• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소식(小式)

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Animation review- 인생이라는 여행의 종착지‘길’

  • Sin, Seon-Ja
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.7 s.134
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    • pp.102-105
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    • 2004
  • 국내 애니메이터들에게 희망을 불어넣어줄 낭보가 잇따라 터지고 있다. ‘오세암’이 세계적인 권위의 국제페스티벌에서 영예의 그랑프리를 수상했고, 국내 단편 애니메이션들의 잇달은 수상 소식도 쏟아지고 있다. 정민영 감독의 단편 애니메이션‘길’도 이러한 국내 애니메이션 업계에 빛을 전해주고 있는 작품중 하나. '길'은 지난 4월 30일(한국시각) 폐막한 제47회 샌프란시스코 국제영화제(San Francisco International Film Festival)에서 금문상(GOLDEN GATE AWARDS)을 수상했고, 지난 5월 6일부터 9일까지 4일간 열린 2004년 부산아시아단편영화제에서 교보상을 수상했다. 러닝타임 14분 45초인‘길’은 일반적인 모션 애니메이션이 아닌 편안한 질감의 인형으로 표현된 클레이 애니메이션으로 독창성이 뛰어나고 탄력적 상상력을 지녔다고 평가된다. 정해진 인생길에 순응해가며 살 수밖에 없는 나약한 인간의 모습을 보여준‘길’을 만나본다.

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A Rice Blast Fungus Alpha-N-Arabinofuranosidase B Elicits Host Defense in Rice

  • Kim, Sun-Tae
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2015.11a
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    • pp.23-23
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    • 2015
  • Rice blast disease caused by M. oryzae is the most devastating fungal disease in rice. During the infection process, M. oryzae secretes a large number of glycosyl hydrolase (GH) proteins into the apoplast to digest host cell wall and assist fungal ingress into host tissues. In this study, we identified a novel M. oryze arabinofuranosidase B (MoAbfB) which is secreted during fungal infection. Live-cell imaging exhibited that fluorescent labeled MoAbfB was highly accumulated in fungal invasive structures such as appressorium, tips of penetration peg, biotrophic interfacial complex (BIC), as well as invasive hyphal tip. Deletion of MoAbfB mutants extended biotrophic phase followed by enhanced disease severity, whereas, over-expression of OsMoAbfB mutant induced rapid defense responses and enhanced rice resistance to M. oryzae infection. Furthermore, exogenous treatment of MoAbfB protein showed inhibition of fungal infection via priming of defense gene expression. We later found that the extract of MoAbfB degraded rice cell wall fragments could also induce host defense activation, suggesting that not MoAbfB itself but oligosaccharides (OGs) derived from MoAbfB dissolved rice cell wall elicited rice innate immunity.

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이달의 인터뷰 - 충북도지회 신임 정기헌 지회장

  • 한국오리협회
    • Monthly Duck's Village
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    • s.102
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    • pp.108-111
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    • 2011
  • 본지는 전 월(11월호)부터 한국오리협회의 숨은 주역, 전국의 지회 소식으로 회원들을 찾아가고 있다. 한국오리협회 지회를 가다 제2부의 주인공은 지난 11월 16일 '2011 충북도지회 정기총회'에서 차기 지회장으로 선출된 충북도 신임 정기헌(짱구농장 대표) 지회장이다. 충북도지회 신임 정기헌 지회장은 충북지회 정기총회에서 차기 지회장으로 추대되어 만장일치로 선출, 2012년 2월부터 3년 동안 한국오리협회의 발전과 충북도의 오리산업을 위해 충북지회를 이끌어 가게 됐다. 그는 음성군 맹동면 봉현리에서 3만수 규모의 짱구농장 경영자이자 그간 한국오리협회 이사로서, 그리고 음성군지부장으로서 활발히 활동해왔다. 정기헌 신임 충북지회장을 만나 앞으로의 충북지회 사업방향 및 계획을 통해 그의 포부를 들어보았다.

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Analysis of Fungal Communities on Ulleungdo and Dokdo Islands

  • Nam, Yoon-Jong;Kim, Hyun;Shin, Yong-Gyo;Lee, Jin-Hyung;Kim, Jong-Guk
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.50-50
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we used pyrosequencing method to analysis of soil fungal communities on the Ulleungdo and Dokdo islands. 768 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were analyzed from the Ulleungdo sample and 640 OTUs and 382 OTUs were analyzed from the Dongdo and Seodo samples, respectively. Compared to the species richness of Ulleungdo and the Dokdo sample, the Ulleungdo sample was higher than in the Dongdo and Seodo samples. Species diversity was much the same. The phylum Basidiomycota was dominant in the Ulleungdo sample, while the phylum Ascomycota was dominant in the Dongdo sample.

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Analysis of Mating System in Lentinula edodes and Development of Mating Type-Specific Markers

  • Ha, Byung-Suk;Kim, Sinil;Ro, Hyeon-Su
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.42-42
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    • 2014
  • Mating of tetrapolar mushrooms is regulated by to chromosomal loci, A and B. A locus contains A gene that expresses a homeodomain protein whereas B locus contains multiple pheromones and receptor genes. In order to characterize the mating loci in Korean cultivated strains of Lentinula edodes, one hundred monokaryotic myclelia were isolated from the basidiospores of cultivated strains, including Cham-A-Ram, Sanjo701, and Sanjo707. Both mating loci were amplified using primer sets targeting conserved sequence regions for homeodomain (HD), pheromone, and receptor genes. Subsequent sequence analysis revealed that the Korean strains contained significant variations in the homeodomain of A locus, even within the same A1 or A2 mating type. Similarly, B locus was also highly diversified in the sequences of pheromones and receptors as well as gene organization. These results enabled us to design mating type-specific probes which can distinguish mating type of each strain. The specificity was confirmed by between intra- and inter-strain mating experiment.

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Bioactive secondary metabolites produced by fungi

  • Shim, Sang Hee
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.49-49
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    • 2018
  • A variety of bioactive secondary metabolites have been reported from plant-associated microorganisms. Halophytes, plants that can only grow in hypersaline area, were reported to host beneficial microorganisms such as plant growth-promoting endophytes. The microorganisms have been reported to show notable mutualistic symbiosis with halophytes to help them survive in high saline condition. Finding out bioactive secondary metabolites as well as elucidation of relationship(s) between microbes and the host halophyte has been paid attention, because of their functional diversity. Novel microbes often have associated with novel natural products. In an effort to investigate natural compounds with interesting structures from fungi, we selected plants from a distinct environmental setting which could be a promising source. Several fungi were isolated from halophyte or medicinal plants. Some strains of the fungi were cultivated on a large scale and extracted with ethyl acetate, which were subjected to a series of chromatographic methods, leading to the isolation of tens of compounds. The isolated compounds were identified by analysis of spectroscopic methods such as 1D-, 2D-NMR, and MS. Details of isolation, structure determination, and biological activities will be discussed.

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Markets for industrial enzymes produced by filamentous fungi

  • Cho, Yangrae
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.51-51
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    • 2018
  • The application of recombinant DNA technology has been remarkable and nearly replaced commonly used traditional methods. Traditional industrial microbiology long depended on the discovery of valuable strains and mutagenesis of such strains to improve its secretion capacity of enzymes and secondary metabolites on the industrial scale. Commodities included industrial enzymes and biopharmaceuticals. The purpose of genome manipulation by the crossing of different strains or genetic recombination of naked DNA to the genome is of increased production of valuable metabolites. We optimized a transformation method to either for removal of innate genes, introduction of heterologous genes, or combination of both. We have been used selected whole or partial genes to manipulate target fungi toward the development of strains overproducing invaluable proteins. We have also used the whole genome sequence information of fungal genomes in public databases and functional genomics approach to select genes to manipulate and eventually contributing greatly to the development of overproducing industrial strains overproducing proteins or secondary metabolites. I will briefly review 1) filamentous fungi as a host for production of recombinant proteins and secondary metabolites, 2) markets of industrial metabolites, 3) a new approach to manipulate up to five genes at the same time in the system that ProxEnrem uses.

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Hybrid Fungal Genome Annotation Pipeline Combining ab initio, Evidence-, and Homology-based gene model evaluation

  • Min, Byoungnam;Choi, In-Geol
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.22-22
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    • 2018
  • Fungal genome sequencing and assembly have been trivial in these days. Genome analysis relies on high quality of gene prediction and annotation. Automatic fungal genome annotation pipeline is essential for handling genomic sequence data accumulated exponentially. However, building an automatic annotation procedure for fungal genomes is not an easy task. FunGAP (Fungal Genome Annotation Pipeline) is developed for precise and accurate prediction of gene models from any fungal genome assembly. To make high-quality gene models, this pipeline employs multiple gene prediction programs encompassing ab initio, evidence-, and homology-based evaluation. FunGAP aims to evaluate all predicted genes by filtering gene models. To make a successful filtering guide for removal of false-positive genes, we used a scoring function that seeks for a consensus by estimating each gene model based on homology to the known proteins or domains. FunGAP is freely available for non-commercial users at the GitHub site (https://github.com/CompSynBioLab-KoreaUniv/FunGAP).

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건강과 자연농업-제227호

  • Jeong, Jin-Yeong
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    • no.227
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2006
  • 6월 2일 "유기농업의" 날 선포식/뜨겁고 집중호우 많아지는 한반도/우리의 산야초/규산질비료에 대하여/친환경농업도지사 김태환 제주도지사 당선/당뇨병환자에게 알리는 희소식/손 씻기는 최고의 건강 지킴이/노화의 주범, 활성산소를 없애자/숫자로 보는 건강/아이들건강과 먹을거리 패러다임의 전환/아태 유기농업현황/두가지 비료로 유기농작물의 고품질 다수확 생산을 체계적으로 보다 쉽게 하는 방법/울산시,'친환경농업 실천 5개년 계획'확정/벼 육묘시 발생하는 병해들/시설내 병해의 생태와 방제/김제 청하 유기재배 배 단지/친환경농산물 전문인증기관 연수교육/국내외 친환경농축산물의 생산 및 인증실태/친환경농산물 인증자 교육/해충의 습성을 이용한 퇴치/건강한 밥상, 건강한 아이 만들어/협회소식/"학교급식 전문 식자재센터 설치를"/유기퇴비 제조방법 개발/중,산시성에 2억평 유기농 사과수출단지 조성/유기 및 일반 농산물의 품질 비교에 관한 연구/미생물 비료

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