• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소매가격

검색결과 113건 처리시간 0.025초

An Incentive Regulation of Access Charges under Incomplete Information (불완전 정보하에서 접속료의 최적규제에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Choong-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제32권11B호
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    • pp.700-708
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    • 2007
  • This paper considers an incentive regulation in the telecommunications industry with respect to the sale of retail and access services. This regulation scheme induces the monopoly carrier who owns bottleneck facilities to adopt socially optimal outcomes when providing access and retail services. It is well known that upstream carriers can realize an integrated level of profit, without integration, by means of a two-part tariff. First, this paper introduces a framework for regulating an access and retail price combined with budget balancing. Second, this paper introduces two-part tariff (price discrimination) scheme for both access (upstream) and retail (downstream) services and discusses the resulting implications for incentive regulation when the regulator has incomplete information about cost functions. By imposing a self-selection mechanism, the regulator can induce firms to adopt socially optimal prices in both access and retail markets.

우리나라 식육유통의 실태와 문제점

  • 권원달
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    • 제15권통권163호
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    • pp.70-74
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    • 1983
  • 식육수요의 증가와 식육소비구조의 변화는 필연적으로 식육유통구조의 변화를 필요로 한다. 이에 대한 개선 방안으로 도매시장 기능을 산지로 이전시키고 식육센타를 발전시키며, 소매시장을 점차 대형화하며, 부위별, 등급별로 부분육, 포장육화하며, 돼지고기와 소고기의 가격차를 넓혀 소비대체를 유도하며, 닭고기의 요리기술을 개발하고 각종 홍보, 교육, 전시활동을 적극화한다.

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Sensitivity analysis on the length of credit period for an inventory model with stock dependent consumption rate (재고 종속형 수요를 고려한 재고모형의 신용 거래 기간에 따른 민감도 분석)

  • Shinn, Seong-Whan
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • 제8권6호
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    • pp.655-660
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    • 2022
  • This paper analyzes the problem of the economic order quantity (lot size) of a retailer in a two-stage supply chain consisting of a supplier, a retailer(distributor), and a customer. In this two-stage supply chain, the supplier permits the retailer to defer payment for a certain fixed period of time for the purchase cost to be paid by the retailer as a price differentiation strategy with his competitor. In addition, in the case of customer goods such as food and grain, it is common to see that end-customer demand is generally depend on the level of inventory displayed by the retailer. From this perspective, this paper analyzes the inventory problem of retailers under the assumption that the supplier may allow a certain period to suspend payments for the purchase of goods and the end customer demand is a function of the retailer's inventory level increasing with size. In this regard, we need to analyze how much the length of the grace period for product purchase costs affect the retailer's lot-sizing policy. Therefore, we formulate the retailer's annual net profit and analyze the effect of the length of credit period on the retailer's inventory policy numerically.

A Study on Factors Affecting PB(Private Brand) Products Preference (PB제품의 구매선호도 영향요인)

  • Park, Yeung-Kurn;Kim, Chang-Wan
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • 제9권
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    • pp.189-201
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    • 2002
  • Objectives of this study were: First, the purpose of this study is to develope the factors affecting private brand based on past researches and to review effects of the consumer perception factors affecting private brand preference. Second, to set up research model specifying relationships among price perception, information search and experience, Quality perception and private brand preference. Third, to test hypotheses derived from the research model of this study and to attempts to explain how to have the effect the private brand preference. Marketing implications of this study were: As a result LISREL analysis, price perception, informations search and experience, quality perception increase and enhance private brand preference. Limitations of this study were: Data collection methods used in this study were questionable for the lack of general analysis in the difference of preference between characteristics of purchaser and characteristics of non-purchaser exactly because our sample was only limited to Changwon, Masan and Jinhae. So future study has to include samples in other regions.

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Economic Impact Analysis of the Introduction of RPS (RPS 도입의 경제적 효과)

  • Kim, Suduk;Moon, Choon-Geol
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.729-751
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    • 2005
  • RPS(Renewable Portfolio Standards) is an institutional device to promote use of renewable energy through market mechanism by making renewable energy to constitute a pre-announced portion of the electricity production. We measure economic impacts of the introduction of RPS to domestic electricity market at the levels of electricity market, individual industrial sectors and the economy as a whole. First, we examine the TREC(Tradable Renewable Energy Credits) market, where the credits in excess of the obligation of the renewable energy production are sold to those who have to meet the obligation through purchased credits. We then measure end-users' additional cost originating from the introduction of RPS and TREC in electricity production, and their impacts on price and supply in the retail electricity market. Next, using input-output analysis, we measure economic impacts of the changes in retail price and supply on individual industrial sectors and the economy as a whole. Among many others, we find small price effect and large GDP effect - sectoral electricity price rises at around 5%, sectoral price level rises by 0.258%, and sectoral GDP declines by 1.940% on average by the year 2011.

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Difference of Purchasing Behavior by Types of Retail Store and Importance-Performance Analysis Market Selection Attributes: Focused on Improvement of Traditional Market Competitiveness (소매점 유형별 상품구매행동 차이 및 선택속성의 중요도와 만족도 비교분석: 전통상권 경쟁력 강화를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hong-Bin;Kim, Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제12권9호
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    • pp.311-324
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    • 2012
  • This study is to investigate consumer's purchasing behavior by types of retail store and to conduct Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA) to exhort adequate competitive strategy to the traditional market. The results of this study are as follows. First, the result shows that consumer spends more time and less money at the traditional market due to the difficulties of store searching by store arrangement and construction of the market. Second, this study suggest that the traditional market needs to change their competitive strategy in same level with the discount stores, the traditional market can concentrate their capability on specialization and uniqueness of their product to meet the consumer's needs. Third, according to the result on quadrant(concentrate here) of IPA, traditional market is marked on ease of refund, convenience of after service and parking facility, and cleanliness of bathroom while the discount store and the department store are marked on high credibility level and quality of product.

Development of smart contract-based raw material distribution price tracking application (스마트 컨트랙트 기반 원자재 유통 가격 추적 어플리케이션 연구)

  • Choi, Jiho;Noh, Yoongdoo;Kang, Hongcheol;Yoo, Minjae;Won, Yoojae
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 한국정보처리학회 2017년도 추계학술발표대회
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    • pp.78-80
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    • 2017
  • 2016년 말, 조류인플루엔자 확산에 의해 달걀 생산량이 감소하였고, 가격은 폭등하였다. 그러나 한 가지 납득할 수 없는 것은, 비록 달걀 생산량이 감소하였을지라도 전체적인 생산 비율에서 따져본다면 가격이 폭등할 만큼은 아니라는 것이다. 소비자는 유통 과정에서 벌어지는 일들에 대한 의문점이 있을 수 있으며 알 권리가 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 거래의 투명성을 보장하는 블록체인 플랫폼에서 이더리움 가상화폐 및 스마트 컨트랙트를 사용하여 거래할 것을 제안하고자 한다. 블록체인을 활용하면 거래 내역이 모두에게 공개되기 때문에, 소비자는 이 시스템으로 하여금 상품의 가격이 각각의 유통 단계를 거치면서 얼마나 비싸지는지를 확인할 수 있다. 이로 인해 도 소매업자들이 폭리를 취하는 것 역시 줄일 수 있다.

Implementation of the Price Comparison and Location Information Database System for Daily Agricultural, Fishery and Livestock Products (농수축산물 가격 비교 및 위치 정보 제공을 위한 데이터베이스의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Ha-yeon;Kim, Soo-yeon;Kim, Yoon-ji;Park, Eun-hye;Moon, Yoo-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2020년도 제61차 동계학술대회논문집 28권1호
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    • pp.285-286
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    • 2020
  • 본 논문은 농수축산물 및 도·소매 시장 자료를 통해 데이터베이스를 구축하여 시장별 상품의 가격, 장소, 기간 등의 정보를 일자별로 제공하는 시스템이다. 농수축산물의 경우, 크기, 신선도, 보관기간 등의 다양한 기준에 따라 가격이 형성되는데 상품 특성상 기상 변화와 계절 변화에 따른 생산량 및 상품의 질 차이가 매우 크기 때문에 상품의 공급량과 가격의 안정성을 보장하기 힘들다. 기존의 농수축산물 가격 제공 사례의 경우 정보 제공 범위가 좁아 정보의 유용성에 한계점이 존재하였다. 이를 보완하여 시장 위치와 제품 정보의 구체성 확보, 실시간 가격 정보 제공으로 정보의 폭을 넓혀 경제 주체에게 실질적으로 도움을 주고자 하였다. 이를 통해, 소비자들은 원하는 상품의 정보를 제공받아 가격, 거리, 품질 등의 주관적인 기준에 근거한 합리적 소비를 할 수 있다.

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The Impact of Retailer‘s In-store Tactics on Store Performance in case of Variety Enhancer and Fill-ins Categories (다양성 추구용과 구색용 카테고리에 대한 소매입체의 점포 내 전술 실행이 점포성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Chun, Dal-Young;Kwon, Ju-Hyoung
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2005
  • The major objectives of this study are twofold. The first is to discover which in-store tactics influence store performance when a retailer implements category management in variety enhancer and fill-ins categories. The second is to analyze how and why specific in-store tactics achieve better or worse performance than other in-store tactics across categories. The data were collected using scanner data and direct observations in 'A' discount store which is one of the representative discount stores in Korea. The in-store tactics were measured by product assortment, temporary price discount, price and non-price promotion, and shelving. The store performance was measured by sales and gross margin return on inventory investmant(GMROI). Empirical results analyzed by multiple regression were as follows: In variety enhancer category, the significant factors affecting sales were product assortment, temporary price discount, price promotion, and shelving. Non-price promotion also influenced GMROI positively but product assortment impacted on GMROI negatively. In fill-ins category, the significant factors affecting sales and GMROI were product assortment and shelving. However, the other factors such as temporary price discount, price promotion, and non-price promotion had no significant influence on both sales and GMROI. This paper presents a number of theoretical and managerial implications of the empirical results and concludes by addressing limitations and future research directions.

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가격상한규제하(價格上限規制下)에서의 최적감가상각(最適減價償却)

  • Kim, Gi-Jung
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.243-265
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    • 1995
  • 본 논문은 Rogerson의 실질불변감모상각방식 (Real Constant Amortization Schedule)이 가격상한규제 (price-cap regulation)하에서도 사회적으로 최적인가를 규명하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 실질불변감모상각방식이란 피규제기업의 현금의 흐름 (cash flow) - 요율기저에 대한 공정보수와 감가상각액의 합계 - 의 실질가치가 매기에 일정하도록 해 주는 감모상각방식으로서, 이 방식을 사용할 경우 기업은 규제시차의 길이에 관계 없이 최척의 자본-노동비율을 달성하려 한다는 것이다. 실질불변감모상각방식은 통상 사용되는 감모상각방식보다 느린 속도로 자산의 가치를 줄여 나아가는 것으로 알려져 있다. 가격상한규제에 관한 단순한 모형을 구축하여 분석해 본 결과, 수요가 비탄력적일 경우 실질불변감모상각방식은 가격상한규제하에서도 최적자본-노동비율을 유도하며, 가격상한규제는 규제메카니즘에 있어서 투자보수율규제와 유사하다는 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 그러나, 가격상한규제에 있어서는 소매물가지수의 상승률뿐만 아니라 피규제기업의 효율성제고 효과가 소비자가격의 인하로 나타나는 메카니즘도 중시되고 있다. 즉, RPI-X룰에서 X에 해당하는 부분으로서, 이는 내부효율성의 향상 이외에 기술진보속도도 반영하는데, 이러한 기술진보는 가격상한의 인하요인으로 작용하므로, 피규제기업의 입장에서는 감가상각속도의 적절한 설정이 없는 한 기술진보의 유인이 줄어들 수도 있다. 따라서 기술진보속도와 최적감가상각속도의 관계를 단순한 모형을 확장하여 살펴보았는데, 기술진보속도가 빠를수록 감가상각속도도 빨라져야 한다는 결과가 도출되었다.

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