이하, 논이 10~50%를 포함하는 곳이 적정한 것으로 평가되었다. 도시지역 인공습지는 도시면적이 증가할수록 효율이 크게 변하지 않기에 가용위치가 적정한 위치로 평가된다. 인공습지의 효율은 유역의 세부 토지이용에 크게 의존하는 것으로 평가되었다. 따라서 인공습지 설계시 농업지역에서는 임야, 밭 및 논의 적정면적을 고려하여 인공습지 위치가 결정되어야 하는 것으로 나타났다.

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A Study on the Filed application of Environmental Friendly Porous Concrete For Retaining Wall (환경친화 옹벽용 포러스콘크리트의 현장적용성에 관한 연구Ⅱ)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Lee, Nam-Ik;Lee, Jun;Park, Seung-Bum;Jang, Young-Il;Seo, Dae-Suck
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.817-820
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    • 2008
  • The river environments of many streams in korea have been deteriorate through the rapid industrialization and urbanization since the 1960s. In korea, on the other hand, much efforts on the research and project have been made for the restoration of the deteriorated streams to close-to-nature. in order to restore the deteriorated streams, therefore, it is necessary to investigate such advanced technologies and materials. In view of this requirement, various research paths are being taken focusing on coarse aggregates to make multi-functional porous concrete having continuous voids so as to improve water and air permeability, acoustic absorption, water purification and applicability to vegetation. The Purpose of this study is to investigate the method for recovery of the environment in the streams area using porous concrete retaining wall block. the multi-P.O.C block applies for test in the Jangduri-cheon have been monitored planting, stability etc. after 6 months, plant grows flourishing and reconstructed in state such as nature rivers.

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Urban Stormwater Runoff Treatment by the RFS (RFS를 이용한 도시유출수처리)

  • Lee, Jun-Ho;Bang, Ki-Woong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2000
  • In recent years, combined and separated sewer overflows (CSOs, SSOs) have been recognized as a significant pollution problem. To solve this problem a series of experiments were performed in a small scale Rapid Floc Settler (RFS) device to determine its ability in removing micro particles and dissolved materials from polluted waters. The RFS device is a compact physico-chemical wasterwater treatment system. Polyacrylamide (PAM) is used as a coagulant for treating stormwater in the RFS. The results of Jar test showed that PAM could be an excellent coagulant as compared with aluminum sulfate. and ferric chloride. In several experimental conditions, the influence of different variation parameters was tested to measure the efficiency of the RFS. Tests have been carried out with typical CSOs concentrations (50~1.000mg SS/L). The treatment efficiency with regard to SS and COD, which can be obtained at an overflow rate of $130m^3/m^2/day$, are 90% and 80%, respectively. Comparing other sedimentation technologies with RFS, the overflows rate of RFS is ten times faster. The distribution of particle size and number were analyzed. The RFS is suitable for the treatment of CSOs and also the removal of settleable and dissolved materials in urban stormwater runoff.

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Nitrogen Removal Rate of A Subsurface Flow Treatment Wetland System Constructed on Floodplain During Its Initial Operating Stage (하천고수부지 수질정화 여과습지의 초기운영단계 질소제거)

  • Yang, Hong-Mo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.278-283
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to examine the nitrogen removal rate of a subsurface-flow treatment wetland system which was constructed on floodplain of the Kwangju River from May to June 2001. Its dimensions were 29m in length, 9m in width and 0.65m in depth. A bottom layer of 45cm in depth was filled with crushed granite with about $15{\sim}30\;mm$ in diameter and a middle layer of 10cm in depth had pea pebbles with about 10 mm in diameter. An upper layer of 5 cm in depth contained course sand. Reeds (Phragmites australis) were transplanted on the surface of the system. They were dug out of natural wetlands and stems were cut at about 40 cm height from their bottom ends. Water of the Kwangju River flowed into it via a pipe by gravity flow and its effluent was funneled back into the river. The height of reed stems was 44.2 cm in July 2001 and 75.3cm in September 2001. The number of stems was increased from $80\;stems/m^2$ in July 2001 to $136\;stems/m^2$ in September 2001. Volume and water quality of inflow and outflow were analyzed from July 2001 through December 2001. Inflow and outflow averaged 40.0 and $39.2\;m^3/day$, respectively. Hydraulic detention time was about 1.5 days. Average nitrogen uptake by reeds was $69.31\;N\;mg/m^2/day$. Removal rate of $NO_3-N$, $NH_3-N$, T-N averaged 195.58, 53.65, and $628.44\;mg/m^2/day$, respectively. Changes of $NO_3-N$ and $NH_3-N$ abatement rates were closely related to those of wetland temperatures. The lower removal rate of nitrogen species compared with that of subsurface-flow wetlands operating in North America could be attributed to the initial stage of the system and inclusion of two cold months into the six-month monitoring period. Increase of standing density of reeds within a few years will develop both root zones suitable for the nitrification of ammonia and surface layer substrates beneficial to the denitrification of nitrates into nitrogen gases, which may lead to increment in the nitrogen retention rate.

Screening of Nutrient Removal Hydrophyte and Distribution Properties of Vegetation in Tributaries of the West Nakdong River (서낙동강 유역 하천의 식생 분포특성과 영양염류 정화 수생식물 탐색)

  • Kim, Choon-Song;Ko, Jee-Yeon;Lee, Jae-Saeng;Hwang, Jae-Bok;Park, Sung-Tae;Kang, Hang-Won
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to investigate natural distribution of aquatic plane and to find out natural aquatic plants which highly absorb nutrient N and P. We surveyed vegetation within ${\pm}2m$ from streamside in 12 tributaries of the West Nakdong river watershed during May to October in 2003. Hydrophytes surveyed in tributaries of the West Nakdong river watershed were 27 families, 61 genera, 76 species, 3 varieties. Major dominance species of aquatic plants were Z. latifolia, P. communis, P. thunbergii, P. arundinacea, P. japonica, and P. distichum var. indutum. Aquatic plants having high production ability of biomass were Z. latifolia, P. communis, P. arundinacea, P. japonica, and E. crus-galli var. echinata. In the vertical distribution of hydrophytes within streams, dominant species were P. thunbergii and P. japonica in the upper stream, but dominant species in the downstream were P. communis and Z. latifolia. Species diversity or aquatic, plants was reduced, but their biomass and nutrient (T-N and T-P) content per the natural area unit $(m^2)$ were increased in the downsteaam. Nutrient N and P content of aquatic plants per the natural area unit were high at Joman river, Pyeonggangcheon, Bulam drainage canal, and Hogyecheon. Fifty-seven species of aquatic plants having high biomass were grounped into 4 categories $(I{\sim}IV)$ according to their nutrient content per dry weight unit. I group $(T-N,\;\geqq20gkg^{-1}\;&\;P_2O_5,\;\geqq7gkg^{-1})$ was comprised of 3 submerged plants (H. verticillata, P. crispus, and C. demersum), e emergent plants (O. javanica, P. distichum var. indutum, and R. sceleratus), 1 suspended plant (T. japonica), and 1 riparian plant (A. lobatum). Otherwise, in classification of natural hydrophytes according to their nutrient content per natural area unit, Z. latifolia, P. communis, P. longiseta, P. arundinacea, and P. distichum var. indutum possessing great biomass productivity as emergent plants were included in I group $(T-N,\;\geqq1gm^{-2}\;&\;P_2O_5,\;\geqq0.7gm^{-2})$.

Analysis of the Characteristics of the Seismic source and the Wave Propagation Parameters in the region of the Southeastern Korean Peninsula (한반도 남동부 지진의 지각매질 특성 및 지진원 특성 변수 연구)

  • Kim, Jun-Kyoung;Kang, Ik-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.2 no.1 s.4
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2002
  • Both non-linear damping values of the deep and shallow crustal materials and seismic source parameters are found from the observed near-field seismic ground motions at the South-eastern Korean Peninsula. The non-linear numerical algorithm applied in this study is Levenberg-Marquadet method. All the 25 sets of horizontal ground motions (east-west and north-south components at each seismic station) from 3 events (micro to macro scale) were used for the analysis of damping values and source parameters. The non-linear damping values of the deep and shallow crustal materials were found to be more similar to those of the region of the Western United States. The seismic source parameters found from this study also showed that the resultant stress drop values are relatively low compared to those of the Western United Sates. Consequently, comparisons of the various seismic parameters from this study and those of the United States Seismo-tectonic data suggest that the seismo-tectonic characteristics of the South eastern Korean Peninsula is more similar to those of the Western U.S.

Uptake Patterns of N and P by Reeds (Phragmites australis) of Newly Constructed Shihwa Tidal Freshwater Marshes (시화지구 인공습지에서 갈대에 의한 질소 및 인 흡수)

  • 노희명;최우정;이은주;윤석인;최영대
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.359-364
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to examine the seasonal pattern of N and P uptake by reeds (Phragmites australis) planted in newly constructed Shihwa tidal freshwater marshes. Reed and soil samples were collected from the wetland periodically from June 2000 to May 2002. Reed samples were analyzed for dry weight and content of N and P Soil organic matter content and salinity were also determined. Dry matter content of reed increased during the growing season but decreased in the fall and winter. However, this seasonal pattern was not so evident in the second year. In particular, throughout the measurement period, dry matter content of reed was lowest at a site showing high soil salinity. Regression analyses between dry matter content of reed and soil EC(1:5) suggested that dry matter content per unit square meter would decrease by 1.5 kg with every 1 dS m/sup -1/ increase in soil EC(1:5). The amount of N and P assimilated by reed significantly decreased from the fall and was lowest in the spring. Net decrease in N content from reed during the fall and next spring was calculated as 34.5 and 24.6 g m/sup -2/ in the first and second years, respectively, while the corresponding P loss was 4.0 and 1.8 g m/sup -2/. Soil organic mailer content increased in the fall and winter, but decreased in the spring and summer. The results of this study suggested that the removal of N and P by reed would be considerable during the growing season but the nutrients taken up by reeds would return as detritus to the marshes in the fall and winter. Based on the results of the study, therefore, the harvest of the reed at the latter part of the growth would be recommended to prevent further water quality degradation. However, the long-term effects of reed harvest needs further study.

Characteristics and Fate of Stormwater Runoff Pollutants in Constructed Wetlands (도시지역에 적용가능한 인공습지에서의 강우유출수 함유 오염물질의 거동과 특성)

  • Alihan, Jawara Christian;Maniquiz-Redillas, Marla;Choi, Jiyeon;Flores, Precious Eureka;Kim, Lee-Hyung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2017
  • Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution continues to degrade the water quality. NPS pollutants signals high concerns against a sustainable environment. Low impact development (LID) is the leading management practice which regulates and treats stormwater runoff especially in highly impervious urban areas. Constructed wetlands are known to have efficient removal capability of NPS pollutants. Likewise, these LID facilities were intended to maintain the predeveloped hydrologic regime through series of mechanisms such as particle settling, filtration, plant uptake, and etc. In this study, the objective was to investigate the characteristics, fate and treatment performance of the two in-campus constructed wetlands (SW1 and SW2) which were installed adjacent to impervious roads and parking lots to treat stormwater runoff. A total of 42 storm events were monitored starting from July 2010 until November 2015. Manual grab sampling was utilized at the inlet and outlet units of each LID facilities. Based on the results, the wetlands were found to be effective in reducing 37% and 41% of the total runoff volume and peak flows, respectively. Aside from this, outflow EMCs were generally lower than the inflow EMCs in most events suggesting that the two wetlands improved the water quality of stormwater runoff. The average removal efficiency of pollutants in facilities were 63~79% in TSS, 38~54% in TN, 54% in TP and 32%~81% in metals. The results of this study recommend the use of constructed wetlands as efficient treatment facility for urban areas for its satisfactory performance in runoff and pollutant reduction.

Development of Carbonization Technology and Application of Unutilized Wood Wastes(I) -Carbonization and It's Properties of Thinned Trees- (미이용 목질폐잔재의 탄화 이용개발(I) -수종의 간벌재 탄화와 탄화물의 특성-)

  • Kim, Byung-Ro;Kong, Seog-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 1999
  • Objective of this research is to obtain fundamental data of carbonized wood wastes for soil condition, de-ordorization, absorption of water, carrier for microbial activity, and purifying agent for water quality of river. The carbonization technique and the properties of carbonized wood wastes(thinned trees) are analyzed. Proximate analysis shows the thinned wood contains 0.22-0.73% ash, 77-80% volatile matter, and 10-14% fixed carbon. The charcoal yield decreases and the shrinkage rate increases as the carbonization temperature and time increase. The charcoal yields of Larix leptolepis, Pinus rigida and Pinus densiflora are high, whereas those of Pinus koraiensis and Quercus variabilis are low. The shrinkage rate by carbonization has same trend as water removal of wood. The specific gravity after the carbonization decreases about 50% comparing to green wood. The charcoal has 0.89-4.08% ash, 6.31-13.79% volatile matter, and 73.9-83.5% fixed carbon. As the carbonization temperature and time increase, pH of charcoal increases. When the carbonization temperature is $400^{\circ}C$, pH is about 7.5. When the temperature is between 600 to $800^{\circ}C$, pH is about 10 with small difference. The water-retention capacity is not affected by the carbonization temperature and time. The water-retention capacity within 24hr is about 2.5 - 3times of sample weight, and the equivalent moisture content becomes 2-10% after 24 hr.

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Dynamics of Attached Microbial Community on the River with Gravel Riverbed (자갈하상 하천에서 부착미생물군집의 거동)

  • Park, Jae-Young;Choi, I-Song;Oh, Jong-Min
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.38 no.3 s.152
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out in Osan river to quantitatively investigate behavior of attacked microbial community (AMC) for enhancing self-purification process of river. We gained the results such as follows throughout long-term monitoring at in-situ river. The biomass of AMC had higher in the riffle than the almost stagnant pool and they were more developed in the riffle with high current velocity (HCV). Although the fast flowing current affects negatively to growth of the AMC during the early phase when the community gets attached to the benthic substrate, it was observed that it affected positively to their growth during the intermediate and later phase after the community is adapted to the substrate. When turbulence due to external pressure (storm or discharge of dam and reservoir) occurs, the degree of separation depends upon the flowing strength and the type of the external pressure. Since the community is not all separated, recovery is rather fast. Therefore, this study found that the degree of reduction of the pollutant by self-purification of the stream is depended upon the riverbed shape and the AMC contributes to self-purification positively or negatively in river. Therefore, the riverbed shape must be constructed in accordance with the characteristics of water quality in stream. Furthermore, the technique of installing the water channel structure appropriate for each section must be developed to maximize self-purification ability.