• Title/Summary/Keyword: 셋업 계획

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Treatment Margin Assessment using Mega-Voltage Computed Tomography of a Tomotherapy Unit in the Radiotherapy of a Liver Tumor (간종양 방사선치료 시 토모테라피 메가볼트 CT를 이용한 치료 여백 평가)

  • You, Sei-Hwan;Seong, Jin-Sil;Lee, Ik-Jae;Koom, Woong-Sub;Jeon, Byeong-Chul
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.280-288
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: To identify the inter-fractional shift pattern and to assess an adequate treatment margin in the radiotherapy of a liver tumor using mega-voltage computed tomography (MVCT) of a tomotherapy unit. Materials and Methods: Twenty-six patients were treated for liver tumors by tomotherapy from April 2006 to August 2007. The MVCT images of each patient were analyzed from the $1^{st}$ to the $10^{th}$ fraction for the assessment of the daily liver shift by four groups based on Couinard's proposal. Daily setup errors were corrected by bony landmarks as a prerequisite. Subsequently, the anterior-, posterior-, right-, and left shifts of the liver edges were measured by maximum linear discrepancies between the kilo-voltage computed tomography (KVCT) image and MVCT image. All data were set in the 2-dimensional right angle coordinate system of the transverse section of each patient's body. Results: The liver boundary shift had different patterns for each group. In group II (segment 2, 3, and 4), the anterior mean shift was $2.80{\pm}1.73\;mm$ outwards, while the left mean shift was $2.23{\pm}1.37\;mm$ inwards. In group IV (segment 7 and 8), the anterior-, posterior-, right-, and left mean shifts were $0.15{\pm}3.93\;mm$ inwards, $3.15{\pm}6.58\;mm$ inwards, $0.60{\pm}3.58\;mm$ inwards, and $4.50{\pm}5.35\;mm$ inwards, respectively. The reduced volume in group II after MVCT reassessment might be a consequence of stomach toxicity. Conclusion: Inter-fractional liver shifts of each group based on Couinard's proposal were somewhat systematic despite certain variations observed in each patient. The geometrical deformation of the liver by respiratory movement can cause shrinkage in the left margins of liver. We recommend a more sophisticated approach in free-breathing mode when irradiating the left lobe of liver in order to avoid stomach toxicity.

Evaluation of Target Position's Accuracy in 2D-3D Matching using Rando Phantom (인체팬톰을 이용한 2D-3D 정합시 타켓위치의 정확성 평가)

  • Jang, Eun-Sung;Kang, Soo-Man;Lee, Chul-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare patient's body posture and its position at the time of simulation with one at the treatment room using On-board Imaging (OBI) and CT (CBCT). The detected offsets are compared with position errors of Rando Phantom that are practically applied. After that, Rando Phantom's position is selected by moving couch based on detected deviations. In addition, the errors between real measured values of Rando Phantom position and theoretical ones is compared. And we will evaluate target position's accuracy of KV X-ray imaging's 2D and CBCT's 3D one. Materials and Methods: Using the Rando Phantom (Alderson Research Laboratories Inc. Stanford. CT, USA) which simulated human body's internal structure, we will set up Rando Phantom on the treatment couch after implementing simulation and RTP according to the same ways as the real radioactive treatment. We tested Rando Phantom that are assumed to have accurate position with different 3 methods. We measured setup errors on the axis of X, Y and Z, and got mean standard deviation errors by repeating tests 10 times on each tests. Results: The difference between mean detection error and standard deviation are as follows; lateral 0.4+/-0.3 mm, longitudinal 0.6+/-0.5 mm, vertical 0.4+/-0.2 mm which all within 0~10 mm. The couch shift variable after positioning that are comparable to residual errors are 0.3+/-0.1, 0.5+/-0.1, and 0.3+/-0.1 mm. The mean detection errors by longitudinal shift between 20~40 mm are 0.4+/-0.3 in lateral, 0.6+/-0.5 in longitudinal, 0.5+/-0.3 in vertical direction. The detection errors are all within range of 0.3~0.5 mm. Residual errors are within 0.2~0.5 mm. Each values are mean values based on 3 tests. Conclusion: Phantom is based on treatment couch shift and error within the average 5mm can be gained by the diminution detected by image registration based on OBI and CBCT. Therefore, the selection of target position which depends on OBI and CBCT could be considered as useful.

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Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Foxtail Millet Vacuum Cushion in Skin Cancer Radiation Treatment (자체 제작한 Foxtail Millet Vacuum Cushion의 광자선 피부암 치료 시 유용성 검증)

  • Choi, Shin-Cheol;Lee, Kyung-Jae;Jung, Sung-Min;Oh, Tae-Seong;Park, Jong-Il;Shin, Hyun-Kyo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The sufficiency of skin dose and the reemergence of patient set-up position to the success of skin cancer radiation treatment is a very important element. But the conventional methods to increase the skin dose were used to vacuum cushion, bolus and water tank have several weak points. For this reason, we producted Foxtail Millet Vacuum Cushion and evaluated the efficiency of the Foxtail Millet Vacuum Cushion in skin cancer Radiation treatment. Materials and Methods: We measured absolute dose for 3 materials (Foxtail Millet Vacuum Cushion, bolus and solid water phantom) and compared each dose distribution. We irradiated 6 MV 100 MU photon radiation to every material of 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm thickness at three times. We measured absolute dose and compared dose distribution. Finally we inspected the CT simulation and radiation therapy planing using the Foxtail Millet Vacuum Cushion. Results: Absolute dose of Foxtail Millet Vacuum Cushion was similar to absolute dose of bolus and solid water phantom's result in each thickness. it Showed only the difference of 0.1~0.2% between each material. Also the same result in dose distribution comparison. About 97% of the dose distribution was within the margin of error in the prescribed ranges ($100{\pm}3%$), and achieved the enough skin dose (Gross Tumor Volume dose : $100{\pm}5%$) in radiation therapy planing. Conclusion: We evaluated important fact that Foxtail Millet Vacuum Cushion is no shortage of time to replace the soft tissue equivalent material and normal vacuum cushion at the low energy radiation transmittance. Foxtail Millet Vacuum Cushion can simultaneously achieve the enough skin dose in radiation therapy planing with maintaining normal vacuum cushion' function. Therefore as above We think that Foxtail Millet Vacuum Cushion is very useful in skin cancer radiation treatment.

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Development of Video Image-Guided Setup (VIGS) System for Tomotherapy: Preliminary Study (단층치료용 비디오 영상기반 셋업 장치의 개발: 예비연구)

  • Kim, Jin Sung;Ju, Sang Gyu;Hong, Chae Seon;Jeong, Jaewon;Son, Kihong;Shin, Jung Suk;Shin, Eunheak;Ahn, Sung Hwan;Han, Youngyih;Choi, Doo Ho
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2013
  • At present, megavoltage computed tomography (MVCT) is the only method used to correct the position of tomotherapy patients. MVCT produces extra radiation, in addition to the radiation used for treatment, and repositioning also takes up much of the total treatment time. To address these issues, we suggest the use of a video image-guided setup (VIGS) system for correcting the position of tomotherapy patients. We developed an in-house program to correct the exact position of patients using two orthogonal images obtained from two video cameras installed at $90^{\circ}$ and fastened inside the tomotherapy gantry. The system is programmed to make automatic registration possible with the use of edge detection of the user-defined region of interest (ROI). A head-and-neck patient is then simulated using a humanoid phantom. After taking the computed tomography (CT) image, tomotherapy planning is performed. To mimic a clinical treatment course, we used an immobilization device to position the phantom on the tomotherapy couch and, using MVCT, corrected its position to match the one captured when the treatment was planned. Video images of the corrected position were used as reference images for the VIGS system. First, the position was repeatedly corrected 10 times using MVCT, and based on the saved reference video image, the patient position was then corrected 10 times using the VIGS method. Thereafter, the results of the two correction methods were compared. The results demonstrated that patient positioning using a video-imaging method ($41.7{\pm}11.2$ seconds) significantly reduces the overall time of the MVCT method ($420{\pm}6$ seconds) (p<0.05). However, there was no meaningful difference in accuracy between the two methods (x=0.11 mm, y=0.27 mm, z=0.58 mm, p>0.05). Because VIGS provides a more accurate result and reduces the required time, compared with the MVCT method, it is expected to manage the overall tomotherapy treatment process more efficiently.

Evaluation of Beam Modeling Using Collapsed Cone Convolution Algorithm for Dose Calculation in Radiation Treatment Planning System (방사선치료계획시스템의 Collapsed Cone Convolution 선량계산 알고리듬을 이용한 빔 모델링의 정확성 평가)

  • Jung, Joo-Young;Cho, Woong;Kim, Min-Joo;Lee, Jeong-Woo;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.188-198
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to evaluate the accuracy of the collapsed cone convolution (CCC) algorithm for dose calculation in a treatment planning system (TPS), CorePLAN$^{TM}$. We implemented beam models for various setup conditions in TPS and calculated radiation dose using CCC algorithm for 6 MV and 15 MV photon beam in $50{\times}50{\times}50cm^3$ water phantom. Field sizes were $4{\times}4cm^2$, $6{\times}6cm^2$, $10{\times}10cm^2$, $20{\times}20cm^2$, $30{\times}30cm^2$ and $40{\times}40cm^2$ and each case was classified as open beam cases and wedged beam cases, respectively. Generated beam models were evaluated by comparing calculated data and measured data of percent depth dose (PDD) and lateral profile. As a result, PDD showed good agreement within approximately 2% in open beam cases and 3% in wedged beam cases except for build-up region and lateral profile also correspond within approximately 1% in field and 4% in penumbra region. On the other hand, the discrepancies were found approximately 4% in wedged beam cases. This study has demonstrated the accuracy of beam model-based CCC algorithm in CorePLAN$^{TM}$ and the most of results from this study were acceptable according to international standards. Although, the area with large dose difference shown in this study was not significant region in clinical field, the result of our study would open the possibility to apply CorePLAN$^{TM}$ into clinical field.

Study on the Photoneutrons Produced in 15 MV Medical Linear Accelerators : Comparison of Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy and Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy (15 MV 의료용 선형가속기에서 발생되는 광중성자의 선량 평가 - 3차원입체조형방사선치료와 세기조절방사선치료의 비교 -)

  • Yang, Oh-Nam;Lim, Cheong-Hwan
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 2012
  • Intensity-modulated radiotherapy(IMRT) have the ability to provide better dose conformity and sparing of critical normal tissues than three-dimensional radiotherapy(3DCRT). Especially, with the benefit of health insurance in 2011, its use now increasingly in many modern radiotherapy departments. Also the use of linear accelerator with high-energy photon beams over 10 MV is increasing. As is well known, these linacs have the capacity to produce photonueutrons due to photonuclear reactions in materials with a large atomic number such as the target, flattening filters, collimators, and multi-leaf collimators(MLC). MLC-based IMRT treatments increase the monitor units and the probability of production of photoneutrons from photon-induced nuclear reactions. The purpose of this study is to quantitatively evaluate the dose of photoneutrons produced from 3DCRT and IMRT technique for Rando phantom in cervical cancer. We performed the treatment plans with 3DCRT and IMRT technique using Rando phantom for treatment of cervical cancer. An Rando phantom placed on the couch in the supine position was irradiated using 15 MV photon beams. Optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters(OSLD) were attached to 4 different locations (abdomen, chest, head and neck, eyes) and from center of field size and measured 5 times each of locations. Measured neutron dose from IMRT technique increased by 9.0, 8.6, 8.8, and 14 times than 3DCRT technique for abdomen, chest, head and neck, and eyes, respectively. When using IMRT with 15 MV photonbeams, the photoneutrons contributed a significant portion on out-of-field. It is difficult to prevent high energy photon beams to produce the phtoneutrons due to physical properties, if necessary, It is difficult to prevent high energy photon beams to produce the phtoneutrons due to physical properties, if necessary, it is need to provide the additional safe shielding on a linear accelerator and should therefore reduce the out-of-field dose.

Review on Usefulness of EPID (Electronic Portal Imaging Device) (EPID (Electronic Portal Imaging Device)의 유용성에 관한 고찰)

  • Lee, Choong Won;Park, Do Keun;Choi, A Hyun;Ahn, Jong Ho;Song, Ki Weon
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: Replacing the film which used to be used for checking the set-up of the patient and dosimetry during radiation therapy, more and more EPID equipped devices are in use at present. Accordingly, this article tried to evaluated the accuracy of the position check-up and the usefulness of dosimetry during the use of an electronic portal imaging device. Materials and Methods: On 50 materials acquired with the search of Korea Society Radiotherapeutic Technology, The Korean Society for Radiation Oncology, and Pubmed using "EPID", "Portal dosimetry", "Portal image", "Dose verification", "Quality control", "Cine mode", "Quality - assurance", and "In vivo dosimetry" as indexes, the usefulness of EPID was analyzed by classifying them as history of EPID and dosimetry, set-up verification and characteristics of EPID. Results: EPID is developed from the first generation of Liquid-filled ionization chamber, through the second generation of Camera-based fluoroscopy, and to the third generation of Amorphous-silicon EPID imaging modes can be divided into EPID mode, Cine mode and Integrated mode. When evaluating absolute dose accuracy of films and EPID, it was found that EPID showed within 1% and EDR2 film showed within 3% errors. It was confirmed that EPID is better in error measurement accuracy than film. When gamma analyzing the dose distribution of the base exposure plane which was calculated from therapy planning system, and planes calculated by EDR2 film and EPID, both film and EPID showed less than 2% of pixels which exceeded 1 at gamma values (r%>1) with in the thresholds such as 3%/3 mm and 2%/2 mm respectively. For the time needed for full course QA in IMRT to compare loads, EDR2 film recorded approximately 110 minutes, and EPID recorded approximately 55 minutes. Conclusion: EPID could easily replace conventional complicated and troublesome film and ionization chamber which used to be used for dosimetry and set-up verification, and it was proved to be very efficient and accurate dosimetry device in quality assurance of IMRT (intensity modulated radiation therapy). As cine mode imaging using EPID allows locating tumors in real-time without additional dose in lung and liver which are mobile according to movements of diaphragm and in rectal cancer patients who have unstable position, it may help to implement the most optimal radiotherapy for patients.

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Computer Assisted EPID Analysis of Breast Intrafractional and Interfractional Positioning Error (유방암 방사선치료에 있어 치료도중 및 분할치료 간 위치오차에 대한 전자포탈영상의 컴퓨터를 이용한 자동 분석)

  • Sohn Jason W.;Mansur David B.;Monroe James I.;Drzymala Robert E.;Jin Ho-Sang;Suh Tae-Suk;Dempsey James F.;Klein Eric E.
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2006
  • Automated analysis software was developed to measure the magnitude of the intrafractional and interfractional errors during breast radiation treatments. Error analysis results are important for determining suitable planning target volumes (PTV) prior to Implementing breast-conserving 3-D conformal radiation treatment (CRT). The electrical portal imaging device (EPID) used for this study was a Portal Vision LC250 liquid-filled ionization detector (fast frame-averaging mode, 1.4 frames per second, 256X256 pixels). Twelve patients were imaged for a minimum of 7 treatment days. During each treatment day, an average of 8 to 9 images per field were acquired (dose rate of 400 MU/minute). We developed automated image analysis software to quantitatively analyze 2,931 images (encompassing 720 measurements). Standard deviations ($\sigma$) of intrafractional (breathing motion) and intefractional (setup uncertainty) errors were calculated. The PTV margin to include the clinical target volume (CTV) with 95% confidence level was calculated as $2\;(1.96\;{\sigma})$. To compensate for intra-fractional error (mainly due to breathing motion) the required PTV margin ranged from 2 mm to 4 mm. However, PTV margins compensating for intefractional error ranged from 7 mm to 31 mm. The total average error observed for 12 patients was 17 mm. The intefractional setup error ranged from 2 to 15 times larger than intrafractional errors associated with breathing motion. Prior to 3-D conformal radiation treatment or IMRT breast treatment, the magnitude of setup errors must be measured and properly incorporated into the PTV. To reduce large PTVs for breast IMRT or 3-D CRT, an image-guided system would be extremely valuable, if not required. EPID systems should incorporate automated analysis software as described in this report to process and take advantage of the large numbers of EPID images available for error analysis which will help Individual clinics arrive at an appropriate PTV for their practice. Such systems can also provide valuable patient monitoring information with minimal effort.

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  • Park, Do-Geun;Choe, Byeong-Gi;Kim, Jin-Man;Lee, Dong-Hun;Song, Gi-Won;Park, Yeong-Hwan
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : By taking advantage of each imaging modality, the use of fused CT/MRI image has increased in prostate cancer radiation therapy. However, fusion uncertainty may cause partial target miss or normal organ overdose. In order to complement such limitation, our hospital acquired MRI image (Planning MRI) by setting up patients with the same fixing tool and posture as CT simulation. This study aims to evaluate the usefulness of the Planning MRI through comparing and analyzing the diagnostic MRI image and Planning MRI image. Materials and Methods : This study targeted 10 patients who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and prescribed nonhormone and definitive RT 70 Gy/28 fx from August 2011 to July 2013. Each patient had both CT and MRI simulations. The MRI images were acquired within one half hour after the CT simulation. The acquired CT/MRI images were fused primarily based on bony structure matching. This study measured the volume of prostate in the images of Planning MRI and diagnostic MRI. The diameters at the craniocaudal, anteroposterior and left-to-right directions from the center of prostate were measured in order to compare changes in the shape of prostate. Results : As a result of comparing the volume of prostate in the images of Planning MRI and diagnostic MRI, they were found to be $25.01cm^3$(range $15.84-34.75cm^3$) and $25.05cm^3$(range $15.28-35.88cm^3$) on average respectively. The diagnostic MRI had an increase of 0.12 % as compared with the Planning MRI. On the planning MRI, there was an increase in the volume by $7.46cm^3$(29 %) at the transition zone directions, and there was a decrease in the volume by $8.52cm^3$(34 %) in the peripheral zone direction. As a result of measuring the diameters at the craniocaudal, anteroposterior and left-to-right directions in the prostate, the Planning MRI was found to have on average 3.82cm, 2.38cm and 4.59cm respectively and the diagnostic MRI was found to have on average 3.37cm, 2.76cm and 4.51cm respectively. All three prostate diameters changed and the change was significant in the Planning MRI. On average, the anteroposterior prostate diameter decrease by 0.38cm(13 %). The mean right-to-left and craniocaudal diameter increased by 0.08cm(1.6 %) and 0.45cm(13 %), respectively. Conclusion : Based on the results of this study, it was found that the total volumes of prostate in the Planning MRI and the diagnostic MRI were not significantly different. However, there was a change in the shape and partial volume of prostate due to the insertion of prostate balloon tube to the rectum. Thus, if the Planning MRI images were used when conducting the fusion of CT/MRI images, it would be possible to include the target in the CTV without a loss as much as the increased volume in the transition zone. Also, it would be possible to reduce the radiation dose delivered to the rectum through separating more clearly the reduction of peripheral zone volume. Therefore, the author of this study believes that acquisition of Planning MRI image should be made to ensure target delineation and localization accuracy.

A Study on the Availability of the On-Board Imager(OBI) and Cone-Beam CT(CBCT) in the Verification of Patient Set-up (온보드 영상장치(On-Board Imager) 및 콘빔CT(CBCT)를 이용한 환자 자세 검증의 유용성에 대한 연구)

  • Bak, Jino;Park, Sung-Ho;Park, Suk-Won
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.118-125
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: On-line image guided radiation therapy(on-line IGRT) and(kV X-ray images or cone beam CT images) were obtained by an on-board imager(OBI) and cone beam CT(CBCT), respectively. The images were then compared with simulated images to evaluate the patient's setup and correct for deviations. The setup deviations between the simulated images(kV or CBCT images), were computed from 2D/2D match or 3D/3D match programs, respectively. We then investigated the correctness of the calculated deviations. Materials and Methods: After the simulation and treatment planning for the RANDO phantom, the phantom was positioned on the treatment table. The phantom setup process was performed with side wall lasers which standardized treatment setup of the phantom with the simulated images, after the establishment of tolerance limits for laser line thickness. After a known translation or rotation angle was applied to the phantom, the kV X-ray images and CBCT images were obtained. Next, 2D/2D match and 3D/3D match with simulation CT images were taken. Lastly, the results were analyzed for accuracy of positional correction. Results: In the case of the 2D/2D match using kV X-ray and simulation images, a setup correction within $0.06^{\circ}$ for rotation only, 1.8 mm for translation only, and 2.1 mm and $0.3^{\circ}$ for both rotation and translation, respectively, was possible. As for the 3D/3D match using CBCT images, a correction within $0.03^{\circ}$ for rotation only, 0.16 mm for translation only, and 1.5 mm for translation and $0.0^{\circ}$ for rotation, respectively, was possible. Conclusion: The use of OBI or CBCT for the on-line IGRT provides the ability to exactly reproduce the simulated images in the setup of a patient in the treatment room. The fast detection and correction of a patient's positional error is possible in two dimensions via kV X-ray images from OBI and in three dimensions via CBCT with a higher accuracy. Consequently, the on-line IGRT represents a promising and reliable treatment procedure.